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巴夏:並沒有未來這回事;存在著無限數量的可能的現實(probable realities)。我們所具有的能力,就是審視現在,並感覺在此刻哪一個可能的現實會有最高的動能或在它背後的慣性最大——並且,也許是最有可能顯現的。但這也會變化,我們可以有能力告訴你們,它是否會變化的確切的可能性的百分比。但沒有未來這回事。







但總體而言,你們將會發現,在某個時候,大約十年前——可能最多15年前,你們實際上都已經集體地決定了你們將不會自我毀滅。但你們也認識到,你們中許多人也許不得不經受各種各樣的烈火考驗,以讓你們將自己意識中所有黑暗面的思想帶到表面上來。因此,正如你們所說,將它們放到桌面上來,你們就有自由選擇你們喜歡什麼,不喜歡什麼。為你們想要什麼樣的世界做出選擇,以及是否你們每一個人都願意為創造你們所想要的和平而負起責任,還是你們將繼續放棄自己的力量,讓別人在某一天、在某個地方、以某種方式為你們作出選擇。但你們現在是在颶風眼中——你們每一個人,就站在支點上——你們每一個人影響著你們所有的人。你越是你的全我total Self),你們所有人就越容易是你們的全我們total Selves),並在和平、和諧之中將整幅圖畫拼湊完整。

甚至我們此時能與你們人類進行這些對話的原因之一,就是因為你們已經選擇不毀滅你們自己。如果你們已經做出這樣的選擇,再進行這樣的對話就毫無意義,我們就會去別的地方。但我們知道,最有可能的能量,儘管還存在著你們的星球依然會毀滅的各種不同方式,最有可能的可能的現實就是,你們的世界在大約在你們的2011年至2013年,在經歷了某些轉變之後,將會最終開始為你們星球上的一股和聲之流(a flow of harmonics)打下基礎。

並且,到2037年,地球將極有可能成為宇宙聯盟(the Association of Worlds)的一個成員,我們也是它的成員之一。這大致就是我們所理解的你們的能量將如何展開的情形,以及為何我們在此時與你們人類交流的原因,因為我們正在與進化中的地球交流,它總體上是在朝這個方向前進。你能理解嗎?




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西元20121221日將是瑪雅人長曆法(Long Count Calendar)中本次人類文明結束的日子。此後,人類將進入與本次文明毫無關係的一個全新的文明。在這一天(冬至:Winter Solstice),太陽將與銀河系的黃道(Ecliptic)和赤道(Equator)所形成的交叉點完全重合。此時的太陽恰好落在銀河系的縫隙中,或者說銀河系「座落」在地球上,如同為地球開啟了一扇「天門」。瑪雅人沒有提到什麼原因使本次文明終結,雖然預言中對這個終結日並沒有明確暗示什麼大劫難的到來,而是強調一種關於全人類在精神和意識方面的覺醒和轉變(Cosmic Awareness and Spiritual Transition),從而進入新的文明。西元755年,瑪雅的一位僧侶預言:西元1992年以後,人類有兩個重大事件要發生──人類的宇宙意識覺醒和地球的淨化與再生。

根據瑪雅曆法,西元1992年是最後一個Baktun(第十三個階段)的最後一個二十年的第一年(二十年就是一個 Unial,瑪雅曆法稱這最後的二十年為「地球更新期」)。在這個時期中,地球將會被淨化,包括人心也會被淨化(這與北美印第安人對現代的預言極為相似),腐敗物要被剔除被淘汰,而好的、健康的則將會被留下來並最終與銀河系同步,這是神秘的瑪雅曆所揭示的銀河季候運動的必然規律,它就像地球上的四季更替一樣無可抗拒。那麼,在瑪雅曆所說的從西元1992年到2012年這「大週期」的最後二十年中,地球如何發生「淨化」又如何「更新」呢?十六世紀入侵的西班牙傳教士幾乎完全焚毀瑪雅史料,使得殘存的瑪雅預言讓後人毫無其他蛛絲馬跡可尋。雖然沒有明白顯示所謂帶來人類意識覺醒和淨化的具體內容是什麼,這些仍然留給後人深深的思考



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如果「過去」突然無法像現在這樣擁有能量的話,這行星會發生甚麼事呢?這個磁柵團體在完成行星的磁力變換之後,就移到晶體能量之中並開始重寫過去!要如何達到這樣的事情?你或許會認為那已發生的過去是無法變更的,那是在舊有的地球實相才有的想法,然而,你已經不在那裡了呀!你還記得自己已經改變了實相嗎?你所依賴的過去已完完全全屬於另外的實相了!這是個真實的考驗,是否你真的相信自己已在新的實相?為何末日戰爭(the Armageddon)沒按時間啟動?為何預言沒有實現?或許它們是發生了,只是發生在另個實相之中,而在你的實相並未發生。你現正走在新耶路撒冷、新地球的嶄新軌道之上,而在此刻,軌道所延伸的過去、現在以及未來都仍是空白尚未寫入的狀態。






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14 量子覺醒的瞬間


而孤芳自賞的人們以往各式冷漠行徑,會被諸種內在生命連系的經驗所取代。這個世界所感受到的這股覺醒意識,對達爾文式物競天擇的法則不屑一顧。它帶來的是嶄新視野及因應的價值觀和生存之道。在這幾十年間,你們會看到各種療傷天使(Angels of Healing)的降臨。或許他們就出現在你們生活圈內——或是正投胎來到人間。在某些情況下,這些靈體在進入人類的歷史時間輪回之前對人類的肉身形式一無所知。


