In a state of non-truth, there can be magicians. There have been many over the course of human history that has demonstrated the principals of instant manifestation, teleportation, transfiguration, creating vebuti (sacred ash that is not so sacred), or other magical skills. Such skills were not earned through spiritual mastery but are created through spiritual manipulation. There are fractured pieces of soul that were a part of our incarnation that recall how to transcend physical law. When such pieces of soul enter the human form, they perform the tricks that they remember and the form channels the trick, and appears to instantly manifest, teleport, transfigure and the like. However nothing has changed within the associated human form; they have not released their karma or altered their DNA or ascended in any manner; nor have they mastered anything; they are simply good channels of nonphysical forces that recall how to transcend physical law.
We are sad to see that our own souls fell into such manipulative practices and participated with dark forces upon the physical plane in manifesting such magic through certain humans. For all this creates is the appearance of a human that is god like and fosters the belief that god lies outside of oneself. Just because a human can perform a magic trick, this does not make him or her god; as god goddess lies within each and every living thing in the omniverse. Such practices only causes the multitudes to give their power to humanoid false gods; which is no different than how one’s ancestry gave their power to the nonphysical false gods; and all that occurs in physicality also occurs first in the nonphysical.
We ourselves fell into the belief that the false gods had more power, as they had stripped our information surrounding the transcendence of physical plane law; then out of such a stripping, we gave them even more power to misdirect our lives as we believed that they knew more than ourselves. In the misdirection, most of the 48 of us that relocated unto earth died before we ever ascended. The few that ascended were unable to clear the karma for our fall in consciousness, and the result was the continued fall of consciousness in human form upon earth until present time. Our own souls have served the false gods in their own fracturing and lost knowledge; this too is sad unto us, however it is their karma and not our own to settle.
And so it goes; each who has caused or participated in the inversion of law will be held accountable for it, and in so doing, will experience their cause. So this is also so for the renegade souls in the Tao; one cannot cause anything, including the great pain of stripping a creation to extinction without experiencing like in return; and in so doing and in the suffering of one’s own cause, then one learns not to cause such again.
We are also the result of the mismanagement of spiritual knowledge upon Sirius and on the part of the Sirian Spiritual Elite. We are each an ancestor of the Sirian Spiritual Elite that went on to personally experience the very destruction that they were causing elsewhere in their split in light and dark. Furthermore in our own experience of destruction we anchored earth to be another place that Sirius could displace its disowned destructive thought-form. Each fall of earth has allowed more displaced karma, fractured souls and fractured dream from Sirius to be pressed into her grid work out of the belief that something must be destroyed in order for something else to live and ascend. We take responsibility for our cause and choose to change it now through the act of ascension of all in human form who are related unto us as our present day ancestors.
Real transcendence involves the gathering of all records and karma bound by emotional charge of each incident of trauma experienced in one’s ancestry. Such records are held upon the land and within the genetics of one’s form. As one releases the trauma, one transmutes each layer of pain, anger or fear, terror, torture or suffering, lust, jealousy or hate with transmutative tones of creation. This causes the trauma to be released and erased through forgiveness. In the forgiveness, the trauma is not transferred elsewhere only to act out in another humanoid creation; it is instead fully transmuted. For this is what Sirius humans did en mass to humans upon earth; they transferred all their karma and trauma for many wars that they had experienced in the 3rd dimension in their own existence, which only caused the same patterning to emerge in humans upon earth.
Therefore as all records are gathered and in particular those that originated from Sirius or any other creation that has used humanity upon earth as a dumping ground for unwanted thought-form, karma and dreams, such records must be returned to their creation of origin, as they did not occur upon earth in the first place. Only karma that occurred upon earth can be released upon earth; and it is for such a reason that regardless of how many humans ever ascended in the inner earth, the original cause for human bloodshed could not be released, as it was not karma that was caused upon earth. In the returning of karma to where it belongs; now there is an opportunity for earth and all that exists upon her including the human race to ascend out of the dance of bloodshed.
One is only responsible for the karma incurred in one’s ancestry upon earth. As one chooses to release, erase and forgive such karma, and return the karma that originated elsewhere, one is no longer bound by karmic trauma, nor will one attract a dream into one’s life founded upon such karma, as it will no longer exist within one’s field. One is a living movie that attracts a dream that is in association with one’s intentions and the thought-form that is held in place by ancestral drama and trauma or in other terms karma. As one modifies the thought-form that is bound by karmic trauma through the act of transmutation, then a new dream can be woven that is different from the past. This is real transmutation in action.
