A New Astrology for a New Millennia


The Earth Mother and One Source through Karen Danrich "Mila" December 24, 2001
地球母親和全一源頭透過Karen Danrich Mila”傳遞,日期:20011224

Dear beloved ascending human,

Earth is moving to a new Astrological system that is founded upon unity based universal archetypes. The universe is made up of 18 solar systems, of which Earth's sun is also apart. All solar systems revolve around your universal 12th dimensional universal sun and in so doing, create an 18 - year cycle that Earth was once a part of. Each solar system anchors a particular archetype that is unity based for not only mankind, but also all species upon Earth. Earth has anchored the necessary alterations along with your solar system to again partake in this 18 - year cycle beginning in this year of 2001 and moving on into the coming 18 year period ahead.


This piece is a Christmas and New Year's Gift to each of you from Mila who knows that it is human nature to wish understand the cycles of life in astrological terms along with one's own nature. As of this year, the new astrology has been defined and embraced by Earth and all species therein. Ascending humans are also embracing this new astrology and new unity based archetypal patterning.


Although one's birth year for the sign that one has been born under will not be reflected in this piece, one is altering their astrology through ascension to reflect a new truth - in - action that is unity based and entering this new astrological influence. Therefore one's birth chart ceases to have as much meaning as a new pull of forces that are universal in size begin to direct the dance more fully the further one ascends. One enters in full the new unity based universal astrological chart upon completion of Mahavishnu level evolution (15,000 strands of DNA embodied).

儘管一個人所誕生年份的標誌將不會被在本文中被反映,但你正在透過提升改變自己星象,來反映這個立足統一的新行動真相(truth - in - action),並進入這一新的星象影響中。因此,你的出生星圖將不再有那麼多意義,因為當你提升越深入時,一個新的、銀河大小的力量就會開始更完全地引領舞蹈。在完成Mahavishnu水準的進化時(融入15000DNA),一個人就會完全進入立足統一之上的新銀河星象圖中。

Humans are used to archetypes that are solar in nature and polarity based. For example the current astrological signs each have positive and negative characteristics. Furthermore some signs are predisposed to warfare or harmfulness in the life dance if the appropriate make - up is present in the rest of the chart. This is not so with the new archetypal patterns. In essence, the new archetypes are harmless and unity based.


In ascending to Bodhisattva, one's solar birth chart reverses fully, and one experiences the opposite to whom and what one has known oneself to be from birth for a time thereafter. For many upon the spiritual path, reversing their birth chart is a great gift in the ascent to Bodhisattva. Many spiritual aspirants chose to be born at a particular time with birth charts of extreme difficulty to teach one about the vital lessons of compassion in action. As a result, for many attaining Bodhisattva, life alters from difficulty and strife to greater ease and joy thereafter.


Through continued ascension beyond Bodhisattva to Mahavishnu level evolution, the polarity reverses yet again and the opposite of one's early life and life as Bodhisattva cancel each other out coming yet again to the middle road, or a new dance of greater unity within. At Mahavishnu level evolution, one integrates the opposing forces of the opposite solar birth chart and completes with this form of solar astrology in full, entering a new dance founded upon unity based universal astrological influences and forces thereafter.


The current astrology is solar in nature and was designed to govern the slave race with a limited genetic structure of only 5000 strands as incubated by the Annanuki. It was also designed to keep one subordinate to those in power and unable to evolve out of slavery. The seeded race on the other hand was always governed by a unity based universal astrology, until they too fell to 5000 strands or lower in vibration in the many falls in consciousness of the human species. Then in the fall, the red race too fell under the solar astrology that had the affect of causing them to experience parallel limitation to the incubated slave race. One's ancient red ancestors therefore remember much about this ancient astrology.


One may wish to bring such knowledge forward now and intend to move into this new system in this lifetime. In so doing, one will enter a state of unity and anchor heaven upon Earth in one's own life dance and expression in this lifetime. For this is the fall from the garden of Eden that has been written of beloved; humans fell from unity and a unity based astrology into separation and a polarity based astrology anchored by a limited group of Pleiadians to direct an even more limited slave race. This ultimately caused the red race to fall into the dance of polarity of extremes or "fall from grace". It is the extreme experiences of polarity that make life upon Earth in human form an unpleasant experience for so many. Unity based thought is not filled with polarity, but rather is founded upon the middle road or path between the two diverse poles. Therefore humans attaining Mahavishnu will be vastly different from their 2 strand of DNA past self in this incarnation.


There are many Bodhisattva children to be born in the years ahead that shall ascend to Mahavishnu in their early life dance, and many Mahavishnu children to be born after 2010 in Earth's estimation. The new astrology shall bring to consciousness the nature and expression of such children entering the world beginning in this calendar year of 2001. And so this piece is also dedicated to the incoming Bodhisattva and Mahavishnu children. May there be many of such births and may such children lead humanity home to a new dance of unity, unconditional love and peace.



Each ascending human is moving towards embodying one of the following 18 new astrological symbols as a reflection of their "truth in action" as an ascending master. Each truth in action is based upon 3 notes of the first 10 upon the scale of the Language of Light; by the ascent to 3000 strands of DNA, the first note is embodied; by 5000 strands the second note is embodied; by 7500 strands or Bodhisattva, the third note is embodied. By 15,000, all three notes are equally weighted within the field allowing for the truth - in - action to be reflected in the day - to - day life of the Mahavishnu level master. It is also as all three notes are evenly represented in the field that one exits the old astrology and enters a new unity astrological system in full, one that surrounds the pull of 18 solar systems around your 12th dimensional universal sun.


