Dolphins and whales have simple preoccupations. Our preoccupations revolve around eating, love making, sleeping and conscious dreaming. Our conscious dreaming interconnects our species to all others and all other species upon earth. The united focus of our dreamtime is to bring the patterns and karma to consciousness so that all species may ascend. As a fully conscious species, we also have our individual ascension that one is working upon, just as within human form.
Sometimes dolphins and whales are directed to particular parts of the world to assist with earth's global ascent. Recently Mila read an article from scientists in the Hawaii area that commented that the number of whales has quadrupled in the past few years and that they wondered if there would be enough food to feed us all. We have been asked by earth to remain in Hawaii at this time to support her global ascent, and this is why we have come. There is enough food, as nature has responded to our requirement to support the heart of earth and is providing plenty for our continued sustenance and ascent. Such is the nature of working collaboratively with earth in one's service work; one goes where one is required and is amply provided for. For each human that can learn to live in such a way, so it will also be so.
In the tropics such as Hawaii food grows very rapidly. Papaya trees can grow from seed to a 10-foot tall tree in a year. So this is also so for sustenance grown in the warmer oceans in tropical regions around earth. Therefore it is easy for nature to provide in tropical regions at this time for dolphins, whales and humans. Earth is heating up, and over time all ocean will become increasingly warmer. What is tropical and nice today may become too hot into the future, causing us to move again as it is necessary. So this may also be so for humans upon the land.
Listen to where you are called as an ascending human for world service. Are you called to move? Then begin to intend that such a move come to fruition, and take the necessary steps to bring it forth. Real world service requires each human or dolphin or whale to be where earth requires one to be to support her global ascent. Sometimes such locations may not be where one would like to live for a time. Make your needs known and when your service in a particular region is over, then you will be free to move on to the next service location and choose one that is more desirable unto oneself.
Most humans are mechanized into living where they live. Machines repeat the same thing day in and day out. Dismantle the machinery and one will free oneself to move wherever one is needed. All will be provided, as this is a part of the world service contracts with earth. One may think in human form, "Oh, I needa job, house, car and so on to live in." This too will be provided in the dream for your relocation by earth, or so Mila and Oa have found. Dolphins and whales need not such things, as we are more self-sustaining in nature. In time, so humans will also become more self-sustaining and learn to live from what the land can freely provide.
For dolphins and whales, we need not work the land. Nature provides pockets of untouched oceanic typography that provide for all our needs including food and places to rest or birth our young. We travel from place to place allowing yet other pods to rest or birth their young also, or treat themselves to the bounty of the ocean. We live a simple life, which allows us our dreamtime focus upon ascension.
對於海豚和鯨魚,我們不需要陸地工作。大自然提供給我們許多無與倫比的海洋製品(untouched oceanic typography)來供給我們所需的一切,包括食物和用於休息或生育的地方。我們從一個地方旅行到另一個地方,這樣可以讓別的圓莢層來休息或生育他們的孩子,或接受海洋的饋贈。我們過著簡單的生活,這讓我們能讓夢想時間聚焦在提升上。
Man has gotten out of rhythm with earth in his housing and technological practices. In so doing, it is difficult for earth to provide for man as man has cut down the very forests and rainforests that would naturally provide the sustenance man requires otherwise. Why do humans mutilate the land under the guise of making it more beautiful or habitable? This too was an Annanuki (Pleiadian) phenomenon. The red race did not build cities. They lived comfortably from the land, taking of the fruit of the rainforests as necessary to sustain the life; taking of the natural provisions for building a home to sleep within; and utilizing nature as the temple for which one could commune with the god goddess within and without.
The Annanuki arrived and tore down the rainforests building cities for their slaves to live within. The cities had not food and were covered with concrete. Food was moved to farms designated to grow the sustenance to feed the slaves, and shipped into the cities. When times changed and food in the farms would not grow, the slaves starved. Humans are facing yet another time in which yet another change will bring about similar and parallel circumstances. Will you handle it differently this time beloved? If so, working the land will become the prerequisite to survival over the coming quarter century.
