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There are many intentions that one can make associated with the world mirror of 2005. Intentions made by many ascending initiates have impact upon the world dream. Intentions also will have the affect of clearing karma in one’s ancestry that may have participated in parallel patterns in one’s own inheritance. In clearing the karma, the world mirror can change as there will not be the past calling to be reenacted in present time. This is the gift of karmic release, it allows for change.


Karma is like a broken record that continues to play the same tune again and again. As karma is erased, there is a possibility of creating a new tune and new song that leads to greater harmony and peace amongst all humans. So this is so for one’s personal life; so this is also so for the world at large. As enough ascending children enter the world and release the karma for humanity, the human dream shall drastically change. Earth is vying to create a replacement dream that humans can ascend into that is of greater equality, unity and peace. This is our hope and dream of tomorrow beloved.



I intend to release all karma in my ancestry for consumption or pollution of the land and sea and forgive absolute.


I forgive those ancestors who over farmed, over fished or deforested to a point that the region could not regenerate.


I forgive those ancestors who raised animals for slaughter in horrific conditions in which they were not free to move about and lived in their own waste.


I forgive those ancestors who treated other humans in horrific circumstances akin to how animals are raised.


I forgive those ancestors who built housing in non-conscious manners without agreements with earth or the forests.


I intend to honor the land and the sea.


I intend to consume only those species hosting agreements to sustain my physical form, including fish and fruits, nuts and vegetables


I intend that a new form of construction emerges that honors the land.


I intend that human cease to pollute the land or sea.


I intend that humans cease to deforest and reforest those regions that have been deforested.

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Greek food offers many vegetarian dishes that are quite delicious and filled with protein.  Vegetarian Greek food relies upon feta cheese (often taken from goat or sheep milk), hummos (garbanzo beans, lemon and garlic blended into a spread), white or lima beans (cooked with tomato sauce and served cold), baba ghanouj (eggplant, garlic, lemon and olive oil blended as a dip), and pita bread (oven baked flat bread).  The many beans and pita bread creates a good whole protein which can be grounding as eating a burrito.  Therefore Greek food is a good choice when ungrounded.
While in Greece, Mila and Oa fell in love with the Greek salads, which were a combination of fresh lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers Greek olives and large chunks of feta cheese served with a dollop of olive oil only over the top.  Each chef and restaurant prepared the Greek salad slightly different, but delicious nonetheless.  They also enjoyed tyropitas (spinach and feta baked in filo), dolmas (grape leaves soaked in olive oil and rolled with brown rice) along with fried eggplant and tzsleki (creamed yogurt blended with cucumbers, tomatoes and onions).  All in all there was enough to choose from that they could subsist for a few weeks as vegetarians and not feel deprived.  Moussaka was also often offered in vegetarian form in some restaurants (eggplant and mashed potatoes baked as a pie).
Interestingly enough, although falafels (deep fried garbanzo bean, pea and potato balls served in pita bread topped with tahini sauce or sesame butter blended with yogurt) was not a common Greek dish in Greece, although it is often found in Western based Greek restaurants.  While at home in the islands, Falafels are often enjoyed by Mila and Oa, and are also a good source of vegetarian based protein.
Foods from Spain are often served in what are known as tapas or small dishes that are appetizer in proportion.  One can have many Tapas and consider this therefore a meal.  Many tapas are made with beans or peas allowing for adequate protein from vegetarian sources.  Some of Mila and Oa’s favorites include ensaladda russa (cold potato, pea, onion and carrot salad mixed with olive oil and mayonnaise), white bean salad (white beans mixed with tomatoes, onions, vinegar and olive oil), or stewed garbanzo beans (garbanzo beans mixed with tomatoes, onions, vinegar, garlic and olive oil).
西班牙食物經常被當作所知的餐前小吃(tapas)或小菜,來按比例開胃。一個人可以吃很多餐前小吃,並因此將它當成一餐。很多餐前小吃由大豆或豌豆制作,為素食提供充足蛋白質。Mila和Oa的一些最愛包括ensaladda russa(冷土豆、豌豆、洋蔥、胡蘿卜沙拉混和橄欖油與蛋黃醬而成)、白豆沙拉(白豆混合西紅柿、洋蔥、醋和橄欖油)或燜鷹嘴豆(鷹嘴豆混合番茄、洋蔥、醋、大蒜和橄欖油)。
Spanish cooking also offers egg souffle in the form of what is called tortillas not to be confused with Mexican tortillas, which is a pancake made of corn masa.  Spanish tortillas are similar to frittatas with many pan-fried vegetables such as mushrooms or asparagus that are then covered with eggs and cooked slowly until firm and served hot.  Delicious.  There is also the infamous Paiea which is rice generally cooked with shellfish in the traditional form.  One may substitute mushrooms and vegetables for the shellfish creating a form of rice stew that is hot and spicy and a traditional Spanish dish, often served in a frying pan.

