Now, back to the blessing. This blessing is for all who are willing to receive it. All in the dance of the awakening of earth are important to the Source of All One Sources. No one is to be denied this blessing. So let us begin by calling True Purpose and changing out the souls and guidance that may wish to interfere with the gift we are about to give. This is a gift of non-conditional love. In non-conditional love, one may give and receive without attachment, and without incurring karma.
In your current system, any act of giving must be in settlement for a debt or karmic act that another incurred in the past. This limits giving and receiving as there must always be a settlement, lest one create karma instead. This has made it difficult for Mila and Oa to even send gifts this Christmas to their families, as it would incur karma. This also is the root of karmic manipulation from our point of view. If you wish to give a gift and had not karma for it, what could one do other than manipulate karma to allow for the gift? If one wished to manifest something but had not the karma to allow for the experience, how could one manifest it otherwise without manipulation of karma? As non-conditional giving and receiving is re-anchored, karma need not be involved in the casting of one's dream, and one may create any dream that they so wish along with give and receive freely without penalty. The pattern of non-conditional giving and receiving had been lost and now has been re-anchored upon earth beloved.
Draw the non-conditional love that emanates from the Source of All One Sources into your field and form. Drink deeply as there is a longing that is so great, one may not even recognize how deeply one has been in need. Why is one in need? So much of the chi and love has been transferred elsewhere from earth and the human species by the serpent souls acting as creator that there has only been great lack. Now is the time to fill, first yourself, and then in opening your heart, allow all around oneself for as far as one can connect to also be filled. This shall trigger yet many that have yet to begin their journey to 1024 to ascend.
Now intend completion with conditional giving and receiving. Intend completion of all karma in this lifetime, and the ascent into the next dimension of earth. Intend the continued ascension to the One Source for yourself and your future ancestors. The homecoming has begun. Let us ring the New Years bells in joy!
What does the return of non-conditional love equate to? It is the return of the beloved. Long ago, earth lost her beloved. The beloved of earth was a soul that fractured breaking her heart and moving elsewhere in the Great Central Sun some 26 million years ago. It is the beloved of earth that has returned. For each receiving this blessing, your beloved has likewise now returned, the beloved within.
Who is the beloved within? It is the creator soul that desires to dance with a creator form. Human form was designed to be a creator upon whatever dimension one is incarnate. Creators dream the dream, and then live to experience the dream dreamt. This is what a creator is beloved, one whom dreams and then experiences the dream. Who dreams the dream? The creator soul dreams the dream of one's life and then experiences the dream in the dance of life through co-creation. Co-creation is a dance between beloved and form, or creator and form. Form also participates in the creation making alteration to the dream that brings the form joy. This is the time of the return of the beloved, the return of the creator to its creation.
Long ago, earth had a creator. The creator left. Why? It was assigned to another job in another sector of creation. Who assigned the creator of earth another job? An angel that was creator of your Great Central Sun, and in it's misunderstanding of it's own job assigned a serpent as creator of earth and sent the creator of earth into the position as overseer of angels in Sirius. Sirius as you know it also has many problems, and such problems is related to earth. Such problems began as the souls holding the key positions were miss-assigned, however such miss-assignments began above your creation long before it occurred in the dimensions that earth and Sirius are related. For your Great Central Sun had it's creator replaced with an angel soul by the Order Of Rize upon dimension 800 long ago. And who within the Order of Rize did such a thing? Another angel soul assigned as creator of the Order of Rize by the Creator of your Ovum upon dimension 4000. The problem goes up and up the dimensions beloved and to the very core of All That Is.
很久前地球擁有一個造物主。造物主離開了,為什麼?在創造物的另一部分被分配了另一份工作。誰為地球的造物主分配了另一份工作?是作為你們大中樞太陽造物主的一位天使,在它對自我工作的誤解中,將一位大蛇分配為地球的造物主,並將地球的造物主派去做天狼星的天使監護者。天狼星就如你所知也存在很多問題,這類問題與地球有關。這類問題從把持關鍵位置的靈魂被分配錯位而開始,而這樣的錯位在你們地球和天狼星相關造物之上的密度中很久前就開始了。因為你們大中樞太陽的造物主靈魂很久前由800密度以上的Rize團取代成一位天使靈魂。問題一再延伸到更高密度,至愛的人類,直到萬有一切(All That Is)的正中核心。
This change of True Purpose, which reassigns all souls to their appropriate positions based upon inherent knowledge from soul casting, begins at the bottom, and upon earth. However it shall ripple up the dimensions and in due course and short order, there shall be a reassignment of all souls within All That Is. This in and of itself shall allow All That Is to begin its journey of ascension HOME. This rippling affect of True Purpose up the dimensions is anticipated to take only 18 days in your time space upon earth. Why? Earth is a truth bearer, and as such broadcasts the truth. As the truth is remembered, all shall awaken remembering the truth and then take action to anchor the truth. Distortion always begins at the top and ripples down the dimensions. The rectification of all distortion always begins at the bottom and ripples up to the top. It is for this reason that earth's ascension is so pivotal to the whole of All That Is.
