

I, Earth Mother, would like to give step-by-step instructions on how to move your kundahlini. For beginners, I ask that you first take your walk, allowing the full anchoring and grounding of your soul into your form. My 'Marias' will work with you to support you throughout this exercise, and we guide you to request their presence before going into meditation.




1. Find a comfortable chair or some place to sit out in nature, but sit up and do not lie down. Do not cross your legs but place your feet uncrossed on the ground. Take a deep breath in and release it slowly. Imagine connections running from your feet and tailbone into the center of me, the 'Aurora,' or the star that burns in the center of my embodiment. Some have called the presence of this star the 'Northern Lights' which can be viewed at certain times of the year from certain parts of your world.




2. Take another deep breath and release it slowly. Now bring up the energies from the Aurora through your legs and tailbone, up through the waist, and then allow them to spill over creating a six-foot waterfall that surrounds you and grounds away what you are presently releasing. Also allow some of these energies to flow up the spine and out the top of the head like a waterfall and down the arms. Your forms are in need of connecting with the energies of the Earth, and as you allow my energy to embrace you, you will feel loved, nurtured, renewed and refreshed again.




3. Take another deep breath and release it slowly. Now allow the kundahlini to rise up the spine slowly and out the top of the head like hot lava. Utilize my frequencies to assist you in this process. Do not be afraid, my 'Marias' will support you. If you become icy cold, know that you are hitting past life 'death pictures.' Death pictures are bodily remembrances of having only moved the kundahlini on death in your genetic history. Allow these pictures and icy cold energy to ground to the center of the Earth and all memories of death to be transmuted.




4. Take another deep breath and release it slowly. Now imagine the kundahlini rising along two side channels that run up either side of the body. They begin at the feet, run up the legs and torso, down the arms, and up past the ears. The side channels may be small to begin with, but in time, they will join with the center channel allowing you to become one large kundahlini channel. This is necessary, for the kundahlini must touch every molecule in the gridwork in order for you to ascend to the next dimension.




5. Take another deep breath and release it slowly. If the kundahlini does not feel as though it is running, ask my healing guides to work with you. These are the divas and angels that always surround you, and they will assist you in balancing what has become unbalanced over time. Sometimes, bringing the kundahlini to balance requires the releasing of karma, and my angels will work with you to bring this forth. Do not allow the lack of feeling to prevent you from doing this daily exercise. Know that you will begin to feel the heat and warmth flowing throughout your body in due course.




6. Take another deep breath and release it slowly. Now, you can begin to focus the kundahlini in specific areas of your form for cleansing. The kundahlini is a body fire that burns off cords, attachments, entities, and patterns you are forever releasing in ascension. So, each area of your form that is focused on receives a clearing of the current patterns you are releasing each day of your journey.




7. Take another deep breath and release it slowly. We will begin with the feet chakras. Focus on allowing the kundahlini to clear the feet for a few minutes. While you are focusing on the feet, also ask that any karma that does not allow you to ground or commune with me, Earth Mother, also be released at the same time. My human children have long felt responsible for my current state of demise and often out of guilt fail to connect and commune with me. I ask you to release the guilt, and then you and I can heal and ascend together. Just like you, who are responsible for the creation of your current state of affairs, I, as a planetary being, am also responsible for the current state of my being. I ask you to take responsibility for your ascension which will clear and change your current state of affairs, and I will take responsibility for mine, which will do the same only on a global scale.




8. Take another deep breath and release it slowly. Let us next focus on the knee chakras. The knees are also the gateway to grounding soul into the form. Often my human children roll up to the knees in energy and then develop major knee problems. Most knee problems are the result of the energy becoming turned off from the knee down to the feet. Open the energy in full and allow it to flow through the knees, cleansing all that is blocked from them. As the energy moves, any physical injury in this region can be corrected over time. Without the movement of energy, resurrection is not possible. It is for this reason that I am sharing this detailed information with you now.




9. Take another deep breath and release it slowly. Let us next focus on the root chakra, which sits at the tailbone. Allow the energy of the kundahlini to blow out of the front and back of this chakra region cleansing the sacrum, thighs and lower buttocks of blockages and stuck energies. Allow those frequencies you are in need of to be added to this region by my 'Marias' so that the blockages release with ease. Ask my 'Marias' to assist you with any part of the form that hurts or is in pain. Know that these aches and pains are just blockages and that they will be moved shortly. The first chakra holds the fear of survival or not having enough. Allow yourself to allow me, the Earth Mother, to provide you with all you need from this point forward and relax and release unto me.




