Mastering One's Own Destiny


The Dolphin and Whale Kingdoms through Karen Danrich "Mila"April 13, 2002

海豚和鯨魚王國通過 Karen Danrich "Mila"傳遞,2002413


Translated by 焱華


Dear Beloved Ascending Human,

The Dolphin and Whale Kingdoms have much to say to our ascending human initiates at this time in particular of global ascension transition and transformation. Now is the time for all initiates to take full responsibility for one's own destiny. If one fails to begin to consciously intend not only one's ascension, but one's life dream and dance upon a daily basis, one will now become subject to the underlying and unconscious pull towards death that predominates over the human dream during this time of cleansing. Such a dream is being brought to fruition by the earth mother so that she may ascend.






At this time, humans are being prepared for cleansing from the earth plane. The vast majority of humans (roughly 60%) are not capable of moving through the impending changes required to ascend into the fourth dimension. Map carvers have tried to create a map suitable for a mass ascent of humanity and have devoted the past five years of focus and attention to such a pursuit. Much of such map carving proved to be fruitless in relation to certain lineages that much of humanity is related to.




Much of humanity is associated with thought-form and genetics that come from another planet and are related to a slave race originating in a laboratory of Pleiadian and Orion design. Such human genetics are radioactive and electrical and not suited to a magnetic creation that earth resides within. All attempts to create a bridge from radioactive to magnetic energy flow and genetics for those humans without ancient red inheritance has failed. Those therefore who's ancestry dead-ends either in slave inheritance, Pleiadian or Orion form is destined to complete through death at this time for lieu of any other option available.




Although this appears sad upon the surface, we guide our human brothers and sisters not to mourn. Consciousness carries forward. Those humans who complete in death will carry on. All will go back in the nonphysical to the Pleiades or Orion if their predominant lineages originate there. They will join the dance that is carrying on in such creations and in human, dolphin or whale form. For we too have such lineages and about 30% of our populace is also completing through death. Such human, dolphin and whale consciousness will have witnessed the difficulties and struggles inherent in earth's choice to ascend, and carry such wisdom to the Pleiades and Orion. In due course, the Pleiades and Orion will ascend home also, and such humans will carry with them the necessary remembrance to fuel the awakening necessary for their own ascensions. Therefore it is all as it should be and needs to be beloved.







We guide our human ascending brothers and sisters to tune inward and open to the inner world within one's hologram. The hologram sits within the heart chakra. All kingdoms upon earth have returned to holographic communication. There are no longer traveling light bodies. Light bodies remain around all form and communication and travel now occurs holographically. Holographic communication and travel is a wonderful manner to relate for all that one knows, all others know instantaneously as such is the nature of holographic communication. To the degree that each human initiate can open to their holographic knowing, to such a degree one will know all that all kingdoms understand to the degree that one can attune to such knowledge in vibration.




Knowledge is stored in vibrational bandwidths that surround earth and are interconnected via the holographic planes of reality. As any human or species enters a particular bandwidth and clears all karma for the misuse of related knowledge, suddenly one will know what all others knew and know now inherent in such vibrations. This is how holographic knowledge works; it transfers instantly. One will also instantly know what all ancestors that preceded oneself knew at the time that they too existed within such a vibrational bandwidth. Ascending humans along with dolphins and whales are attuned to one another now through such holographic energy flow, along with all kingdoms upon earth. This is a major transformation beloved, and one that is not to be discounted. With all species suddenly again knowing what all others know, all now have the necessary knowledge to ascend.




The holographic planes have gone through major modifications and remodeling as of late. Primarily, holograms that originated from the Pleiades that were of human and dolphin, plant, animal or mineral form were removed from the holographic planes. Such holograms were of a different nature and caused friction and discord in the holographic planes. It was the discord that caused the separation of holograms and the cessation of holographic understanding. First this occurred within the human species, separating humans from one another. Later holographic knowledge also deteriorated between species, particularly as holograms entered the dance from plants, animals, dolphins, whales and minerals originating from the Pleiades or Orion. Such holograms from places outside of your creation and related to all kingdoms upon earth have also been removed as of late from the holographic planes altogether.




This is in preparation for the cleansing of all genetics related to such holograms from earth so that earth may ascend and enter the Great Central Sun. No energy signature from another creation, not even one molecular in size, can ascend in this creation. Therefore all that originated from elsewhere must either modify the energy flow down to a molecular level to become solely magnetic, or die in the impending quarter century of cleansing ahead.







