"I have not the funds for such a journey." This Mila and Oa hear all of the time. We invite those who have funds to make donations so that others who have not funds can attend. We offer to those who have not funds to intend a donation, and write to Oa accordingly. However do not write if in reality you are capable of manifesting the journey but are simply seeking a handout. The donor will settle karma with the recipient, and this allows for all to ascend. However such donations are not for those perfectly capable of creating their own means in another manner.
One may also ask Earth for support in manifesting the funds necessary for the travel. Earth will support any dream that supports her dream. Furthermore, those failing to fulfill upon World Service Agreements will be blocked from manifesting one's own dream in karmic compensation. Therefore if one is feeling unfulfilled with the dream that one may be intending, perhaps it would be wise to see if one has failed to fulfill upon world service agreements, and if Earth is actually blocking one's dream from manifestation as a result.
Why would Earth do such a thing? In reality, Earth does not do such a thing; Earth relates to all species in balanced giving and receiving. When one fails to give to Earth, one deprives oneself; stated in other terms, depriving Earth is like intending deprivation for oneself and this is the dream that one receives therefore in return. Give unto Earth and one will receive amply for one's own needs and requirements.
Why is this so? Earth is your universe. The new dreamtime launched now manages all human dreams. (See "New Dreamtime for Earth is Launched" within he Great Central Sun Transmissions.) This dreamtime is non-personal. One receives equal to what one gives. Give nothing and one will receive nothing. Humans are a conscious and sentient species that exists in service and support the whole. If one fails to support the consensus reality that one is apart, or in other terms Earth, one will fail to be supported in like kind.
5 billion humans are rising into the vibration from 1024 to 2200 in the near future. This is known as the third consensus. There are three consensuses upon Earth at this time and three concurrent but separate dreamtimes. There is the old consensus, which is comprised of those humans and souls sitting under 1024 strands of DNA. There is the new consensus, which is now comprised of humans sitting from2200 to 15,000 strands of DNA. The bottom tier of this consensus has recently been removed and added to the third consensus. The third consensus holds humans who are ascending from 1024 to 2200 strands of DNA, and 5 billion are anticipated to enter this tier in the coming 8 months, while 2 billion have already attained this goal.
There are three distinct and separate dreamtimes associated with the old, new and third consensus. The old consensus experiences a dreamtime much like comic strips or cartoons. This is second dimensional dreamtime and thought-form. Humans at 2 strands have fallen into second dimensional thought-form. Second dimensional thought-form is constructed with straight lines rather than rotational energy, which can be clearly seen through the experience of "attachment" in which humans cord one another. Humans with extensive cording of the etheric body of such a great degree that one looks like a fly wrapped up in a spiders web; this is how humans at 2 strands appear in the etheric to the Tao. The ascent from 2 strands to 1024 lifts enough of this form of attachment that one is no longer cocooned in the cords of others. One's field also ascends out of the colors of black, gray, brown, mucous yellow and mucous green in color.
Often the weird dreams humans recall upon awakening are directly related to second dimensional thought-form dreamtime. Such thought-form is mimicked in human cartoons and comic strips, is flat and non-real to strange in nature. Those remaining in the old consensus will continue to experience such dreamtime until they either ascend beyond it, or are cleansed through death. Those entering the third consensus along with new consensus need not experience strange second dimensional dreamtime any longer, and one may choose to separate therefore through conscious intent before falling asleep at night, eliminating the experience of nightmares.
The third consensus is constructed of those humans from 1800 to 2200 strands who vibrate in the primary tones of red, yellow, green, blue, orange, fuchsia pink, purple and magenta in the etheric. The third consensus now has a dreamtime of its own that has just been established. This dreamtime has 18 themes that are playing out in a sequential and rotational manner. Each experiencing this dreamtime is anticipated to experience each of the 18 themes for the purposes of karmic release from the period of the last fall of Atlantis some 10,000 to 15,000 years ago (40,000 to 60,000 human years). These themes are related to the 18 thought-forms were explored in the Great Central Sun Transmission "A New Divine Plan for Earth and Humanity is Launched". The Tao recommends that ascending initiates read all of the Great Central Sun Transmissions for the insights shared and information explored.
