Following One's Own Truth in Ascension



Earth Mother through Karen Danrich, "Mila"June 21, 2000
地球母親透過Karen Danrich ‘Mila”2000621

Translated by 流星似火


It is human nature to follow the truth of another. It is for this reason that finding a guru or teacher in order to be on the spiritual path is often deemed necessary. Sometimes humans take it so far as to believe that they must go to the East, such as India or Tibet, to find the truth from a teacher of greater wisdom and knowledge that that which exists within the West.




Indeed, the East and West have been split and disunited, one assuming great power surrounding spiritual wisdom, and the other assuming great power surrounding material or creative wisdom. Such a split will be healed in due course in the process of global ascension allowing for all continents to contain all wisdom, both of spiritual and material in nature. Our channels Mila and Oa are a reflection of this shift as they are from the West but bringing forth spiritual knowledge and understanding of great import to the evolution of mankind.




The search for a teacher exterior to oneself was not always so within the human experience. Long ago, humans had strong telepathic and clairvoyant gifts, which were a part of the original genetic material of the human species as it was seeded upon Earth by the Sirian race. With such gifts and talents, each human could hear and see their own nonphysical guidance, which emanated from their source and soul or I AM Presence. With such knowledge flowing from within, there was no need to look outside of oneself for a teacher or for wisdom. Their own Soul and Source freely gave everything that one asked for when one was ready for it within their evolutionary process.


在人類經歷中,曾並不總是出現對外在導師的尋找。很久以前,人們擁有強大的心靈感應和透視天賦,那是人類物種當被天狼星種族播種在地球上時,原始遺傳物質的一部分。在這種天賦和才能下,每個人可以聽到、看到自己非物質的嚮導,這來自他們的源頭、靈魂或“我是之所在”(I AM Presence)。在這種流自內在的知識下,沒有必要去看往外在來尋找老師或智慧。當其在進化過程中做好準備時,他們自己的靈魂和源頭就會自由給予他所要求的一切。


In the course of the evolution of the group that Mila and her partner Oa direct, which is known as The Spiritual School of Ascension, sometimes students dance with their group for a time, and then split off on to their own path and leave. The purpose of their study program is to awaken others to their own internal guidance. In opening to one's own guidance, sometimes one discovers that they have a different path and must forge ahead of their own devices. And this is viewed as a positive sign, for there are many paths of ascension, and many different goals that soul has in taking an ascending embodiment. Not all goals could possibly be met under the umbrella of one organization.




Mila and Oa have learned to function in the flow of evolution, where students study with them a time, then leave only opening the door yet to other students whom are ready to work with them. This is the result of the in-breath and out-breath of evolution. The in-breath attracts those who resonate and the out-breath expels those who no longer resonate so that they can find a new group to dance with that does. This is the dance of creation and evolution as it once was within the human experience upon Earth.




It is attachment that interferes with the in-breath and out-breath of the dance of life. For in attachment, sticky cords extend from one person to another, or the teacher and the student, causing them to continue to dance together long after it serves either involved. In ascension, one dissolves all such sticky cords a little at a time over a many year period allowing that which no longer resonates to fall from one's life experience. As the attachment leaves, change occurs, and sometimes such change is quite tumultuous in nature. However, such change also leads to a greater sense of freedom and a greater sense of self in the process. It also leads to a greater sense of fulfillment, and bringing forth one's purpose upon the Earth plane.




It is the attachment that causes the student to follow the teacher or guru rather than following one's own internal knowing. The cords themselves from the teacher often extend into the crown, third eye, heart, and throat chakras, or the second chakra or sexual channels. Such cords, particularly those in the crown and third eye, can block the student from seeing or knowing their own truth. As such cords are dissolved in full, a state of inner knowing can begin to flow again. As this occurs, there is an opportunity for one to become their own guru or teacher, and learn to follow their own guidance from within.




That which attracts any student to a particular teacher or guru, or any human to another, is either karma or soul agreements. Karma is different from soul agreements. All karma is based upon a debt of some sort. Such debts are often incurred in another lifetime within one's genetic history (an ancestor) or by their soul. It is karma that creates the cords that attach themselves between the teacher and student, or the husband and wife, or the parents and children.




All karma itself is recorded into the lay lines of the grid work of the etheric body. It is like or parallel karma that causes the cords from the grid work in one persons form to attach to like karma recorded in the grid work of another persons form. The cords of attachment create a hole in the auric field that allows chi to be lost. Such ongoing loss of chi sabotages one's ascension as one must continually accumulate more chi in order to push up in vibration. As the karma is released in one or both forms, it is erased from the grid work allowing the cord between the two parties to dissolve simultaneously. As the cords are released, the related holes in the auric field cease, and the auric field quite naturally holds more chi, which leads to an increase in vibration or ascension.