The cleansing involves many species. Mankind is only one of 800 species that are choosing partial to full extinction at this time. Dolphins and whales too are choosing partial extinction of those with biology that is too radioactive to ascend. This includes roughly 30% of our population, which are unable to ascend due to radioactive DNA, whereas over 60% of the human population is currently destined for a parallel cleansing. Such cleansing also involves the plant, animal and mineral kingdoms. Again the consciousness from such kingdoms shall return to their planet or star of origin carrying their experience and knowledge with them, and fueling the ascension of such places into the future.




Over 90 minerals including opals, tanzanite, pyrite, iron, mercury, lead, fluorite, jasper, and many others that our channel does not know the name of, are too radioactive to ascend. Such minerals shall cease to exist as all of earth becomes molten lava and all species have moved into the fourth dimension. We point out that sometimes such minerals may have use for ascending initiates. Our channel uses opal in particular to retrieve records that were sent to the Pleiades from her ancestry, as all such information was stored in opal upon arrival. Opal therefore is happy to assist in the retrieval of records if one asks as it settles her karma to allow for completion upon earth. Fluorite is an excellent barrier from one's own field and one's electrical devices or to protect the car engine or computer from the energetic wear and tear of an ascending user. One therefore may find a use for some minerals that are radioactive during this time of transition upon earth.




Many plant species are also completing at this time and this includes most fruits, nuts and vegetables that are farmed in a non-conscious manner by mankind. This also includes 450 other forms of flowers, weeds, herbs, trees, shrubs and bushes, which did not originate within this creation and are radioactive in nature. Such plants will become increasingly diseased the further that earth ascends. It may interest humans to understand that much of the flowers and shrubs that are so popular to decorate one's home and garden with originated in the Pleiades, and are highly radioactive. Such radioactivity contributes to what is known as "allergies" as the radioactivity travels with the pollen into the mucous membranes of the form becoming an irritant.




Replace the plants and shrubs with those that are non-radioactive, or ground out the radioactivity to the aurora of earth, and the allergies will go away, or so Mila and Oa have found living in Hawaii. There is little room for radioactivity any longer as the magnetic pull is so strong under the heart chakra or any major chakra of earth. Radioactivity is therefore grounded out of such shrubs and bushes bringing an end to allergies even if such shrubs are Pleiadian or from Orion in origin.




In the future, organic farming may become very sought after as this may be the only surviving sustenance aside from what one may grow within one's own garden. Why will such plants go extinct? There is no soul anchored in current human farming practices. All life form without soul will become extinct in the coming 25 years. So this is so for plants, so this is so for non-ascending humans who are also soulless. Soul is not anchored more fully until initiation 3000, and therefore as any garden or farm moves to 3000 strands in vibration, such a garden or farm will survive the coming times of cleansing.




Many animal species are also choosing partial to complete extinction at this time, and this includes over 200 forms of ocean species and 100 forms of land species. Many of such species are again highly radioactive and therefore not suited to ascension. Some of such species includes kangaroo, parrots, and blue jays to name a few that many will be familiar with. Many parasitic insects including roaches, flies, mosquitoes, worms, maggots and wasps are also destined for extinction. One may think, "Oh, do not worms and maggots allow for that which has died to decompose?" Yes, they do, however all form shall transcend decay becoming regenerative again, and therefore such species purpose will cease to be required.




Some creatures of the sea to become extinct that many are familiar with include crab, lobster, electrically charged eel, clams, oysters, some forms of shrimp, muscles, scallops and octopus, along with certain forms of fish that are also highly electrical. Many of such fish much like parrots are very colorful in nature and frequent coral reefs. The Annanuki for their pleasure and food imported such species, as the Annanuki liked to eat shellfish, and enjoyed aquariums in their living space. Such species have no magnetic blueprint to ascend into and therefore shall become extinct the further that earth ascends. Humans also enjoy consuming such shellfish and learned to do so from the Annanuki. Humanity will gradually return to vegetarianism and will not require therefore such kingdoms for sustenance into the future and as they become extinct.




Some other species choosing extinction are all farm animals which are so compromised by continuous human involvement that there is no path of ascension, much like their human counterparts. All "domesticated" animals will die due to the same reasons as plants in non-conscious farming practices. Those who anchor soul into cow will find that the Buffalo Species will ensoul all cows until humans wean themselves from the need to consume milk. Cows for slaughter however will not be ensouled by Buffalo or any other species, and humans in due course will find those cows designated for such consumption will become increasingly diseased over time and die. Such a change will force humans to become vegetarian again as nature will not participate in slaughter after the thought-form for destruction has been transcended upon a biological level. Much like cow, The Eagle Kingdom will ensoul chicken for a time until humans wean themselves from the consumption of eggs. Chickens designated for slaughter however will not be ensouled by any species and will become diseased and die over time just like cows.


