
As three of the above notes or tones are woven evenly in one's field, a whole new human nature emerges. Know that the birth of those under these 18 new astrological signs actually began this year of 2001. In 2001, Earth allowed 500 Bodhisattva children to be born global wide. Most were born either to map carvers or have grandparents who are map carvers. Many of those in Mila's Group Mastery Program are grandparents to such Bodhisattva babies born in their own family. Some others yet are map carvers themselves that gave birth to such Bodhisattva children. These 500 Bodhisattva children are the first to be born in the "Year of the Dragon" which began in 2001. All children born in the same calendar year will have the same birth sign under this new system of astrology.


One will note that this type of system is reflected Chinese Astrology which is based upon year of birth rather than month of birth. Chinese Astrology was designed this way as Buddha remembered enough of the ancient astrology to derive a new system. This new system shortened the 18 original birth signs of the universal system of the ancient red nations to 12 signs, causing the red race related to Buddha to fall under a distorted system that blended the old universal astrology with the solar astrology anchored by the Annanuki. This system gave birth to a new system altogether currently known as Chinese Astrology. This also was a reflection of the time that the red race related to Buddha fell under 5000 strands and therefore came to require such a new system as they fell from grace or out of unity.


It has been documented through the global ascension of humanity that during Buddha's ascension, the genetic archives were opened and the false intervention stripped the human species of genetic information. (See Great Central Sun Transmissions for more information on human history uncovered in ascension.) Therefore Buddha's ascension caused another fall without his awareness. Sad as the consciousness of Buddha did not know what had transpired, and the souls that directed his ascension have recently returned to Earth to repair what was done as they hold karma with Earth as a result. Like so many ascensions that were beacons for the false intervention manipulations, Buddha was used. So it has been uncovered in most ascension that occurred during the time period preceding Buddha some 6,000 - 8,000 years ago (24,000 to 30,000 human years ago). Buddha was the last of a line of red ascensions each of which stripped the human species until the red race fell en mass to under 5000 strands and into another solar influence of polarity based astrological influences.

人類的全球提升已證明,在Buddha提升期間,虛假干涉打開了遺傳檔案並剝奪了人類物種的遺傳信息(提升中所揭示的更多人類歷史,請看大中樞太陽的傳授)。因此Buddha的提升在他自身並不知曉的情形下導致了另一次下跌。儘管這很可悲,不過引導Buddha提升的靈魂們最近回歸地球來修復所做的一切,因為他們因此而和地球擁有業力。就像那麼多提升反而成為虛假干涉操控的燈塔一樣,Buddha被利用了。在Buddha之前約6 - 8千年(24 - 3萬人類年)時代中所發生的大部分提升,被發現也是如此。Buddha是一系列紅族提升的最後一位,他們中的每一位均剝奪了人類物種,直到紅族全體下跌到5000股以下並進入極性化星象所影響的另一個太陽系中為止。

At this time, the red indigenous races are ascending en mass. Many within their own nations have already attained Mahavishnu or higher in vibration as of this year. Mila has witnessed such ascensions amongst the Hawaiian nation. It is most magnificent to behold, and the red race is repairing themselves en mass of their own fall in consciousness. So it is for the red race, so it may be for all humans that so choose to ascend at this time in history. We are moving to a new way of being beloved, and returning to the joy and unity once known in each of our ancient ancestries. May this come to be so for all humans global wide. Let us make it so, HO!



Each birth sign is related to a species of both the land and aquatic realm. To understand more about each species "truth", we invite you to read "Inspirations from the Nature Kingdom" and "Messages from the Great White Buffalo" sections for more information to expand upon each sign. Stay tuned, as each of the 18 kingdoms governing each signed will be explored in the year ahead in new releases upon our web site.


These new signs can be thought of as new archetypes that the human species shall ascend into over time. For those that pursue their personal ascension in this lifetime, one will live to experience the birth of these new archetypal patterns within one's own life expression. For those that choose to create ascending communities, one will draw such new archetypal patterns into the community. Each may wish to muscle test which sign that they shall fall under as they attain Mahavishnu.


