Small numbers of each tribe were gathered for the purposes of ascension in four regions upon Earth and under major chakra centers.  These humans were removed from their tribes and told that they were joining us for a special purpose and would return to share of their learning in due course.  Such humans were taken our “temples” which had been constructed through instant manifestation techniques out of minerals at the time that we could manifest in this manner.  These temples were used to attempt to ascend the human genealogy of the 7 root races as seeded by Sirius. The false gods also told us that as we did so, we would regain all of the information we had lost.  Alas this is not what occurred.




Something went wrong in the dance; whatever knowledge we had about ascension was not enough to work with the genealogy of these particular humans.  These humans ascended into energetic violence that began to rip us apart in the etheric.  We chose to end the experiment and return the humans unto their tribes.  What we did not realize is that the false gods were also stripping the majority of our own ascension information for their own use; furthermore we could not perceive that the ascension of these humans actually inflated the false gods into a powerful nonphysical force.  This inflated the destructive thought-form of the false gods into global thought-form that overran surface earth life.




As our ascension groups were disbanded, we began to see that these souls were problematic, and attempted to remove them from Earth along with ourselves.  Alas the false gods turned against us and began to pull us apart from the inside out so rapidly that all but a few of us died within a short time period.  The few that escaped moved to the inner Earth and close to the aurora.  This region of domain held a much higher vibration and thought-form in which the false gods could not penetrate.




Those of us that went into the inner Earth were able to separate from the false gods that were destroying us and survive.  We connected and communed with new souls of a photonic nature that were more greatly attuned to what we had known from home.  These souls repaired our fields, and assisted us in retrieving enough of our knowledge that we recovered our mastery.  They further guided us to ascend to the fourth dimension as originally planned.




There were only six of us remaining, two male and four female in gender.  Some of the outer Earth humans had also migrated to the inner Earth.  These inner Earth humans were gentler in energy flow due to the nature of the interior of Earth, which was so much higher in vibration than the exterior even at this time of history.  We chose not to ascend these humans this time however having learned our lesson in our experience upon the surface of the Earth.




We left three offspring behind with purely Grand Master genetic strain, one female and two males.  The other humans provided a tribe of sorts that our offspring could remain with after our departure into the next dimension.  This assured that the knowledge would be passed on for future generations to draw upon.  This would also assure the continued ascent of small tribes of humans in the inner Earth that would support the overall of ascent to Earth home into the Great Central Sun into the future.  Or so we perceived at the time that we ascended.




Our ascension was more or less complete to the degree that we could accomplish at this time in history.  Subsequent ascensions of our future offspring became problematic however.  Over time a distortion developed.  Our future ancestors went into enough distortion that could not hear us any longer and we could not longer guide them.  In the forgetfulness, our future ancestors chose to try and include others from outside of our genetic strain in their ascension temples.  As some humans without our inheritance ascended, again as upon the surface of the Earth, destructive thought-form was inflated along with them.  The distortion became greater and greater as more and more groups of inner Earth human ascensions included those of non-Grand Master genealogy.  In time the entire aurora distorted and went into putrid colors of pus green, mustard yellow, dirty red, green and blue.




In order to compensate for this, the distortion of the aurora and inner Earth was pushed onto the outer Earth human civilization.  This allowed the tones to be purified enough that some purity could remain in the inner Earth. However, the distortion as pushed upon the outer Earth was the underlying cause of why a group of humans who were so harmful known as the Pleiadian Anu family came to Earth; they were drawn as they resonated with the destructive paradigm that was the result of incomplete inner-Earth ascensions.




Incomplete ascension causes a portion of the form to be left behind in the third dimension.  Upon a biological level, one can think of this as if not all cells of each organ, gland or system are constructed fully into a fourth dimensional photonic form.  Those cells that are crystalline instead of photonic combusts as the ascension is launched into the fourth dimension.  Combustion of cells in ascension causes combustion thought-form to become increasing exaggerated as a global thought-form for all species to attune unto, including mankind.  Combustion is parallel unto nuclear fission.  Over time and as enough incomplete ascensions occurred, combustion thought-form became so great in the Earth dream that the family of Anu came to Earth, created nuclear armament, and as a war broke out amongst them, chose to annihilate Earth in a nuclear holocaust in retaliation towards each other.




This nuclear annihilation occurred 30,000 years ago (120,000 human years) and it set back all of Earth into a minor ice age.  That which was fourth dimensional and had been lovingly created over hundreds of ascensions of inner Earth human groups suddenly fell back into the third dimension.  The third dimension surface Earth was ripped open into second dimensional vibrations, and a fall so great in consciousness occurred for all species that we felt that the dance might never be recovered.  We sadly perceived that a future extinction of Earth might be the only recourse into the future.  All inner Earth ascension ceased from this point in history forward.