    而每一個能在這些高頻波中接收到永恆之愛訊息,成為內心清明不受扭曲的人,就足以抵過上千個仍受困於舊價值泥沼中的人。我們正快速地驅除人類幻影的餘孽,希望所有人都能和這股日漸成長中的能量波,以及愛與生命的力量認同。你們已然駐進這星際覺醒時代(Age of Planetary Awakening)的破曉時刻中,這是個和平及建立社群的時代。而這正是為那些熟悉其氣味、肌理及莊嚴遠見的人所預備的時代。





    我們從幾千年來一直到現在都不斷強調這個事件,就是要為這關鍵的一刻做好準備。雖然這些巨變將極富戲劇性,但卻不見得會為人類帶來痛苦災難。這場意識轉換雖會使得人類對於實相本質的理解,有根本上的修正,但你們卻不必視此為威脅。因為,基本上這是個正面且令人愉悅的事件。而這終將到臨人間的巨大意識,即是永恆太一(Eternal One),是那創造者,是生命的本體意識。它們會一直保持清明覺醒狀態,知道這是第一次進入某個物質性宇宙中。人體的電流設計本身與此意識互相涵容。這情形相當類似你們身體中每一個細胞,都明白自己和整個身體間的關係;同樣地,每個意識已覺醒的人,也會瞭解到他(或她)自身與這大宇宙知覺統一場之間,是一種全相式的聯結性關係。




    當新意識完全進入人類意識裡面(即創造者明亮的意識場域[field]已與大地之母[Mother Earth]兩者完美融合的那一刻),所有具毀滅性本質的幻影都將消失無蹤。雖然在這關鍵時刻到臨之前,地球上已醞釀了許久,才能在今日水到渠成地盼到此刻的來臨。

    而就在量子覺醒的單一瞬間,將會有一場巨變發生。在這瞬間,這些屬於次元中最小時間單位——發生在每秒千萬次振頻的間隔瞬間——的那個刹那,將會延長成為永恆。而非時間性期間(interval of nontime)的中止點會擴展。永恆意識將由這場擴展運動而遍佈四處。而在體驗到這絕妙經歷的神奇時刻,有些人會感到恍若渡過幾分鐘或是幾個小時,而有些人則會覺得仿佛經歷了一輩子的時光。在這電光石火的非時間性奇跡時刻,對某些人而言將好像延續了生生世世,也有人在這個瞬間,認識到「那瓜」(Nagual)的境界(譯注:此乃南美神話中某種具神秘力量的守護神,亦象徵著最終不可知的力量),那偉大的、無名的、存在於所有世界之前及之後的生命展現。






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:葛芬達  翻譯: Niki





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我們有與飛碟相似的飛行器。它們在旋轉中起降,與由磁場能量發出的气流有關。這些交通工具通常用于長途旅行。短途旅行則用可乘坐兩人的滑車。它有一個象水翼船一樣的引擎,工作原理與飛行器一樣,也是利用磁能場。象食物、家庭商品、或大件物体的商品,也以同樣方法用被稱作“sub-bers ”的大車運輸。















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I, Earth Mother, would like to give step-by-step instructions on how to move your kundahlini. For beginners, I ask that you first take your walk, allowing the full anchoring and grounding of your soul into your form. My 'Marias' will work with you to support you throughout this exercise, and we guide you to request their presence before going into meditation.




1. Find a comfortable chair or some place to sit out in nature, but sit up and do not lie down. Do not cross your legs but place your feet uncrossed on the ground. Take a deep breath in and release it slowly. Imagine connections running from your feet and tailbone into the center of me, the 'Aurora,' or the star that burns in the center of my embodiment. Some have called the presence of this star the 'Northern Lights' which can be viewed at certain times of the year from certain parts of your world.




2. Take another deep breath and release it slowly. Now bring up the energies from the Aurora through your legs and tailbone, up through the waist, and then allow them to spill over creating a six-foot waterfall that surrounds you and grounds away what you are presently releasing. Also allow some of these energies to flow up the spine and out the top of the head like a waterfall and down the arms. Your forms are in need of connecting with the energies of the Earth, and as you allow my energy to embrace you, you will feel loved, nurtured, renewed and refreshed again.




3. Take another deep breath and release it slowly. Now allow the kundahlini to rise up the spine slowly and out the top of the head like hot lava. Utilize my frequencies to assist you in this process. Do not be afraid, my 'Marias' will support you. If you become icy cold, know that you are hitting past life 'death pictures.' Death pictures are bodily remembrances of having only moved the kundahlini on death in your genetic history. Allow these pictures and icy cold energy to ground to the center of the Earth and all memories of death to be transmuted.




4. Take another deep breath and release it slowly. Now imagine the kundahlini rising along two side channels that run up either side of the body. They begin at the feet, run up the legs and torso, down the arms, and up past the ears. The side channels may be small to begin with, but in time, they will join with the center channel allowing you to become one large kundahlini channel. This is necessary, for the kundahlini must touch every molecule in the gridwork in order for you to ascend to the next dimension.