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The Earth Mother through Karen Danrich Mila December 5, 2002
地球母親透過Karen Danrich Mila傳遞 日期:2002年12月5日


Dear Beloved Ascending Human,
This is an excerpt from a recent transmission for those in the Group Mastery Program or Self Study Program of the Spiritual School of Ascension.  It is also Mila and Oa’s observation that many in the program are struggling with what to eat in order not to consume flesh and create a balanced protein intake from vegetarian sources.  It is anticipated that others outside of our program may struggle with the same issue.  It is to those who would like to be partially vegetarian or fully vegetarian in the choice to ascend that we dedicate these suggestions.
To the degree one can create whole proteins through vegetarian sources, to such a degree one does not require eating flesh, even in small amounts, the majority of the time.  This prevents the excess presence of death hormone prevalent in flesh and therefore serves the choice to ascend.  This is not to say that there may not be those moments when one requires some fish or other flesh due to the particular segment of initiation in ascension; if one feels dissatisfied after combining foods for protein, then this may be a sign that one requires a little flesh in addition to augment a particular segment of biological transmutation inherent in ascension.
Food combining is an ancient practice in which legumes (beans and nuts), dairy (milk and cheese) and carbohydrates (pasta, bread, polenta, tortillas) are combined to create whole proteins.  It is earth’s desire here just to offer up general ideas of meals that allow for complete proteins from vegetarian sources based upon Mila and Oa’s experiences in their choice to not consume flesh.  Earth also guides each to seek out good vegetarian cookbooks of many varieties so that one may have better ideas of how to prepare such meals of one’s own volition.  Earth guides each to simply go to a bookstore and explore, bringing home that which inspires oneself to prepare a feast for oneself or others that one loves that is vegetarian in nature.  There are also many vegetarian web sites and on-line cookbooks offering information from the web at no charge.

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The Mineral Kingdom through Karen Danrich “Mila” October 4, 2002

礦石王國透過Karen Danrich “Mila”傳遞 2002104



Translated by 浮生


We have added this new section to our site which is devoted to messages from the mineral kingdom.  Our first piece begins with the transcription of each mineral that is holding the 48 single tones of the Language of Light, and how such minerals may assist ascending humans in releasing one’s non-unity based thought-form.




Understand that there will be no dual tones, tri tones or quad tones held by a single mineral for upwards of 50 years.  It will take some real biochemical alterations on the behalf of the mineral realms for a single mineral to hold multiple tones; however this is coming and in particular as earth climbs more greatly towards a fourth dimensional frequency in the coming 100 year cycle.




We will begin this special section of transmissions shortly.   Each of the 48 minerals holding the Language of Light has something special to say to the ascending human species, and it is for this reason that Mila and Oa are making themselves available as channels for this information.  This information shall pour through beginning after our Masters Conclave event is fulfilled upon this November.







The mineral kingdoms would like to speak a little about creating synthesis alters for those of you who are ascending.  A synthesis alter has been created by Mila and Oa over the past four years of their ascent and teaching endeavors.  Their alter is by in large only a few minerals and small enough to travel in one large duffle bag around the world.  Their alter anchors a rainbow of tones generated by the mineral kingdom that now reaches over 1000 miles in radius, supporting the anchoring of space necessary to host events such as Conclave.




A part of the reason that Mila and Oa’s particular alter moves so much chi is that the minerals have ascended along with them in their own evolutionary journey.  Many of their pieces hold genetic materials of 30,000 strands or higher.  Yet others are still bridging to full consciousness.  Ascending minerals are more potent that others that have not ascended so far at moving chi.



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Most initiates spend more time in the past or future than in present time. Why? Present time is often painful, as one has to deal with their current issue at hand in one's transcendence. It is much easier to escape into a future fantasy or a past memory than deal in present time. Therefore initiates are pulled into the future or past to escape the pain. Sometimes such escape includes the use of alcohol or drugs, television or shopping, or even sex or music.




This is not to say that such preoccupations are wrong; one must simply have the intent to ascend behind their use. If one intends to ascend and then goes to see a movie or chooses a television show, one will find that the plot of the film resembles the life history of one's ancestry that one is clearing karma for in present time. In so intending ascension into the act of watching film, one then clears the karma that is triggered related to one's ancestry in the film and continues to ascend. If one intends ascension into the love making with one's beloved, one expands in field and joy. If one intends ascension into the music, one chooses music that causes one to expand rather than contract and one's ascension is fueled forth.




Alcohol and smoking tobacco or nic nic (a blend of herbs used by Native Americans), if ingested with the intent to ascend and blessed removing the entities that reside therein, will have a tonic affect to the form connecting one to the elements leading to one's expansion. However this may not occur in the addictive use of such substances, as the addictive entities block the blessings and connection. Drugs are problematic overall as they involve multidimensional addiction entities and therefore are not recommended, even in the blessing of it. For one is hard pressed to control entities upon this plane of reality let alone upon dimensions one has no awareness of.


喝酒和吸煙或吸nic nic(美國土著使用的一種草藥混合劑),如果與提升意願和祝福一起吸收,並移去那裡的存有們,將對形態有激勵的影響,使你連接到引起你擴展的元素們。但是這不會在對這些物質的上癮使用中發生,因為癮性存有們阻礙祝福和連接。毒品全部有問題,因為它們涉及多維癮性存有們,因此不被推薦,甚至在對它的祝福中。因為不管在維度上你有沒有意識到,在這個實相層面上你都在艱難地被迫去控制存有們。


The bottom line in all life expressions is the intent behind the action. Is the intent sacred and in honor of self and all others? Is the intent behind it to fuel one's ascension forth? Then the outcome will support one's ascent along with one's health and well-being. Is the intent from the unconscious addiction and desire to escape the pain? Unfortunately, the entities associated with any addiction, whether it be to a substance, to a person, to entertainment, or to an animal, shatters the field and form whether one feels it or not. Why? It is the electrical or radioactive tones that numb one to the pain; such tones also shatter the field enough to prevent ascension if the addiction is used recurrently.




Go into the pain beloved by pulling oneself into present time. It will not last forever. One may cathart and cry for a time, but it will pass and one will feel better and have integrated the piece of self lost over time and in the fracturing of existing in a creation designated for destruction. If one cannot feel the pain and only the boredom, go into the boredom. What underlies it? What thought-form causes boredom? Intend to release the karma and transmute the thought-form. Then intend to live one's life as an ascending being.







