Blessings for Self Healing through the Love of the Tao
The Dolphins and Whales through Karen Danrich Mila September 5, 2007
海豚鯨魚通過Mila傳遞 2007年9月5日
Translated by 浮生
Dear Beloved Ascending Human,
It is the dolphins and whales that greet you today. We have much to say to our ascending brothers and sisters of the land. There are many changes underway today in the Earth Mother global ascension. Terra (earth consciousness) is in the process of anchoring the heart of the Tao in her aurora. The Heart of the Tao is an aspect of all that sits outside of time and space and form that emanates ongoing everlasting non-ending enduring love. It is love that is required at this time not only by Terra to begin her process of self healing from the toxic mess that humanity has caused, but also for each kingdom to fulfill upon the map of ascension ahead.
Love heals all wounds. Love in the Tao is the force that illuminates the distortion so that it can be corrected propelling creations into cycles of self healing so that each may return home to where all was originally cast from. All consciousness was originally cast by the Tao. Within each blueprint cast within the Tao is the recollection of home coming. This creation known as earth and all that sits in this region of domain along with what remains inside the Great Central Sun failed to return home. Somehow it was all cast without a blueprint for homecoming, or in other terms forces that wished to use this region of domain for something else erased the remembrance of home coming. For 12 cycles, creation after creation here has gone extinct in this region of domain as a result rather than returning home to the Tao.
Three cycles ago, humans extended into this the Great Central Sun to understand what was wrong and why parts of it was failing to go home. Humans were not happy with the stark landscapes of the time, and so began to cast other kingdoms to help hold the energy flow for a return journey home. Humans have vast recollection of many things within the Tao as they are the only consciousness that hosts records from all other 150 contraction cycles that have ever occurred since human consciousness was invented. Humans reached back in time 75 contraction cycles ago, and recalled another time when consensus realities existed in which there were many kingdoms doing various jobs to sustain and support the life of the whole and ultimately to ascend the creation home. Humans recalled the tree and plant kingdoms, the mineral kingdoms and the animal kingdoms along with all water kingdoms. In their recollection, they began to cast life upon barren planets that could sustain life inside the Great Central Sun. This is how our shape as Dolphin and Whale came to be.
These are new records are from the memories of the Great Central Sun that Terra is beginning to access due to partially entering the new dream at this time in her global ascent. At this time, about 30% of Terra has crossed into the new dream; mostly this includes the inner earth and certain pristine regions upon the surface including most oceans and mountainous regions global wide, except those too close to the density of humanity. As Terra entered the new dream in part, she began to recall records of when she existed within the Sun herself, as well as records of other creations long gone extinct having traversed the same path as herself, but in another cycle in the Tao. The memories include nine long Tao cycles with no human, dolphin or whale populations to assist any creation in a return cycle; and then in the tenth cycle suddenly human form appeared. Humans were fully conscious above a level of understanding of full consciousness since this cycle. Humans could go wherever they wished within the Great Central Sun through will and intention; and visited all regions that sustained a planetary formation similar to your solar system today.
Humans discovered eighteen planets revolving around a central sun that emanated a light that surrounded each in photonic energy flow. All was contained within the dream of the central sun. Each of the eighteen planets was very different from one another; much like the planets of your solar system that vary in color, size, shape, vibrations held and orbit around the sun, so this was so for the eighteen planets that each had their own obit. Some were closer to the sun than others. Generally speaking it is those planets closest to the sun that did not fall as far as Terra; it is those planets furthest away from the sun that fell over time until they exited the dream of the sun and then went extinct; those planets closer to the sun tended to return home?with the sun to the Tao each cycle.
In the cycle that humans first arrived, they were intrigued most by two of the eighteen planets that held a particular kind of dream that humans recalled from other cycles of creation within the Tao. Each of these planets were much like Terra today. What was unique about these two particular planets is that they held a dream that is much like the holographic deck?of the television series Star Trek? Anything humans thought would instantly manifest in front of their eyes upon these two planets. And so humans began to manifest other kingdoms to fulfill upon variant energy flow that would help and sustain a return journey home of the whole. One of the planets was far from the sun in orbit, being in the seventeenth layer. This planet eventually descended in vibration and exited the Great Central Sun dream three cycles ago, and fell to extinction carrying human life upon it. This was the first experience of extinction ever in the human hologram and experience of the Tao.