5. Take another deep breath and release it slowly. If the kundahlini does not feel as though it is running, ask my healing guides to work with you. These are the divas and angels that always surround you, and they will assist you in balancing what has become unbalanced over time. Sometimes, bringing the kundahlini to balance requires the releasing of karma, and my angels will work with you to bring this forth. Do not allow the lack of feeling to prevent you from doing this daily exercise. Know that you will begin to feel the heat and warmth flowing throughout your body in due course.




6. Take another deep breath and release it slowly. Now, you can begin to focus the kundahlini in specific areas of your form for cleansing. The kundahlini is a body fire that burns off cords, attachments, entities, and patterns you are forever releasing in ascension. So, each area of your form that is focused on receives a clearing of the current patterns you are releasing each day of your journey.

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Supporting the Human Form in Ascension


Earth Mother through Karen Danrich "Mila" May 14, 2000


Translated by 浮生

I, Earth Mother, the consciousness of the planet on which you reside, would like to speak about the process of detoxification in ascension, along with the numerous body aches and pains or tiredness that can accompany the act of biological ascension. I see that it is the nature of my human children to often go into fear about these things and seek out assistance of the current medical establishments currently incarnate in human form.




Unfortunately, the medical establishments and their related doctors know nothing about biological ascension and are therefore unlikely to be able to assist. We guide you instead to seek support from homeopathic or herbal sources, along with acupuncture, massage and aromatherapy. These more or less natural treatments should best support the form through the periods of tiredness and aches and pains that accompany the process of biological ascension.







In ascension, the body grows. Not unlike a growing child that sleeps longer as the form is restructured to a larger size, so this is also true in the process of ascension. Humanity assumes that six to eight hours of sleep is enough and believes that there is something wrong with needing nine to twelve hours. We will assure you that our channels, Mila and Oa, have slept up to twelve hours per night for many years now, and this is what their bodies require given the biological growth and restructuring that they are under. We therefore guide those who are ascending to give their embodiment what it needs, which may include longer hours of sleep than prior to embarking on the path of ascension.




The choice to ascend is a spiritual choice. This choice brings about a resurrection of what has become decayed or diseased in the form and anchors a new unity consciousness paradigm into the human embodiment. Consciousness is physical, and therefore embracing another level of awareness requires the biological transmutation of the form. This commitment may require you to rearrange you life accordingly, placing your spiritual journey above other seeming endeavors that perhaps have been considered of great importance in your life. Those who are ascending will place their need for more sleep ahead of an active nightlife and take care of their form in this manner




There are those who have been seeded to ascend through an intervention on my behalf to bring forth an awakening of mankind. These individuals may not be conscious that they have committed to the path of ascension. In becoming conscious, you can better understand the process and treat the symptoms as they arise.




There is a medical diagnosis known as 'chronic fatigue syndrome' in your current civilization that is actually a symptom of ascension. As the body moves up in vibration, it requires more 'chi' to sustain consciousness in a given day, week or month. If you are not adept at collecting chi in your form, the result is an ongoing sensation of tiredness. These sensations of tiredness were also the experience of both of our channels, particularly Mila who is extremely sensitive to energy.


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The disparity in frequency between Mila's home and her ex-spouse caused her six-year-old son to move radically up and down in frequency each week in the joint custody arrangement. The movement up and down to such an extreme began to fracture her son's field, to such a point that he went into paranoia and acted out in terror and sometimes rampage at school. Additionally, the cords of attachment between Mila and her son would drain her chi to such an extent each weekend that she would become ill with bronchitis.




Mila's guidance explained that she could not ascend any further and continue to see her son. Each time she moved up in vibration, the weekend with her son would cause her to roll back in frequency and become ill. Mila was guided to give her son to her ex-spouse to raise in full. This was not an easy decision. However, watching her son go 'crazy' as a result of the differences in frequency between the two households and the ongoing difficulties in her health forced the decision. In so doing, Mila followed her truth and let go of the relationship with her son.




This sort of decision would make no sense within the 3rd dimensional paradigm. Within the third dimensional paradigm, one feels obligated to be with their child, spouse, friend, partner, boss, or teacher whether or not it serves the evolution of all concern. In the new emerging paradigm of unity, one only remains in relationship with another that resonates. It is only in a state of resonance that one can continue to ascend. In order to ascend everything that does not support one's ascension, or causes enough discord, must be sloughed off and left behind in due course if one is going to continue to ascend.




The timing of such change is also not to be underestimated. Each time that there is a change in which a relationship parts as a result of one's ascension, it is the result of the fact that all karma is complete between the two parties. How does one know when the karma is complete? Ah, this brings us back again to listening to one's own truth and guidance. One's own guidance will tell one when the karma has been fulfilled upon and that it is time to let go, or move on, whether one is leaving behind a spouse, a child, a significant other, a friend, a job, a debt, or a region that one is living. And then one must act upon the change and bring it forth.




Without acting upon the change, the ascension cannot come forth because the cords of attachment would prevent it by draining too much of the chi from the form on an ongoing basis. The ongoing draining of chi would cause the ascension to come to a standstill until the cords were released. And sometimes such cords cannot be released unless one chooses to leave or quit the circumstances that created the cords in the first place.




And so I, Earth Mother, guide you to allow the change. As the cords of attachment are released, the grief of any loss goes with it. And as the grief goes, one is filled with a newfound sense of freedom and lightness of being. This freedom is the feeling of ascension, for as the attachment goes, one expands. And as one expands, one feels good, feels empowered, feels joyous, and feels loved from within.