10. Take another deep breath and release it slowly. Let us next focus on the second chakra region, which sits in the pelvic cavity. Allow the energy of the kundahlini to blow out of the front and the back of the pelvis, dissolving cords and blockages in this region. Again, ask for all frequencies necessary for you to heal and release to be added to this region by my 'Marias.' The second chakra holds old emotional scars from the past that are often riddled with pain, anger and fear. Allow those traumas to be dissolved and surrender into my arms as the Earth Mother for comfort.




11. Take another deep breath and release it slowly. Let us next focus on the third chakra region, which sits in the solar plexus region. Allow the energy of the kundahlini to blow out of the front and the back of the solar plexus, dissolving cords and blockages in this region. Again, ask for all frequencies necessary for you to heal and release to be added to this region by my 'Marias.' The third chakra contains patterns of control, manipulation and powerlessness. Know that my power is your power when you align with me and that this power is devoid of control or manipulation. Release those patterns and surrender unto me for your power.




12. Take another deep breath and release it slowly. Let us next focus on a new chakra region, which sits over the diaphragm. We will call this chakra 3.5. Allow the energy of the kundalini to blow out of the front and the back of the diaphragm and ribcage, dissolving cords and blockages in this region. Again, ask for all frequencies necessary for you to heal and release to be added to this region by my 'Marias.' This chakra contains patterns that caused humanity to lose consciousness and stop breathing in order to anchor soul in the form. As you breathe again, soul returns, and consciousness expands.




13. Take another deep breath and release it slowly. Let us next focus on the fourth chakra region, which sits in the chest. Allow the energy of the kundahlini to blow out of the front and the back of the chest and upper back, dissolving cords and blockages in this region. Again, ask for all frequencies necessary for you to heal and release to be added to this region by my 'Marias.' The heart region contains many wounds of the heart and the lack of feeling loved or rejected in your life experience. Know that I, Earth Mother, love you, and will fill you now so that the old wounds may be released and the heart may begin to expand.




14. Take another deep breath and release it slowly. Let us next focus on the fifth chakra region, which sits in the neck. Allow the energy of the kundahlini to blow out of the front and the back of the neck, dissolving cords and blockages in this region. Again, ask for all frequencies necessary for you to heal and release to be added to this region by my 'Marias.' The neck region contains patterns of limited self-expression or lack of manifestation or creative abilities. The neck is also the seat of co-creation with God/Goddess/All That Is. Allow your creativity and self expression to return and the act of creation to become one with your soul, the Earth, and All That Is.




15. Take another deep breath and release it slowly. Let us next focus on the sixth chakra region, which sits in the center of the head. Allow the energy of the kundahlini to blow out of the front and the back of the head, dissolving cords and blockages in this region. Again, ask for all frequencies necessary for you to heal and release to be added to this region by my 'Marias.' The head is the seat of vision. So often, those who seek to blind you or sabotage your spiritual journey block your vision. Allow the blinders to fall off and for yourself to see all you require to succeed at your goal of ascension.




16. Take another deep breath and release it slowly. Let us next focus on the seventh chakra region, which sits at the top of the head. Allow the energy of the kundahlini to blow out of the top of the head, dissolving cords and blockages in this region. Again, ask for all frequencies necessary for you to heal and release to be added to this region by my 'Marias.' The crown is your gateway to your soul and to your library of knowledge or spiritual knowing. So often, those who seek to pull you along their path block your crown so that your own knowing ceases. Allow all blockages to be removed and for yourself to find and follow your own truth of ascension.




When you are complete, turn the kundahlini down to a comfortable level, open your eyes, and come back to the present. You may now go about your day refreshed, recharged and ready for all you have to accomplish. Ask the 'Marias' to stay with you and assist you in remaining grounded and recharged during your day's activities. You may also go through this exercise as many times per day as needed to refresh yourself. Know that I, Earth Mother, am here for you and willing to support those who choose to ascend at this time in history.




Sometimes the movement of the kundahlini will cause you to cry, or emote pain, anger or fear. Allow the feelings to be felt and processed in full. Know that I hold you as you cry. Ask that any feelings that are not your own be returned to those who you have taken it on from. It is not unusual for humans to feel the feelings of others and take on their pain, anger and fear. It has been believed for a long time that this is the loving thing to do, to feel the emotions of others and take on their suffering. In ascension, you are only responsible for your own manifestations and emotions. As you learn to release what is not your own, whether it be pain, anger, fear or karma of another, your ascension will come forth with greater ease and rapidness. I will stand at your side and ensure that your intent to release these burdens is resolved in full.







As each part of the form is transfigured, the old cellular structure dissolves, giving birth to a new structure that is crystalline. For some who are sensitive, this can be a particularly uncomfortable experience until enough of the form has been transmuted to allow for a new vibration to take hold in the overall structure of the form. The body aches and pains will be directly related to regions in the etheric body that are blocked or stuck. The act of walking and moving the kundahlini helps to move the energetic blockage, allowing the pain to be eased.




