The Wolf that Howls At the Moon

Blessings of Holographic Knowledge and Inner Knowing


The Wolf Kingdom through Karen Danrich “Mila” June 5, 2002

狼王國通過Karen Danrich “Mila”傳遞200265

Translated by 浮生


So many nature species have something to say to our ascending human brothers and sisters.  What does wolf have to say to our ascending humans today?  The wolf species is one that has been honored as “teachers” in Native American tradition.  Teacher is one who shows another a potential path or direction within one’s journey that might not be available unless the teacher pointed it out as a possibility.  This is the concept of teacher within the unity paradigm, one who directs another towards his or her own path and truth.  Often students can also show the teacher another path that the teacher could likewise not see and is of their truth, and this is how the student becomes as much the teacher as the teacher.


許多自然界物種都有話對我們的提升人類兄弟姐妹們要說。今天狼要對我們的提升人類說什麼? 在美洲土著傳統中狼物種被尊稱為教師。教師向他人展示潛在路徑或指出內在旅途的方向,如果教師不把它們的可能性指出來,它們就不能被用。這是在統一範例內教師的概念,是一個向他人指出他人的路和真相的人。通常學生也能向教師展示另一條教師沒有觀察到的路,而這是他們的真相,因此學生之所以是學生,教師之所以是教師。


In the genetics of all species is all knowledge; this is because genetics are holographic that this is so.  Holographic knowledge is infinite and interconnected with the Tao from which all consciousness extends from and goes home to when the creational dance is complete.  How can one therefore teach another anything if one already knows holographically all that there is to know?  Teaching in the current human paradigm is founded upon a loss of holographic knowledge, and in so losing such knowledge, one fails to remember enough to know or to evolve.  This is a sad thing for Wolf to bear witness too; however it is the result of the genetic manipulations of man himself who created a limited slave race in a laboratory.  The slave race lost the holographic interconnectedness to the rest of life, and therefore lost the innate knowledge necessary know or to evolve.





It is in the dance of the slaves that the concept of teacher became so distorted.  In present time teaching is associated with programming another with a particular set of beliefs that are then parroted by the student verbatim; this is not teaching from the viewpoint of Wolf, it is rather a form of control.  Under the control of the teacher the student loses his or her freewill choice of any path except the one that the teacher himself or herself is on.  One must follow the teacher or guru parroting their truth in hopes that they know where they are going.  What if the teacher or guru is as lost as oneself?  A bit problematic, and many reading this material may have followed one or more lost teachers in one’s own life experience thus far.  This is how the dance of the guru and devotee emerged in the human expression.




The guru takes of the knowledge of the devotee, and then sells it back at a price.  This is the unconscious dance of the guru.  The devotee had a truth; the truth had a particular path that would lead to evolution; the guru strips the devotee of his or her truth and then walks the path for the devotee beaconing him or her to follow.  In so doing, the guru also loses his or her truth, as the truth of another will never resonate with oneself.  The devotee also loses his or her truth, and must follow another rather than lead oneself down one’s own spiritual path of awakening and evolution.




This is not teaching in the view of wolf.  This is a form of manipulation in which one perceives another as knowing better than oneself.  If one’s own holographic knowledge lies within, and one already knows all, then how can another know better than oneself what one’s path may be?  Another cannot know; however in order to know one must have access to one’s holographic knowledge.  This is problematic if one’s ancestry was primarily of slave origin as one was severed therefore from one’s own holographic knowing.  This is where roughly 60% of the current human populace is beloved; unable to know, as the very means of knowing holographically has been lost through human manipulations to the DNA.  Such humans shall be cleansed from earth in the times ahead.  The lineages of incoming children shall be increasingly restricted to those that retain holographic knowledge until after 2011, such lineages are the only available choices for all incoming births.  Therefore humans shall return to innate knowing and sensing that is holographically interconnected to earth and all species therein along with the Tao in the coming quarter century.




Teaching another who already has holographic knowledge is not the same as teaching one who has no knowledge.  Instead of controlling, one may awaken another to be able to attune to their knowledge from within.  Mila and Oa have taken the stance that this is what they are here for as facilitators of their Group Mastery Program.  Those in Group Mastery are only guided in a manner that leads to an internal state of knowingness.  In the internal knowing, one walks one’s own path.  Sometimes as this occurs, such students are turned onto a path of their own making, leaving the Group Mastery Program altogether.  This is because the journey has a different road and no longer parallels the group.  However Mila and Oa have fulfilled upon their purpose, which is to open the student up to their own knowing, from which they can then discern their own way in their own evolutionary journey.




It has taken a lot of internal change for Mila and Oa to direct in this manner.  For a long time, they too controlled their students.  As they made a large evolutionary leap after the end of the year 2001, the remaining patterns of such forms of control were released in their own fields and forms through their own evolution.  Therefore for those who are teachers, understand that the current modality of control as teacher is not wrong; it is just a part of the dance and a part of one’s own genetic make-up until it has been transcended.  If one has the path of teacher in ascension, one will evolve beyond control in due course.




