Our kingdom has often offered up intentions that ascending humans reading our information can choose to make. Intentions are an act of will. In the intent to release karma and the intent to forgive, one sets in motion a dream in which the intention can be fulfilled upon. Perhaps in the moment of the intention, the karma cannot release as one has not the understanding required to forgive. Forgiveness requires understanding. It is has been in understanding the nature of sharks that the Whale Kingdom has been able to forgive humanity for its insane and brutal behavior, not only towards the Dolphin and Whale Kingdoms, but also one another. (See Messages from the Dolphins and Whales part I for more information.)
Each that ascends has one’s own resources of information from one’s own ancestors who experienced a particular circumstance over time. Each must go inward and research the ancestors who destroyed in order to understand enough to forgive. Perhaps one was molested in childhood by an adult; or perhaps one was beaten or abused emotionally either by an abusive parent or spouse. Or perhaps one has lived in a war-torn region. In going into the experience of the molesters, or the abusive parents or spouses or warmongers in one’s ancestry, one will begin to understand how they felt and why they caused what they caused.
Many of these types of ancestors who were brutal in nature may be the descendents of the terrorist DNA bred by Merduk in a laboratory. In fact most human lineages host some of the terrorist lineages in one’s extended tapestry of ancestry. Now perhaps one can understand that these terrorist ancestors existed in a state of madness due to the nature of their brain that was half animal (lion) and half human in nature. Perhaps in understanding this, one can forgive them for what they did; and then forgive those like them that one has known this lifetime. Perhaps one can also forgive the terrorists that have caused 9-11 and any other act of extreme violence in the world mirror as a result.
In the forgiveness, one can wash the karma from such types of experiences away from one’s biological memory banks, and one’s ancestral memory banks. As one does so, then the requirement to recreate a terrorist experience into the future ceases to be in one’s own life dance; and one can also seal the lineages associated with terrorist genealogy in one’s ancestry so that violent humans cease to be born into the future. As enough humans accomplish this task, terrorist type humans of half lion and half human brains shall cease to be born and the era of terror and the warfare associated shall pass as a human experience.
So this also shall come to be so for those who are born autistic in either human, dolphin or whale form. For we too have our autistic or retarded young that are a result of a part human and part dolphin or whale brain. Autism in our kingdom is also the result of the mermaid and mermen experiments on the part of Merduk. The autistic dolphins and whales are born with verbal language skills and cannot understand our nonverbal communications any better than autistic children can understand your verbal communications. As each who has autistic children comes to learn that they are only incapable of communicating as they inherited non-verbal communication skills from our species, one can forgive the original cause, and release and erase the trauma associated, and in so doing seal the lineages off so that autism need not be recreated in future ancestors; either in human, dolphin or whale form. (See Indigo Children, ADD, Autism and Ascension for more information.)
I intend to forgive those ancestors who were involved in scientific experiments and the interbreeding of human DNA to create a slave race.
I intend to forgive ancestors who created slave races absolute and upon all dimensions that they existed throughout time and space and form.
I intend to forgive those ancestors who were involved in scientific experiments that involved dolphins, whales or nature.
I intend to forgive ancestors who experimented upon nature absolute and upon all dimensions that they existed throughout time and space and form.
I forgive my ancestors for the pain that they have caused to other kingdoms as a result.
I forgive my ancestors for the pain that they have caused the human species and myself as a result.
I forgive my inheritance for having any blended forms of DNA from other than human sources.
I intend to erase all non-human DNA whether they are from plant, animal, mineral, dolphin or whale sources.
I intend to replace all non-human DNA with valid human DNA from my red nation lineages.
I intend to forgive those ancestors who are at cause of the experience of terrorism and insanity within the human species.
I intend to forgive those ancestors who are at cause of the experience of terrorism or violence in the nature kingdoms, including sharks.
I forgive the warmongers in my ancestry in the greater understanding that they were mad due to hosting a half animal half human brains.
I intend to forgive those ancestors who are at cause of the experience of autism in human, dolphin or whale form.
I intend to seal all lineages associated with terrorism and autism so that they cease to be born into the future in my ancestry.
I intend to forgive my ancestry for hunting dolphins, whales or any other kingdom.
I intend to forgive my ancestry for the consumption of flesh including dolphin and whale form.
I intend to become vegetarian in this lifetime.
I intend that my future ancestors become vegetarian and cease to consume flesh.
I intend my future ancestors learn to live solely from the breath through continued ascension.
I intend to embrace the entire scale of the language of light, visible and invisible tones included.
I intend to ascend the space between as well as the space without.
I intend a complete ascension in this lifetime.
I intend to learn to live upon the land and in a state of unity and joy as a land based creature.
I intend to master unity based energy flow with other humans in my continued ascent.
Through forgiveness, we can release the ties that bind between the human, dolphin and whale species and cease to be intertwined. It is in the intertwining that some humans seek to be with our kingdom rather than your own. Although our species may seem and feel safer and a more joyful place to be than your human world, you are of the land beloved. Although our species extended into human form so that you could remember a state of unity that we have known in pod formation, you must master the state of unity as a land based creature and apply unity based flow unto the land so that you and the land may ascend. This is the entire reason we extended into human form; not so that you could swim with us unendingly through shared energy dynamics, or trips to swim with the dolphins and whales.
在海洋中提升VS 在大陸上提升
The entire purpose of sharing of our consciousness and extending into human form was so that humans could awaken and ascend into their own pod based unity flow with one another. Mila has called this pod-tribe energy flow to distinguish between what humans require moving together to create unity upon the land from what dolphins and whales require moving to create unity within the sea. For we live in the sea which has a different elemental structure than the air; and you live in the air requiring a different and more expansive energy movement to sustain your vibration and continued ascent. Many in human form who are attempting to ascend with dolphin and whale energy flow are failing; they are failing as the flow we require in the sea is different from what you require upon the land. The difference is really about viscosity; the sea is very viscous requiring a lighter weaving of chakras and subtle bodies than any creature upon the land. Air is very non-viscous or porous in nature requiring a more extensive weave for the chakras and subtle bodies to retain one’s boundaries as a human upon the land.
As one brings in a human blueprint for one’s chakras, subtle bodies and etheric body, one will step out of the game of trying to ascend like a dolphin and whale when one exists upon the land and not within the sea. As each that is attempting to ascend like a sea creature chooses instead to honor that one is a land based creature, and chooses to ascend accordingly, then many more real and complete ascensions can be born within the human species and amongst those that we have extended into. And so we invite those who resonate deeply with our kingdoms to look and see if one is trying to ascend as a dolphin or whale; and choose out of this understanding to alter the energy flow to be of human patterns and resonate with the land. It is only as humans ascend upon the land and dolphins and whales ascend within the sea that the two may meet into the future and create an ascending consensus. This requires each to do their part for the ascension of the whole.
We leave you with these thoughts.
Until our next communication,
The Dolphin and Whale Kingdom