第三一致實相由那些1800到2200股DNA的人構造而成,他們在以太層中以基礎音調(primary tones,以三原色為主)而振動:即紅、黃、綠、藍、橘、粉紅、紫和紅紫色。第三一致實相現在擁有一個剛被建立的夢想層。該夢想層有18種連續旋轉的主題。每個經歷該夢想層者,為了自約10000到15000年前(4萬到6萬人類年)亞特蘭蒂斯最後一次下降時期業力釋放的目的,預期將體驗18種主題中的每一個。這些主題與18種思想形態相關,它們在大中樞太陽傳遞“一個關于地球和人類的新神性計劃被啟動”中被探究。道推薦提升者閱讀大中樞太陽的所有傳授文章,來分享所有洞見和所探究的信息(譯注:這18個主題主要是與Anu-奴隸族相關的思想形態模式)。
Those in the third consensus of primary tones will find a new broadcast of information and dramas dreamt at night and while asleep that shall trigger these 18 thought-forms for the purposes of clearing the karma that is related. These 18 thought-forms include slavery, manipulation, control, secrecy, privacy, exclusivity, dominion, usury, dogma, arrogance, fantasy, blind trust, faith, hope, perfection, external god goddess and pride. Such thought-form was the foundation of the Atlantean civilization, which crumbled leading to another nuclear holocaust great enough to create a fall in genetic materials thereafter. Such karma must be released in full before any initiate can move beyond this level of ascent and into the new consensus.
The third consensus includes two tiers at this time of synthesized primary tones of creation, one tier from 1024 to 1800, and another from 1800 to 2200 strands of DNA. Those ascending into the third consensus number 5 billion who are anticipated to join this tier in the coming 8-month cycle. 2 billion out of this group has already accomplished this goal. As this occurs and all are presented, 5 billion humans out of the 12 billion currently incarnate upon the surface of the Earth, which is slightly less than one half, shall cause a change in the direction for all of mankind in the coming decade.
Why would the ascent of 5 billion to 1024 alter human civilization? In the ascent to 1024, one integrates one half of one's parallel plane lives. In so doing, one integrates extreme polarity and dogma, and embraces oneself in equality to all others to a greater degree than before one's ascent began. In so doing, one no longer views others as "all important" and oneself as "all unimportant", or oneself as "all important" and all others "all unimportant", but approaches others from a newfound foundation of equality. This shift in 5 billion will cause a shift in power for all of mankind, causing the current form of leadership based upon dominion and absolute power to crumble.
Your current human paradigm is constructed upon extremes, i.e., many humans who will worship and give their power unto those few in charge or in leadership roles, whether such leadership is media based, governmental based, movie stars, athletes, a part of a monarchy, or the CEO of a corporation. As humans ascend to 1024 strands, they will no longer give current human leadership their power or chi. This will lead to a reshuffling of human power as the current leadership folds birthing a new leadership ahead. It will also call for a greater re-shuffling of economics such that there is greater equity and sharing amongst all nations global wide.
Such changes are not occurring just because of the few ascensions of those like Mila and Oa to full consciousness. Human mass consciousness determines human destiny. Human mass ascension changes the destiny from one of extinction to one of evolution; evolution for each human and evolution of human civilization. The awakening that so many in the metaphysical movement have predicted can now be born as a result of this mass ascent that is about to be fulfilled upon.
Up until a short time ago, the genetic materials necessary to bring forth this mass human ascension failed. The forces of the dark simply confiscated the information and no baseline of ascension could be born. Over time Earth took charge of the elements, which are air, water, fire and earth, commanding the elemental realms to deliver the genetic materials from inside of the molecular structure of each human. As a result, humans had the genetic information necessary to ascend. This has successfully launched a mass human ascent to 1024.
Out of the 5 billion to ascend to the baseline of 1024, 1.5 billion are anticipated to ascend to 3000 strands as map followers. This will begin in July of 2002 amongst those who are ready for the next wave of ascension. Out of the 1.5 billion to ascend to 3000, less than 1% is anticipated to ascend on to 6000 or Bodhisattva level evolution. However these 150,000 or so individuals who will attain Bodhisattva are perceived as enough in number to birth a new form of leadership for the human expression founded upon compassion in the years ahead.
It remains to be seen how such compassionate humans will be embraced by the masses into the future. It is anticipated by Earth that the masses will reach a place of desiring leadership founded upon equality due to their own ascent to a baseline of 1024. As this mass ascension of mankind comes more fully into the physical by 2008, there will be a new wave of humans that can fulfill upon the role of compassion based leadership due to their own mastery of Bodhisattva level evolution, and the masses will be ready to receive such leadership at such a time.