What is life as an ascending being? It is one that infuses the intent to ascend into all that one does. Does this mean that one has a reclusive life as a monk withdrawn from all of humanity? Well, one's life could be this way but need not be. All that is required is the intent to ascend behind each action, and each action will be molded through one's intentions to bring forth ascension. This will create a different lifestyle, an ascending lifestyle.




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All events are synchronistic when one is dancing in the divine timing of ascension. In order to dance in the divine timing of global ascension, one must not only synthesize, but also align the field fully in present time and in the timing of Earth. In order to match Earth's timing, one's subtle bodies spin together in a synchronistic manner and in timing with Earth's subtle body rotation. Earth's subtle body rotation is four times the subtle body rotation of your solar sun. What this translates into is that Earth's subtle bodies spin four times to every single spin of the sun's subtle bodies. For humans, one's subtle bodies will spin in increments of four in timing with Earth's subtle body rotation.




What are the subtle bodies? They are the mental, emotional, intuitive and creative bodies that surround the etheric grid work and ascension grid work along with genetic material of the form. Such subtle bodies are a body double, with chakras of their own, but no etheric grid work. They are not to be confused with the light body, which is the outermost body encompassing all four subtle bodies along with the etheric body. It takes the anchoring of 3000 strands approximately with 30% of the blueprint having become physical to reweave enough of all four subtle bodies to align with the divine timing for ascension.




As one has all four subtle bodies rewoven, the light body and subtle bodies rotate around the form, clockwise for those of male gender and counter-clockwise for those of female gender. As one synchronizes their subtle body rotation in increments of 4 with Earth's subtle bodies, one will move in divine timing with Earth and her ascension. Most reading this will rotate theirs 8, 12, 16, 20 or 24 times for every single rotation of Earth's subtle bodies. As one ascends or moves up in vibration, the rotation speeds up.




Each reading this material may wish to muscle test or pendulum how many rotations one requires at one's current vibration to synchronize with Earth. One may not wish to go beyond what is comfortable at a current evolutionary state for this rotation on a recurring basis. However from time to time and for the purposes of lifting through a particularly difficult segment of initiation, one may jump their rotation up to the next level of speed, which will temporarily lift one's vibration and expand one's field to embrace another returning soul segment or spin off pain and karma that is too intense to transmute otherwise. Sometimes this occurs without an initiate's awareness, and it leads to an increase in physical heart rate. Simply breathe through such moments, and as the large pieces of souls are integrated, the heart rate along with the sped up rotation of the subtle bodies will come back to normal within generally 10 to 20 minutes or less.




As one's subtle bodies spin faster, so does one's chakras. All chakras and subtle bodies should spin in a synchronistic manner to sustain one's vibration. One manipulation recently decoded by Mila and Oa was for the dark to spin a chakra back in time or forward in time and lock it into the past or future so that the chakra could not synchronize properly. This has the affect of causing their fields to wobble sufficiently enough over time to lead to their shattering and near death. Unfortunately the manipulation was not caught and understood in full for a month after the near death experience. One can calibrate therefore each chakra into present time as one synthesizes the field, adding this intent to the synthesis meditation. (See "Synthesis Meditation.pdf" for more information.)







As one synchronizes in present time with Earth on a recurring basis, one will find that one emerges more fully into one's truth in action upon a daily basis. What is one's truth in action? Every initiate is ascending into a particular truth in action related to the New Astrology written of in late December of 2001. (See "A New Astrology for a New Millennia" and the "Astrology Cards pdf" for more information.) Each initiate will find one new sign that resonates as a genetic truth more greatly than another. Of the three tones of the Language of Light related to one's truth in action for each sign, one will embrace the tones in a particular sequence in one's personal ascent. There is no right or wrong order to embrace the tones of the Language of Light in one's ascent. Each soul designs the ascent into the tones in a particular sequence that best supports one's current life expression. (See the "10 Octaves of Love" for more information on single note ascending truths.)




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Manifesting the preoccupation of joy, the relationship of joy or the friendship of joy requires one to intend such into one's life dance. Ascension brings about the responsibility of becoming the conscious dreamer again, which requires that one intend what one wishes to experience consciously. One is always at option; one can intend joy, harmony, unity, continued ascension and magic, or one can fail to intend and experience their unconscious projected outwards into one's life dance. Often it is the unconscious that causes our most difficult life manifestations; and so as one takes responsibility for intentionalizing one's life, the difficult manifestations can be molded into lessons of ascension that teach one about one's internal landscape and thought-form. In understanding that one's unconscious thought-form manifests the difficulties, one can choose to alter the unconscious thought-form through releasing the karmic charge that holds the thought-form in place, and replace it with the Language of Light.




The choice to ascend will always cause the thought-form dissonant to the Language of Light to surface. As such thought-form surfaces, one can clear it instead of manifesting it into one's physical life dance provided one pays attention. Often if one fails to pay attention, this is when the very difficult moments or "cosmic two by four" descends and one recognizes that there is a pattern that must be cleared now in order to continue to ascend. This can be avoided by paying attention to the "small mirrors" that surround oneself day in and day out.