Soul agreements on the other hand are agreements that draw two souls together based upon common purpose. Such agreements are not based upon attachment or cords but based upon magnetic resonance. Magnetic resonance attracts those frequencies that are compatible or harmonious to one another. And so soul agreements bring forth a different kind of relationship, one that is free of attachment, and one that can freely dance in or out of all relationships or groups based upon resonance. It is relationship based upon resonance that one transcends to as they ascend and release all cords of attachment. In so doing, one leaves relationship based upon karma behind.




Mila and Oa are learning to teach and lead by example. In teaching by example, they themselves have struggled to ascend and embody the unity based principals of resonance, and share their experiences so that they may benefit others whom are ascending at this time in history. How did Mila and Oa ascend? They followed their own internal truth to the best of their ability. They listened and acted from their guidance in all that they did, and they allowed each change necessary to insure their continued ascension. Moving in such a manner and allowing all of the change was not always easy for either of them, as each change challenged the very precepts of the current human paradigm and forced them to perceive life from a new perspective.




I, Earth Mother, would like to delve into Mila and Oa's personal experiences in ascension. In so sharing this information, each of you may better understand what your choice to ascend may mean in your personal life experience, and how each of you may be likewise guided to change in order to bring your ascension forth, one step at a time.




Our channel Mila, in her own awakening, first developed her telepathic and clairvoyant abilities by joining a group and teacher gifted at such modalities. The teacher and group helped to open her up to such gifts and talents, which had been dormant in her life experience up until that point in time. After many years of study and as all of her gifts and talents had surfaced, she was greeted by her own internal source and guidance who encouraged her to break away from the group and follow her own truth. This was a difficult moment for her, for her friends and closest companionship were all indeed a part of this group. Mila also clearly saw that she could not evolve nor fulfill upon her purpose and remain united with this group. And so she chose to go her own way.




In choosing to go her own way, all of the cords of attachment between Mila and her prior teacher and their entire organization dissolved. Such cording was great enough to trigger the first leap upward in vibration for Mila. As she moved up in frequency, her ascension began. Several years later and following a long period of inner study and work, Mila was guided to teach to share what she had come to understand, and assist others to also begin to ascend. As the students manifested, she was guided to quit her career in real estate. Indeed, her karma with real estate was complete, and remaining any longer within this field would only create further karma. But there will bills, and obviously teaching and healing would not pay them all.




She listened to her guidance and quit anyway. In letting go of real estate, the attachment to the real estate organization she worked for and all of their employees dissolved. One can see from this example that attachment also occurs between agencies and corporations along with family and friends. In the dissolution of the cords, Mila ascended or moved up in vibration because there were less attachment or cords to deplete her of chi.




Then Mila was guided not to pay most of her bills, which were in the form of credit card debts. It was explained to her that she owed these companies no further karma, and actually they owed her in return because she had overpaid the debt in interest. The money such credit card companies would expend trying to collect the debt would equal the karma owed and would balance itself out in due course. And so she followed her guidance and stopped paying on such debts. This was difficult as there was great guilt that Mila felt surrounding not being a good citizen, not being thoughtful, dependable, reliable, and so on.




In spite of the guilt, and in following guidance implicitly, all attachment to such credit card companies was dissolved between Mila's form and such organizations, again allowing her form again to move up in vibration and ascend. And interestingly enough, there was just enough income from teaching and healing to cover all other bills that were considered legitimate debts by Mila's guidance. Why could she manifest enough? Because she had more energy to place into her creative endeavors due to the fact that the cords to the credit agencies and real estate had been dissolved, and she had ascended.




Another point that I Earth Mother would like you to understand is that in ascension, one must cease to pay on false debts. What is a false debt? A false debt is any debt that is non-karmic. Paying upon a false debt incurs karma in the other direction, which then must be paid in return by the soul involved at some future point in time. If enough false debt is paid upon, one can incur enough karma that they cannot ascend in this lifetime and it will require another lifetime in the third dimension to pay it off. And so paying attention to whether or not one owes a particular debt when choosing to pay it off is vital to the choice to ascend.




In a parallel manner, there are also false payoffs. A false payoff is the receipt of any gift, monetary or otherwise, whether that be a divorce settlement, an investment, or simply interest from a bank, or even a gift from a friend, that is non-karmic in nature. If one accepts such a payoff and there is no karma, one incurs karma in return. For smaller objects such as a gift, another gift can be returned easily settling the debt. However, for larger payoffs, such as an investment that creates a large profit, if there is no karma owed by the souls involved, one would incur great karma in receiving such a gift. Such karma could be great enough to prevent one from ascending in this lifetime altogether.




At one time, the human species had a 2000-year life span. A 2000-year life span was long enough to pay off any karma incurred in the entire life allowing the soul to be karma free when complete. Due to the shortened life span of the human species, which declined over a 30,000 year period, karma has ceased to be settled in full in any given lifetime. Because there is so much karmic debt, such debt can never be paid off in one lifetime, causing the souls involved to reincarnate again and again.




