The times ahead will bring about many diseases. Dolphins and whales that are choosing to depart physicality though conscious freewill choice to die will avoid the gradual decline into disease that would occur otherwise due to dissonant biology with earth. Disease is another form of suffering and our species has suffered enough from our point of view; it is time to leave the suffering behind as well as the depression and return to a state of health and joy again! This is what the map carvers of our species are succeeding at.
As of late, we have discovered that over 48 million gallons of raw sewage was let loose due to sewage failure in Honolulu Bay. A man fell into the canal that this occurred within and developed a bacterial infection that ate away at his body and he died within a few days thereafter. What will this do to the fish and coral reefs nearby? This our kingdoms ponder. We were warned by Mila of this occurrence and are heading far away from the Hawaiian island chains so that the diseases associated cannot develop in our biology. We will not return for six months until after the ocean has cleansed itself.
Too many humans live in small regions such as Honolulu. The underlying cause of the sewage dump was vast rainfall that backed up their system to a point of failure. The weather is changing to restore life upon the land; many will experience excessive rainfall and floods as the thirsty land receives the blessings and love of the earth mother through the water element. What will humans do if they find their own wastes baking up into your drinking and bathing water? Humans will become ill.
This is the return of karma for dumping toxic wastes into Terra’s waterways from the point of view of the Dolphin and Whale Kingdoms. Humans have polluted the waterways of earth and all nature kingdoms therein have suffered as a result. Now humans will suffer in counterbalance not unlike our kingdoms; unless one forgives. One can therefore forgive your species for not understanding balance; balance of life upon the land or life within the sea to sustain the health and well being of all kingdoms including the human kingdom.
The salt water consciousness wrote an essay about the karma settled in the hurricanes of the Southern US that hit this past summer. (See From the Turquoise Blue Ocean for more information.) This is the time of karmic settlement and cleansing and may be very unpleasant to experience, whether you are human, dolphin or whale matters not. The karmic return for those who are failing to release their karma through ascension of harmful acts towards nature as well as towards humanity will come home to roost now and into the coming quarter to half century of cleansing ahead.
The karma for torturing animals for scientific study is now coming home to the human species to be experienced, and humans are torturing humans to save the other lives of yet other humans. This is not new; this occurred also in Atlantis where there were so many bodies imprisoned and used for this purpose as well. One can see in this the karma replaying out from Atlantis in present time as a result.
Those losing their organs and their lives for peaceful life pursuits may seem like an oxymoron; why do peaceful preoccupations lead to destruction of oneself in such a horrendous manner? Should not peaceful preoccupations lead to health, abundance, even wealth and joy? Karma is the underlying cause of any circumstance; regardless of one’s focus, or even if one chooses to be vegetarian and meditate each day; if you are not processing and forgiving your karma for whatever horrendous acts that your ancestors participated in, you may find yourself reliving their experience in this lifetime as the karma surfaces due to the ascent of earth. If one cannot forgive the karma, it will be settled in the experience of a parallel circumstance beloved.
Therefore it is not enough for ascending humans who are conscious of their journey to simply choose a peaceful place to live, and peaceful focuses each day; you may still experience a horrendous dream or illness ahead if you fail to address all of your destructive karma that your ancestors created. This also is the purpose of creating a complete ascension; to assure that all karma is cleared and none remains to suddenly appear and cause one’s dream to go in a direction that one would really prefer not to experience.
In order for those who are ascending to continue to create peaceful and joyful life dreams, all ancestral lessons in each bandwidth of vibration one is transcending must be learned and understood and then forgiven. Forgiveness is an act of love. As one loves those who one would deem unlovable, such as the surgeons and recipients of the above transplants, as well as any ancestor in one’s tapestry that committed parallel crimes or were also the recipient of such a donor, then one will have forgiven the karma in full. How does one love what is seemingly unlovable? Ah, this is up to each human heart to discover in the choice to forgive.
What does it take to forgive? The Dolphins and Whale kingdoms could hold on to many grudges towards the human species for all that you have done to us. For your ancestors have hunted and eaten of our flesh; and left us wounded to die caught in your fishing nets; and have polluted our environment to such an extent that we have suffered many diseases in many time periods including the era of the Anu, the era of Atlantis and now again in present time. We have forgiven these atrocities as otherwise we simply could not ascend. We also have taken responsibility for our cause in the matter.
What is the dolphin and whale cause of such travesties upon earth that we have experienced? We as a species began a war against the human species as the Grand Masters with the larger heads were seeded upon earth some 50,000 years ago (200,000 years as humans measure it). We energetically shattered 43 of these humans to death through conscious intention. We did so as the energetic changes they were anchoring upon earth was making our species ill. We were unable to communicate as our knowledge of Sirian language had so distorted that the Grand Masters could not hear or understand us. This is the original cause of the war between humanity and the dolphin and whale kingdoms upon earth.