後來Annanuki人來了,他們砍倒雨林修建城池,讓奴隸住在裡面。城裡沒有食物,還用混凝土罩住。食物都被移到農場去種植來供給奴隸。還有船隻開進城池。當隨時間變化,農場食物不再生長時,奴隸就被餓死了。人類正面臨另一個時期,這個時期裡有另一個轉變會發生,帶來一次類似和平行的事件。這一次你們想經歷不同的結果嗎,親愛的?如果想,請對大地進行工作(work the land),這會成為在即將來臨的1/4個世紀裡存活下來的先決條件。
Self-sustaining community can become the focus and dream for ascending humans. Finding a place that is easy to grow food will resolve most difficulties. One may therefore wish to choose a place with ample rainfall and perhaps tropical in temperature. The major difficulties we foresee for human community is the dissonance and lack of unity that human persona lives within. This will create perhaps the greatest difficulties in all such communities as they come to be in the physical. The difficulties are so great that Mila and Oa have chosen to postpone such an attempt until later, and make it a small group of highly devoted initiates so that all may ascend out of the discord easily and retain enough unity to support earth in her global ascent.
對於提升中的人類,你們可以聚焦和夢想一個自我維持的社群。去找一個食物容易生長的地方,這會解決不少困難。一個人可以因此希望去選擇一處有豐饒降雨的地方,或者回歸線附近的地區。我們預見人類社群將遇到的主要困難是不和諧,和缺少人類人格能夠生活其中的一體(unity)(unity是SSOA持續出現的一個專有詞彙,包括unity thought-form, unity future等,建議你也保持前後一致的譯法。我的譯法保持為“統一”,不過也覺得不滿意,但還沒有找到感覺更確切的譯法。供你參考)。當它們來到實體層面時,這可能將是所有社群會遇到的最大困難。由於這種困難,Mila和Oa已經選擇延遲建立社群的嘗試,而只是建立一個簡單的小群體。它是由初學者組成的,這些初學者都對於群體有著很高的熱情,從而使所有人能提升出不和諧並保持足夠的團結來支持地球的全球提升。
Perhaps humans wishing to create community can learn from us dolphins and whales. Dolphins and whales live in a state of ongoing unity. This occurs as each honors the other, does not judge, does not fight over which truth is right or wrong, and does their part to support the whole of the pod. Within human community this will translate into each honoring one another, non-judgment of truth or physical appearance, and each doing their part to raise the food, clean the toilets, cook the meals, weave the cloth, make the clothes, weave the baskets, make the pottery and so on that sustaining a community requires. As each honors and does their part, unity and collaboration can become the new foundation from which human community can function. All blueprints anchored through ascending communities shall transfer over to the remaining human populace allowing all humans to enter the dance of unity as a civilization in the coming century. Such are the agreements of the map carvers of ascension in human form.
也許希望建立社群的人類們能從我們海豚和鯨魚這裡學到點什麼。海豚和鯨魚生活在持續的一體(unity)狀態裡。這種狀態的產生是借助於每個人都尊重他人,不指責(does not judge),不爭執某件真實(truth)的對錯與否,並做好每個部分的工作以支援圓莢層整體。在人類社會裡,這也許會被轉譯為相互尊重,不對真實或身體外表進行批評(non-judgement of truth or physical apperance),並且每個人都做好自己的一份事來支持食物、清潔和衛生的所需,做飯,編織,縫紉,手工活等等,讓這些支持社群。當每個人都尊重並做他們的那部分事,團結和協作有可能成為讓一個人類社群得到建立的基礎。所有藍圖會通過一個提升中社群被錨定下來,它們將降下來,轉變,保證人類大眾的生存,允許所有人類進入合一之舞——這一即將來臨世紀的文明。這是人類形體中的地圖繪製者們所訂下的協議。
We invite you to play with us, to tune into us, to learn with us, and to share with us. We have much to teach you about communion, community and living in honor. Mila has learned to work with us each night, sharing her experiences of ascension, asking us of advise of particular problems she has encountered, and utilizing her gifts of vision to assist us with some of our problems in our ascensions. Such an experience is most beautiful to us and is allowing dolphins and whales and humans to learn to live together in the common goal of ascension of the whole of earth, sharing the gifts and talents in support of all species therein.
However, we ask you not to commune with us expecting us to heal you. We cannot heal you. Each that requires healing must go within and attune unto one's own ancestral karma. We can assist however in perceiving beyond the veils of illusion that perhaps do not allow the karma to come to light fully. In so sharing, your ascension can come forth in greater ease, and we can learn from whatever matching issues that one is processing and we may be processing ourselves in our respective ascensions.