其他一些選擇滅絕的物種還有所有的農場動物,它們被人類不斷牽連而受到如此的傷害以至於沒有提升之路,就像人類中那些受到嚴重傷害而無法提升的人一樣。一切被支配的動物都將會因為這個原因而死去,就像農場裡的無意識植物。那些將靈魂錨定入奶牛的生命會發現大白牛物種(the Buffalo Species)會賦予奶牛靈魂,直到人類不再有喝牛奶的需求。被用來屠宰的牛則不會被大白牛或任何別的物種賦予靈魂。人類在適當的時期會發現所指出的這些用來使用的牛隨時間流逝,會逐漸生病並死去。這種變化會迫使人類再次改吃素食,因為自然界將在毀滅的思維形式與生物體級別上被轉化之後不再參與屠殺。與牛類似,鷹王國(the Eagle Kingdom)將會為雞賦予一段時間的靈魂,直到人們不再吃雞蛋。被用於屠宰的雞則不會被任何物種賦予靈魂,並像牛一樣隨時間變得有病並死去。


Pig, horse, sheep, goat, deer, bison, buffalo, ostrich, and other farm animals will continue to thrive in the wild and ascend or upon farms that are ascending and infusing soul into such species. No species will be willing to be slaughtered for food much beyond 2025, and those designated for such purposes will simply become diseased and die off due to soullessness. Humans who survive the coming quarter century of cleansing shall learn to honor all species and cease to slaughter for consumption, becoming vegetarian in nature. Plants will evolve to provide fruit, vegetables, nuts and berries that hold all nutrients necessary to sustain an ascending form, including increased protein and mineral content. This is the gift of the plant kingdoms to all ascending species, and so it also affects the plants such as seaweed and plankton that are underwater.




All kingdoms will likewise become vegetarian again, and even those who currently thrive off of hunting one another are altering the digestive tract over the coming 25-year cycle to return to vegetarianism. This includes bear, lion, tiger, wolf, coyote, dingo, eagle, hawk, vulture, and kookaburra, along with all other meat-eating animals and birds. In parallel manner, all meat eating underwater species including shark shall evolve to thrive off of plankton again until the biology becomes more fully self-sustaining and designed to thrive off of air and photonic energy alone.




Dolphin and whales have made the decision to become self-sustaining and not require any sustenance outside of the breath by 2025. (See "Ascending into a Regenerative Form" for more information.) Some humans ascending beyond full consciousness and embodying soul infusion shall also become self-sustaining allowing the blueprint for such genetic encoding to be administered to incoming children. Such human children are anticipated to be born after 2035 and may never eat a thing after they are weaned from their mother's milk. So it shall be for dolphins and whales after 2025, and all other species after 2050.


海豚和鯨魚已經決定到20025年時稱為自我維持的物種,而不需要來自呼吸之外的維持(見提升稱為可再生形體瞭解更多)。一些人類正在提升超越全意識並顯化靈魂的投生(soul infusion),他們將也會稱為自我維持的以允許這種遺傳物質的藍圖被編入即將出生的孩子中。這類人類孩童預期在2025年之後出生,他們將有可能在被餵養母乳後不再吃任何東西。依此這也會在2025年後對海豚和鯨魚,以及所有物種發生。


Earth is leaving behind the death, decay, and reincarnation cycles, and this is a wonderful thing to behold. Earth is rapidly transcending the thought-form that caused such an experience in her history. Each species is likewise addressing those thought-forms that caused such an experience upon an individual basis. Dolphins and whales have made such thought-form the main focus for this calendar year of 2002. So likewise has our channel and her organization chosen to focus upon aging, illness and disease karma in this calendar year of 2002 so that earth may transcend such thought-form in her global ascension. In so doing, a new future in which all form, whether they be plant, animal, dolphin, whale, mineral or human, shall not die and shall have the biology necessary to ascend to the next dimension and beyond.







Dolphins and Whales wish humans to understand that all nature kingdoms other than our species are non-conscious at this time. All species are ascending towards full consciousness by 2035 in physicality. Non-conscious form means that the soul ensouling species such as shark, lion, bear, tiger and so on have no control over the behavior of the body; the body simply mimics the state of peace or fear that surrounds them. Such is what a state of non-consciousness is. Put a tiger in front of an unconsciously abusive human and the tiger will attack. Put a shark in front of an unconsciously abusive human and the shark will attack. The shark and tiger simply take on the fear of the human and act accordingly. Be at peace, and neither the shark or tiger shall attack, and may even come close to be loved.




Mila was horrified to hear of a shark attack that took the foot of a surfer off the coast of Maui, and an attack against a newborn whale lost in shallow water that her mother could not enter. Why would the sharks attack whale? Some whales absorb fear from the land and the unconscious humans that reside therein, and in so doing, the fear transfers to shark via the water and then the shark attacks. This is a sad thing, however as all humans who reside in fear either die off or ascend, such experiences will become a thing of the past.




