An Important Message From The Tao


The Tao through Karen Danrich "Mila"   May 22, 2002
道透過Karen Danrich “Mila”傳遞;日期:2002年5月22日

Translated by 流星似火


At Christmastime, a New Years Blessing was brought forth that spoke of the return of the "Beloved" of the Earth Mother. (See "New Years Blessings from the One Source" for more information.) The return has now been fulfilled upon, and the Tao, which is the source from which all sources inside and outside of time and space emanate from, has been anchored in full into the molecular structure of Earth and all species therein. This includes the human species at large, and one will find one's own direct connection at this time to the Tao through one's own molecular level consciousness along with the human hologram that sits within the heart.




Why has the Tao returned and extended itself into such a dark and lost place as Earth? All things are sacred beloved. Even Earth in her dark and forlorn condition is beloved unto the Tao. There is not one species or place that is not beloved, however in the dance of destruction so prevalent in your creation, souls have fallen into the thought-form that they are not loved. In so believing that they are not loved, a rift developed between the Tao and your creation eons of time ago.




Through the ascent of Earth and the ascent of the multidimensional consensus for ascension, which comprises 18 stars at this time upon dimensions 3 through 360, the original karmic cause of the separation of the Tao from such creations has been healed. This is the first multidimensional healing that is ascension based with a greater impact than any other that has occurred thus far, as it signifies the return of love into a creation that has fallen into non-love so very long ago. Your creation is going home beloved.




For Earth this is a joyous moment. Her ascent is more greatly assured, and she has support, support now for her journey that is in the very molecules of her form. So this can be so for her; so this can also be so for oneself. One can attune to the support that the Tao is now offering for all map carvers and followers global wide to ascend to the vibration and threshold that one has been seeded for. One will be supported from this point forward from the inside out, as well as the outside in. This indeed signifies the return of the beloved within.





So many human initiates seek the beloved without. "When is my twin flame going to arrive?" So many ask Mila this, even those within her Group Mastery Study Program. The search for the twin flame is ultimately the quest for the beloved within, and unfortunately a loving partner cannot heal this; it can only be healed by turning inward, opening the heart, and allowing the heart to be fulfilled by one's connection to Earth and ultimately the Tao, or the source from which all life, love and creation comes from. Now is the time that such a healing can come forth, and for many it offers a turning point of direction within the current life dance. For life will never be the same again as one opens to the love possible within.


這麼多人類提升者都在尋求外在的至愛。“我的雙胞胎火燄(twin flame)何時會到達?”這麼多人都在詢問Mila這一點,甚至是那些在她團隊掌握學習項目(Group Mastery Study Program)裡的人們。對雙胞胎火燄的搜尋最終是對內在至愛的尋求,而不幸地是,一個親愛的合作伙伴不能療愈這一點。它只有藉由向內尋求而療愈,打開心靈,允許心靈藉由和地球的聯系,最終和道──或所有生命、愛和造物起始源頭聯系,來被充盈。現在是時候讓這樣一種療愈繼續向前了,對很多人而言,它在當前生命舞蹈裡提供了方向的轉折;因為當你對內在可能之愛開放時,生命將不再相同。


For each venturing to receive this blessing, one must have an open heart. There are so many preoccupations that sever the heart from communicating with the rest of the form. Sometimes such preoccupations are electrical in nature, and include time in front of the computer, or time in front of the television, or time in a highly electrical environment such as shopping malls and large cities. Sometimes such preoccupations are other forms of entertainment that are fantasy based rather than founded upon communion. The only manner in which one may really and truly feel the return of the beloved is to restore one's capacity to commune. Communing requires a functional emotional body and an open heart.




Most humans armor the heart with layers of pain, anger or fear compressed tightly around the heart chakra or just outside of the heart in the auric field. One may begin by draining any remaining armoring of pain, anger or fear through conscious intent. Sometimes serpents wind the heart shut in full. One initiate in Mila and Oa's program who spent her early childhood in Vietnam during the war, and whose hand was mutilated by a grenade, recently uncovered such serpents. Such serpents and associated entities wound her heart shut at the age of 2 as her hand was mutilated so that she would not feel that immense pain that she and all around her were in. As this initiate addressed the original cause of the closing of their heart, the serpents left and the heart opened.




Each human has a childhood story. No one story is any more important than any other. Each story has its moments of great pain and fear. As each goes back in time to confront the original closing of the heart, one may begin to peel the heart open again. Such a goal is vital to one's ascent, for without an open heart, it is difficult to master initiations beyond a certain level, as there is simply not enough chi flowing through the field. The heart is the transducer of chi, moving chi through the sexual energy system, which crosses in the heart. (See Sexual Energy Diagram for more information.) Without an open heart, the sexual energy cannot move, and if it cannot move, one will fail to ascend beyond a certain threshold, or create an incomplete ascension for oneself.


每個人均有一個孩童故事。沒有一個故事比別的更重要。每個故事都有它巨大痛苦與恐懼的時刻。當每個人都及時回到面對最初關閉心靈的那一刻,你就可再次開始將心靈剝離(痛苦與恐懼)而打開。這樣一個目標對提升而言是重要的,因為如果沒有一顆打開的心靈,那麼超過某特定水平你就難以掌握啟蒙,其原因就在于沒有充足的chi流經能量場。心靈是chi的傳導者,它透過穿越心髒的性能量系統(sexual energy)而運作chi(如下圖)。如果沒有開放的心靈,性能量就無法移動,如果不能移動,一個人就將在超過某特定極限後無法提升,或會為自己創造不完全提升。


One also will fail to enter the joy and love possible through ascension, for experiencing the joy and love requires an open heart. What is all of the good of the labor involved in processing one's ancestral karma if one then cannot go on to experience the joy? Opening the heart is the one area that so many initiates wish to schism over, primarily because it hurts. Yes, there is pain inside of the heart that caused it to close. And yes the pain is felt as it is moved so that the heart can open. However, as the pain passes, increasing joy and freedom is felt. Therefore the outcome is positive, even if the opening causes a temporary time of discomfort.




And so the Tao invites those reading this material to commit to opening the heart now. Even if one has opened the heart to a certain level, there is always more. For the heart must be a fluid enough energy flow to support the 1000-petal lotus of the Bodhisattva for those ascending to 6000 strands at this time. Each level of vibration ascended into will have another layer of armoring around the heart and in the field that one could not perceive before. Each must address the next layer in order to continue to ascend, continue to open the heart, and continue to love ever more deeply than before. For this is what becoming a walking example of compassion in action is all about, one must be able to love, and love freely, deeply and non-conditionally.





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