Understand that ascension is not an easy journey, nor is what one discerns as one's truth necessarily accurate as one continues to ascend. Often ascension brings about the opening of ancient ancestral karmic records that one has no knowledge of in present time. As such information is retrieved and re - integrated, one's truth in action and sign may therefore change. So be not attached to what you may ascertain today, as it may change as you continue to evolve.








Keynote: Forgiveness in Action
Truth in Action: Forgiveness, Non - Conditional Love and Power
Colors: Pink - Peach - Silver
Animal Totem: Koto Dragon or Dragonfly
Aquatic Totem: Seahorse
Birth Year: 2001, 2019, 2037

顏色:粉紅 - 桃紅 - 銀色

Those born under the archetypal pattern of Peace Bearer creates humans that are gifted at retaining peace within and without in all that they dance with. This state of peace is derived through an absolute balance of giving and receiving through forgiveness. In so doing, such folk walk the middle path or road with ease, retaining balance in all that they do. Such humans would be gifted at assisting the new communities of the future in assuring that each contributes their fair share to the whole, so that balanced giving and receiving of the entire community could be attained, and retained over time; which shall have the affect of retaining the peace within the community. In relationship, one with this type of truth in action would be gifted at keeping balance and peace in the path of the two or beloved, along with balance in family relations if children were born.


Such humans are also gifted at forgiveness, which fuels ascension forth. They would be talented teachers of ascension, along with healers of all kinds allowing others to release old worn out patterns that bring joylessness through forgiveness. At this time, such humans may also be gifted at working with ascending children who are continually changing and releasing karma, and in so doing, would hold adequate space allowing for easier relationships amongst peers. It is karma that creates friction in one's life, or amongst children. As the karma is released, peace follows for all concerned.


Children born in the Year of the Dragon are the precursor to change through forgiveness. Change and ascension are synonymous and therefore it is not surprising that this has become the main truth in action for the calendar year of 2001. This new astrology has been embraced by all species upon Earth and successfully launched mass human and global ascension! For the birth of all newborns to all species fell under this new astrological sign of the Peace Bearer. Congratulations to all who have anchored this new astrology and allowed the birth of the Peace Bearer to fuel global ascension forth, anchoring world peace in the century ahead!



Keynote: Truth in Action
Truth in Action: Power, Non - conditional Governance, Non - Conditional Love
Colors: Peach - Ivory - Silver
Animal Totem: Buffalo
Aquatic Totem: Tuna
Year of Birth: 2002, 2020, 2038

2、真相肩負者 - 偉大白水牛之年
顏色:桃色 - 象牙色 - 銀色
出生年份: 2002, 2020, 2038
Humans born under the archetypal pattern of Truth Bearer have the gift of holding the truth of unity for all to remember. They become as beacons of truth for all to see. Such humans are sometimes behind the scenes and yet influence others with their gentleness and love. Yet others emerge into the dance of a leadership role guiding others either small or large in number in alignment with the truth - in - action that each may so hold.


The truth bearer is an example of authentic power, which leads others founded upon love, honor, and resonance. Groups gathered by the truth bearer will be based upon resonance and the greater good of the whole. If any member fails to support the group in some manner and cannot transcend the pattern at cause, they will be evicted. Why? In unity, any dance that harms the whole is outlawed, as the dance would potentially destroy the group. Sometimes those dancing in such a manner may evolve out of the destructive dance and come back into harmony again with the group. Sometimes they cannot, and must be removed before they destroy the group at large. This is the new form of non - conditional governance that shall come forth in the coming century and within the human dance, governance that understands the principles of unity in the dance of the whole.


For Bodhisattva children born in the year of 2002, regardless of species, each shall assist in re - anchoring the unity based truth for the human species. Such children will be natural teachers in nature, educating first their parents about "unity truth" and then all others that they touch in their life dance. Earth's truth as a consensus was lost long ago. Now is the return cycle of awakening in which all that was lost may be retrieved, resurrected, reconstituted, and made whole and complete again. It is in the wholeness that one remembers the truth. Earth is remembering her truth and this year ahead shall be the year that her truth is reconstructed in full through the re - emergence of the Truth Bearer in 2002.