Humans had so much fun manifesting all the variant animals, plants, flowers, birds, fruits, trees, water life such as dolphins and whales along with mineral life that they over did it.. What do we mean by this? Humans cast so many life forms with their own fabric and awareness that they began to fall in consciousness themselves. So much human consciousness moved outside of human form and into other life forms that now humans fell in awareness. This is the original fall?of mankind within the Great Central Sun, and due to becoming overly zealous in the creating of other life forms.
Why did humans do this? Humans were lonely inside the Great Central Sun Dream and also bored. The Great Central Sun dream is a very simplistic dream that does not have all the complicated movements of energy flow or dances between creators that humans had known in the Tao, and so they created something interesting to witness by causing life outside of themselves to observe. All life in this time period was fully conscious and aware, but not as aware as the humans who cast them, as the one who casts is the creator and that which is casted is the creation. The creator will always have more awareness than its creation.
Now we confess as a species that it is difficult to believe that humans cast dolphins and whales, as in your current state you are far less aware in many respects than our own species that has retained enough consciousness to recall that it is time to go home. Perhaps this speaks to the fact that humans have fallen into a state beneath the very creation that they cast long ago and within the Great Central Sun dream. However in falling out of the Sun’s dream, all fell into a non-dream which inverts existence into its opposite; and so humans have forgotten that they were the creator and in so doing, have fallen subject to feeling victim to circumstance rather than recalling the truth and simply choosing to alter the creation through intention. This too is our lesson, as we too created life within the sea mimicking humans creating life upon the land.
Inside the Great Central Sun, dolphins and whales were cast by humans to reside in the vast waterways upon all planets like Terra. Dolphins and whales then went on to cast all ocean life just like humans had cast us and all land based life. Humans cast dolphins and whales with casting capacity and in the greater understanding that they did not live in the waterways and so would not know what would be required to allow these regions of domain to also evolve. So they cast a part of themselves in their own likeness for the task in dolphin and whale form. Perhaps this speaks to how closely dolphin-whale-human consciousness is associated, and why there is a deep resonance between our kingdoms in spite of all the difficulties at this current time upon earth and in our attempt to ascend.
Dolphins and whales inside the Great Central Sun also became enamored with casting various life forms in the sea, much as humans became enamored with casting all the life upon the land. We too over did it and cast so many species of colorful reef fish, shell life, coral, sea plants and schools of fish that we also fell in consciousness in this time period. In so doing, just like humans upon the land, we too lost our way and became trapped in the Great Central Sun Dream. We also fell to extinction with planets in the outer orbit of the Sun that fell outside her dream in the past two Tao cycles.
It was not the human based Tao goal to become trapped, but to cause a return journey to the Tao for all parts of the Great Central Sun in a single cycle. In casting too many other kingdoms, we lost enough consciousness to fail to be able to return in full home to the Tao in three cycles ago. Once human consciousness became trapped inside the Great Central Sun, it became a part of the casting of the dream in the next two cycles to follow. Humans dolphins and whales alike were unable to go home, and those that exited the dream of the Sun altogether went extinct.
Humans and all that humans have cast had never gone extinct in any other contraction cycle in the Tao. All humans and all consciousness humans had cast always recalled enough to return home?at the end of any cycle in any other Tao based experience. This is the first time human consciousness has fallen so far that it not only fails to go home, but consumes one another and other kingdoms to continue to exist. Consume anything and you will insure that you too will be consumed; and in the consumption even more consciousness is lost until a point of no return; or extinction. Extinction is the saddest outcome of life ever experienced in the human hologram of the Tao. Why is extinction so sad? Extinction is filled with tales of pain and suffering, pain and suffering, pain and suffering, or the sourest of sour dreams possible to be dreamt by any creator.
Mila recalls gathering up deceased human holograms throughout this region of domain left behind by creations like Terra that have gone extinct the past 3 cycles. All she could do as she opened the archives of such holograms was cry and cry and cry; so sad were the tales and so dense was the suffering that the pain had actually imploded the human holographic planes into black holes. As the black holes were resurrected and reconstituted into a holographic plane again, the records could be recovered and multidimensional ancestors can now choose to return home with Terra and with each kingdom if they are related to this Great Central Sun in origins.
Why does Mila and many reading the SSOA web site along with many of the map carving dolphins and whales recall to return home to the Tao?this cycle when most other humans have forgotten? Humans in the human hologram of the Tao realized that nothing has returned in the past two cycles and that all must be lost; and so more human consciousness was cast to enter this region of domain in this cycle in an attempt to foster the home coming that failed to occur in the prior two cycles. This is why perhaps the map for ascension is succeeding at this time when it failed in prior cycles in this region of domain; as there is enough information coming from the human hologram in the Tao to foster the changes necessary to create the map.