For the sake of review, we are going to give an overview of the 10 base notes of the Language of Light from which the Truth - in - Action is derived. These notes are the foundation of a new unity based thought - form that pulls one increasingly under the influence of the new universal astrology the further that one ascends. Ascending initiates may wish to muscle test which of these 10 notes they are embodying first, second and third in their ascent to Bodhisattva. Know that the notes may change as one moves closer to Bodhisattva in vibration due to more clearly defining one's biological inheritance.



Forgiveness is the tone required for releasing karma and moving beyond karma to a new state of being that is founded upon resonance of purpose. Those with a main or sub tone of forgiveness are gifted at causing ascension in others, or in other terms triggering ascension of those seeded for such a purpose. One may find that a preoccupation as a teacher or healer of ascension would be the natural outcome of such a truth.



2. STRUCTURE (lavender)
Structure is the tone required to restructure or reorder one's life from a foundation of separation to a foundation of unity and unity - based relations. Those with a main or sub tone of structure shall be gifted at reordering their life or the lives of others. Such a truth will find that one affects the foundation of all others that one touches. Such folk will be instrumental in causing the old foundation to crumble for mankind bringing forth a new foundation of unity and unconditional love for all.



3. POWER (peach)
Power is a tone that allows true law to reign again. True law is law founded upon the truth behind cause and effect or karma along with soul agreements. Those holding power as a main or sub tone will trigger the veils to be lifted upon all others that wish to manipulate a circumstance into being other than what it is, or put on pretenses of any kind. Such folk will force others to become their authentic self, and be gifted at becoming and being their authentic self. In the greater dance of humanity, those carrying the power tone shall allow the truth to be seen and again empowered over all that exists in non - truth.



4. COMPASSION (turquoise)
Compassion is a tone that allows oneself and others to synthesize into a state of balance. Those with compassion as a main or sub tone are natural healers, as they know how to run tones that cause others to come to balance. Such folk are also gifted at walking in balance in all that they do. Those with compassion as a main tone will assist in balancing all of human civilization so that humanity at large may ascend out of the paradigm of separation and into the unity again. Compassion in action is one that walks in balance and balances all others that one touches.



5. BREATH OF LIFE (golden yellow)
Breath of Life is a tone that allows for creative self - expression in all manners that it may be made manifest in the human dance. Those with a main tone or sub - tone of the Breath of Life will be drawn to all forms of creative endeavors, from art, music, dance, singing, painting, sculpture, acting, teaching, or public speaking. This tone frees the truth so that it may be fully expressed in either an artistic or spoken manner. In the larger human dance, this equates to all secrets held over time becoming known. In ascension, this tone allows the hidden karma and patterns to surface for cleansing.



Non - conditional love is a tone that allows one to embrace all others and allow all others their dance of life. Non - conditional love is also the tone that lifts the veils upon codependent thought - form allowing for the transcendence of codependence in ascension. Those gifted at such a tone may find that they are natural counselors aiding others in releasing the codependent relations and emerging into a newfound foundation of unity in its place. Upon a larger scale, those holding this tone will bring forth the transmutation of codependent relations in all areas of the human dance over time.



7. FREEDOM (pale yellow)
Freedom is a tone that releases attachment, freeing oneself and others from all ties that bind. Freedom has the effect not unlike forgiveness of triggering ascension, but carrying ascension to the next step. First one must forgive and release the karma, and then one must release the attachments and free oneself in the physical from the circumstance that enslaves. The freedom tone allows the ascension to be anchored in the physical. Therefore those with freedom as a main or sub - tone will have the effect of causing ascension to become a physical reality, both for oneself, others, and in a larger scale, for humanity at large.



8. DIVINE UNION (pale lavender)
Divine Union is the tone that causes soul to dance with form and Earth in an ongoing exchange of energy that allows ascension to come forth. Divine Union is also the tone that causes harmony between the two or a group as soul dances in harmony with other souls. Those with a main or sub - note of Divine Union shall be instrumental in bringing forth a new form of relationship based upon unity in significant partnerships as well as group relations. Upon a larger scale, those anchoring the Divine Union within human civilization shall cause a new form of human relations to emerge, one that is founded upon unity, equality, non - conditional love and joy.



9. UNITY (pale pink)
Unity is the tone that brings forth unity relations. Unity relations are founded upon the principles of the greater good of the whole taking precedence over the individual needs of each part of the whole. For humanity or Earth, this translates to only acting in a manner that serves the whole, the whole of Earth as a living consciousness, the whole of mankind, and the whole of all other species upon Earth. In ascension, unity translates into only acting in a manner that allows ascension to come forth for oneself, humanity, all other species, and Earth as a whole. Those with a main or sub note of unity will anchor such awareness, first in their life expression and then in relation to all others. In a larger scale, such folk shall anchor the new paradigm of unity for all of mankind to emerge into.



Non - Conditional Governance is the tone that allows all other tones expressed thus far to be orchestrated into group relations. Those who hold Non - Conditional Governance as a main or sub - note will find themselves gifted at leadership capacities and directing others in a manner that fuels the concepts of unity in action within a group. Such folk will also be gifted at orchestrating gatherings or productions of a unity based nature, from theater, to music, to dance, to events. Upon a larger scale, those holding this tone shall allow for a new form of governance that is unity based to emerge to lead mankind.



◎可另外參考: 光之語48個單音調(1)-(10)--- 光之語48個單音調

原文: http://www.ascendpress.org/language-of-light/LOLsingle.html



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