Keynote: True Law in Action
Truth in Action: Compassion, Divine Union, Forgiveness
Colors: Turquoise - Pale Lavender - Pink
Animal Totem: Crow
Aquatic Totem: Salmon
Year of Birth: 2011, 2029, 2047
11、真正律法之肩負者 - 烏鴉之年
顏色:綠松色 - 淡紫色 - 粉紅
出生年份:2011, 2029, 2047
The archetypal pattern of True Law understands law that is founded upon the principles of balanced giving and receiving. Such humans anchoring this truth in action shall devise a new legal system and set of human laws that are founded upon the principles of karmic completion or settling a karmic debt, and a return to balanced giving and receiving for the whole of human civilization. In the current system, there is a middleman that gains something and does nothing. This creates massive imbalances in resources, which is reflected as poverty and starvation of the human species. It shall be those entering the dance of this archetypal nature, perhaps as an advisor to the new leadership, that a new monetary system that is balanced can emerge in the human dance in the half century ahead. Within community, such humans will create laws that are fair, balanced, and support the unity of the group in an ongoing and working manner.
For Earth, 2011 shall be a period of cleansing all that cannot function in true law from the Earth plane. This shall bring about yet another changing of the guards or souls in governance over Earth as a whole. So it is also in human ascension towards Mahavishnu, as one refines their truth in action, the souls must change accordingly. So it is also for global ascension. Mahavishnu births in 2011 shall anchor true law in the human dance through blessings upon entry at birth. Such children will have a natural understanding of a new law and order, and may well find themselves advising elders in the community at an early age as a result.
Keynote: True Purpose in Action
Truth in Action: Breath of Life, Non - Conditional Governance, Structure
Colors: Gold - Ivory - Lavender
Animal Totem: Owl
Aquatic Totem: Eel
Year of Birth: 2012, 2030, 2048
12、真正目標肩負者 - 貓頭鷹之年
顏色:金色 - 象牙色 - 淡紫色
出生年份:2012, 2030, 2048
The archetypal pattern of True Purpose understands that each human is designed for a particular role within the whole of the community or the human civilization within which they dance. Such gifts and talents are resonant within the biology and genetics at birth, and can be brought forward through coaching or counseling in early childhood and teenage education. Those gifted at True Purpose in Action will be gifted in seeing into the unconscious gifts and talents that others possess, and counseling or guiding them to bring such gifts and talents forward to fulfill upon their soul purpose upon Earth. Such humans will be gifted teachers of those in teenage years guiding such young folk into a direction that serves as well as inspires themselves and others. They would also be gifted adult counselors or advisors of the community, assisting in job placement in relation to one's inherent gifts and talents.
For Earth, this is another year of restructuring in which souls and species alike may be reassigned according to emerging gifts and talents through ascension. Certain species that have held certain roles for millions of years in relation to the consensus upon Earth may find themselves doing something new and wonderful to explore. 2011 is a time in which joy becomes the foundation of all relations and all jobs upon Earth. Joy comes from a preoccupation that brings one joy, whether one be a human, dolphin or whale, or any other species. Mahavishnu children shall anchor blessings of true purpose upon entry on to the physical plane for all humans global wide. Such blessings shall allow humans to more readily see, hear and bring to fruition their true purpose, and find the joy that such a new dance offers both oneself and all others.
Keynote: Communication in Action
Truth in Action: Breath of Life, Freedom, Unity
Colors: Gold - Yellow - Pale Pink
Animal Totem: Wolf
Aquatic Totem: Mackerel
Year of Birth: 2013, 2031, 2049
13、資訊傳達的肩負者 - 狼之年
顏色:金色 - 黃色 - 淺粉
出生年份:2013, 2031, 2049
The Bearer of Communication archetypal pattern will be gifted at transcribing experiences into words so that others may gain the benefit of the lessons learned. One could think of Mila as being associated with this particular sign as an ascending being. Indeed her truth of action, which is teacher of ascension, has come forth and she is indeed gifted at communicating her experience so that others may learn from her sharing.
This sign shall provide teachers of all kinds for the emerging unity paradigm in the half century ahead. Some will actively teach to groups, children or teenagers, and yet others will teach one to one in their life dance. Such teaching comes through "direct communication". Direct communication is lost in the manipulative dance, as covert meaning has had greater power than direct meaning. This shall change in the years ahead due to the ascension of the human species, and in time direct communication shall be valued far more greatly, and covert manipulation techniques frowned upon. As this occurs, humans of all nations and all walks of life will better understand one another, allowing for the birth of peace amongst all nations to be fulfilled upon.
It may be in 2013 that the nuclear armaments are dismantled global wide, or a few years thereafter as a result of direct communication between leaders of all nations allowing such a global treaty banning warfare and armaments of any kind to be signed. For Earth, 2013 shall be a year that yet another level of communication is mastered in her global ascension.