Those ascending as map makers now in the new consensus shall augment this shift by holding space for a gentler transition out of the paradigm of dogma and slavery and into the new paradigm of greater equality and equity for all upon Earth. However in order for the new consensus to fulfill upon this role, the new consensus of humans must more greatly unite for common purpose.
At this time the new consensus holds those embracing the Language of Light unity based thought-form as a foundation to live by. Such thought-form is reflected in the field, which becomes pastel in color. Such colors are represented in the first 10 notes of the Language of Light and are pink, lavender, turquoise, peach, silver, pale yellow, pale pink, pale lavender, and golden white in color. (See "Language of Light" for more information.) It is through the new consensus that the Tao is merging at this time to direct the future of mankind.
The new consensus holds roughly 8000 humans upon the surface of the Earth, 200,000 dolphins and whales, 90,000 inner earth humans, and all other species upon Earth except those destined for extinction. (See "Mastering One's Own Destiny" in the Dolphin and Whale Transmissions for more information on species destined for extinction.) There is a strong new consensus to direct the ascent of Earth. It is made up of a sum total of more than 80% of Earth's incarnating body of species. Therefore the ascent of Earth shall come forth and is more greatly assured now than ever. Earth has developed a strong will to ascend; this too is fueling some large changes in Earth's energy flow.
One can say now that Earth has ended her period of out breath, and the time between the out breath and in breath, and now is proceeding with her in-breath or ascension in full. So this is also so for the entire new consensus that is multidimensional in nature. Your creation is going home beloved.
Humans therefore are indeed destined to either ascend or be cleansed. The future ahead for humanity is not assured. The cleansing is assured, but the nature of the cleansing, be it extremely difficult or gentler in nature, has yet to be determined. It is up to ascending humans to pull together now and change the course of the future so that a gentler shift to another manner of relating may come to fruition for the human species at large.
Each in the new consensus is having a period of recasting with the consciousness of the Tao at this time. One may recall the presence of the Tao for such a purpose in one's dreamtime at night. The Tao is anchoring large forces of surgeons and support for ascending humans. One may call upon such surgeons, but only if one has entered the new consensus and sustains oneself above 2200 strands of DNA in vibration. For those under this level, one may call upon the Earth mother along with the nature kingdoms until one may transit 2200 in initiatory level.
Up until now, Earth, solar and universal counsels have found human ascension to be so wrought with problems that there were not enough souls available to properly monitor the dance. This has lead to ongoing problems with the forces of the dark invading the new consensus and trying to command a world war into the human reality. It is for this reason that the Tao is now taking command of human ascension and the monitoring of all initiations above 2200 strands global wide. This command includes the peoples of the inner earth that have different initiatory levels that each may ascend into per the recent rulings of solar and universal counsels. (See "Solar and Universal Counsels Take Charge of Human Ascension" within the Great Central Sun Transmissions for more information.)
Many may find that they contributed to recent problems. Such is not entirely any one initiate's fault, as there have been many manipulations by forces that Earth has completed with, but refused to leave Earth when requested. Earth has determined to push such forces out the second dimension and out of all star gates as she lifts beyond the vibrational threshold that such forces exist within. Such forces are, generally speaking, black, brown, gray, mucous yellow or mucous green in color, but veil themselves with electrical energy that mimics other tones of creation that may even appear pastel in color. However such colors are opaque and one cannot see through them; any being that presents itself as pastel but is opaque, the Tao advises initiates to intend to "lift all veils". In lifting the electrical flow and veil, one will see more clearly what such guidance may or may not be. If after the veils are lifted, one sees black, gray, brown, mucous yellow or mucous green, one will know that one is dealing with a force of the dark.
Such forces are being united into a tapestry that is second dimensional at this time through the thought-form of Earth and the presence of the Tao. Therefore such forces have a place upon Earth, and are destined to cleansing in the weaving of a tapestry known as the old consensus. Most of the trouble with forces manipulating the new consensus comes from serpents or dark entities that are running free and loose. All nonphysical beings should be woven into one of three tapestries at this time, the old consensus tapestry of dark tones of creation, the third consensus of primary tones, or the new consensus or pastel tones. Therefore if one discovers forces manipulating one's ascent, ask Earth to weave them into the appropriate tapestry for their vibratory rate. In so doing, such forces will not be free and loose to run amuck and manipulate one's field.