提升的選擇將一直促使不與光之語共振的思想形態浮現。當這些思想形態浮現,你能對它們給予注意,清理它們,而不是把它們顯化進你的現實生活之舞。通常如果你不去注意的話,當一個十分困難的時刻或“宇宙二四效應”(譯注:美國人的“二四效應”是指為了給人留下深刻印象所採取的激烈手法,就像用一根二四木材(two-by- four,截面為二英寸w四英寸的、標準的建築木材)給人迎頭一擊一樣)下降時,你現在認識到為了去持續提升,那裡有一個模式必須被清理。這能經由注意日復一日圍繞著你的“小鏡子”而被避免。


What are the small mirrors? Generally such mirrors will come from the nature kingdoms. Is there a dead bird that crosses one's path, or a dead animal upon the road? Are the squirrels outside playing nicely, or are they fighting? Are the birds peacefully relating or are they squawking at one another? Even those living in the cities or suburbs will have some nature around to act as such a mirror. Go within and ask nature "what is this mirroring to me about my unconscious thought-form?" One is forever ascending beyond destructive thought-form that could manifest an accident or one's death, or is discordant enough that could create difficult moments with others. As the layer of destructive or discordant thought-form surfaces, nature will mirror unto oneself one's own unconscious state of being. As one pays attention to the small mirrors, one can then intend to transmute the karma up for processing and release it now. In so doing, the cosmic two by four will be avoided, as one will have cleared the very thought-form that would have created such a difficult manifestation in one's life dance.




One's dream will always be distorted by the unconscious thought-form and predisposition one inherited at birth for giving or trading one dream for another. As one intends to bring to consciousness those thought-forms that cause one to give one's dream away, a little at a time, such major obstacles to the manifestation of dream can be cleared. Over time, and perhaps as short of a time as six months, one will have cleared enough of one's predisposition to self sabotage in dream weaving to begin to manifest one's vision in greater ease.







Before one can begin to dream weave, one must come to understand what one wishes to dream, what one wishes to experience in this lifetime. What would bring one joy? If one knows not what would bring one joy, then it is highly likely that one either has no emotional body, or has no passion. Passion precedes dream manifestation in the new paradigm of becoming the dreamer and the dream. No passion for anything, no dream will be made manifest beloved. We will use Mila and Oa as an example.




Mila is passionate about ascension. She lives, drinks and eats ascension as a preoccupation. This passion has fueled her own ascent and in sharing of her ascent, an ascension movement that is paving the way to a new tomorrow has been born. Without the passionate feeling about ascension, Mila's dream could never have been born. Her dream has lead to an alteration of the dream for the human species as she has collaborated with other kingdoms and other ascending humans to anchor a new dream that is devoid of a future of World War III. Now her passion in union with others who share the same vision will trigger a new dream for humanity to emerge that shall allow for the gradual ascent out of disease and deformity as genetic predispositions. This work is fueled through the tones of passion, which are fuchsia pink, magenta and red in color.




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One may think, well don't Mila and Oa have a certain level of fame? Let us simply say that their work is so controversial in relation to the current metaphysical movement that the map carvers of ascension are the only ones who resonate and are drawn to study the materials. The map carvers are a small group of humans numbering less than 8000 global wide. Some of such folk speak languages that leave Mila and Oa's work in an arena that they personally will never touch upon in physicality. However all map carvers' work together in dreamtime to fulfill upon their collective mission. In time more initiates will be attracted, and this shall occur in particular as the map followers begin to journey upon the initiations leading to Bodhisattva level evolution. By the time this occurs en mass, Mila and Oa may be retired from teaching ascension and focused upon other endeavors in their written materials, such as building a self-sustaining lifestyle and community that supports ascension.




Why must this be so? The path of fame and the path of spiritual mastery are so diverse that they cannot touch upon one another. If they touch upon one another, one's mastery is sacrificed. Mila and Oa choose to ascend in this lifetime and not through future ancestors, and therefore they will only choose a path that allows for this dream to come to fruition, which causes only the path of non-fame to unfold.




We perceive that the numbers studying with Mila and Oa will never be great, however those that can work with them will be blessed with an understanding from their own sharing that will fuel the ascent forward further than perhaps those who are unable to study with them. Earth already sees this is so with those map carvers who choose to study Mila and Oa's journey and those who do not; there is greater clarity of field in those who study with them. Why? The materials themselves allow for bringing more of the unconscious to consciousness where it can then be cleared through conscious intent. The more of the unconscious that is cleared, the more of the Language of Light can be embraced in an ascending field leading to a greater clarity of the energy surrounding an initiate. The greater the clarity of field, the easier it is also to manifest one's dream.




Many may wonder, what is the special role that Mila and Oa hold then, if it will never be widely known in the physical for what they do? The special role is the anchoring of the Tao into the human dance at a time when this could not occur otherwise. Mila and Oa were specially prepared for this job many generations prior to their birth. They have fulfilled upon their ability to execute this job in their relentless choice to ascend. It has not been an easy journey beloved, and so we ask that you not glamorize the two of them or put them on a pedestal. Most would not like the lifestyle that Mila and Oa live, for most of what humans enjoy in their family relations or relationship with friends have had to be sacrificed by Mila and Oa in order for their ascent to come forth. This is so due to karmic completion; as karma is completed the dance ends, and many a dance with those that they have loved has ended beloved. They sacrifice their friendships and family relations for the purpose that they are here to fulfill upon.




Also we ask that you not give them your power or worship Mila and Oa, for all humans are no more or less than they. Mila and Oa can represent however a role model for one who is willing to sacrifice their personal will and choices for the greater good of the whole in all that they do. In due course, all humans will align their will in full to the greater good of the whole of Earth; this will come forth through the coming 18 future generations yet unborn. Mila and Oa are living representatives of two who have attained such a state now for the purposes of carving the path so that the modifications necessary within the human genealogy can follow to bring such a future humanoid form into physicality. They can be honored as such, and for those that wish to understand their journey, they invite each to study with them if one is guided so from within.