What does the beloved returning to earth mean? It is the return of the era of love to earth. For 24 million years, earth has known non-love. She has explored every form of rejection and abuse possible as a consensus reality in her dance of non-love. For many humans, your life experience and ancestral experience is not dissimilar to earth's experience. Humans too have explored all forms of non-love possible in the dance of life.
Honor and love are intertwined. One cannot remove love and retain honor. And so all species upon earth have known dishonor; dishonor from fellow species incarnate upon other dimensions above earth; dishonor from the human species that deems itself superior to nature; dishonor from the souls in governance of earth that did not know what they were supposed to due as the wrong souls had been assigned to each job within the consensus; a difficult journey, but one that allows for the learning of an important lesson.
What is the lesson earth is learning? Long ago I the Source of All One Sources thought "What happens if one separates life from consciousness?" It was this thought that lead to a miss casting of souls within the Tao that knew not True Law. It was the lawless souls that lead to a scrambling of job assignments in many creations that I hold. In the miss-assignment, the separation of consciousness and life has occurred.
地球所學到的課程是什麼?很久前,我,萬有之源(Source of All One Sources)心想,“如果將生命從意識中分離,將會發生什麼?”就是這個念頭,導致在道中錯誤鑄了造那些不知曉真實法則的靈魂。是那些不法的靈魂在我的眾多造物中導致了任務分配的混亂。而在錯誤分配中就產生了靈魂與生命的分離。
Why do I as creator think such a thought? Creators think a thought and then create a creation that allows them to experience their thought. Thought and dream are interrelated. First the thought occurs, and then the dream is woven to allow the thought to be dreamt. Then the dream dreamt is experienced. Sometimes one cannot understand all problems within a dream until they have been experienced or dreamt. Earth and your All That Is is an example of unsuspected problems between dream dreamt and dream experienced. However it is in the unexpected problems that Tao and soul learn the most, and therefore are always an anticipated part of the dance. It is also a necessary part of the dance of evolution of the Tao.
為什麼作為一個造物主的我有這樣的念頭?造物主考慮一個思想,然後創造一個造物允許自我體驗這個思想。思想和夢想相互關聯。想法首先產生,然後編織夢想來允許夢境中夢見想法,然後所夢的夢境被體驗。有時候你無法理解夢中的所有問題,直到它們全被體驗或夢見為止。地球和你們的萬有一切(All That Is)是在夢境之夢和體驗之夢間一個未被懷疑之問題的例子。然而就是意料外的問題會讓道和靈魂學得最多,從而也總是舞蹈中最令人期待的部分。這也是道進化舞蹈中的必要部分。
How does separation of life and consciousness occur upon earth? Humans at 2 strands of DNA are by and large soulless living machines, as is each species in the consensus known as earth. How many behavior choices does an average animal have? Most animals sleep, eat, bathe, and procreate. Some migrate from here to there or there to here. How much joy does such a dance bring soul beloved? None. And what about plants and minerals? They have even fewer behavioral choices than animals. Soul therefore retracts in boredom and sits outside the form dancing with form as a puppet, but not incarnating in full and experiencing the dance from the inside out. This is a form of separation of consciousness and life and it pervades all dances upon earth, plant, animal, mineral, human, dolphin and whale. As soul retracts, soul must build energetic machines to run the form. Separating consciousness and life causes mechanization and boredom.
Mechanization leads to non-joy and non-love. It is soul that holds joy and infuses the life with love. Without soul inside of form, there is only loveless and joyless monotony. In reviewing human records, we see that in one's youth, one may feel joy. In college, perhaps it seems as though limitless possibility lies ahead. By middle age and after working for long hours at a job one hates and/or raising children, one understands monotony, as all seeming dreams that one once held failed to come to fruition from one's youth.
This is not so for all, but for most, as the dream-come-true experience is limited to a small number holding all fame and fortune global wide. Even those of fame or fortune often experience the monotony nonetheless at a certain point in the life dance, and find that their achievements bring them not joy. Furthermore there are many that experience great strife in childhood of extreme poverty or starvation that counterbalances the extreme wealth of those limited in number of great fame and fortune. Such starvation and limitation causes great pain in the dance of life of the human species. Yet others may know success followed by disease that cripples them end the end. Yet others are born crippled or diseased. This too causes great pain in the human dance.