One of the most difficult obstacles for many humans is being able to hear their guidance, or know their truth. I, Earth Mother, invite you to go out into nature. Stop. Listen to the wind. Listen to the birds. Listen to the trees. What do they tell you? If you hear any thoughts at all, this is telepathy. One may think, oh, these thoughts are my own. Well, the human form is a channel, and it hears only what the nonphysical has to communicate.




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Following One's Own Truth in Ascension



Earth Mother through Karen Danrich, "Mila"June 21, 2000
地球母親透過Karen Danrich ‘Mila”2000621

Translated by 流星似火


It is human nature to follow the truth of another. It is for this reason that finding a guru or teacher in order to be on the spiritual path is often deemed necessary. Sometimes humans take it so far as to believe that they must go to the East, such as India or Tibet, to find the truth from a teacher of greater wisdom and knowledge that that which exists within the West.




Indeed, the East and West have been split and disunited, one assuming great power surrounding spiritual wisdom, and the other assuming great power surrounding material or creative wisdom. Such a split will be healed in due course in the process of global ascension allowing for all continents to contain all wisdom, both of spiritual and material in nature. Our channels Mila and Oa are a reflection of this shift as they are from the West but bringing forth spiritual knowledge and understanding of great import to the evolution of mankind.




The search for a teacher exterior to oneself was not always so within the human experience. Long ago, humans had strong telepathic and clairvoyant gifts, which were a part of the original genetic material of the human species as it was seeded upon Earth by the Sirian race. With such gifts and talents, each human could hear and see their own nonphysical guidance, which emanated from their source and soul or I AM Presence. With such knowledge flowing from within, there was no need to look outside of oneself for a teacher or for wisdom. Their own Soul and Source freely gave everything that one asked for when one was ready for it within their evolutionary process.


在人類經歷中,曾並不總是出現對外在導師的尋找。很久以前,人們擁有強大的心靈感應和透視天賦,那是人類物種當被天狼星種族播種在地球上時,原始遺傳物質的一部分。在這種天賦和才能下,每個人可以聽到、看到自己非物質的嚮導,這來自他們的源頭、靈魂或“我是之所在”(I AM Presence)。在這種流自內在的知識下,沒有必要去看往外在來尋找老師或智慧。當其在進化過程中做好準備時,他們自己的靈魂和源頭就會自由給予他所要求的一切。


In the course of the evolution of the group that Mila and her partner Oa direct, which is known as The Spiritual School of Ascension, sometimes students dance with their group for a time, and then split off on to their own path and leave. The purpose of their study program is to awaken others to their own internal guidance. In opening to one's own guidance, sometimes one discovers that they have a different path and must forge ahead of their own devices. And this is viewed as a positive sign, for there are many paths of ascension, and many different goals that soul has in taking an ascending embodiment. Not all goals could possibly be met under the umbrella of one organization.




Mila and Oa have learned to function in the flow of evolution, where students study with them a time, then leave only opening the door yet to other students whom are ready to work with them. This is the result of the in-breath and out-breath of evolution. The in-breath attracts those who resonate and the out-breath expels those who no longer resonate so that they can find a new group to dance with that does. This is the dance of creation and evolution as it once was within the human experience upon Earth.




It is attachment that interferes with the in-breath and out-breath of the dance of life. For in attachment, sticky cords extend from one person to another, or the teacher and the student, causing them to continue to dance together long after it serves either involved. In ascension, one dissolves all such sticky cords a little at a time over a many year period allowing that which no longer resonates to fall from one's life experience. As the attachment leaves, change occurs, and sometimes such change is quite tumultuous in nature. However, such change also leads to a greater sense of freedom and a greater sense of self in the process. It also leads to a greater sense of fulfillment, and bringing forth one's purpose upon the Earth plane.


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Related to the 7th Ray and the 7th Chakra and the Violet Ray



The seduction of knowledge causes the seducer to program the seduced with a fantasy that they hold more knowledge than the seduced. In so doing, the seduced may relinquish their power to know their truth along with all information to the seducer. Sometimes the seducer also gives their knowledge to the seduced causing their truth to override the truth of another.




There are many types of seducers of knowledge. Often your most famous scientists, professors, spiritual teachers, mathematicians, doctors or physicists are seducers of knowledge. The seducer of knowledge collects knowledge from others and then applies it to their preoccupations or writing. For so very long, knowledge has been limited so upon Earth due to the many falls in genetic material that only those gifted at taking knowledge from others could piece enough information together to understand much of anything. And so your recent history and struggle to understand even the basics of biology, physics or math has taken thousands of years to reconstruct. This is the result of a major nuclear catastrophe which destroyed most everything upon the surface of the Earth in the last fall of Atlantis and caused the genetic material to become so paired down there was little information in the form for soul to work with. Soul also fractured greatly losing the whole of the knowledge that soul once contained.




With ascension, information is retrieved as one pieces their fractured soul back together reconstructing the knowledge that such a soul or souls once knew. The genetic alterations also bring forth a newfound biological remembrance of unity consciousness. And so as one ascends, one ceases to need to gather information outside of oneself, and as one can commune with soul and become a fluid channel, soul will give any initiate all knowledge necessary for them to succeed at their soul goal and purpose.