As enough of the form has ascended to a new vibration, ongoing aches and pains become a thing of the past. Until that time, I guide you to utilize whatever herbs, homeopathic remedies, aromatherapy, acupuncture, mud baths, mineral pools, salt baths or massage necessary to move the pain. Know that it is temporary, and the body is simply being prepared to hold the 'light' of a higher vibration and thought form.







As the cells are transmuted in ascension, viruses that may have hidden for your entire lifetime may surface to be cleansed. Sometimes these viruses will also create a minor outbreak of a related disease for a short time. I ask you not to panic when this outbreak flares and understand that it will pass as the current phase of ascension that has been triggered has been transcended in full.




At these times, I guide you to boost the immune system with colloidal silver and colloidal gold, which kills viruses and bacteria on contact in your system. Our channels have also found that colloidal silver may also be dropped into the eyes, ears and nose or sprayed into the lungs to help with infections that may occur as the result of the ascension of these regions. There are many other herbs that are anti-viral and anti-bacterial that our channels have also found useful during these times, including Echinacea and Golden Seal.




Sometimes, when a virus has collected in the nervous system, it will cause the related nerve to swell, causing the symptom of a pinched-nerve. Again, this is a symptom of ascension and will pass. Also, some nervous systems randomly fire, causing seeming symptoms of involuntary muscular contraction. At those times, certain herbs have been found useful by our channels to help treat these symptoms, including Valerian Root, Passion Flower and Kava Kava.







Often, while asleep, the kundahlini runs unrestricted by your consciousness, leading to the experience of night sweats. Sometimes the kundahlini surges during the day, creating the experience of 'hot flashes.' Both are the result of burning off the karma necessary to ascend during a particular day or evening. Know that it is a symptom of ascension and not to be feared or worried about.







My human children have become very concerned about diet. Yes, indeed, the toxic mess you have created has polluted your environment, affecting all species. And yes, these toxins do come through your food, often in alarming amounts.




Do not be alarmed. Know that each toxin is only a particular vibration. In ascension, new vibrations are added that dissolve and transmute the old, which are indeed toxic. This occurs a little at a time, over a many year period. Our channels are currently less than 2 per cent toxic overall, which is lower than a newborn child. This is the nature of ascension, which detoxifies toxic substances from the form, which are directly related to the toxic thought form of separation. As separation is detoxified, unity prevails, and disease and decay cease to be experienced simultaneously.




Do do not concern yourself about what you eat, where it has been grown, or whether or not it is organic. I guide you to each food that is 'alive' with chi and life-force. Alive foods are those that are freshly cooked and prepared, not canned or frozen or packaged and shelved for long periods. The fresher the food, the more chi it will provide your form to ascend.







Ascension requires specific nutrients during each phase of development. Early on, our channel discovered that she craved foods heavy in cholesterol. She chose eggs and cheese to supply her form with what was required for her to ascend. You see, as the form is converted to the crystalline cellular structure, each cell receives a new lipid or fat coating that is cholesterol based. This fat coating holds a higher vibration or frequency than the protein that once held the cell wall or membrane together. The craving of foods high in fat is the natural outcome of ascension, and we guide you not to deny yourself. However, I suggest eating what is fresh and not processed if at all possible.







The crystalline cell holds more salt or sodium chloride than the old cellular structure. As a result, it is salt that you often crave during certain phases of ascension. The salt is being utilized and will not create high blood pressure or heart disease if you are ascending. Likewise, potassium chloride is being released at a parallel rate to the salt being added. This often creates a situation in which you are bloated with water retention, which is directly related to a sodium/potassium imbalance. I guide you not to utilize diuretics at this time but rather to drink lots of water to flush the potassium out of the system and take nightly 45-minute sits-baths in Epsom salts to draw the excess potassium out through the skin.







The crystalline cell also brings forth an alteration of the amino acid chains. Some chains require the consumption of certain proteins not found in vegetables. During these periods, I guide you to eat a little fresh fish, chicken, pork or meat several times per week. Some digestive tracts have a hard time digesting the heavier meats, in which case fish is recommended instead. We guide you to eat meat, which is freshly prepared and not canned, frozen or dried. Fresh meat will be full of chi along with the nutrients you need to bring forth a certain segment of ascension. Consuming a little protein each day will also assist in keeping soul grounded in the form with greater ease and therefore serves in sustaining your energy level as well.




We recognize that some humans are concerned about the animal kingdoms and believe profusely in vegetarianism. We guide those humans to understand that the animal kingdoms have agreed to support all life on Earth in their ascension. These species have agreed to being consumed and are in joy in the greater understanding that it will bring forth a new tomorrow based on unity and harmony. Therefore, I ask that you set aside your concerns and do what is necessary to ascend.




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