

Related to the 6th Ray and the 6th Chakra and the Yellow Ray



The seduction of vision is one that many "psychics" and healers run. The seduction causes the seducer to program the seduced with a fantasy that the seducer sees more than the one seduced. In so doing, information on visionary skills can be transferred either from the seduced to the seducer or visa versa. It is also in this fashion that some clairvoyants create long-term clients who rely upon them for their vision.




In ascension, one learns to rely upon one's own vision to lead oneself home. No one can see for another where one truly needs to head. Vision is an act of soul entering the form and sharing with the form through the intuitive body what the next step upon the path is. Only the initiate can truly see for him or herself what the next step is for only the initiate is intimately connected with their own soul. No one outside will ever as clearly lead another as one's own self via the connection to one's soul. The difficulty with the seduction of vision is that so few in human form believe that they "see" anything. How many times Mila has been told "I do not see!". And the truth is, all initiates see. Each sees in a different manner that can be cultivated over time in one's ascension. Mila herself does not "see" in color pictures. Instead she sees outlines and "knows" the truth. And her seeing has been adequate for her to transcend her own initiations over time.




Seeing is a function of soul, and as one learns to allow personality to step aside and soul descend and engage with the form in a state of communion, soul will begin to guide the initiate. We have found that transcending initiation 3000 often opens initiates up to a greater connection to their soul, as the personality entities are released in full and the subtle bodies have been repaired enough to have a mental, emotional intuitive and creative bodies present. It is the intuitive body that allows for the transference of the souls knowledge or vision to the form, and so until this has been reconstructed, such soul communication and communion can be difficult for some initiates. However, if one has not transcended 3000, muscle testing or applied kinesiology is another manner of accessing body level knowing. We have written extensively about such body level knowing in the piece "Following One's Truth" and we guide initiates to this article if they have not already read it. Muscle testing will give one an accurate body level reading as to what one needs to see for their next step upon the path.




Working with healers and clairvoyants is not wrong. Often initiates are drawn into such sessions because there is a karmic debt, or because there are soul agreements to work together for a time. Again, we invite initiates to notice how they feel after such a session. Does one feel better? Or does one ache giving one the signs that one has been violated? It is not unusual for seers to be gifted at certain forms of seduction that can violate one's field and records, and so we invite initiates to pay attention. Ultimately and over time, the ascending master learns to be their own best visionary and advisor. It is through learning to commune with soul that such advise and vision will flow more and more effortlessly the further one ascends. As such, each initiate in due course will cease to look to others for their vision, and instead turn within and find their own way home.




Vision is also a gift that can be utilized to guide groups or others towards a common group purpose. For all that Mila does not "see", she receives the overall picture of where her organization needs to head in any given year, and guides those affiliated accordingly. Such is the gift of the director that has cultivated group vision. It is also the vision for global ascension that causes Mila to persevere and create group gatherings to serve Earth and Humanity in the release of human karma. And so one can see that the new paradigm of vision will come part and parcel with a new form of leadership which will guide others based upon the greater good of the whole, and the greater good of the evolution of Earth rather than their own egotistical self interests.





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