As an initiate, one may need to become conscious of other seducers of knowledge that one may come into contact with either in person or through their written materials. Generally, the seducer of knowledge will access the crown chakra and remove one's akashic records for their own use and gain. Often this leads to the experience of a headache following engaging with such individuals. So we invite initiates to pay attention to how they feel after such a transaction. If one has lost records, intend to retrieve them.




If one finds that they are a 7th path seducer, one will need to return those records that truly belong to others. Truth is based upon resonance. The truth of another shall never be one's own truth. In the taking of knowledge of others, the 7th path seducer scrambles or pollutes his or her own truth with the truth of many others making it difficult for such an individual to know whom they truly are as a spiritual aspirant. As one chooses only to anchor their own truth, and anchor soul that resonates with that truth, then soul may dance with the form and share its sovereign truth with oneself along with others. And this is the new paradigm of the teacher or guru, one whom has embraced their own truth in full and simply seeks to share it, and allow all others their own unique truth simultaneously.



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Related to the 6th Ray and the 6th Chakra and the Yellow Ray



The seduction of vision is one that many "psychics" and healers run. The seduction causes the seducer to program the seduced with a fantasy that the seducer sees more than the one seduced. In so doing, information on visionary skills can be transferred either from the seduced to the seducer or visa versa. It is also in this fashion that some clairvoyants create long-term clients who rely upon them for their vision.




In ascension, one learns to rely upon one's own vision to lead oneself home. No one can see for another where one truly needs to head. Vision is an act of soul entering the form and sharing with the form through the intuitive body what the next step upon the path is. Only the initiate can truly see for him or herself what the next step is for only the initiate is intimately connected with their own soul. No one outside will ever as clearly lead another as one's own self via the connection to one's soul. The difficulty with the seduction of vision is that so few in human form believe that they "see" anything. How many times Mila has been told "I do not see!". And the truth is, all initiates see. Each sees in a different manner that can be cultivated over time in one's ascension. Mila herself does not "see" in color pictures. Instead she sees outlines and "knows" the truth. And her seeing has been adequate for her to transcend her own initiations over time.




Seeing is a function of soul, and as one learns to allow personality to step aside and soul descend and engage with the form in a state of communion, soul will begin to guide the initiate. We have found that transcending initiation 3000 often opens initiates up to a greater connection to their soul, as the personality entities are released in full and the subtle bodies have been repaired enough to have a mental, emotional intuitive and creative bodies present. It is the intuitive body that allows for the transference of the souls knowledge or vision to the form, and so until this has been reconstructed, such soul communication and communion can be difficult for some initiates. However, if one has not transcended 3000, muscle testing or applied kinesiology is another manner of accessing body level knowing. We have written extensively about such body level knowing in the piece "Following One's Truth" and we guide initiates to this article if they have not already read it. Muscle testing will give one an accurate body level reading as to what one needs to see for their next step upon the path.




Working with healers and clairvoyants is not wrong. Often initiates are drawn into such sessions because there is a karmic debt, or because there are soul agreements to work together for a time. Again, we invite initiates to notice how they feel after such a session. Does one feel better? Or does one ache giving one the signs that one has been violated? It is not unusual for seers to be gifted at certain forms of seduction that can violate one's field and records, and so we invite initiates to pay attention. Ultimately and over time, the ascending master learns to be their own best visionary and advisor. It is through learning to commune with soul that such advise and vision will flow more and more effortlessly the further one ascends. As such, each initiate in due course will cease to look to others for their vision, and instead turn within and find their own way home.




Vision is also a gift that can be utilized to guide groups or others towards a common group purpose. For all that Mila does not "see", she receives the overall picture of where her organization needs to head in any given year, and guides those affiliated accordingly. Such is the gift of the director that has cultivated group vision. It is also the vision for global ascension that causes Mila to persevere and create group gatherings to serve Earth and Humanity in the release of human karma. And so one can see that the new paradigm of vision will come part and parcel with a new form of leadership which will guide others based upon the greater good of the whole, and the greater good of the evolution of Earth rather than their own egotistical self interests.





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Related to 5th Ray and 5th Chakra and the color Fuchsia



The seduction of creativity utilizes creative self-expression to seduce another. Such seduction can come through music, the arts, dance, theater, books, or any outward creative endeavor of one sort or another. Such creations are used to program a fantasy reality into the audience which entertains or entices the audience but also transfers records, information, moving energy systems or chi from the audience to the artist, or from the artist to the audience. Those artists of extreme fame or fortune are gifted at taking records and chi. Those whom are poor and unrecognized generally are gifted at giving records and chi and often end their life in great pain or illness.




Any hand made object created by an artist, whether it be a painting, a sculpture, an article of clothing, a scarf, or a piece of jewelry, holds the energy and ownership signature of the artist. In wearing the object or placing the object in one's home, the dance of energy between the artist and one's field occurs and can be used to strip information, records, grid work, or dump karma on to one's field. Such is the nature of the current paradigm of creativity, which has become a form of seduction. This is not true for all artists at all times, however it behooves initiates to examine their own possessions based upon this understanding to determine where they may be losing chi or information. Sometimes such pieces can be re-programmed or cleared through the application of energy through one's hands. Sometimes they cannot, and one is faced with relinquishing the object to another if it creates a big enough drain or loss of records.




