Easter Blessings from Source of All
Source of All through Karen Danrich "Mila" April 10, 2001
萬有之源透過Danrich "Mila"傳遞,日期:2001年4月10日
Translated by 流星似火
Dear Beloved Ascending Human,
It is our greatest wish to re-anchor the presence of Christ Consciousness upon Earth. It is for this purpose that Source of All has descended. Indeed, Mila is one aspect of myself, as is her beloved partner Oa. However, there are many other aspects of Source of All, 144,000 to be exact, that extended into form upon Earth in recent history to bring forth this awakening. Some aspects are contained within the nature kingdoms, some within the dolphins and whales, and some within human form. Each aspect carries an important key necessary to the whole of the awakening of Earth. As each aspect connects with yet other aspects of the Source of All, the keys are shared and the gates unlocked to a newfound state of remembrance.
For a very long time, many decades, the forces of the dark have prevailed to enough of an extent to block those aspects from Source of All from meeting and gathering together. However, the shifts occurring in the global ascension of Earth have cleansed enough darkness that those whom are direct aspects of Source of All can begin to find one another in the physical. The aspects indeed began to incarnate upon Earth in 1958, and continued to descend for such purposes through the year 1977. All 144,000 aspects are present upon Earth at this time and range in age from 24 to 43 years of age in human, dolphin or whale form.
Many reading this material will realize that you too are an aspect of Source of All that descended during this time period for a special mission. However, we also must state that such forms born related to the Source of All are not the only aspects that may unite for this mission. Indeed, Mila's beloved Oa was not originally an aspect of Source of All, but through his own mastery now anchors such an aspect within his form and field. All humans that choose the path of self-mastery to full consciousness shall unite with Source of All at a certain juncture of their evolution and shall join all others anchored from birth in a common dance and mission to ascend Earth.
There are few humans yet at a fully conscious vibration. There are many more dolphins and whales, and the dolphins whales and few humans at full consciousness are uniting as a unified force of light to trigger an awakening of mankind. This shift is to be anchored this Easter, and we see that as this comes to pass, a new era of awakening shall emerge in the decade ahead.
This emerging awakening is a blessing from Source of All. We have in our own experience and incarnations in human form come to understand the fear, terror, grief, loss and pain that is a part of the human dance in it's loss of consciousness. We have experienced this in over 18,000 human forms that have already united again with us and have shared their experiences from birth until present time. Such experiences are each vastly different as no culture was left out, and humans from all walks of life and all parts of the world were carefully chosen as Source of All descended to incarnate. This was so an overall understanding of the human dance by the Source of All could be gained as ascension came forth amongst the populace.
That which stands outside of time and space and lost contact with that which exists within your creation now understands the great pain and suffering that your creation has fallen into. It is from the great compassion and love for all of life that the blessings now flow to bring forth an end to the pain, and end to the suffering, and an end to the loss of consciousness within the human dance. We invite you to open your heart and receive these blessings now beloved. You are beloved to us. You are lost, but not forgotten. No creation is ever forgotten beloved. Some stray into manifestations so extreme to the right or left of Source of All that they cease to be able to connect or communicate with the whole from which such creations originally extended. Such is true about the creation of which Earth is a part.
All creations are related and all are interconnected. Those that stray too far off course impact all others and sometimes in a manner that causes distortion to prevail everywhere. This indeed is what has occurred outside of time and space due to the distortion your creation has fallen into. It is impacting all creations everywhere, and in a manner that all could be lost if this problem is not rectified. It is for this reason that this mission of which you are a part is of the utmost import, for if this goes unrectified, all could be lost.
Mila has felt deeply about this for many years. She in her reconnection with Source of All began to remember this grand truth, that if her mission failed, all could be lost everywhere. Such remembrance has fueled her through the toughest moments of self-mastery, moments in which she perceived she could die rather than ascend. Her knowing of the extreme import of the mission carried her through, allowing her to transcend the darkness that wished to keep her and this creation captive in the dark's seeming power.
The darkness is greater than the light in your creation. The darkness is so much greater than the light that the light seems barely to exist, and the dark seeks to extinguish any and all emerging light whenever possible. This form of extreme darkness has never been known anywhere else throughout any other creation within Source of All. However, it is the Source of All's desire to experience all things, and it is out of such a desire that this form of extreme darkness has come to express itself in time and space and form.
You, as an aspect of Source of All or an ascending human, hold the job of reversing this polarity, of embracing all darkness within and allowing the light to shine bright again upon Earth. In so doing, all shall be come to known about the darkness plaguing your creation, regardless of dimension, for all is holographic and all is interconnected. In the interconnection, whether you are human upon dimension 3, 5, 18, 25, or 1 million, you know whatever any other human knows upon any other dimension of your creation. It is for this reason that ascending in human form from Earth allows for the learning of all lessons of all dimensions within your creation that the human dance teaches.
