

Sharks run a particular energy flow that creates viciousness.  The energy flow is non-pod associated or perpendicular.  Pods of magnetic dolphins and whales run a rotational flower like energy movement that is not only beautiful to behold, but creates gentleness of nature.  The flower like flow causes harmlessness and harmony within the pod and in the relationships between pods and other kingdoms.  Perpendicular energy flow in the ocean creates vicious behavior.  So this is also so for the vicious whales who attack other whales.  Vicious whales host lineages that are primarily electrical and create a perpendicular and straight lined field as well as flow.



Mila also read about how sea lions are nipping at the hands and nets of fishermen off the West Coast of the United States.  Why are sea lions or walruses becoming vicious when they had been peaceful and harmless up until this time?  One might attribute it to the over fishing and lack of fish available unto their kingdom; however this is not entirely the cause.  What the Dolphin and Whale kingdoms perceive is that in the interaction between humans and sea lions or walruses, perpendicular energy is created causing their kingdom to become violent towards humans when it is not their nature in association with other aquatic kingdoms, other than the fish that they hunt in order to subsist.



Perpendicular energy is different from pyramids and boxes that Mila and Oa have extensively written about in their Complete Ascension Workbook.  Humans that have gone into competitive and codependent patterning due to their many falls will find themselves in pyramidal or box shaped energy flow.  It is the shapes of pyramids or boxes that are also electrical in nature and not suited to the new holographic movement emanating from the Great Central Sun that Terra is entering at this time.  In parallel manner, perpendicular flow as it occurs in the ocean is not resonant with the Great Central Sun movement either.  Both our species and yours must transcend these angular types of energy movement in order to enter the new dream as a result.






Where did perpendicular movement within the sea originate from?  The Anu imported many electrical varieties of dolphins and whales to press into an energetic flow of pyramids to support their life extension upon earth.  The family of Anu were from an electrical creation and required electricity in order to regenerate.  There was too little electrical energy upon Terra and so they manipulated her biosphere, importing electricity from Alpha Centauri primarily, and then captured it around Terra through their billions of slaves that hosted part electrical DNA as well as electrical dolphins and whales.  Many varieties of salt in the sea are also capable of holding electrical geometry, and the Anu also relied upon this to extend their lives another cycle.

海洋中的垂直能量起源於何方?Anu人引進了很多電性的海豚鯨魚,來壓入一種金字塔能量流而支持其在地球上的生命延展。Anu家族來自電性造物,為了再生需要電流。因為Terra上電性能量太少,因此Anu人操控了Terra生物圈,並主要從半人馬座阿爾法星(Alpha Centauri)上引入了電流,然後透過他們數十億擁有部分電性DNA的奴隸及電性海豚鯨魚,而(將電流)固定在Terra周圍。海洋中的多種不同鹽類也能維繫電性幾何學,Anu人也依賴它們來延續其生命進入另一個週期。


The nature of the sea is non-conducive to pyramidal formations.  Instead the salt has a tendency to cause electrical energy to run straight up or across, much like a grid rather than arching or bending into a shape.  As the Anu applied the electricity of their slaves to the ocean and attempted to run the same pyramidal patterning through electrical dolphins and whales, the electricity actually dissipated into a grid and it was useless as a result for the purposes of their regeneration.  Merduk eventually gave up relying upon electrical dolphins and whales to regenerate himself or the remainder of the family of Anu as a result.



Regardless of how and why the electrical energy ran within the sea, it still created viciousness amongst many kingdoms.  Perhaps if the Anu had not directed electrical energy into the sea, the sea today would not hold an electrical grid at all.  This would have been far better for Terra as it is the electricity in the sea that is perhaps the most restrictive pattern upon her skin that does not allow for an easy expansion or ascension.  It is for this reason that all electricity must ultimately be detoxified, as it is not harmonious with Terra or the Great Central Sun that she is entering.