Mila and Rama have had many a gifts given for their alter. Over time, they have noticed that certain gifts were used to strip not only their records, but also the records from others attending their workshops. If such gifts were living, such as a mineral, the mineral kingdom could be worked with to reprogram the intent behind the stone shutting down the loss of records. If the gift was a nonliving object, Mila and Rama have found that such gifts can rarely be re-programmed. If the unconscious intent was buried within them to strip records, they have had to throw such gifts away as they did not wish to pass on the destructive intent to another.




For those that are artists, one can become mindful of allowing only the love of the soul, oversoul and source along with God Goddess All That Is to be left in the creative expression that one is gifted at. One can intend that no harmfulness comes through any creation, and as this becomes so, one shall cease to create karma for oneself. Additionally, one can anchor the Language of Light into their pieces instead, which is the new unity based thought-form emerging in all ascending species upon Earth. Such frequencies can be added simply through intent and channeled through one's hands into the art as it is created, the voice as it is used, or the body as one dances. (See "Language of Light Tarot' for more information.)




Ascending initiates may also wish to become aware of the loss of records or the programming that can occur through the act of reading information or books written by certain authors gifted at seduction. Again, pay attention to how one feels as one engages with the energy of the book and author. Does it make you hurt? If so, examine if your field is violated by the author's energy. If so, perhaps it is not the author that one wishes to read or engage with. Each level of initiation brings forth a higher frequency within the form. Those articles or books engaged with yesterday that felt good may not feel good tomorrow as one ascends to a higher frequency. Why is this so? Seduction relies upon veils of illusion.




As long as one is underneath the veil in frequency, one shall engage in the veil or fantasy and not feel the pain that one's form may be in. Such is the nature of fantasies and illusion, which cause soul to leave the form and one to experience an alternate reality that is fantasy based. As one rises above the illusion and fantasy, one will not enter the fantasy any longer. Now the same activity or book that made one feel good in a fantasy yesterday causes one's form to hurt like hell today. And one can understand that they have just lifted beyond the veil and fantasy that the book or activity relied upon in the seduction, and now one is at choice. One can either cease to dance with the activity or book thereby ascending, or continue and be violated by losing records. In one case, one shall succeed in their ascension, and in the second, one shall fail. And the choice is up to each initiate at each phase of ascension, for each phase brings another layer of veils that are peeled away causing one to more clearly see the seduction of others for what it is.




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Related to 4th Chakra and 4th or Green Ray



The seduction of love causes one to believe that they cannot feel loved without the love of another. The seducer programs the seduced with the fantasy of their love, and the seduced then believes that they will only feel love in the presence or memory of the seducer. In the seduction of love, the fantasy can be used to transfer information, chi, records, moving energy systems or karma from the seducer to the seduced or visa versa.




As with our above example of the seduction of power, we would like to share Mila's root seduction and how she has transcended it in her personal ascension. Mila is an excellent example of the seduction of love. Most of her life experience, Mila was seduced by the love of others at the expense of herself, losing most records and information to others over time. Mila's quest for partnership is the underlying cause of her desire to evolve, so strong has been the desire to be loved. In her own examination of the difficulties in male and female patterning, she chose to begin to transcend such patterning internal to herself early on, and this fueled the beginning of her self examination which led to her personal ascension.




In relationships earlier in Mila's life, one partner easily seduced Mila after another. Each took more than they ever gave leaving her depleted over time. As the depletion and pain became too great, she would leave or end the relationship, and then seek another partner. Each partner she had never fulfilled her for very long, and one might equate this with the pattern of the unrelenting quest for the beloved. As she turned within, and began to heal herself, she committed to having no physical partnership until it could be founded upon unconditional love. Five years passed, and she was clearing initiation 3000 when Rama entered her life. And for once, a partner was presented that was fulfilling, and willing the walk the common path of ascension and transcendence with her.




Was there seduction between Mila and Rama when they met? Yes, and their joint forms of seduction were the original founding factors for their organization SSOA, Rama holding the power for the group and Mila holding the love. Over time, Mila has learned to cease to give Rama her power and stand in it of her own volition, and Rama has opened his heart to express a masculine form of love within the organization. And so one can see how the process of ascension balances out that which is unbalanced within oneself over time. One can also see how partners are often attracted to one another based upon balancing out where one another is inherently weak. In ascension, the weaknesses are gradually transcended leading to a new type of partnership based upon equality. Such a partnership is not possible without ascension, for the current genetics of the human species is so very limited that it polarizes one into a bundle of strengths and weakness. With any weakness, one is forever "less than", which does not allow for true equality. As the weaknesses are transcended, equality can then be embraced.




As a teacher, Mila often seduced her following by running veils of unconditional love in an earlier phase of her own transcendence. This form of seduction has been gradually stripped away allowing authentic love now to flow through in its place through communion between her body and soul. As fantasy is lifted, communion becomes the common denominator in Mila and Rama's life experience, along with their workshops and healing sessions. As such, students and clients can feel the love pouring through their fields from their soul and God Goddess All That is as they work with Mila and Rama.