This blessing that is anchored this Spring Equinox and Easter is to straighten out the planes of dreamtime more fully, undoing the manipulations of the dark that skew the dance in a manner that serves not the ascending initiate. As each who is ascending embraces this blessing, one's dreams shall begin to unfold in greater ease. How and why is this so? Truth shall reign again upon the dreamtime planes surrounding Earth.




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Spring Solstice and Easter Blessings:

A Return to the Dance of Truth and Fulfillment of Dream


The One Source and Tao through Karen Danrich "Mila" March 22, 2002

全一之源和道透過Karen Danrich "Mila"傳遞 2002年3月22日



Translated by 浮生


Dear Beloved Ascending Human,



One will notice that there are a host of new materials pouring forth through Mila. Mila feels compelled to write in the greater understanding that there is little time to bring forth the information she is incarnate to anchor. Therefore the coming year and a half may have more written materials generated than ever before in her personal history. After such a time, the thought-form will change enough that it may be hard for those at lower initiatory levels to understand, and therefore the information needs to flow through now, as there is still a bridge between the Language of Light and non-ascending languages in her field.




This Spring Equinox is a joyous time in the ascent of Earth. Recent changes have allowed the truth of Earth to return and prevail. Earth's truth was lost some 28 million years ago and as truth was lost, her light and love begin to dwindle and fade into non-truth. A lengthy journey into non-truth teaches any sentient species or consensus reality greatly. Earth is now emerging from this lengthy period of non-truth and it is a joyous time indeed for all species as a result.




What does the return of truth equate to? Truth is the remembrance of one's original endowment as soul. All souls as they were cast from the Tao had an endowment. The endowment is a series of encoding that insures that there is knowledge for the dance ahead. All souls intend to evolve, and the endowment insures that evolution will prevail in the dance of soul. All endowments are co-created to work in unison with all others, each providing a necessary piece of the puzzle to ensure the dance and ultimately evolution of the whole. As truth fades, the remembrance of one's original endowment is also lost. This is what has occurred upon the dimensions that Earth resides within; her remembrance of what she originally knew, and all souls originally knew faded. In the forgetfulness, a dance of non-truth followed.




Each creation that falls into non-truth expresses it in a different manner. So it is also for each human, for humans likewise have fallen into a dance of great non-truth. Each human expresses the non-truth in a different dance. For some, the dance appears upon the surface joyful, with one's dreams fulfilled upon. However upon your plane of reality, the joyful dream fulfilled in the human dance is limited to only a very few in human form, and these are often folk that acquire fame or fortune to a certain degree.




For Earth and your creation, this is also so. There are those parts of creation that have only known love and light and dreams fulfilled upon, much like the humans of fame and fortune. Such planets or stars are few in number in your creation. Most stars and planets in your creation are deprived, deprived of any dream at all, and have known only fall after fall in consciousness regardless of dimension.

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The real problem from the Core of the Tao is allowing creators to cast other creators.  This has dissipated the consciousness of the creators, and in particular those creators who cast other creators with the capacity to cast other creators is the most troublesome.  You can imagine how each creator is cast by the Tao with a certain reserve of consciousness for the journey into their creations and return journey home.  If the creator then casts another creator, the consciousness diminishes.  If the other creator casts another creator, both creators diminish in consciousness.  If a creator goes crazy casting many other creators, suddenly the original creator of the group related goes into such vast distortion due to falling consciousness that the language of the Tao is lost.  As the language of the Tao is lost, there is no language to allow for a return journey home either.  This is the lesson of the Tao at this time; to cease to allow creators to cast other creators in the cycles ahead, and then the dance shall self heal and all shall be gathered up and return home.
Everything that the Tao explores is the next experience to be experienced to allow the Tao and all that are a part to evolve.  Casting creators with creator capability that equals the Tao was an experiment; alas it is an experiment that is vastly failing and must be changed.  From this point forward no creator will be able to cast another creator.  This is already so in the cycle we are in; and over time all lost creations will be gathered up and returned to the Tao; and all will go home.  We will then learn this lesson of why creators should not cast other creators; and will move in another direction in our overall evolutionary pathway.
The Language of ONE is gradually being modified at this time to contain Tao based thought-form.  Those learning the Language of ONE can begin to communicate with the Tao again after a long experience of separation.  One can also venture out into the Tao and experience other creator’s creations that have troubles not unlike the Earth Mother, and help create solutions for all parties concerned.  The long period of being invisible to the Tao is over; and now the Heart of the Tao is extending in to aid this creation and all upon her in the return journey home.
The assistance of the Heart of the Tao is perhaps the most remarkable shift that has occurred upon Terra to date.  Terra has not enough love this cycle to self heal from the pollutants and destructive nature of mankind.  All the love that she had has been spent self healing from the nuclear annihilation of the Anu and Atlantis alike.  Now the Heart of the Tao will make available the algorithms of love that Terra requires to begin her journey of self healing.  Terra is like a human that has cancer.  She is sick, she is tired, and she wants sometimes to give up.  However Terra knows too much to choose extinction as it does not resolve the problems here or in the Tao. And so Terra chooses to carry on, and the love of the Tao shall support her in a unique manner that allows her to foster energetic shifts that will dissipate the toxins in her waterways and upon the land, and also to clear the density that plagues her particularly in human cities and suburbs.