The recasting of those in new consensus is revealing many things. For one most initiates have schismed over a portion of one's ascent. Such schisms are being pushed into one's life dance at this time to be integrated. If one is having a particularly difficult time in the moment, understand that the returning schism may be the cause. Any schism will be a combination of karma, fractured bits of soul along with other entities related to the ancestral experience, plus one's ancestors themselves. A psychic guardian may also be present in the field. Such a guardian requires one to release karma before any other information may be integrated. This may give one a headache as the guardian spirals the crown chakra closed until the karma is addressed and released. As one attends to the karma, the guardian will leave, the crown will open and the headache ceases.
Most initiates have schismed over key pieces of karma surrounding a particular dance associated with one's main arrogance. Each initiate has a problem chakra region, and an arrogant set of behavior patterning that accompanies it. Mila wrote extensively about the seven main arrogances, illusions and seductions in a series of articles in "Ascension Transmissions II". There is also a second set of arrogances that are related to embodying Bodhisattva level evolution in a recent Great Central Sun Transmission "Changes in Ascension and Transcending Group Arrogances". Generally speaking in the recasting to date, most initiates have schismed over one to six pieces of karma related to one's main or subsidiary arrogance.
Arrogances are genetic patterns and predispositions. Such is one's nature in a dogmatic sense prior to initiation 1024, or the dogmatic nature of one's persona. After 1024, one addresses such arrogances from the thought-form of the slave race incubated by the Annanuki, and this is related to the 18 thought-forms spoken of above and now playing in the third consensus dreamtime. Such thought-form is more fully transcended by 3000 strands and is related to one's main arrogance. After 3000 strands and in the ascent to Bodhisattva, one is working on group arrogances above and beyond individual issues and one's main arrogance. Such group arrogances are related how one relates in group circumstances, whether the group be one's family, the company that employees oneself, the school one is attending (spiritual workshops included), along with any other association including athletic clubs, business clubs, rotary clubs, and so on.
傲慢態度是遺傳基因模式及預設的。這是你提升到1024股之前的教條本性或角色的教條性質。在1024股之後,從被Annanuki孵化的奴隸種族的思想形態中,一個人會表達這類傲慢,這與上述的18種思想形態及現在第三一致實相夢想層中所演示的相關。這類思想形態在3000股DNA時能被更完全地超越,並與主要傲慢態度相關。在3000股DNA之後提升到菩薩水平時,你就會處理群體傲慢(group arrogance)而超越個人事物與個人主要傲慢。這類群體傲慢與你如何在群體環境中相聯有關,如群體是否自己家族,自開公司,所參加的學校(包括靈性工作室),及任何其他組織包括運動俱樂部、生意俱樂部,扶輪社(譯注:扶輪社是一個世界性的慈善組織)等等。
There is a wealth of information on ascension explored in Mila's earlier materials. The Tao invites those dedicated to their path to explore all of the materials upon the web site. If, after thoroughly reading the web site, one finds that the work resonates deeply and one feels called to study a more in-depth level of ascension materials, the Tao also invites initiates to consider enrolling in self-study for Group Mastery (see "Group Mastery Program" for more information). The Group Mastery materials open the unconscious is such a manner that one may become more finely attuned to one's dreamtime state of being for the purposes of ascension. It also explores group energetic dynamics in the current human paradigm, and a manner to ascend out of such dynamics and into a new form of group relations founded upon the principals of unity and joy.
在Mila較早期資料對提升的探究中有很豐富的信息。道邀請那些投身于此路徑的人們來探究網站上的所有材料。如果在徹底閱讀網站之後,一個提升者發現與材料深深共鳴,並感覺被召喚來更深入學習,道也邀請你來考慮報名參加團隊掌控(Group Mastery)中的自我學習(更多信息請看“團隊掌控項目”)。團隊掌控的材料打開無意識,以此方式,你可以能為了提升目的而更精微地調協到夢想狀態。它也在當前人類範式中探究了集體能量的動力和如何將此提升超越,並進入到建立在統一與歡樂法則上的新的群體關系形式中。
The Tao will continue to assist with recasting for all initiates in the new consensus, or newly entering the new consensus. What is recasting? Recasting is a time in which one looks at one's karmic experiences from all angles, allowing opposing experiences to cancel themselves out. In so doing, the karma is released in full, and as all karma for a particular bandwidth of thought-form is released in full, one ascends up in vibration and into a new thought-form.
Until our next communication,
The Tao