Communion is the union between the body, Earth and soul. In a state of communion, one is filled with the love of soul dancing with one's field. In a state of communion, one ceases to need to seduce another to bring them into the dance with oneself in order to be loved, as one becomes loved from the inside out through soul dancing with form. In a state of communion, one also ceases to be seduced by another in order to feel loved as soul fills one up to the brim with its love. In a healing session or workshop founded upon communion, soul enters the form of the client or group and administers all healing to be received. In so doing, records need not be transferred to another through seduction, and unconscious harmfulness can cease in full.




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Related to 3rd Chakra and 3rd or Orange Ray



The seduction of power causes one to perceive another as powerful and in so doing, the power that one carries is transferred to the one who is perceived as powerful. The seduction of power is engaged as the seducer programs the seduced with a fantasy reality that the seducer is powerful. Each time one moves into the fantasy, the seduced gives their power to the seducer. Giving power to another can also include giving one's records and information surrounding power, or one's moving energy systems or chi to the one whom is perceived as powerful.




We would like to point out that each form of seduction is present in one manner or another in an initiate's life experience. Each initiate will be gifted at seducing others in one manner, and being seduced in another. As each initiate examines their own tendencies, and comes to understand the underlying energetic dance behind their own genetics, there is then the opportunity for transcendence. For this type of seduction, we will use Rama as an example, for Rama's root fear, root arrogance, root illusion and most common seduction are all related to the third chakra. And so each initiate will find that they have a dominant seduction that they rely upon in one fashion or another to survive in the current paradigm. And yes the same fear, arrogance, illusion and seduction shall be related in all cases.




Rama is an excellent example of the seduction of power. Rama has run a veil of power all of his life, and always ended up in a management or authority level position in every company that he worked for as a result. He accomplished this by taking the power and records of power from each whom were willing to be seduced into his fantasy thereby relinquishing their power and knowledge of power to him. In the organization that Rama directs known as SSOA, Rama has been working towards transcending the seduction of power and the embodying of authentic power. Little by little, all of the manners in which Rama confiscated power from others, or their knowledge of power, has been relinquished. We can now state that Rama has transcended his need to empower himself at the expense of another. One can see from this that transcendence of such patterning occurs a little at a time and has taken many years to accomplish in full.




Rama has recently experienced the other side of the coin and had his own power and records for power taken by an even greater seducer than he was himself. As such, Rama has now experienced the opposite of his own innate genetic pattern pattern, and in experiencing and then transcending such a dance with another, has allowed him transcendence in full. One can see from this example that the seducer may become the seduced in the relinquishing of a particular form of seduction. In so doing, one experiences all sides of the coin in the human dance, and comes to an understanding of what it feels like to seduce and then be seduced by another in the same manner as one may have engaged in their entire life. As both sides are understood, one can transcend seduction altogether in their ascension. This is also an example of the type of manifestation that soul allows to be made physical for the experience and lesson that it has to teach.




The seduction of power can be seen in most leadership capacities in the current human dance. All leaders of any degree, whether they be the boss, the CEO, the governor of a region, the president of a country or the director of a corporation, are gifted at manipulating power. They would not have attained their position of authority if others did not relinquish their power to such individuals. Initiates will find that they have not only given their power to every boss that they have ever worked for, but also parents, aunts or uncles, teachers, along with such organizations as the IRS, banks, and all governments that oversee the region that one lives. The president of any country is powerful because all residents of such countries give their power to the president.




In the case of the violent dictator, the dictator is powerful because they have learned to cause others to give them their power out of the fear of death. Such a dictator not only confiscates the power of others, but programs others with the thought-form of death. It is out of the fear of death that whole populaces of humans have been manipulated for the past 30,000 years of human history. The karma for this is related to the Pleiadian invasion and manipulation of the human genetics. SSOA is in the process of exploring such karma in the year ahead with the goal of releasing all human karma for warfare. In so doing, a new era of peace can be born in Earth's future.




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Related to 2nd Chakra and 2nd or Blue Ray



The seduction of feeling causes one to be manipulated by the emotions expressed by another, or conversely manipulate another with their own emotions. As the emotions are engaged, one may "feel" in the manner that the one whom is seducing wishes one to feel. However, simultaneously, one's field is accessed and one's records, chi, moving energy systems or grid work is taken and karma is added in return.




Examples of the seduction of feeling include movies, as they have been examined above. One may be seduced into seeing a comedy so that one may laugh and then feel good, but in the engagement with the emotional and mental bodies behind the film, lose records or chi and have karma added. Movies are a little more difficult to separate from in Mila and Rama's experience. It is the emotional engagement with the movie, in particular, that causes viewers to be so easily seduced.




For many years, Mila in raising her son, purchased an entire library of children's videos. She would find herself sucked in anytime such a film was on. In due course, she limited such films to the upstairs television in her son's room so that she would cease to engage with it. Many setbacks continued in Mila's ascension due to the ongoing playing of children's movies as a result until her son went to live full time with his father. Now neither Mila nor Rama own a television, and the television is the first thing unplugged in any hotel room or vacation rental that they stay. It is perhaps movies and television that can do the most ongoing damage to an ascending initiates field, and it is for this reason that we advise that one simply leave behind such artificial forms of entertainment if one is serious about ascending in this lifetime.