What brings form joy? The beloved or one's soul anchors joy into the form. As the beloved returns, joy can return and monotony becomes an experience of the past. Why do humans create drama and trauma? They create the drama and trauma out of the boredom of monotony! Is this not why the recent incident over New York was created? To take the masses out of monotony, and to allow the dance of dominion of world powers an excuse to war? Why do they war? Out of boredom in their positions of power. Even being a world leader that is powerful after a time is boring without soul.
What shall occur as the love returns to the human dance? Fulfillment from within shall return in all human experiences. As one is fulfilled from within, there is no need to create drama and trauma to ease the boredom. There is no boredom in fulfillment, and the two are indeed opposing polarities of expression. This shall be so both upon an individual level as well as a global scale as human's en mass ascend. Then and only then there can be peace, peace that comes from within through fulfillment, and peace without or world peace will follow. This is only a short 8-year time-span away beloved; lasting world peace and a new era to unfold of joy, love and unity of all species upon earth.
It is soul that dreams the dream. As soul enters even those lives of great poverty and starvation or disease, a new dream can be woven for such humans. The new dream shall allow them to find the modality to take the life from starvation or disease to fulfillment; not only fulfillment of the food or health necessary to sustain the life, but also fulfillment of purpose. As all humans are fulfilled, there will be no need for one to war upon another in any manner, not even verbal abuse.
This truly is the true meaning of the return of Christ Consciousness to earth, the return of unconditional and unending love that first comes from within, and then is extended outwards towards all others; compassion in action in other terms. This is the first Christmas beloved, where the true meaning of Christ Consciousness can now come to fruition; it is the birth of Christ fulfilled upon. Regardless of the religion of which one has been raised, let us celebrate this Christmas.
Interestingly enough and given the spiritual beliefs of the Polynesian Race, in Hawaii Christmas is embraced whole-heartedly. The Red Race remembers the love, and the land of Aloha vibrates as the center of the heart of earth. Perhaps this is why they resonate deeply with the teachings of compassion-in-action of the Christian religion. Each center of earth has produced a different type of religion reflecting the truth recorded upon the land in times past. All religions have seeds of truth that can be drawn upon in ascension.
足夠有趣的是,作為波利尼亞種族的靈性信仰,聖誕節卻在夏威夷被全身心地擁抱。紅族人(Red Race)記得愛,Aloha(譯注:夏威夷人的熱情問候語,引申為夏威夷人,與夏威夷文化)土地作為地球心髒中心而振動,也許這就是為什麼他們與基督教的同情教導深深共鳴的原因。地球的每個脈輪中心已經制造了不同類型的宗教,借此反映過去記錄在大地中的真相。所有的宗教均擁有可在提升中使用的真相種子。
For Western Christianity, it is the remembrance of love and compassion-in-action. For Buddhism, it is the remembrance of the inner God Goddess and the journey within. For Hinduism it, it is the remembrance of the order of creation or True Purpose. For Muslimism, it is the remembrance of True Law in action. For the Native American, it is the remembrance of the import of the connection to the Earth Mother and all species therein. For Judaism, is it the remembrance of honor; honor of one another in the dance of life. For indigenous peoples, it is the remembrance of the connection to all other kingdoms upon earth and the god goddess and wisdom therein.
Perhaps it is time for the seeds of truth within all religions to emerge into the wholeness of a new truth for the human species; a truth that no longer segregates one from another for any reason; a truth that embraces each human for the God Goddess and creator that one is; a truth that honors each in the dance of life; a truth that honors all other species as fellow creators and god goddess in form; a truth that allows for evolution, evolution of the individual and evolution of the whole of earth; a truth that ultimately stands upon a foundation of non-conditional love. This is the beginning of a new truth that shall emerge in the coming decade for not only humanity, but also for all species upon earth. May this truth founded upon non-conditional love be fulfilled upon and come to be so.
Let us make it so, HO!
Let us make it so, HO!
From your Lemurian ancestors:
Om nanu nomi nani no'o. No'o ola oola uu. Oh h'omi anu oni ah.
"The time for love is upon you. Open the chalice and allow the love to flow. Open the arms and receive the beloved, the beloved within."
音:Om nanu nomi nani no'o. No'o ola oola uu. Oh h'omi anu oni ah.
Until our next communication,
The Source of All One Sources
The Source of All One Sources