Mila and Oa begin the journey now in their personal ascent of transcending physical law. They have actually been in this process for some time, but it is only now that enough veils of illusion have cleared for them that they can more greatly perceive the journey ahead and what it means unto themselves and humanity. The choice to transcend physical law will cause Mila and Oa to begin to erase layers of agreements that are associated with the principals of physics. Neither Mila or Oa are physicists, but they can put their experiences and transcendence into laymen’s terms.
One principal that Mila and Oa have been working upon transcending is the concept of gravity; that they must weigh however much they weigh founded upon the pull of gravity from the core of the earth. In their transcendence, they are no longer subject to the pull of gravity from the core of earth, but have created a new energy flow that manages pull within their own field. In so doing, they can choose through conscious freewill choice to lighten up their weight so that a stringent walk up the mountain is less stressful for them. Mila and Oa enjoy many walks in the islands, and it has become even more pleasurable when they each feel very light upon their feet; when in physical size each of them are above average in nature; Mila being a 2X and Oa between a 3X and 4X in clothing.
How does one transcend such a law as gravity? One chooses to erase all agreements to participate in the concept of gravity as it is held within one’s genetic structure. This requires opening archives of genealogical information from ancient times and before Mila and Oa’s ancestry arrived upon earth; as the ability to levitate was lost within a few hundred years after our seeding. In time, Mila and Oa will master gravity even one step further and demonstrate levitation; this requires many more agreements to be released upon a biological level before it can be mastered; however as the last agreement to be bound by any form of gravity that may be solar, universal or cosmic, then levitation or floating will become the norm for Mila and Oa in the physical.
Such mastery will not be manifest as a trick of a soul who understands how to manipulate agreements for a time and create a temporary levitation. Real levitation when mastered will mean that one will never perhaps touch the ground again; and one certainly can walk upon water; or fly just above it if one prefers; not just once but all of the time.
Transfiguration involves the rearrangement of molecules into a different shape and genetic structure and then an instant manifestation of the associated form in physicality. At one time we could transfigure into any shape including any animal form. Transfiguring into plant and mineral form was never attempted as too many upon Sirius had become stuck in such a form and could not return to the human shape that they once held. Why was this so? In hindsight, such humans entered a holographic state of being that had no relationship to the human hologram; and in so doing they were unable to find their way back and got seemingly lost. This speaks clearly about the holographic separation between certain kingdoms, and why such holograms should not be blended or tampered with in genetic experimentations.
However perhaps the karmic consequence for transfiguration to animal form translated later into scientific experiments of the Anu in which one kingdom’s form was blended with another. It may be that the Anu obtained records of transfiguration and due to their own limited thought-form, thought of the concept of scientifically blending species rather than mastering spiritually to a point where they could transfigure into a different shape. If this is so, then we too hold some karmic liability for their expression, as when information is lost and then misused, the original form carrying the information is still partially held accountable in the cause.
At this time in human form along with all other species upon earth, the molecular structure is not only extremely rigid, but there also are gaps and holes that are the result of the stripping and ongoing loss of consciousness that has occurred over the past 50,000 years of falls in consciousness. Such gaps and holes must be filled in fully in the ascent to full consciousness before one could ever consider rearranging the molecular structure into a new and different shape.
Alas there are those nonphysical forces that some humans channel that may allow for the temporary rearrangement of molecular structure to demonstrate transfiguration; however this is not the result of the mastery of such an individual but a trick that the false gods perpetuate in order to have such an individual perceived or worshipped as god. Sometimes the molecules can be rearranged into an animal, but not be rearranged back into humanoid form. This has left many a human consciousness in the shape of an animal until the death of the embodiment; a difficult and sad experience for all concerned, and indeed this has occurred thousands of times in history.
Real mastery of transfiguration will come at a much later time in Mila and Oa’s ascent. The reasons for this are that the molecules are still highly rigid even at the level of soul infusion that they have mastered. So this was so within a few hundred years of living upon earth following our seeding; something happened that caused a rigidity of our molecules, and as this occurred, we lost our ability to transfigure. As Mila and Oa go back through time and begin to release the karmic cause and trauma held within their biology that underlies why they are rigid upon a molecular level, more will be understood about what happened in the early part of our time upon earth; and then we will also better understand. In so doing, Mila and Oa will one day master transfiguration; we see this ahead approximately 8 years into their future.