在地球上我們所體驗的這類悲劇中,我們海豚鯨魚的帶來了什麼?在約5萬年前(20萬人類年)大頭顱的人類大師(Grand Masters)在地球上播種時,我們作為一個物種,開始向人類物種開戰。透過有意識的意圖,我們用能量粉碎了43名這類大師致死。我們這麼做是因為他們錨定在地球上的能量變化使我們物種病倒。我們不能通訊,因為我們對天狼星語言的知識已如此扭曲,使得人類大師們無法聽到或聽懂我們。這就是人類與海豚鯨魚之間戰爭的最初致因。
The war between humanity and our kingdoms was not expressed in the mutilation of our species in the beginning. It took the appearance of the Pleiadian family of Anu 8,000 years later (24,000 years as human’s measure time) for the return of our destructive karma to be reflected in our dance of life. It was Merduk (Hades) who derived a crewel sense of enjoyment out of the pain he inflicted upon the nature kingdoms in the laboratory. Not unlike how we had cut off the etheric heads of the Grand Masters in our energetic blows, Merduk cut off a large head of a descendent of the Grand Masters and hooked it up to a machine. The machine kept the talking head alive for many years until it finally died. Merduk enjoyed his conversations with his talking head.
In parallel manner, dolphins and whales were mutilated and whale tails or dolphin tails were hooked to machines and triggered to continue to swim in Merduk’s salt water tanks. Later DNA was taken from dolphins and whales and blended together to create a slave dolphin-whale race, as well as blended with human form in an attempt to create mermaids or merman. This was the first mutilation that our species could recall in our history upon Earth; and it caused all of our species to go into great fear, pain and suffering. The depression from this era has not lifted until this time, some 42,000 years later (168,000 human years).
The experimentation of our species continued in the era of Atlantis, mimicking Merduk’s bazaar dance. There was little success with the experiments in Atlantis. Even the experiment to create another human slave nation through cloning failed in this era. Perhaps there was just not enough knowledge to do so; and perhaps this was a good thing or you would have a yet more greatly pared down human form today than already exists from the experimentation in the era of the Annunuki.
Had the dolphin and whale species somehow created a relationship with the Grand Masters, most likely all of this could have been avoided. We have learned at this time to create a relationship unto humans so that the karma of ongoing warfare between our two species can conclude. This is the purpose of our communications; to create understanding and bridges for forgiveness; forgiveness of each that reads our materials of your own ancestral karma with our kingdom; and forgiveness towards each human that is choosing to consciously ascend at this time in history on the part of our kingdom.
The hunting and consumption of our species also began with the Anu. The Anu discovered that they were increasingly incapable of regenerating after their large pyramids had been sunk to the bottom of the sea following the great floods. They had not the Pleiadian funds necessary to reconstruct the elaborate machinery that they had developed for the purposes of regeneration. From the records compiled from this time period, the Anu had already extended their lives 7000-9000 human years. Now without the pyramids, they were falling into patterns of aging and disease. Certain substances that were required for their continued regeneration were mutating within their own biology faster than they could repair them. Perhaps they would have been better simply choosing euthanasia at this point, and most family members did except Innana (Aphrodite) and Merduk.
As substances necessary to regeneration could no longer be produced within, Innana and Merduk resorted to consumption of blood with for the purposes of continued life extension. So did the offspring of the other family members resort to consuming blood as they also chose to extend their lives . Human blood was preferred, and they would bleed their slaves incessantly in large farms for this purpose. This occurred for several thousand years of continued life extension and was known as the elixir of the Gods?
當再生所必要的物質不能再次從身體內部製造時,Innana和Merduk就開始憑藉吸血來延續生命。其他家族成員的後代也如此。人類血液是首選的,為了這個目的Anu人在大農場不間斷地吸食他們的奴隸。這一事件延續了數千年時間來延續生命,並被稱之為眾神之甘露(the elixir of the Gods 長生不老仙藥)。
Eventually the slave blood also mutated to a point that the Innana’s and Merduk’s regeneration again was failing. This time they tried dolphin and whale blood, but this did not satisfy them. They also tried eating certain organs of our two species, the brain in particular. This also did not work. Eventually Merduk bred shrimp and shellfish with the right biochemical ingredients and they ate these instead. This extended the lives of Innana and Merduk another 7000 years. Later their slaves were also given the opportunity to eat shellfish and fish to assist in their own health and longevity, and much as the Anu they too began to consume flesh whereas up until this point the slaves had been vegetarian in nature.