One will at first attract students who wish to be controlled who partake in the dance until one or both has transcended.  This is the gift of the path of the ascension teacher, the ability to look in the mirror provided by one’s own students to see one’s own internal state of being, and then utilize the mirror to transcend one’s own unconscious patterns.  Mila and Oa have become fluid at this sort of work or they would have died long ago.  For the dance of control causes increasing attachment that only kills the form by snuffing out the life force rather than allowing for ascension.  Given that increasing life force is a prerequisite for ascension, ascension and control and the related attachment are at odds with one another.




As a human being, one has a lengthy history of attachment and control.  Such control began early in the dance of the human species as seeded upon earth from Sirius.  Therefore working one’s way out of the game of control as teacher is not an overnight process.  Understand also that for as much as one may control as teacher, one’s students also control the teacher.  As the dance changes through ascension, greater and greater freedom between the two emerges, and the dance changes to one of unity and honor as the foundation for teacher-student relations.




Unity and honor create a different dance for the teacher as well as the student.  For one, the two may view one another as equals, which perhaps even alters the word student and teacher within the vocabulary.  Mila altered the word student to “affiliate of our program” long ago, as affiliate denoted greater equality in her estimation than the word student.  Mila also altered the word teacher to “director”.  One might say that Mila understood the requirement to move towards equality; however it has been a long and hard road from control to unity in her own organization, and the group has gone through many changes.




For one, there have been four separate and distinct organizations since 1998 when the group was launched.  Far more have left the group than remain, and few remain from the earlier days of the Spiritual School of Ascension.  This is the result of karmic completion in which the karma between Mila and Oa was fulfilled upon in their associations, along with group evolution.  Group evolution through ascension is a difficult task; for those who are unable to transcend the patterns that the group is transcending spin off to a new path of one’s own making.  This causes many comings and goings in their experience of group evolution within their organization.  However the success of SSOA speaks for itself; the group now holds all tri tones within the Language of Light and acts as a bridge for such tones to be administered by the Tao to the new consensus of ascending humans.




Many do not realize the special purpose that Mila and Oa and their organization hold.  However wolf and all nature kingdoms do understand and support their organization unconditionally as it is only as a map is carved for group ascension within the human species that humanity at large will ascend out of their destructive dance.  It is only as humans cease to destroy that ultimately earth and all species therein can ascend into the new paradigm of unity.  Therefore this is an important role that Mila and Oa play from the perspective of Wolf.




Mila and Oa also demonstrate a new paradigm of leadership as teacher; they do not consider themselves teacher as much as facilitator or a director of orchestration, along with a field of energy through which the Tao can work through to manage the map of ascension that is being carved by those in the new consensus.  One might say that the Tao is in all things, but requires a modality through which he/she may orchestrate; Mila and Oa have become prime fields for the Tao to work through to orchestrate human ascension and the coming times of cleansing ahead, particularly in the West.  There are also humans of equal evolutionary status, a few on each continent that the Tao is also orchestrating through.




Therefore teacher becomes director or conductor in the new unity based paradigm; and the conductor anticipates that all in the orchestra know already how to play one’s own instrument.  In parallel manner, Mila and Oa’s anticipate that all joining their organization already know how to ascend.  In so doing, it is the role of the conductor to bring in a script or music that allows all in the orchestra to play on time and in tune with one another.  In parallel manner, Mila and Oa orchestrate an energy flow for those in their program that allow the ascensions of each to occur in a harmonious and synchronistic manner.  To the degree that the ascensions of each are harmonious and synchronistic, to such a degree the group rises in vibration anchoring new tones within the Language of Light.




At this time, those in Mila and Oa’s organization anchor the tri-tones in the Language of Light.  One will notice that these tones have to do with multi-dimensional and multi-creational orchestration and stewardship.  Tara or the earth mother is reuniting with all dimensions and all creations that are ascending at this time in history.  In so doing, she is a part of a greater tapestry and dance that is choosing to exit the dance of destruction in full returning to the Tao through evolution.  In parallel manner to those entering Mila and Oa’s Group Mastery Program, earth had to show that she could ascend in order to enter the multidimensional dance of ascension already underway in your creation.  This earth has successfully proved as of late and upon completion of global initiation 3800 in the physical, and 4600 in the nonphysical.




What do these numbers equate to?  They equate to an overall vibration and temperature that can be measured in the physical.  Many are familiar with global warming.  Global warming is a symptom of ascension.  It is not a symptom of pollution as many a humans think, or the production of methane gas from the animal kingdoms.  Earth is heating up from the inside out; the aurora or the sun in the center of the earth who’s light can be seen and is known as the “northern lights”, is growing in size and color; and the magma and lava is increasing as more and more of earth’s core melts due to the increasing fire of the aurora.  This is occurring through the conscious intent and will to ascend upon earth’s part as a consciousness along with all sentient species therein.


這些數字等同於什麼?它們等同於一個能在物質領域中被測量到的普遍的振動和溫度。許多人都已熟悉了全球變暖。全球變暖是提升的徵兆。它不是許多人類所認為的地球被污染的徵兆,也不是動物王國的甲烷氣體所造成的結果。地球正從裡到外地升溫;因發出 極光而被測量到的地心太陽正在增加尺寸和色彩;地球的核心由於歐羅拉火元素的增加也熔融得越來越多,因此岩漿和熔岩也正在增加。這是在地球部分作為意識體而與所有意識族類一起、通過有意識的意想和意願去提升之上正發生的情形。





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