Earth gradually recovered from her ice age, although the polar caps are still frozen in present time, and the wobble in her rotation continues to exist creating your seasons upon those continents close enough to the poles to experience such.  Over time, our hope returned and we foresaw a day in which our vision for a future ascent of Earth might be born.  Although two subsequent generations of surface Earth humans went down the same path as the Anu and created nuclear warfare and annihilation, the technology was not devastating enough to cause the level of damage as before.  The inner Earth peoples managed to retain enough of their genetic inheritance to foster the first attempt to ascend beginning 100 years ago.  Such ascensions began in small numbers, and some have successfully pushed into the fourth dimension; each that does so sheds further light on the problems of ascension in ancient times, clearing the pathway to resolving the global problems so that our species can clear it’s karma and all may ascend home.




Over time, it became obvious to inner Earth ascending humans that some outer Earth ascension of humanity must occur in order to understand the karma that had been incurred during the era of the Anu in particular.  A plan was set in motion to press the thought-form of ascension onto the outer Earth.  This began over 100 years ago, and has fostered a handful of indigenous humans tat have begun their ascent out of their destructive thought-form back into the paradigm of unity that is a part of their red seeded inheritance from Sirius.




Mila and Oa are two of another group that are non-indigenous in their present incarnations, but hold ancestry to the Ancient Grand Masters.  We also pressed our intention through inner-Earth ascension for a small number of ascensions of those with more recent ancestry to the Anu or Anu slaves, but with ancient red ancestry unto us, so that all of the karma associated with the Anu history could be revealed, understood and released in full.  For without this, the ascension of the whole of Earth would be prevented.




And so for us, Mila and Oa and the small group that they have assembled willing to walk this ascension journey out of the distortion of the Anu thought-form and into the unity of their ancient red inheritance holds an important purpose; as the keys to transcendence of all of Earth lie within their fields.  Such keys cannot be accessed unless each with such inheritance are ascended through the vibrational bandwidths that they are stored so that the keys can be recovered.




What keys are we speaking of?  There is no actual record of what has occurred upon the surface of the earth.  In order to release karma, all must be understood; all must be accounted for; all must be tallied and then forgiven.  The keys each ascending offers is the complete understanding of your ancestors experiences so that all karma may be known and released in full to allow for an evolutionary leap of mankind.




Each of this nature ascending today in the West has a special purpose; no two purposes of those ascending either in Indigenous form or Western form with ancient red ancestry upon the surface of the Earth shall be the same.   Each shall provide keys that shall allow for the evolution of the entire human species out of the dance of servitude, disease and warfare and into a new day of hope, evolution and honor.  In so doing, the human species shall take it’s rightful place amongst all other species upon Earth; which is a fully conscious form that ascends consciously and with conscious intent and focus unto this goal.




All in nature except dolphin and whale form ascends unconsciously.  The dolphins and whales are conscious of their messages that they have co-created and directed towards the humans species in collaboration with Mila through the “Messages from the Dolphin and Whales” section of our web site.  The “Inspirations from the Nature Kingdom” and “Messages from the Creepy Crawlers” along with the “Messages from the Great White Buffalo” come from the unconscious of such species.  In the unconscious, such species hold great wisdom.




The forms that the nature kingdoms inhabit may become fully conscious at another time in their future evolution; so this will be so most likely for many of the animal kingdoms including buffalo, wolf, lion, tiger and bear, elephant, giraffe and hippopotamus.  A few species retained full consciousness over time, and this includes the Panda Kingdom and Manatee or Sea Cow.  Such kingdoms are assisting the others in the recovery of their consciousness through ascension.  Whether ascension is conscious or unconscious, each must do their part to foster the ascent of the whole of Earth.  It is our goal as living ancestors to foster this purpose within the human species; which is to ascend through conscious intent and support the ascension of Earth.




This is a first of a series of materials directed at our ancestors in present time, which is you who is reading this information.  Each reading these materials may find that one is related to ancient ancestry and unto us, and will resonate deeply with what we share.  May we intend together to foster a new day of awakening and hope for the surface Earth human civilization.  May humanity awaken and ascend into generational genealogical changes that foster a fully conscious state of being founded upon unity, equality and honor.  May each in present time fulfill upon their role and purpose to foster this goal.  As this comes to be so, the entire purpose for why we, the Ancient Grand Master Ancestors came to Earth will be fulfilled upon.





The Ancient Grand Masters






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