As each kingdom becomes fully conscious again embodying 36,000 strands of DNA, soul will monitor the behavior of each form bringing an end to violence even if presented with the fear of another projected upon oneself. Such a state of being is anticipated to step down into form no later than 2050, and shall emerge beginning in 2035. This shall translate into non-violent behavior by all species upon earth. In so doing, the lion will lay with the lamb.


隨著每個王國變成全意識,再次顯化36000DNA,靈魂會檢測每個形體的行為是否會帶來暴力的結果,即使在另外有恐懼存在時也會。這樣一種存在的狀況預計會在2050年之後不久降入形體,並在2035年時開始浮現。這回轉入一種無暴力行為給地球上的全部物種。這樣做,獅子也將會躺在羊的身邊。(In so doing, the lion will lay with the lamb.


Lately, a form of channeling is being devised for certain animal kingdoms that tend to be violent. Many have heard of a lion that has attempted three times now to adopt a baby antelope in an African reserve. Lion, which is actually related to the "Dragon Kingdom", is experimenting with taking charge of the behavior of the form ahead of ascending into a fully conscious genetic structure. It is undetermined if the experiment is successful enough to warrant the use of such modalities into the future, however demonstrates that nature will one day not consume one another any longer, and the lion will indeed lay with the lamb.


之後,通靈的一種形式將被預想出來來確定傾向於暴力的動物王國。許多人已經聽說過在一處非洲保留地,一隻獅子三次試圖收養一隻羚羊的事情。獅子,通常被與龍王國(Dragon Kingdom)聯繫在一起,他們正在試驗檢測形體行為,以提升進入一個全意識遺傳結構。這種試驗是否能足以令這種形式的使用進入未來還未確定,但一定會發生的是自然生物將有一天不再去傷害另一者,獅子一定會躺在羊的身邊。


In parallel manner, humans act out and mimic the fear that surrounds them. Such fear is often displaced upon earth by other creations. Humans at 2 strands are almost as non-conscious as nature. This is a difficult thing, as the times of cleansing ahead may cause many humans to absorb the fear cast from earth and act it out in random acts of violence, terrorism or war. The war torn regions of earth, including at this time the Middle East and parts of Africa along with South America, have the greatest fear associated with the land. Such fear has been dumped upon earth from other creations for eons of time. Earth is in the process of removing such fear in her global ascension, however humans residing upon the land pick up upon the fear being non-conscious, and act it out in warfare and bloodshed. Much like shark or tiger, they appear to have no ability to control the behavior outside of such exterior influences.


在平行情況裡,人類們做出並模仿圍繞他們的恐懼。這種恐懼常常在地球上被另外的造物取代。2DNA狀態的人類本質上幾乎是無意識的。這是一件困難的事。因為前方的淨化時刻也許會引起許多人類吸入從地球拋出的恐懼,並在暴力、恐怖主義事件或戰爭的思想形態中使這些事變為現實。戰爭撕裂了地球的區域,包括此時的中東和非洲部分地區,以及南美,戰爭裡有關於陸地的最大恐懼。這些恐懼通過萬古的時間(eons of time)來自另外的造物,現在已經被地球清出。地球正處在她全球提升、清除這些恐懼的過程中,雖然居住在陸地上的人類撿起了變得無意識的恐懼,並把它變為戰爭和流血事件。許多物種,像老虎和鯊魚,他們顯得沒有能力控制這些外在的影響。


This makes dolphin and whale very sad. Although we too have fallen in consciousness, we will not attack even if fear is projected upon us. We have enough control over the vessel that the soul overrides the fear allowing peaceful behavior to continue. This is why humans can swim with the dolphins and whales and not be attacked or injured, even if such humans are in a state of fear; we have retained enough consciousness to override the fear that humanity resides within and choose not to participate in a potentially violent dance.




Humans who are ascending and through the transmutation of thought-form are learning to take control of one's own behavior, and act in a harmless manner regardless of where one lives and how much fear is "in the air" due to global cleansing now underway. Such harmlessness is not only physical, in which one ceases to war, abuse or mutilate another, but also non-physical. Non-physical harm is generated through electricity that often runs through humans at low initiatory levels, and such energy mutilates the field of another. Humans who ascend adapt an increasingly rotational and magnetic energy flow that no longer harms, and can dance in communion again with all other species.




Dolphins and whales are well aware of those map carvers pursuing their path of ascension and in particular those like Mila and Oa embodying the upper initiations, and are joyful at the results. There is an opportunity through ascension for all species to relate again together in unity, harmony, joy and peace, and this future is descending now into a viable truth and reality for all to experience in the century ahead.






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