And what does this mean exactly? This means that one need not ascend up the dimensions to return "home". One may choose to ascend back to Source of All upon completion of your mission upon Earth. Some may feel the deep calling to return home to Source of All again, and this indeed is what Mila feels. She chooses to return home, period. Oa chooses this also, and such a choice is not limited to those embodying aspects of me, it is open to any human that so wishes to make it so in their current life expression.
There is a myth within your creation. The myth is that one ascends to the next dimension of physical existence only to repeat the same dance and patterns seemingly transcended in the dimension below. This myth has caused souls to become trapped within your creation for eons of time, as they have forgotten that they could return "home" to where they originated from in the first place, which is the Source of All. This is a grand myth of the forces of the dark that wish to keep souls trapped, as such souls are ample sources of knowledge and chi that can sustain the dance of the dark forever.
The continued stripping of knowledge and chi from incarnating souls has empowered the dark to the extent that it has become empowered in the first place within your creation. As each whom is my representative or whom is choosing to ascend in human form chooses to retrieve all knowledge and chi ever given to the dark by your own ancestry, the dark shall cease to be empowered. As the dark ceases to be empowered, Earth shall ascend and in her ascension, shall provide the knowledge necessary to turn the tides within all creations overrun with darkness in a parallel manner. In due course, all creations shall awaken and ascend, returning to the ONE again, but in order to bring this forth, Earth must first succeed.
There are many false prophets at this time in human history. The dark is not dumb, they have foreseen the turning of the tides upon Earth and within your Great Central Sun for thousands of years as a new divine plan was anchored to reconstitute and ascend Earth. However, the knowledge that the dark holds is not their own truth, but rather the truth of the light or dragon forces. Lord and Lady Rama, your God and Goddesshead, when they originated your creation, divided themselves into light and dark forces, the light taking the shape of dragons the dark of serpents or snakes. The snakes, over time, learned to take the knowledge and chi of the dragons and veil themselves as dragons. However, one shall always know the intent of the soul based upon its behavior. It gives Source of All great pleasure to share with you the nature of serpent behavior in human form.
Serpent behavior takes chi, takes knowledge, and takes records and vampires the dragons of all life force and truth. For any dragon in human form, one is surrounded by thousands of snakes also incarnate in human form. As one ascends, one will become aware of those of the dark whom are used as vessels for the snakes to attempt to prevent one's ascension. Over time each ascending human, in dancing with the dark, shall learn to retrieve knowledge lost, release karma, and set new boundaries with those of the dark such that the dark cease to have any effect whatsoever over one's life expression and choice to ascend. It is in the retrieval of the lost knowledge, power and chi that the light or dragon forces shall re-empower themselves upon Earth again which shall make Earth's ascension possible.
The dark is cunning and has no compassion for anyone or anything. Nothing is sacred to the dark and anyone can be used to manipulate those of the light. Mila quickly learned that her own son, mother, father and ex were utilized by the dark to prevent her ascension. This lesson caused her to eventually separate from all of them and choose not to see any of them again, unless her son one day chooses to ascend. There is the possibility for this, her son's ascension, and Mila's ascension shall enable his in his teenage years and may bring about a reunion between them at that time.
This is a tough type of lesson. If Mila had continued to dance with her family, her ascension would not come forth. She chose ascension over family. It is dragon soul's nature to love, and love unconditionally. However, unconditional love does not mean one must sacrifice their truth or ascension for another, regardless of whom the other may be in one's life dance. Therefore, those of dragon nature and those from Source of All may find that they must separate from others whom are not choosing to ascend now, and allow them their own dance. Their dance too serves in the greater understanding and cleansing of karma upon Earth and enables Earth's ascension as a whole.
Nothing is ever lost throughout time and space. All family members shall come to understand the spiritual journey of ascension, if not in their own life, then through yours. Mila's father recently passed. He has united with her and come to understand that which she has come to understand over time in her own ascension. He chooses to ascend with Mila as her ancestor. And so it is with all ancestors of one's inheritance, whether they are present time relations or of the ancient past. Each has an opportunity to learn, grow and evolve through your choice to ascend beloved.
The false prophets shall try and control their following. Sometimes the control shall be subtle and may go unnoticed. However, the control of false prophets generally is run through the crown chakra. The crown of a false prophet is much like a giant octopus of snakes that connects to the crown of all others that they control, much like a Medusa in your Greek mythology. Such prophets control their following by stripping the following of their truth. Truth is held within the crown, akashic records and biological records of the form, particularly in the 7th and 5th chakra regions. In such regions the false prophets attack, stripping records, knowledge, and blocking one's connection through the crown to their soul. Often such prophets literally pull the soul from the form and sever the connection so that the form remains under the control of the prophet. One sign of such attacks is a headache and/or sore throat.