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Blessings for Self Healing through the Love of the Tao

The Dolphins and Whales through Karen Danrich  Mila September 5, 2007
海豚鯨魚通過Mila傳遞 2007年9月5日
Translated by 浮生
Dear Beloved Ascending Human,
It is the dolphins and whales that greet you today.  We have much to say to our ascending brothers and sisters of the land.  There are many changes underway today in the Earth Mother global ascension.  Terra (earth consciousness) is in the process of anchoring the heart of the Tao in her aurora.  The Heart of the Tao is an aspect of all that sits outside of time and space and form that emanates ongoing everlasting non-ending enduring love.  It is love that is required at this time not only by Terra to begin her process of self healing from the toxic mess that humanity has caused, but also for each kingdom to fulfill upon the map of ascension ahead.
Love heals all wounds.  Love in the Tao is the force that illuminates the distortion so that it can be corrected propelling creations into cycles of self healing so that each may return home to where all was originally cast from.  All consciousness was originally cast by the Tao.  Within each blueprint cast within the Tao is the recollection of home coming.  This creation known as earth and all that sits in this region of domain along with what remains inside the Great Central Sun failed to return home.  Somehow it was all cast without a blueprint for homecoming, or in other terms forces that wished to use this region of domain for something else erased the remembrance of home coming.  For 12 cycles, creation after creation here has gone extinct in this region of domain as a result rather than returning home to the Tao.

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Now, back to the blessing. This blessing is for all who are willing to receive it. All in the dance of the awakening of earth are important to the Source of All One Sources. No one is to be denied this blessing. So let us begin by calling True Purpose and changing out the souls and guidance that may wish to interfere with the gift we are about to give. This is a gift of non-conditional love. In non-conditional love, one may give and receive without attachment, and without incurring karma.

In your current system, any act of giving must be in settlement for a debt or karmic act that another incurred in the past. This limits giving and receiving as there must always be a settlement, lest one create karma instead. This has made it difficult for Mila and Oa to even send gifts this Christmas to their families, as it would incur karma. This also is the root of karmic manipulation from our point of view. If you wish to give a gift and had not karma for it, what could one do other than manipulate karma to allow for the gift? If one wished to manifest something but had not the karma to allow for the experience, how could one manifest it otherwise without manipulation of karma? As non-conditional giving and receiving is re-anchored, karma need not be involved in the casting of one's dream, and one may create any dream that they so wish along with give and receive freely without penalty. The pattern of non-conditional giving and receiving had been lost and now has been re-anchored upon earth beloved.
Draw the non-conditional love that emanates from the Source of All One Sources into your field and form. Drink deeply as there is a longing that is so great, one may not even recognize how deeply one has been in need. Why is one in need? So much of the chi and love has been transferred elsewhere from earth and the human species by the serpent souls acting as creator that there has only been great lack. Now is the time to fill, first yourself, and then in opening your heart, allow all around oneself for as far as one can connect to also be filled. This shall trigger yet many that have yet to begin their journey to 1024 to ascend.

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Holiday and New Year Blessings from The One Source
The Source of All One Sources through Karen Danrich "Mila"  December 17, 2001
萬有之源透過Karen Danrich "Mila"傳遞:日期:2001年12月17日
Translated by 流星似火

Dear Beloved Ascending Human, HAPPY NEW YEAR!

One may think, oh New Years is not for a few weeks. Why are you writing this to us on December 17th? Well, this is the end of the year in the new 12 month yearly cycles for earth in relation to the creation of which she is apart. Indeed in relation to time, the year is not yet over, but in due course the year as you know it will shorten and shorten until there are no longer 365 days in a year, but rather 336 days. (See "Great Central Sun Transmissions" for more information on the new cycles for earth.) It will take all of the coming 18 years to accomplish this goal and will require that the wobble in earth's rotation to be rectified in full. However, earth has made the first fractional correction to her wobble since it's inception some 30,000 years ago and from the nuclear explosion at the end of the era of the Annanuki.

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Sometimes false prophets will veil their teachings making them appear to be dragon in nature when they are not. One test for any teacher is to look and see if they are mastering their own truth through the act of ascension. Or are they simply expressing the truth and not mastering anything in their own life dance. Mastery is mastery. In order to become one's truth, one must master one's own evolution, one's own ascension. Ascension can be veiled to be perceived as if it is occurring when it is not, so assessing a field may or may not be enough to discern if a false prophet is mastering or not. However, mastery can be readily seen through their behavior.
Is there an air of superiority that prevails in their teaching or is felt as one is in their presence? This is a sign of non-mastery beloved. Those that master embrace their own truth and honor all others, and shall not perceive their truth or themselves as superior to anyone else. In a state of honor, one's field is embraced and not pierced. In superiority, that which perceives him or herself as superior shall pierce the field of those whom are inferior to strip one's knowledge. Those whom honor do not pierce the field of another, but rather embrace the field in its wholeness and current level of evolution. This is honor, honoring the truth of another, which occurs as one field embraces another without harm.
Is there a veil of something other than pure essence surrounding them as you look into your teacher's eyes? Dragon souls shall show you their face and essence as you gaze into the eyes of a human embodying such a dragon. In such an exercise, two dragons shall unite as one in an ecstatic dance of energies that can be felt by both in the act of eye gazing. As you gaze into their eyes, is there light surrounding the form that extends for many feet? Be careful here in your assessment, as this too can be a veil. Intend to lift all veils and look again.
Is there emotion present in your teacher's teachings? Truth flows through the emotional and intuitive bodies beloved. Self-mastery through ascension brings about the reconstruction of all four subtle bodies, mental, emotional, intuitive and creative. Many teachers are gifted at languaging but not emotions, which is a sign that they are not mastering their truth. A sign of mastery is the presence of both the ability to language and feel simultaneously!
在你老師的教導中是否擁有情感?至愛的人類,真相在情感體和直覺體中流動。透過提升的自我掌握將帶來所有四個精微身體的重建:智性的(mental)、情感的(emotional)、直覺的(intuitive)和創造力的( creative)。很多老師在言辭上很有天賦但卻沒有情感,這是他未曾掌握自我真相的一個蹟象。掌握的標志是同時擁有語言與感受的能力!