The sea however can be reprogrammed to dissipate the electricity and assist Terra in  her choice to ascend.  This is one way that the sea can become supportive of ascension.  The reprogramming of the sea has already begun, and many salts that hold electrical charges are being altered through vibration emanating from Terra’s aurora into magnetic molecular combinations.  As all salt within the sea becomes entirely magnetic, the sea will begin to dissipate the electricity off of earth rather than contain it.  It is anticipated that this shift shall be accomplished by 2012, and that after this time electrical pulsations shall begin to rapidly dwindle.  By 2050, it is anticipated that little electricity will be able to be harvested from water or the land as a result.



As electricity leaves the ocean, there is the possibility of all kingdoms therein to begin to relate to one another in greater harmony and harmlessness again.  Harmlessness requires the cessation of the consumption of flesh.  Just as the Anu consumed our kingdom, over time we have become dependent upon the consumption of fish.  This is not true for all whale species, some of which retain a vegetarian diet in consuming the plankton of the sea in large quantities.  All species of dolphins and whales are working towards creating a digestive system that parallels the Manatee and Humpback Whale which thrives upon plankton; and over time we will learn to thrive only upon the breath instead of consuming anything through our continued ascent.



Much as Mila and Oa have discovered, there are a wide variety of nutrients necessary to support ascending biology.  At this time, we are still dependent upon the consumption of some fish every other week, although we have developed the means also to gather plankton as well.  Over time we hope that the plankton alone is enough; and we speak to you as the map carver dolphins and whales which are few in number upon earth’s surface.  Most remaining dolphins and whales are restrained at much lower vibratory rates due to conflictive genealogy that creates trouble for Terra; and so we number less than 50 pods, 30 whale and 20 dolphin in genetic origins global wide.  We also tend to exist in regions far from fishermen or harm and that are less polluted in nature.



Although Mila was sad to read a BBC article that discovered killed whale blubber from the North Arctic Circle so filled with petrochemicals that the scientists measuring it all were surprised they were not ill.  This dance is the result of non-restriction of how the sea is dumped upon in Russia at this time; Russia appears to few if any environmental policies at all.  The North Artic Circle may actually be more polluted than any other part of the ocean upon earth as a result.  We remain far from this region, much as Mila and Oa choose to live in Hawaii for parallel reasons of non-pollution and a clean environment that supports evolution.






The sea as well as the air has the amazing capacity to self heal.  The Hawaiian Ancestors have written about the need to love the land and sea.  (See Letters from the Hawaiian Ancestors for more information.)  Love has the capacity to alter your oceans, clean up your toxic fresh waterways, as well as clear up the toxic substances upon the land.  How exactly does this work from a dolphin and whale perspective?



Love is a vibration.  Vibrations are songs and energetic movement.  Toxins create very sour music and are a very slow energetic formations.  As one applies higher vibrations to the sour music and slow formation of toxins, the sour music can dissipate into harmony again; and the slow energetic formation can release and be restored into a new movement that flows more rapidly and resonates.  This is how one utilizes the capacity to focus vibration, frequency and sound upon density to clear, clean up and harmonize the land or sea, or one’s own body for that matter.



This is what ascension is all about to us map carvers in the Dolphin and Whale form.  Ascension is the capacity to take our thoughts and use them to increase the vibration of our field and out of the increasing frequency, apply energy to those regions of our biology or field that are stuck and in disharmony, bringing them into harmony through love again.  As this occurs, the music in our fields goes from off key or sour to harmonious, and we ascend to the next level of threshold upward in vibration towards the fourth dimension. 



Humans also can apply vibration through focus to any region of the body that aches or is diseased and allow it too to come back to a state of harmony again; and this is what the Language of Light is for.  The Language of Light is transmutative tones of sound, movement and color that have proven to allow for dissipation of sour music and density or toxins out of the fields and forms of the map carvers of ascension in dolphin, whale and human form.  (See Language of Light for more information.)



In order for any language of light tone to be capable of transmutation, it must be thoroughly embraced.  Each tone has many frequencies associated, some of which are invisible even from a psychic point of view as they are fourth dimensional in nature.  Intending to embody the entire tone requires both the visible (male) and invisible (female) sides of the tone be thoroughly integrated.  Often ascending dolphins, whales or humans reject a part of some tones; and then its capacity to clear toxins of a particular bandwidth of density then is also limited.  Sometimes the toxins then cause the body to die as they are not thoroughly transmuted in the choice to ascend.



