Sometimes false prophets will veil their teachings making them appear to be dragon in nature when they are not. One test for any teacher is to look and see if they are mastering their own truth through the act of ascension. Or are they simply expressing the truth and not mastering anything in their own life dance. Mastery is mastery. In order to become one's truth, one must master one's own evolution, one's own ascension. Ascension can be veiled to be perceived as if it is occurring when it is not, so assessing a field may or may not be enough to discern if a false prophet is mastering or not. However, mastery can be readily seen through their behavior.
Is there an air of superiority that prevails in their teaching or is felt as one is in their presence? This is a sign of non-mastery beloved. Those that master embrace their own truth and honor all others, and shall not perceive their truth or themselves as superior to anyone else. In a state of honor, one's field is embraced and not pierced. In superiority, that which perceives him or herself as superior shall pierce the field of those whom are inferior to strip one's knowledge. Those whom honor do not pierce the field of another, but rather embrace the field in its wholeness and current level of evolution. This is honor, honoring the truth of another, which occurs as one field embraces another without harm.
Is there a veil of something other than pure essence surrounding them as you look into your teacher's eyes? Dragon souls shall show you their face and essence as you gaze into the eyes of a human embodying such a dragon. In such an exercise, two dragons shall unite as one in an ecstatic dance of energies that can be felt by both in the act of eye gazing. As you gaze into their eyes, is there light surrounding the form that extends for many feet? Be careful here in your assessment, as this too can be a veil. Intend to lift all veils and look again.
Is there emotion present in your teacher's teachings? Truth flows through the emotional and intuitive bodies beloved. Self-mastery through ascension brings about the reconstruction of all four subtle bodies, mental, emotional, intuitive and creative. Many teachers are gifted at languaging but not emotions, which is a sign that they are not mastering their truth. A sign of mastery is the presence of both the ability to language and feel simultaneously!
在你老師的教導中是否擁有情感?至愛的人類,真相在情感體和直覺體中流動。透過提升的自我掌握將帶來所有四個精微身體的重建:智性的(mental)、情感的(emotional)、直覺的(intuitive)和創造力的( creative)。很多老師在言辭上很有天賦但卻沒有情感,這是他未曾掌握自我真相的一個蹟象。掌握的標志是同時擁有語言與感受的能力!
Does your teacher put you in a fantasy of joy in their presence? One manner of control that many Gurus are gifted at is placing a group of humans into a fantasy reality in their presence. The fantasy reality may "feel good" in the moment one is in their presence, but how does one feel afterwards? Do you have a headache? Then your crown has been violated and your truth stripped. Intend to retrieve your truth beloved. Do you have a sore throat? Then your akashic or biological records have been violated. Intend likewise to retrieve your records. And then assess whether or not you wish to place yourself under such compromising circumstances again, as it puts your continued ascension at risk.
Gathering groups in your current paradigm of harmfulness is difficult. Often in group encounters, more is stripped than one can possibly receive beloved, even in supposed metaphysically oriented events offered by certain light workers! Mila and Oa have gone to great lengths to create a harmless circumstance for groups to gather to serve global purposes, and it has been very difficult to manifest. Last year Mila and Oa nearly died themselves due to harmfulness flowing through their own event! This year, they are all the wiser and are devising boundaries that are conducive to their purpose. And we can sincerely say that it has taken a lot of thought, personal transcendence, and support from other kingdoms to create a safe group environment of this nature.
There may be others like Mila and Oa stepping forth to teach, and if so, they will be mastering their own ascension. One will see in their mastery their own life changes that support the unity paradigm, and in their own humbleness, honor and love that shall shine through under all circumstances. Such is the nature of dragons, and there are other dragons emerging as teachers world wide, however, one shall have to discern for themselves if any teacher is truly carrying the light or not.
The deception and lies upon your plane of reality are great. Most deception revolves around the thought-form of taking care of another or codependence. The dark does not understand love beloved. Love to the dark is expressed in taking care of another, carrying another to their destination, or doing it for another. Codependence is as close to love as the dark can begin to comprehend. Dragons carry not another. Dragons expect all others to pull their own weight and self-master their own vessel. Therefore, one sign of a serpent in dragons clothing is codependent love of one form or another.
Codependent love is not love at all. Codependent love is founded upon usury and ownership. In the game of codependent love, one "loves another" and the other is owned. In the ownership, the other becomes property, which then can be used or dispensed of if it has no use. This form of love is the only kind of love that the dark understands. When Mila failed to allow the dark to own her and use her, they had no use for her and turned their backs upon her. It may surprise many to understand that the spiritual hierarchies and ascended masters of Earth turned their back upon Mila long ago in her choice to ascend as she would not allow them to control her any longer. Such is the nature of codependent love and usury.