Humans are not the only one who have the thought-form of the savior. Dolphins and whales also fell into such a thought-form, however it was mostly nonphysical in expression. What we mean by this is that dolphins and whales never expected a physical savior to descend to earth; but rather a savior in the form of a soul that would make it all o.k., perfect and beautiful again. Our quest for this lead us off track as we turned to the same false gods and goddesses as mankind falling into a dance that only lead to our demise and not our salvation.
Over time and in the ongoing observation that the false gods really are only self-serving, we pulled away from such nonphysical support, searching inward. It was through our inward search, much as with Mila and Oa, in which the connection to the Tao or the force from which all life emanates, was made manifest. Such a connection is holographic and a part of all that exists inside and outside of time and space. No one is separate from the Tao; except those in form that are so paired down in genetic material that the hologram that one is functioning from is disconnected.
隨著時間變化,以及持續的觀察,我們明白了虛假神只是顧及他們自己(self-serving)。於是我們拋棄了這一非物質層面的支持,開始向內探索。正是通過向內的探索,就像Mila和Oa這樣,通往道,也就是所有生命都生自那裡的那股力量( the force from which all life emanates),的聯繫被顯化出來了。這聯繫是全息的,是在時空之內外全部存在的一部分(a part of all exist inside and outside of time and space,指“道”)。沒有一個人與道是分離的;除非他的形體在遺傳物質上已經劇烈下跌,連與一個人進行基本運作相關的全息圖也與他脫離了聯繫。
This is a sad thing to understand. As the Annanuki bred a slave race of humans, such humans received a hologram that was separate. Such a hologram has no connection to anything outside of the other slaves that bred and populated earth over time. As such, there is no connection to the Tao in such humans. The only solution is to allow such humans to become extinct in the coming quarter century, as a holographic connection to the Tao is paramount in ascension. This also affected some dolphin and whale lineages, which were bred in large tanks and imported from the Pleiades to earth after the ice shields broke creating your oceans. Such dolphins and whales just as your human counterparts lack a connection to the Tao. It is such dolphins and whales that shall also become extinct in the coming quarter century of global ascension.
Into the future, no form will be born without a connection to the Tao. So this is so for dolphins, whales and humans; so this is also so for plants, animals and minerals. Each will have a holographic connection to the Tao, or they will likewise become extinct. Those species choosing extinction indeed have holograms that have no connection to the Tao and therefore cannot ascend "home". As such physical vessels perish, soul that has been trapped in such physical vessels can move into vessels that can ascend, or return to the creation of origin. In so doing, all will one day return to the Tao.
Extinction therefore need not be viewed as a negative thing. One is freeing consciousness and freeing soul so that it can evolve. Such consciousness and soul will understand the mistakes made, and will choose not to make such mistakes again into the future. This will bring an end to the creation of slave races or manipulation of genetics into a non-conscious and non-evolutionary form. May such a problem never occur again! Let us make this so, HO!
Those humans warring upon your plane of reality have no holographic connection to the Tao. They are isolated and alone, and afraid. In the fear, they attack one another competing over territory or wealth. Such humans have no other potential behavior as they are separated off, non-whole, and afraid. Allow. Understand that such human lineages shall cease to be in a short time. Allow all souls dancing in such a circumstance to learn their lesson so that this need not be created again anywhere in the future.
Please understand that it is not just humans that created the slave race or paired down genetics within dolphins, whales, or plants, animals and minerals. Soul also participated. Form could not be created in any laboratory without the nonphysical realms cooperation. All would die otherwise. At this time, the nonphysical realms will no longer cooperate with such purposes as creating life in laboratories. We have learned our lesson well, and will not choose to repeat such a difficult dance again. We forgive ourselves, and ask humans, dolphins and whales to do the same.
We thank you for taking the time to tune into our thoughts directed at ascending humans. We hope that our sharing sheds light upon your own process of evolution. We invite you to play with us and dance with us, not in the physical, but in the nonphysical and through the heart and hologram that lies within. Let us support one another in the ascent home!
We also invite each who can to join our channel at her two Masters Conclave events this year for the purposes of releasing human karma for disease. Without this release, no species or earth can transcend disease either. This requires enough humans to participate to fulfill upon the agreement and purpose of the gathering. We too will support those who choose to attend from afar in this global goal.
Until our next communication
The Dolphin and Whale Kingdoms