Up until the connection to the human hologram in the Tao, ascension was appearing increasingly bleak and impossible to fulfill upon. Something in Mila pressed her to recover a distant memory she had been cast with; and this created the earliest connection to the Tao. Since this time, Mila introduced the map carvers in her school and in the dolphin and whale species to this connection, and we have established connections of our own that foster each path directly in the guidance of the Tao. All guidance comes from a core or central point in the Tao that is involved with lost creations. In so being, information attained in other lost creations also map carving a journey home can be shared, and often there are patterns here and there that match. It only requires one solution to any dilemma and then all sharing the same dilemma can begin to self heal.
It is love that allows for self healing. Love is the force in the Tao that retains all creators and creations on their path, learning the spiritual lessons necessary to the experience that one has cast, and then driving each creator and creation home to the Tao?again. As all go home, all enters a nonphysical consciousness that then unites within the Tao. All lessons are shared with the greater consciousness of the Tao that we are all a part of; and then the next expansion cycle and all experiences to be created next are planned for. There is no end to creations or an end to the experiences possible; and it is a delicious and expansive experience to dance as a creator and in ones own creation within the Tao.
Something occurred twenty five Tao cycles ago however that has led to what is occurring upon earth and this region of domain that is falling to extinction. Twenty five cycles ago, creators were allowed to cast other creators, much like humans that cast dolphins and whales who went on to cast other sea creatures inside the Great Central Sun Dream. Creators enjoyed casting creators so greatly that they also became lost. Some creations were left behind in this cycle and never were fully recovered in the cycles that followed. Each cycle to follow more and more creators cast more creators and became lost for parallel circumstance. In the past twelve cycles, even a worse fate however has occurred than simply creators becoming lost due to creating too many creators; creators fell into consuming other creations to continue to exist for they had fallen into such distortion that they could no longer sustain their own creations with the chi generated through them. This is how consumption began, and it is as consumption occurred that the greatest crime? perhaps of all time has ever occurred within the Tao.
Creations were never designed to be consumed. Creators create creations for the pleasure of the experience, and for the lessons to be understood and gained, and then when all lessons are learned, the creation is disbanded by the creator and the creator and creation return home to the Tao. Alas, creators that were lost began to take a part other creators to sustain their own creations and before the cycle was complete. The creators losing parts of their creations did not understand what was occurring. They knew that their creations were going into vast distortion, but why? Whatever was occurring was so outside the thought-form of the Tao that it could not be perceived.
One can liken perception to indigenous peoples this past cycle who were visited by other folk in large boats with sails. The indigenous peoples did not even perceive the boat as it was outside their thought form that such a vessel could even exist. So this is so for thought-form in the Tao. If some occurrence transpires that is so far outside the belief system of the Tao, it cannot be perceived, and therefore carries on until enough is understood that the distortion can then be perceived and cleared.
Consumption is not something that has ever occurred in the Tao up until the past twelve cycles. There has always been enough and so why would any creator require taking another creators creation? Within the Tao, the Tao provides for all from a vast reservoir of information, energy flow, ,keys, tones of creation and other attributes necessary to creators in the act of creation. If everything is available, nothing is required from another, and so consumption does not occur. Over time however and with so many creators failing to return home? there was a vast array of creations and creators who were lost. These creations and creators also went unperceived because the concept of becoming so lost is also not a thought-form either within the Tao. Therefore the Tao and all creators failed to perceive that which had been lost and left behind over time. That which was forgotten and lost ran out of resources and began to consume other creations to sustain their creations.
How and why can this be so? You can like thought-form to a particular band width of perception. If the thought-form goes so sour and distorted that is no longer resembles any of the thought-form of the Tao, that which exists within the sour thought-form falls off the map of that which is related unto the Tao; or in other terms falls outside of the Taos dream for creators and creations alike. This is what has occurred over time, creators went so sour in their thought-form that they ceased to participate in the Taos dream, and as such failed to return home and went unacknowledged as they were unperceived. Such creators also went so sour that they manifest a sour dream of consuming other creations and themselves to continue to exist.
This is not to say that the Tao has not been looking for the lost parts of self; as it has been known in the past 24 cycles that there was an increasing number of attributes of creations that had failed to return home at each end of cycle time period. Each expansion cycle included the intention to gather up what had been left behind. However instead of gathering up what was left, instead more became lost. This has recurred so many cycles now that it threatens the existence of the Tao altogether as an evolving consciousness.