互相依賴的愛並不是愛。相互依賴的愛根植于利用與所有權之上。在互相依賴的遊戲中,你愛他人則他人被你所擁有。在所有權之中,其他人要麼變成財物而被利用,要麼因無用而被拋棄。這種愛是黑暗所理解的唯一方式。當Mila沒有讓黑暗擁有並利用她之時,黑暗在Mila身上無利可圖就不再搭理她了。對很多人來說知道這一點可能會萬分驚訝,在Mila提升的選擇中,因她不再讓他人控制自己,靈性統轄層和地球的提升大師(ascended masters )就很久都不搭理Mila了(譯注:這是地球的舊統轄形式,並已被淘汰。在《我意願提升》中有更詳盡的闡述)。這就是互相依賴的愛和利用的本質。
Interestingly enough, in Mila's experience Lucifer, whom was supposedly of the dark, turned out to be more loyal than any of the spiritual hierarchy in her personal ascension. Lucifer proved himself to be supportive, helpful, of assistance in her ascension, and willing to transcend as a soul himself. Lucifer upon Mila's advice incarnated into many human forms that he is ascending to allow for his karmic dance to complete with humanity at large. This is a sign of a dragon soul beloved, one that chooses to ascend, chooses to evolve, chooses to transcend. It may interest many to understand that not one embodiment of the ascended masters or 3rd dimensional spiritual hierarchy are currently ascending. Such souls are not interested in self-mastery beloved. Such souls therefore must be serpent in nature.
Serpent is not to be judged beloved. Serpent has a role, but the role of serpent in this creation has become confused. Long ago, serpents were elevated into the dance of incarnation. Serpents were never designed to incarnate. They were designed to hold the "space between" creations. The space between creations includes the density of your form. In between the lay lines of light in your etheric body are pockets of dark or density that allows you to experience life in the 3rd dimension. Inside of these pockets of dark are tiny serpents and they are doing what serpents are designed to do, which is hold the space between.
So where did all of the serpents dancing in human incarnations come from? As your Great Central Sun descended and descended in vibration, tears were created between dimensions and creations, and out of such tears serpents descended. In the confusion surrounding the falls, serpents began to incarnate into form. Over time, and in the ascension of all species including mankind, and the ascension of Earth, all serpents shall be returned to their proper function, which is to hold the space between. In time, all information taken by serpents masquerading as dragons shall be returned and reconstituted, and Earth shall become a beacon of light and evolution for all to see.
It is human nature to judge, to view things as right and wrong, good and evil. Nothing throughout Source of All is either right or wrong, good or evil. All aspects of any creation serve a specific purpose that was inherent in the blueprint originally received by all souls choosing to dance together as ONE. Your creation strayed into an experience in which the very blueprint received became mixed up, in which serpents and dragons became confused as to the role that they are present to play. As the blueprint is corrected, all will come to understand their purpose and truth, and all shall then support the evolution of your creation.
For the serpents holding the density supply an important role in ascension beloved. Each phase of ascension causes the form to vibrate at a particular frequency. The frequency is held in place by the serpents holding the density of the form. If one removed all serpents at once, the form would burn up in a flash and cease to exist, which is otherwise known as spontaneous combustion. As one moves up in vibration, the next densest level of serpents are transmuted and returned "home" again to their source of origin. Whereas dragons incarnate and ascend the form, serpents hold the space between and return home in the transmutative process of ascension. Therefore serpents serve ascension beloved.
The serpent souls in your employers, children, spouse, friend or family, are simply lost and confused. In the confusion, they have take upon themselves a role that they know what or how to do. For serpents do not know how to evolve beloved, only hold the space between. As you awaken, you can allow all serpent souls to return to the dimension that they originated and assume their true purpose, which is to hold the density therein. In so doing, all dimensions can ascend, and all can return to the ONE again, whether one is of a serpent or dragon form.
The return of the Christ to earth is the return of the dragon souls whom originally were present upon Earth for the purposes of her evolution. Such souls are being resurrected and reconstituted through the many temples for healing that are now in place for all ascending sentient beings. Such temples hold many functions of which we will write about in our next transmission. However, one function is to reconstitute all dragon souls that have been shattered or lost over time upon Earth so that they may resume their original function of ascending Earth. Many of such dragons shall also take human form and ascend the related embodiment. Any human form that chooses to ascend shall automatically receive a dragon soul beloved. For only dragons can possibly fulfill upon such a task.
Humanity is not entirely to blame for the manipulations of serpent souls that have incurred through the human species over time. Humanity fell into a dance and a con from serpents from such a high dimension that it is doubtful that humans could discern that they were serpents. A serpent from 36,000 or 100,000 dimensions above shall appear light in comparison to the density in 3D. Serpents lost from very high dimensions that were in deep confusion approached your human ancestors. In allowing such serpents to incarnate into human form, your ancestors placed the entire human species in like confusion. For serpents do not know what to do in an incarnation, they were designed to hold the space between.
Serpents in holding the space between know how to divide and separate. Is not this what information brokering is beloved, the division and separation of information and knowledge? This is what a serpent is supposed to do! However in incarnating into a human form, they begin to divide and separate the genetic knowledge contained therein and cause fall after fall in consciousness. Serpents are not wrong, they simply do not belong as an incarnating energy force in any form, including the human form.
Your job as an ascending human is to end the confusion. In your own field and life expression, you shall bring forth the removal of all serpents in your own life dance from Earth so that they can be reprogrammed for the job that they originally were designed to do, and transported back to their dimension of origin. As the serpents in confusion leave, information shall cease to be divided and separated, and can be reconstituted in all ways lost over time. As information is reconstituted, Earth shall work her way up in vibration and become a star. There is no other way to ascend Earth beloved, and you as an aspect of Source of All and an ascending human have committed to this purpose.
We end this piece with a special blessing from the Lemurian ancestors that each ascending human is related to.
Om noni nanu manu nom. No anu nati nasu alo aka e.
"From the ONE and to the ONE we shall return again. In the heart of all creation lie the keys to the truth. Open the heart and the keys shall abound, and each shall return "home" again."
Om noni nanu manu nom. No anu nati nasu alo aka e.
Until our next communication,
Source of All