Recently, the Cedar Trees wrote an essay about the import of ascending all parts of oneself.  They also point out how a recent spiritual teacher of ascension that was not affiliated with Mila had died.  This teacher had failed to ascend the space between the cells per the afterlife review.  This too has happened in many a dolphin and whale pod that essentially became increasingly ill and chose to beach themselves as a result of ascending into disease.  (See "From the Ancient Cedar Trees" for more information.)






Ascending the space between is a part of embracing both sides of the language of light, visible and invisible in nature.  It is the invisible or fourth dimensional tones within the language of light that cause the space between the cells to ascend.  If you fail to integrate all portions of the tone, or in particular the feminine or invisible side of the tones, then one will also fail to ascend the space between the cells first in the etheric, and then in the physical, and this will make the body ill over time.



One can equate the feminine side of self as the negative ego or the destructive part of one’s consciousness that desires to sabotage and segregate or separate and divide.  Most initiates, whether they be human, dolphin or whale, do not desire to look at the darker parts of one’s ancestral experiences.  It is so much nicer to look only at the positive and good life experiences.  However our kingdoms would like to point out that it is only in facing one’s destroyer within or the darker parts of one’s own karmic inheritance that one then learns compassion and can forgive.  (See "From the Amethyst Mineral Kingdom" for a lovely essay upon ascending the space between.)



How could we as dolphins and whales forgive humanity for being so destructive towards us until we faced how we ourselves also destroy?  It is in facing this truth that we discovered how large portions of whale DNA were used to create the shark kingdom and then we could begin to balance the scales for how our ancestors as sharks destroyed humans in the many oceans that they have existed within over time.  Then the dance of hunting our species is less cumbersome unto us as there is a relationship unto a part of us that also has hunted human form.






Sometimes one must enter the experience of the destroyer to understand the nature of that which seeks to kill, maim, harm or mutilate in order to understand; and then as a result of the understanding gained are able to forgive.  As ascending whales went into the consciousness of the Shark kingdom who we are related unto, what we discovered was a form of madness.  The madness we assess as being the result of the blending of a fully conscious whale brain designed to understand and comprehend nonverbal language and a non-conscious fish brain that was designed only to be reactionary behavior.  It is the madness from a blended whale and fish brain that causes the sharks to attack; and this would never have been created outside of a human laboratory as whales would never choose to interbreed with other fish let alone other dolphins.



Perhaps if ascending humans entered the reality of those ancestors who were vicious and killed and maimed or raped and even enjoyed such an experience, one might also find a certain level of madness within their consciousness.  Terrorist and battlefield slaves were bred in a laboratory to destroy Innana upon the part of Merduk in the latter half of the reign of the Anu.  Merduk and Innana began to go insane themselves the further that they extended their lives.  Over time, Merduk and Innana began to hate one another and eventually warred upon one another.



Merduk blended human and lion DNA in a particular configuration to create a vicious terrorist type of human that could war against Innana’s slaves.  The terrorist slaves enjoyed destroying, enjoyed maiming, and enjoyed raping women.  The terrorist slaves were pitted against Innana’s slaves in battle after battle and continued to win, until Innana provided technology to her own slaves that was greater than the terrorist slaves had been provided by Merduk.  This was the point that Merduk chose to blow up earth in a nuclear annihilation 800 times greater than the bombs dropped upon Hiroshima and Nagasaki rather than allow Innana to win.



One can witness the terrorist slave DNA in the world mirror today due to 9-11 and other instances of brutality not only occurring in Iraq or the Middle East, but all over the earth and in every human city.  It is time for ascending humans to forgive their ancestors for all the scientific blending of DNA that created a violent or insane human or the shark kingdom for that matter.  As we all forgive the dance, then it can be given closure to and a new day emerge where terrorists will simply cease to be born, as well as sharks whose kingdom shall evolve into another more gentle and harmless type of fish.




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