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Easter Blessings from Source of All
Source of All through Karen Danrich "Mila" April 10, 2001
萬有之源透過Danrich "Mila"傳遞,日期:2001年4月10日
Translated by 流星似火
Dear Beloved Ascending Human,
It is our greatest wish to re-anchor the presence of Christ Consciousness upon Earth. It is for this purpose that Source of All has descended. Indeed, Mila is one aspect of myself, as is her beloved partner Oa. However, there are many other aspects of Source of All, 144,000 to be exact, that extended into form upon Earth in recent history to bring forth this awakening. Some aspects are contained within the nature kingdoms, some within the dolphins and whales, and some within human form. Each aspect carries an important key necessary to the whole of the awakening of Earth. As each aspect connects with yet other aspects of the Source of All, the keys are shared and the gates unlocked to a newfound state of remembrance.
For a very long time, many decades, the forces of the dark have prevailed to enough of an extent to block those aspects from Source of All from meeting and gathering together. However, the shifts occurring in the global ascension of Earth have cleansed enough darkness that those whom are direct aspects of Source of All can begin to find one another in the physical. The aspects indeed began to incarnate upon Earth in 1958, and continued to descend for such purposes through the year 1977. All 144,000 aspects are present upon Earth at this time and range in age from 24 to 43 years of age in human, dolphin or whale form.

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Karen Danrich, "Mila" 和Thomas Weber "Oa"
Directors, Spiritual School of Ascension (SSOA) , Hawaii
夏威夷‧提升之靈性學堂校長--Karen Danrich, "Mila" 和Thomas Weber "Oa"

Translated by 流星似火
Many of you have read the information about the directors of our organization, 'The Spiritual School of Ascension' and probably have wondered, 'Are they real people?' 'Who are they anyway?' We have been asked by the Earth Mother to write a little about our past so that you can understand that we are human and have lived normal lives, just like all others currently incarnate upon Earth but have dedicated our lives to our own ascension and spiritual unfolding.
It is the thought form of the West to believe that there is a division between spirituality and one's experience of life. We wish you to understand that life and spirituality are one inseparable path that ultimately leads to a greater understanding of oneself and God/Goddess/All That Is. Such understanding can only be ascertained if one allows each experience in life to teach them whatever it was designed to. In so embracing all life experiences as a form of spiritual education (or school of hard knocks depending upon your reference point), each experience has the potential to lead one further down their spiritual path.

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"I have not the funds for such a journey." This Mila and Oa hear all of the time. We invite those who have funds to make donations so that others who have not funds can attend. We offer to those who have not funds to intend a donation, and write to Oa accordingly. However do not write if in reality you are capable of manifesting the journey but are simply seeking a handout. The donor will settle karma with the recipient, and this allows for all to ascend. However such donations are not for those perfectly capable of creating their own means in another manner.





One may also ask Earth for support in manifesting the funds necessary for the travel. Earth will support any dream that supports her dream. Furthermore, those failing to fulfill upon World Service Agreements will be blocked from manifesting one's own dream in karmic compensation. Therefore if one is feeling unfulfilled with the dream that one may be intending, perhaps it would be wise to see if one has failed to fulfill upon world service agreements, and if Earth is actually blocking one's dream from manifestation as a result.





Why would Earth do such a thing? In reality, Earth does not do such a thing; Earth relates to all species in balanced giving and receiving. When one fails to give to Earth, one deprives oneself; stated in other terms, depriving Earth is like intending deprivation for oneself and this is the dream that one receives therefore in return. Give unto Earth and one will receive amply for one's own needs and requirements.





Why is this so? Earth is your universe. The new dreamtime launched now manages all human dreams. (See "New Dreamtime for Earth is Launched" within he Great Central Sun Transmissions.) This dreamtime is non-personal. One receives equal to what one gives. Give nothing and one will receive nothing. Humans are a conscious and sentient species that exists in service and support the whole. If one fails to support the consensus reality that one is apart, or in other terms Earth, one will fail to be supported in like kind.







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For those who are taking this next level of ascent, there is a special blessing buried in this piece. For you are making possible a new way of relating within the human species. Such a way of being will have heart and compassion for all things and all life forms, from the beggar upon the streets to the militant child diligently protecting himself through violence in a violent environment. One will have compassion also for those in such great forgetfulness and fear that warring upon another nation becomes the only seeming solution to the problem at hand.




How can one have compassion for this? Warring upon another nation? Beloved, those in such fear that promote war know no other way; they are too short upon genetic material to consciously relate in any other manner. Such limited consciousness shall pass in the coming times of cleansing, leading to more pleasant and gentler times ahead. However before this can develop, one must first allow the karma to be completed upon and cleared in full.







The Tao sees two future possibilities for humanity ahead. One is very difficult, and the other much gentler. At this time, human unconscious harmfulness will draw natural disaster after natural disaster into the more densely populated areas of your human cities. Such shall be the reflection of the unconscious desire for destruction of those residing in such a place. As this occurs, thousands or hundreds of thousands will die in such a painful manner as being crushed to death in the falling debris of a earthquake, drown in a massive flood, be torn apart in a hurricane or tornado, or die of heat as not enough electricity is available into the future to run the air conditioners. At this time, thousands are dying in India due to massive heat waves and without enough air conditioning to assist. This is a sign of things to come.