There is a language above the Language of Light, and it is known as the Language of the ONE. This language is a universal language understood by the Tao from which all creations regardless of size emanate. As the Language of ONE is mastered, there shall be freedom of communication between Earth and Sources outside of the One Source from which she emanates. This communication allows for direct support from the Tao itself in relation to Earth's continued ascension. Mahavishnu children born in 2013 shall anchor blessings of clear communication upon entry into the physical plane for all of mankind. It is such blessings that shall allow all nations to understand one another enough to come to a treaty of global peace.
Keynote: Union in Action
Truth in Action: Divine Union, Freedom, Structure
Colors: Pale Lavender - Yellow - Lavender
Animal Totem: Goose or Swan
Aquatic Totem: Penguin
Year of Birth: 2014, 2032, 2050
14、聯盟的肩負者 - 鵝或天鵝之年
顏色:淺紫 - 黃色 - 紫色
出生年份:2014, 2032, 2050
The archetypal pattern of Union in Action understands the path of the two, or the path of intimate relationships founded upon divine union and love. First one must anchor such a loving relationship with one's soul, source and I AM presence. Then the love within allows the fertile ground to manifest the beloved in the life dance. The new form of relationship that shall emerge in the human dance in the years ahead will be founded upon the unity principles of non - attachment. From this a new form of family relations shall also emerge as children enter the dance of the two, altering it to the dance of the three or more.
這一原型懂得,兩人間或親密關係的路徑建立在神性統一和愛之上。首先,一個人必須以靈魂、源頭和我是之所在(I AM presence)錨定一份愛的關係。其次,內在之愛讓豐饒根植,以顯化生命舞蹈中的所愛。在前方年份人類舞蹈中即將出現的新關係形式,將建立在不需連線的統一原則之上。當孩子進入兩人舞蹈時,一個新形式的家庭關係也將出現,使其改變成三人或更多人的舞蹈。
Those born or ascending into this archetypal pattern will be gifted at the dance of relationship, and also may emerge as teachers or counselors of relationship and family relations. Ascending humans will go through many personal changes in the years ahead, and require those gifted at assisting each in sorting out their truth in relation to others. In community, relationship and family will have a special function that will revolve around sharing tasks in child rearing and child education. Those gifted at the archetypal pattern of relationship will be good at overseeing such a new structure that supports the whole of the community, the adults and children alike.
For Earth, 2014 allows for new relationships between the species to emerge as a consensus reality. Each species will have shifted roles founded upon their emerging truth in action through ascension. Each species therefore may discover that they have different or new relationships with each other. Mahavishnu children born in 2014 will anchor blessings towards the remembrance of the path of the two and the path of the beloved. All humans are beloved to one another, and the blessings flowing through such births shall anchor this remembrance for the whole of the human species.
Keynote: Ascension in Action
Truth in Action: Forgiveness, Power, Non - conditional Governance
Colors: Pink - Peach - Ivory
Animal Totem: Tiger
Aquatic Totem: Shark
Year of Birth: 2015, 2033, 2051
15、提升的肩負者 - 虎之年
顏色:粉色 - 桃色 - 象牙色
出生年份:2015, 2033, 2051
The archetypal pattern of Bearer of Ascension is gifted at map carving ascension to the next dimension, and may well be one of the first to attempt and fulfill upon such a goal. Indeed Oa, Mila's beloved, would fit best under this archetypal pattern given his truth - in - action. The bearer of ascension reminds all others of the need to align with the cycles of evolution that are solar and creational in nature. As the cycle for ascension comes forth, this archetype is the one that paves the way, gathering groups to ascend together, or gathering a community founded upon ascension. Indeed this is all a part of his current endeavors and future endeavors based upon the dream for Oa that Earth has designed.
This archetypal pattern takes the pattern of the "Saint" one step further into the role of spiritual teacher and guide in the physical. Such a pattern will create ascension even in cyclic times of non - ascension, to keep the whole in balance. Ascension long ago served to transmute karma of the consensus known as Earth so that Earth could retain her vibration. Early in her history, dolphins and whales incarnate upon her surface fulfilled upon this role, ascending every so many forms every 1000 years to retain Earth's vibration. Humans following the initial seeding also served such a function, until due to a distorted dance that emerged, fell to a point where ascension ceased. As ascension ceases, the only other pattern possible is a decline in consciousness, and this is what followed. Therefore the re - emergence of this archetype in the century ahead shall restore the human purpose, which is to provide a vessel through which soul can support the whole of Earth in her choice to ascend through periodic human ascensions to the next dimension.
For Earth, the year 2015 shall anchor a new truth for Earth as she attains Mahavishnu in vibration. This is in preparation for entry into the Photon Belt anticipated in the 2018 timeframe. Earth in attaining such a global vibration will be assured a smooth entry, as there will be two years to stabilize and make alterations to the energy flow to assure a gentle passage for all concerned. The first children born Fully Consciousness in vibration will occur in 2015. Such children will also be considered born "Saints" and will anchor blessings to assist the human species to focus upon ascension full time. Ascension will require full time focus beyond 2015 for those that are going to pass with Earth into the photon belt. All others will combust upon entry if the field and form is not adequately prepared.