Over time and as the slaves grew into populations of billions of humans, the requirement to feed them all caused the Anu to teach them to fish. It was in this time period that the slaves did not distinguish between conscious fish and unconscious fish, and often both dolphins and whales would find themselves hunted and then consumed. The Native American root race, being a blended genetic structure also related to the Anu slaves soon began to hunt our kingdom as well, particularly those living along the sea. This was due to the holographic interconnection between the two and how information passes through such a connection that this came to be so.
The dolphin and whale kingdoms did not understand the karmic cause of why we were hunted in this time period. Great bitterness developed within our species for the human species as a result. Later we were captured to be a part of slave human theme parks and treated as pets. Those of our kingdom who were bred in human tanks went into deep forgetfulness; however because all dolphins and whales are holographic and interrelated nonetheless, we all experienced the sometimes deplorable environment that others of our species lived within in these aquatic prisons.
Had we recalled the karma of the Grand Masters and our cause of their shattering, and the subsequent mutilation of our species on the part of the Anu, we would have been able to forgive and perhaps trigger an awakening at this time of humanity unto another way of being. Alas our own bitterness continued to cause the cycle of destroyer and victim to repeat again and again. This is the problem of not perceiving the original cause; it causes one to believe one is a victim when one is only really experiencing the return of one's own cause.
Humans have not known dolphins or whales to consume or hunt humans. We only hunt fish for our own continued existence at this time. It is the belief of most of humanity that dolphins and whales are harmless and loving in nature towards humans. However we have a relation known as shark that is very violent with humans along with other fish and sometimes our own kingdom. Mila recalls reading about a baby whale that was attacked and consumed by a shark off the coast of Maui. Indeed this does occur when there is karma for it. Also there have been reports of certain whales killing other whales; this occurs as dark forces desiring to prevent ascension of our species overrun a whale embodiment or pod and then attack the pod or whales of another species of whale. You see we have our own karma of destruction playing out amongst us at this end of cycle era.
Sharks created in a human laboratory are the result of the blending of part whale DNA and part fish DNA (not unlike Marlin) that was bred on the part of Merduk. Merduk desired to create a vicious fish that would attack humans. This was a part of his planned warfare upon Innana and her slaves. Sharks were bred and released into the salt water surrounding her island known as Mt. Olympus, and poisonous alligators were bred and released into nearby fresh water lakes, rivers and streams. These creatures were released in regions that Innana liked to bathe, and she did not know where they had come from. Over time, she chose only to bathe within her private swimming pools as this was the only safe place remaining.
在人類實驗室中所創造的鯊魚,是部分鯨魚DNA和部分魚DNA(如槍魚)混和的結果,並為了支持Merduk而培育。Merduk渴望製造一種兇殘的魚類可以攻擊人類。這是他計畫中對Innana和其奴隸戰爭的一部分。鯊魚被培育而後被放入Innana所在島嶼奧林匹思山(Mt. Olympus)周圍的海域中,毒鱷魚則被培育而後放入附近的淡水湖、河流和溪水中。這些生物被放入Innana喜歡沐浴的區域,而她並不知其從何而來。後來,Innana只選擇在她私人游泳池中沐浴,因為這是剩下唯一安全的地方。
Hunting karma between humans and whales has often be settled through shark attacks upon humans. In other time periods, there were enough sharks that humans were careful in entering the sea as they were more likely to be attacked or consumed than not. Fishermen often died in centuries past and until boats became so large and impermeable that sharks can no longer penetrate or mutilate those on board. Now the cycle has reversed and there are few sharks remaining and even fewer shark attacks upon mankind.
What has happened to all the sharks? Mila read in a recent Mother Jones News magazine that devoted the spring issue to problems with the sea about how most sharks have been hunted to near extinction. Marine biologists estimate that less than 1/10th of the original shark populations remain surrounding all continental coastlines or island chains. The reason for this is simply humanities fear of sharks and how they have deliberately hunted and killed enough that there are fewer simply remaining. Also the toxins dumped into the sea have taken a toll upon all underwater life, causing many of each species to become ill and die. Those that remain are mutating to cause the toxins to be non-toxic unto their systems.
鯊魚身上都發生了什麼呢?Mila在近期一份鐘斯母親新聞(Mother Jones News)雜誌(其春季刊聚焦于海洋問題)上看到有關大多數鯊魚是怎樣被獵殺幾近絕滅的事情。海洋生物學家估計,不足1/10的原始鯨魚數量還生存在所有大陸的海岸線或島嶼四周。傾入大海的毒素也對所有的水下生命產生了代價,使每個物種中的許多成員病倒和死亡。那些存活下來的成員正在變異,以產生對這些有害毒素的免疫。