Argentina is experiencing a financial circumstance that may afflict all nations global wide in due course. The cause of the Argentine disaster is human, and the banks are refusing to assist. What kind of bankers is therefore present in the international arenas that would turn a nation such as Argentina into such turmoil over finances? They are bankers that wish ultimate control, and may choose to play a parallel game upon other nations or the world economy in due course. This too Earth sees stepping down the dimensions, a world economic collapse. The circumstances of Argentina are also a sign of times to come.





There are also nations warring upon one another. Dispute is in the air, and some in leadership positions perceive that the only manner of settling such dispute is to take one's firearms and explosives into the battlefields. This too is a sign of times to come, when humans may kill one another upon the battlefield; or over food. The Swans of Switzerland spoke freely to Mila when present in a recent visit to the Alps. The Swans said that many humans would kill one another in fear over food shortages in the future. This is sad to Swan to foresee, for such humans could simply go into the mountains allowing the nature kingdoms to guide such humans to food and safety. Alas most will not be aware of such things having lost the connection to nature so very long ago, and will perish in the abusiveness of humans in fear.



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An Important Message From The Tao


The Tao through Karen Danrich "Mila"   May 22, 2002
道透過Karen Danrich “Mila”傳遞;日期:2002年5月22日

Translated by 流星似火


At Christmastime, a New Years Blessing was brought forth that spoke of the return of the "Beloved" of the Earth Mother. (See "New Years Blessings from the One Source" for more information.) The return has now been fulfilled upon, and the Tao, which is the source from which all sources inside and outside of time and space emanate from, has been anchored in full into the molecular structure of Earth and all species therein. This includes the human species at large, and one will find one's own direct connection at this time to the Tao through one's own molecular level consciousness along with the human hologram that sits within the heart.




Why has the Tao returned and extended itself into such a dark and lost place as Earth? All things are sacred beloved. Even Earth in her dark and forlorn condition is beloved unto the Tao. There is not one species or place that is not beloved, however in the dance of destruction so prevalent in your creation, souls have fallen into the thought-form that they are not loved. In so believing that they are not loved, a rift developed between the Tao and your creation eons of time ago.




Through the ascent of Earth and the ascent of the multidimensional consensus for ascension, which comprises 18 stars at this time upon dimensions 3 through 360, the original karmic cause of the separation of the Tao from such creations has been healed. This is the first multidimensional healing that is ascension based with a greater impact than any other that has occurred thus far, as it signifies the return of love into a creation that has fallen into non-love so very long ago. Your creation is going home beloved.




For Earth this is a joyous moment. Her ascent is more greatly assured, and she has support, support now for her journey that is in the very molecules of her form. So this can be so for her; so this can also be so for oneself. One can attune to the support that the Tao is now offering for all map carvers and followers global wide to ascend to the vibration and threshold that one has been seeded for. One will be supported from this point forward from the inside out, as well as the outside in. This indeed signifies the return of the beloved within.





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The Power of Your Intent



Earth Mother through Karen Danrich "Mila" July 13, 2000

地球母親通過Karen Danrich "Mila"傳遞 2000年7月13日

原文: http://www.ascendpress.org/articles/earth-mother/LGintent.html

Translated by 浮生


The power of the thought form of the human species has been vastly misunderstood and undervalued over the course of the past 10,000 years of human history. The reasons that so little is consciously understood by the current human thought form surrounding the power of your intent is simply the result of the manipulation of the forces of the dark. This manipulation has occurred as the result of the forgetfulness of the souls governing humanity and Earth, and forgetfulness breeds forgetfulness. The forces of the dark are nothing other than souls who have gone into forgetfulness and are not to be feared but are rather to be understood.




Why have these souls gone into forgetfulness? Forgetfulness occurs for many reasons. Generally it is the result of fracturing or splitting apart either on a biological or a soul level. An example of one form of forgetfulness that I Earth Mother, the Earth Mother, went into was the result of the splitting of Earth in half. This occurred some 300 million years ago, and as a portion of Earth shattered and split off, the libraries of knowledge inherent in what was destroyed were indeed lost.




Soul fracturing occurs in a parallel manner, with a portion of soul fracturing off, and whatever information or knowledge is held in what has fractured is therefore likewise lost. Soul fracturing occurs for numerous reasons, the most prevalent of which is a drop in frequency. Earth has dropped and dropped in frequency over the past 30,000 years of history, and each significant decline has caused all souls incarnate on Earth to fracture, thereby losing a portion of their knowledge. As Earth continued to decline in frequency, so much working knowledge inherent in the pieces of soul that fractured off was lost that Earth herself went into forgetfulness.




Earth in her choice to ascend is choosing to move out of forgetfulness. In so doing, Earth is rising in vibration and little by little restoring all fractured pieces of soul, thereby restoring all lost segments of information, libraries and knowledge that had been lost over time. It is through the act of restoration that Earth will one day enter the next dimension of thought form. For Earth once existed in the dimension above this one, and in tracing her history back in time, Earth will restore herself to the magnificent star she once was as a fifth-dimensional vessel.




In a parallel manner, the human species has dropped and dropped in frequency along with Earth. Each drop caused a portion of all souls incarnate in human form to fracture. Over time, so much working knowledge of the human species was lost (which can be equated to DNA or genetic material) that humanity dropped into unconsciousness. Unconsciousness can be defined as a species that cannot evolve, or in the current dilemma of humanity on Earth, cannot remember to ascend.




One contributing factor to forgetfulness is the thought form that you do not create your own reality, that you are indeed a victim to some experience that was not created by yourself in some manner. It is perhaps the thought form of victimization more than any other that leads to beliefs in powerlessness. It is out of the belief that the human being is powerless that you cower into submission over abusive authorities and believe that a single human is not capable of changing anything, let alone having global impact.

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