Keynote: Harmony or Synthesis in Action
Truth in Action: Breath of Life, Unity and Structure
Colors: Gold - Pink - Lavender
Animal Totem: Bear
Aquatic Totem: Flounder
Year of Birth: 2003, 2021, 2039

3、和諧肩負者 - 金熊之年
顏色:金色 - 粉紅 - 淡紫色
出生年份:2003, 2021, 2039
The archetypal pattern of Bearer of Harmony is gifted at harmonizing others so that unity and synthesis may prevail amongst the many of a group or human civilization at large. Such humans will also be talented in creative endeavors of all kinds, including art, music, dance, theater, song, writing, public speaking and so on. It is through the creative modality that such humans shall assist in harmonizing others that participate through reading their books, attending a concert, dance or production of any kind, or in the acquisition of artwork. Such humans may produce artwork that is utilized in sacred places of healing as it allows the environment to be synthesized into a rainbow of tones, which harmonizes the fields of all therein allowing for healing to transpire.


For Earth, 2003 will signify the return of harmony and synthesis to a greater level than ever before. Synthesis is the ability to align the tones of creation into a rainbow without end for the purposes of sustaining balance. Therefore the newborn of all species in the year 2003 shall contribute their abilities to such a purpose of sustaining the balance of Earth enough to attain the next level of global ascension, and enter the star gates towards the Great Central Sun ahead.


In 2002, the focus is the release of all disease, aging, deformity and death karma within all species. It shall be in the releasing of karma for the internal war of disease and death that a greater level of synthesis and harmony of all of Earth can come forth. This is also the time in which miraculous healings may begin to occur amongst those humans who so choose to release their karma and ascend out of disease.


Bodhisattva Children born in 2003 will be natural healers, however they will not choose to become "educated" in healing practices per se, but rather learn to listen within and follow their own truth as to how to work with, counsel or assist another in harmonizing. The time ahead is one of the return of self "knowing" rather than educated knowing. Self - knowing stems from the communion with one's own God Goddess within and allowing God Goddess to speak through and direct the life dance.


Keynote: Freedom in Action
Truth in Action: Divine Union, Freedom, Power
Colors: Pale Lavender - Pale Yellow - Peach
Animal Totem: Horse
Aquatic Totem: Manta Ray
Year of Birth: 2004, 2022, 2040

4、自由肩負者 - 飛馬之年
顏色:淡紫色 - 淺黃色 - 桃色
出生年份:2004, 2022, 2040
Those born under the archetypal pattern of Freedom in Action will be gifted at allowing for evolution and ascension in their own life dance, the group that they affiliate with, and the whole of humanity. This type of human may feel too confined to ever remain in one place very long, and much like the Gypsies of olden times, may roam from one place to another, allowing greater freedom to enter the life dance of all who they may touch. Such humans will not need others as they will know that they are loved from the inside out, and that their home lies within the heart and not upon this piece of land or that, or in association with this group or that. As such they will blow from one place to the next with the wind, and find great joy within in the continuous change or freedom.


The year 2004 shall be a great year of freedom born for Earth. In 2003, the karma for slavery, oppression and dominion through abusive power shall be released in full by all species, fueling the birth of freedom in 2004. So this shall be so for Earth, so it shall also be so for ascending humans that choose to align with the new global truth of the consensus one resides upon. It will be in the year 2004 that some of the new ascension communities may be born in the human dance. In so doing, there will be a new form of governance and counsel for humanity map made under the direction of such ascending communities to create the template from which human civilization may evolve into the unity based paradigm en mass in the decades ahead.


Bodhisattva Children born in the year 2004 will be very unique in nature. Many in their teenage years may enter nature and allow nature to take care of them, finding absolute freedom from the human dance for a time. They shall then return sharing of what they have learned and what nature has taught them for the benefit of the whole of the human species.




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