It is interesting to note that many humans enjoy movies for the experience of leaving behind their current life trauma and being engulfed by an alternate reality for a few hours. The life trauma doesn't go away, but the humans escape it for a short period. For the ascending human, current life traumas are transcended through alteration of the thought-form that created such traumas in the first place. Escaping the trauma is not necessary, but rather facing it, examining it, and then choosing to release the karma and thought-form behind it. In so doing, such traumas will not be made manifest again leaving ample room for a more joyful life expression. And one is also free to create entertainment that fills one from within, such as a walk upon the beach, a sunset, a bubble bath by candlelight, or any number of other forms of joyful experiences that are communion and love based.




Drug or alcohol addition is often related to the seduction of feeling, as the user is seduced by the entities behind the drug or alcohol that they will feel better while "high". The entities behind the drug and the dealers that run such entities enter the field of the drug user during the "high" stripping the user of their information and adding karma. The added karma causes the drug user to purchase the drug again and again. In a similar manner, the entities at the bar entice the addict that they will feel better "high" or drunk. The entities often run themselves through the bar tender or bar maid, and as the addict becomes drunk, again enters the field stripping them of records and adding karma so that they will return again. Those with such addictions may find relief by simply returning the karma for the drug use to the dealer or alcohol use to the bar, bar tender and bar maid. Drug use and alcohol abuse, much like the enjoyment of movies and television, may need to be left behind in full given the destructive nature of such energetic exchanges if one wishes to ascend in this lifetime.




When one blesses alcohol, the entities behind addictive patterning leave the drink entirely. The act of blessing can be used to administer certain frequencies for ascension. This can be accomplished through the direct application of energy through the hands into the alcohol. Alcohol was once the main foundation of all elixirs manufactured for a certain healing purposes long ago. Alcohol is capable of holding hundreds of vibrations and frequencies at once, and when added to the drink and then consumed, allows such frequencies to enter the bloodstream of the ascending initiate immediately. And so alcohol use, when utilized in a sacred manner for a specific purpose to support ascension, can be beneficial rather than addictive. However, each initiate will need to assess their own circumstance of addiction and determine the best course of action for their specific situation.




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Related to 1st Ray or the Red Ray and the 1st Chakra



The seduction of survival causes one to believe that they "need" another or something in order to survive. In the seduction, the seducer programs the one whom is seduced with the fantasy of "need" and each time the seduced feels "needy", they call upon the seducer to fill the "need". Each time the seduced calls upon the seducer or enters the fantasy of "neediness", the seducer accesses their field taking another segment of information, chi, records, or moving energy systems and transfers karma to the seduced.




The seduction of survival is often the type of seduction utilized by merchants whom create a false "need" for their products or services in the consumers. It is important to realize that any organization or corporation has a collective energy flow that has a mental body, emotional body, intuitive body and creative body, a collective unconscious, and group chakra system. It is not only individual humans that can seduce, but groups or corporations as well. One will see in a group seduction that the seduction is run from the group chakra system related to the type of seduction created. And so this type of seduction based upon "need" would be run from the first chakra of any group energy field or any individual energy field.




SSOA has explored group energy fields and systems in their group initiation process. (See the "Notes to Our Affiliates" section for more information on group energy fields in ascension). Group energy creates a flow that all whom participates with the product or service engages in. It is often the group emotional body that engages with those participating in the group endeavor to allow the participants to "feel" what the group wishes them to feel. It is the group mental and intuitive bodies that allows participants to understand what the group wishes to express. It is the group creative body that manifests for the group by calling the participants in to purchase the merchandise or participate in the event.




Movies are a good example of group energy flow in action, as movies allow the viewers to experience emotions via the group emotional body engaging with the viewer's emotional body. Movies also allow the viewers to understand what it presented by engaging the viewer's mental and intuitive body with the group mental and intuitive body. It is the creative body for any movie that draws all viewers into the theater to view the film or to the video store to purchase the video. The group energy field for any movie along with the subtle bodies and chakras are constructed unconsciously by whom participated in the movie's creation. This includes all cast members along with the technicians, writers, screenplay editors, costume designers, and any other members of the corporations involved in producing or financing the film. Each co-creator of the movie contributes a part of their own subtle bodies or energy field to the creation of the group subtle body and group energy field behind the movie. Movies are a group form of seduction that is often used to strip viewers of information and dump karma into their fields. This occurs as the viewers engage with the group emotional, intuitive or mental body behind the film. It is for this reason that Mila and Rama abstain from all forms of this type of entertainment, as they choose not to be manipulated or seduced in this fashion.




Upon a more personal level, the seduction of need can be seen amongst those who provide services of all kinds, from restaurants, to healing practices such as massage, to hair salons, to grocery stores. Such group seduction places a false "need" into the field of all whom chose to engage in such a service along with karma. In engaging in the service the false karma is settled. Additionally, in entering the grocery store, eating at the restaurant, receiving the massage, or having one's hair cut, one is then stripped of their records, chi, grid work or information, and often additional karma is added to insure that one returns again. The more successful the restaurant, the hair salon, the grocery store, or the massage business, the more gifted those managing such businesses are at such unconscious karmic manipulation.




The ascending initiate, in becoming aware of such exchanges, does not need to quit engaging with all such services. One simply needs to pay attention and if something is lost, call back all lost records and chi, grid work or moving energy systems that have been taken, and return the karma to the source of origin. Such a dance will only occur if there are karmic agreements to allow for it. As all karmic agreements are released in full from one's tapestry of ancestry, one can engage with the grocery store, hair salon, or restaurant without the seduction occurring again.




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