With the added distortion of false payoff and debt, souls in current human lifetimes pay off some of the previous karma owed, but simultaneously incur more karma again through false debts paid or false payoffs received, thus causing no karma to be settled overall in any given lifetime. Ascension brings forth the end of the reincarnation cycle by balancing all debts in full so that one transits the dance of karma altogether.




In order to bring this forth, one must ascertain when they are complete upon a particular debt or payoff. Such debts include not only credit cards, but such things as taxes, mortgages, investments, and interest, divorce settlements, retirement, and inheritance. As one learns to listen within, and follow their guidance from within, and let go of such debts or payoff when the karma has been settled in full, the related cords to such groups, organizations or family members can be dissolved in full. It is only through the dissolution of all cords that ascension can come continue to be fulfilled upon each day, week, month or year.






At this time, our channels do not own property, do not have investments, do not have a savings account, nor do they have many physical plane possessions, and will ascend before they inherit from their deceased family. They have learned that such things need to be released in order to ascend. They have released such things one at a time as they proceeded through each phase of ascension that required a particular attachment to be released. As the attachment was released, Mila discovered it was easy to release most anything, even a town home that she had lived in for over a decade.




At a certain juncture of her evolution, Mila and Oa were guided to move to Hawaii. They were told that they could move no higher in frequency until they relocated, as California was too dense to support their continued evolution. Additionally, the town home that Mila had been living in, which was owned by her mother, had to be returned in full, including furnishings, to settle her family based karma.




Returning both the town home and furnishings to her family settled Mila's family karma in full, allowing Mila to release all family related attachment as she relocated to Hawaii six months later. The relocation itself allowed for the releasing of the attachment to a region that Mila had lived in her entire life. Such a shift brought forth a large leap up in frequency for Mila as so many cords of attachment were released simultaneously. And in the leap up in frequency, enough creative flow became available to manifest enough to support the increased cost of living in Hawaii.




In a parallel manner, Oa left his wife and family to join Mila to co-direct their organization. In order to settle the karma with his wife and family, all physical plane possessions, property and savings were given to them in the divorce settlement. As all karma was settled, all cords of attachment between Oa and his family were released, allowing him to take a huge leap up in frequency. This leap up was necessary in order to most rapidly catch up with Mila and be able to handle the energetic responsibility behind their organization. The releasing of such ties also allowed Oa to utilize his energy for the purposes of manifestation for their teaching and writing endeavors rather than having it depleted in the cords to his ex-wife and region of birth.




In the new paradigm of manifestation and monetary flow, such flow is based upon need. Mila and Oa generate enough students to cover all of their expenses, which include not only their living expenses but also their business expenses. Without a financial need of some sort, it would be impossible for Mila or Oa to attract the students that they are gather to ascend with. Mila and Oa have watched their bank account dwindle down to almost nothing as they plan ahead each year and book their conference space. The dwindling account is necessary, for it is the need for funds causes the students to be gathered that are to study with them in such conferences. No need, no students, and this is the new paradigm for monetary flow, it will all be based upon need.




I, Earth Mother, am working with this paradigm with the creation of the Masters Conclave. In the new paradigm, if there were no need for the funds generated for Conclave, there would be no means of attracting those whom need to be present. In order to bring those that are to be present, a need for the funds was created. The proceeds are to be utilized to publish the Language of Light Cards and Book from the Conclave in Hawaii in late September. In a sense, each participant will contribute to this cause in addition to supporting the anticipated global healing and ascension to occur during this event.


我,地球母親,在大師秘會(Masters Conclave)的創造之中正與這一範式一起工作。在新範式中,如果沒有為秘會所製造的資金需要,就沒有方法來吸引那些需要在場的人。為了吸引那些來臨者,資金的需求就被產生。收益將被用來在今年9月晚期出版來自夏威夷秘會的光之語卡片和書籍。在某種意義上,除了在這一事件中支持所預期的全球療愈和提升發生以外,每個參加者都將對此有所貢獻。


The proceeds from Conclave in Banff in May of 2001 will be used to publish my book 'Messages from Earth Mother to an Ascending Humanity' which will include this article. Each Conclave into the future will also be utilized to bring forth the message of ascension to humanity. In so doing, the need for the funds will be absolved into a project that will attract those that wish to support such a project, and further the awakening of the human species. It is my greatest wish that humanity awaken and ascend. Creating based upon need is the new paradigm of manifestation that each whom is ascending will embrace in due course.




Ascension also brings forth the need to leave behind family members or relationships that no longer serve. For both Mia and Oa, they have learned to release any relationship that does not serve their goal of ascension behind. This has been difficult for each has let go of their children and are allowing their ex-spouse to raise these children in full. Such decisions are not always easy, and there is always pain, longing, and a sense of missing the one left behind until all cords of attachment are dissolved. However, we would like to utilize Mila's experience with her son to demonstrate the difficulties of those whom are choosing to ascend when they try and remain in relationships with others whom are not ascending simultaneously.





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