It is for this reason that grounding and anchoring source and your I AM presence is of such great import to ascending humans. (See the "Supporting the Form in Ascension" for a wonderful grounding meditation along with the "Meditation for Synthesis" for cleansing the field upon our web site.) As one grounds and reconnects with source following such manipulations, the karmic cause of such manipulations can be released in full allowing one to continue to ascend. There are many incarnate humans that hold serpent souls that are gifted at such manipulations. One will see such manipulations flowing through the work environment, the home environment, at the grocery store, in all industries, and in all circumstances. For serpents have run your world beloved. The more fame or fortune that the human has, the bigger the serpent incarnate. And so it has been upon your plane of reality for a very long time.
因為這個原因,對提升者而言,根植並錨定萬有之源及你的大我(I AM)是非常重要(請看“在提升中支持形體”來獲得美妙的根植冥想,和“合成冥想”來淨化場)。在這類操控之後,當你根植並重新和源頭相聯系,操控的業力起因可被完全釋放而使你繼續提升。有很多人持有大蛇的靈魂,他們對此類操控非常在行。你將看到這樣的操控在工作場所、家庭、百貨商場,在所有行業與所有情況中流行。這是因為大蛇已經掌控了你們的世界,至愛的人類。一個人擁有的名望或財富越多,投生的大蛇也就越大。你們的實相層,這樣的狀況已持續很長、很長時間。
Each ascending human calls unto them those serpents that have taken information, records or chi from one's ancestry over time. In each experience and encounter with the dark, one then has an opportunity to call back their records, call back their information, call back their chi, and in so doing, the dark is then disempowered. It shall be as all forces of the dark are disempowered that the light shall reign again upon Earth. As this is accomplished within the human dance through human ascension, the governance, wealth and resources of your world shall be redistributed evenly amongst all. And world peace, an end to hunger and poverty, an end to slavery, and an end to disease shall become a living breathing reality again for mankind and all kingdoms upon Earth.
The awakening of mankind shall bring a more gradual and gentle cycle of evolution upon Earth. More and more dragons are being reconstituted that had come to Earth long ago but had been compromised by the serpents in dominion. Sometimes such compromising of dragons included their complete shattering and dismantling and then stripping of all knowledge contained within. As each ascending human chooses to reconstitute the dragons incarnate once in their ancestors whom were shattered and stripped, the dragons shall gradually emerge as the reigning force upon Earth again and within mankind.
Those awakening must begin to understand that everything has been turned upside down and inside out in your creation. That which has been dark has been perceived as of the "light" when indeed they are not beloved. It was a great shock in Mila's early awakening to discover that the beings most worshipped by the current metaphysical movement were serpents in dragons clothing! The reason for the confusion is simply the nature of the dark to take information from the light, which causes them to be perceived as light when indeed they are not. As the information is retrieved by those dragon souls that it once originated with, in time such serpents in dragons clothing will not have enough information to continue to veil themselves, and they will be perceived as the serpent that they truly are.
Which brings us to our next point about false prophets. False prophets wish to have the following perceive them as having mastered, perceive them as perfect and superior and the following as inferior. Such is the nature of the masquerade of serpents pretending to be dragons, as serpents are not the light, nor is it their truth to carry the light. As close as a serpent can get to the concept of light is the concept of perfection. Perfection is not light, it is a form of judgment that inherent in it's truth is also non-perfection. There is no perfection in light, only truth, and truth is truth. Truth need not compare itself to anything, for it simply is! Truth is neither superior nor inferior, and allows all other truth in honor and equality.
False prophets often wish their following to believe that they hold "the one and only truth", that they "know it all". Sometimes such prophets express their knowledge in this manner through their own thinking, yet others channel entities that consider themselves "god/goddess" and know it all. No being of the light, no dragon will ever claim to know it all, nor will they claim themselves the ONE GOD. Dragons inherently know that there is only truth, and each dragon carries a unique truth in it's own core, and that all truths are important.
There is no ONE TRUTH only many truths that may unite to create a composite of truth that represents the consensus reality known as Earth. There is no ONE GOD, only many god/goddesses that came together emanating from the same source for the dance of life, learning and evolution. The fact is that truth and God/Goddess lies within, and each ascending human shall uncover and emerge into their own truth the closer that they approach the initiations to full consciousness in their respective evolution. No one outside of oneself will know what one's truth is, nor will truth or God Goddess ever be found outside of self or in someone else.