

Related to 5th Ray and 5th Chakra and the color Fuchsia



The seduction of creativity utilizes creative self-expression to seduce another. Such seduction can come through music, the arts, dance, theater, books, or any outward creative endeavor of one sort or another. Such creations are used to program a fantasy reality into the audience which entertains or entices the audience but also transfers records, information, moving energy systems or chi from the audience to the artist, or from the artist to the audience. Those artists of extreme fame or fortune are gifted at taking records and chi. Those whom are poor and unrecognized generally are gifted at giving records and chi and often end their life in great pain or illness.




Any hand made object created by an artist, whether it be a painting, a sculpture, an article of clothing, a scarf, or a piece of jewelry, holds the energy and ownership signature of the artist. In wearing the object or placing the object in one's home, the dance of energy between the artist and one's field occurs and can be used to strip information, records, grid work, or dump karma on to one's field. Such is the nature of the current paradigm of creativity, which has become a form of seduction. This is not true for all artists at all times, however it behooves initiates to examine their own possessions based upon this understanding to determine where they may be losing chi or information. Sometimes such pieces can be re-programmed or cleared through the application of energy through one's hands. Sometimes they cannot, and one is faced with relinquishing the object to another if it creates a big enough drain or loss of records.




Mila and Rama have had many a gifts given for their alter. Over time, they have noticed that certain gifts were used to strip not only their records, but also the records from others attending their workshops. If such gifts were living, such as a mineral, the mineral kingdom could be worked with to reprogram the intent behind the stone shutting down the loss of records. If the gift was a nonliving object, Mila and Rama have found that such gifts can rarely be re-programmed. If the unconscious intent was buried within them to strip records, they have had to throw such gifts away as they did not wish to pass on the destructive intent to another.




For those that are artists, one can become mindful of allowing only the love of the soul, oversoul and source along with God Goddess All That Is to be left in the creative expression that one is gifted at. One can intend that no harmfulness comes through any creation, and as this becomes so, one shall cease to create karma for oneself. Additionally, one can anchor the Language of Light into their pieces instead, which is the new unity based thought-form emerging in all ascending species upon Earth. Such frequencies can be added simply through intent and channeled through one's hands into the art as it is created, the voice as it is used, or the body as one dances. (See "Language of Light Tarot' for more information.)




Ascending initiates may also wish to become aware of the loss of records or the programming that can occur through the act of reading information or books written by certain authors gifted at seduction. Again, pay attention to how one feels as one engages with the energy of the book and author. Does it make you hurt? If so, examine if your field is violated by the author's energy. If so, perhaps it is not the author that one wishes to read or engage with. Each level of initiation brings forth a higher frequency within the form. Those articles or books engaged with yesterday that felt good may not feel good tomorrow as one ascends to a higher frequency. Why is this so? Seduction relies upon veils of illusion.




As long as one is underneath the veil in frequency, one shall engage in the veil or fantasy and not feel the pain that one's form may be in. Such is the nature of fantasies and illusion, which cause soul to leave the form and one to experience an alternate reality that is fantasy based. As one rises above the illusion and fantasy, one will not enter the fantasy any longer. Now the same activity or book that made one feel good in a fantasy yesterday causes one's form to hurt like hell today. And one can understand that they have just lifted beyond the veil and fantasy that the book or activity relied upon in the seduction, and now one is at choice. One can either cease to dance with the activity or book thereby ascending, or continue and be violated by losing records. In one case, one shall succeed in their ascension, and in the second, one shall fail. And the choice is up to each initiate at each phase of ascension, for each phase brings another layer of veils that are peeled away causing one to more clearly see the seduction of others for what it is.




We have spoken at length about movies and we would like to point out that the same form of seduction also occurs through music. Your most popular artists strip chi and records from all whom engage with their music and utilize such knowledge to fuel their fame. This is indeed a form of fifth chakra seduction. As such, again we invite initiates to examine how they feel as they engage with a particular artist. If one feels depleted or aches in the form, one will know that one is being violated and then can choose whether or not one wishes to continue to engage with such abuse.




Over time, Mila and Rama have chosen many Hawaiian artists whom inherently share "mana" or life-force through their music. In the sharing of life force, one can return the life force to the musician in an ongoing exchange of chi that enhances all parties involved. And so it is also with Hula dancing which is based upon the principals of sharing the mana or life force with others through the dance. Such entertainment is most wonderful as the dance of energies leave both the performers and Mila and Rama feeling "full" at the end of the evening. It also allows communion as all souls present whom are ascending can dance together enhancing the love present in the room. Not all performers react this way, but over time Mila and Rama have found those that do, and both their recorded and live performances are a treat to listen to as a result.


隨時間流逝,MilaRama選擇了眾多夏威夷藝術家,因為後者會天然透過自己的音樂分享mana,也就是生命力。在生命力的分享之中,你可以在持續的氣交換中將生命力送回給音樂家,這增強了所有相關方的能量。草裙舞(Hula dancing)也是如此,草裙舞是基於透過舞蹈分享mana或說生命力的法則而與他人共舞的。這類娛樂是非常美妙的,因為能量的舞蹈會讓表演者及MilaRama都在夜晚盡頭感到“渾身充盈”。它也允許了交融存在,因為在場提升者的靈魂可以一起共舞,從而增強了空間裡愛的存在。並不是所有的表演者都如此回應,但隨時間MilaRama找到了這樣的藝術家,他們所錄製或現場的表演都將是一場觀賞的盛宴。


And this is an example of the creativity of the future, which will be an expression of the love of soul and God Goddess All That Is through the human expression of art, music, writing, acting and dance. As such, soul shall share its love with others through the creative expression enhancing all concerned in the greater dance of love through communion. And so we see the new paradigm will emerge in due course as more in human form ascend whom are gifted at creative self expression through art and music.




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