

Each who contributes to the dance of forgiveness also allows for the changing human dream. The more humans that choose the path of forgiveness, the more rapidly that the dream will change for mankind; each that forgives adds their cleansing of the overall karma to the collective human hologram. Today there are more choosing to forgive than there were a decade ago. This appears as a lovely pink light that shimmers in the human holographic archives. This light needs to grow and grow until it is the dominant light; and this will occur through the incoming ascending children and through each that chooses to contribute to the goal of forgiveness through ascension. Mila and Oa add a strong light along with the Earth Mother to assist in redirecting those accessing holographic information towards forgiveness.




Forgiveness requires opening the heart and budding of the 1000 petal lotus of the Bodhisattva. As the heart chakra opens, the spinning of the lotus creates the movement necessary to love what was unlovable. It is only through love that forgiveness occurs. Sometimes forgiveness requires understanding, and this is fulfilled upon as one brings their spiritual lessons to consciousness. Spiritual lessons are an ongoing part of the path of ascension; where one learns what one’s ancestors failed to learn at the time that they were alive. What did your ancestors fail to learn? The failed to learn to forgive and it is the grudges that they held on to that created karmic debt. The fewer ancestors that could forgive, the larger the karmic debt has grown. The karmic debt for most ascending humans appears too large almost to clear; however through love anything is possible. It was through the love of the Tao that Mila realized that over 60% of her karma had been added in holographic manipulations; and as this lifted the rest could easily be forgiven. Mila and Oa have forgiven all human karma upon earth, and now are going on to forgive human karma that occurred in other creations or multi-dimensionally.




Mila and Oa are restoring what the human species was designed for, which is to hold the human dream and dream weave for themselves along with the collective of humanity. Mila and Oa are too small a force to hold the entire collective human dream; and so they only manage the dream only for their organization at this time. Earth is choosing to hold the collective human dream as she has a large body and it is easy to do; she relies upon Mila and Oa to mirror to her the necessary changes and karma to be cleared to assure that the collective human dream moves towards evolution rather than extinction in the coming times ahead. This is a sometimes tough job on Mila and Oa’s part along with Earth’s as there is much yet in the energetic flow of the solar system that desires to obstruct this goal; and the battles rage nightly with such forces.







With the assistance of the Tao, a new direction is beginning to occur that is very exciting to witness. Holographic archives from the Tao are beginning to be restored within the holographic planes of Earth and each ascending part of the consensus. The new archives are leading to an energy flow that I will call free love or free energy? In free energy magnetism, magnets are opened that are self sustaining to a degree beyond anything that anyone has known within this region of domain. The magnets then purify the flame of divine union within the Earth Mother’s heart chakra and aurora along with the heart of the entire ascending consensus. The free energy magnetism also purifies the heart of Mila and Oa along with each who is ascending and has mastered Bodhisattva level or beyond.




The free energy dynamics allow us to understand that the love we have known has been tainted. We are familiar with love that goes away; or is hoarded, or exists in one region and not in another. Much like the region that I lived within when I was born that experienced starvation through a drought, and the region that I ventured to that had plentiful rainfall and abundance, this is a reflection of love in one region and not another. Love that is not constant is not love. This we are coming to understand now due to the new free energy dynamics of the Tao.




Power that is not constant is also not power. We are also familiar with power that accumulates in one person and not another, leading to inequality in the dance of life. We are also familiar with equality that was sustained in other time periods and particularly amongst red nations tribes. However sooner or later the equality fades and one or more rise to power over the group; and then move into conflict with others rising to power in other groups, leading to war. Constant power on the other hand would lead to constant equality. Constant power would not allow anyone to rise to the top and therefore would alter the dream in such a manner that war is no longer feasible.




We are also familiar with truth that shatters and does not sustain the thought-form that it is designed for. Over time holographic thought-form has shattered so deeply that there is no truth remaining. Repairing the hologram and retrieving and restoring truth has been an ongoing focus not only of Mila and Oa, but many in the fourth dimension that are also ascending at this time. It is only as the reparation of the hologram that truth will be restored; and then out of a state of truth evolution home can be launched. Free energy provides constant truth that does not fade, shatter or leave. Free energy provides the foundation from which all the pieces of truth lost over time can be gathered again and reunited into the whole of what we once knew within the Tao. For what we have known in this region of domain is less than 1% of what the human species understands within the Tao. We are operating on such little information it is amazing that life exists at all, from my point of view.







I thank Mila for something very special to all humans incarnate today. In 2002, she was at her wits end and could only see a dream of death ahead. She persevered into her hologram deeper and deeper and deeper, and said there has to be something more. Her intention suddenly opened a vast library associated with the Tao, and from this she came into connection with the human hologram within the Tao. As this occurred, the information she needed to transcend and move out of disease began to be uncovered; it still took her 2 years to fully clear the diseased parts of her biology; but the continued work with the Tao has now been extended unto the Earth Mother and all Kingdoms, along with all other parts of the ascending consensus that earth is apart. The Tao is now directing all of us home.




Mila also came into contact with a part of the Tao that was very beautiful, which she calls the Heart of the Tao. This part of the Tao is devised to heal through love anything that has become fractured or lost. Often Mila ventures here in dreamtime and simply sits and receives the love she needs to carry on. Mila took me to the Heart of the Tao some time ago, and I realized that this energy was not unfamiliar. That somehow in my ascension our little group tapped into a future part of the love of the Tao and began to expand upon it. Alas whatever love of the Tao that had been anchored upon earth in my ascent was rapidly moved elsewhere as I left the third dimension. This too has been retrieved now thanks to the special work of Mila, who restored what I had anchored in present time. You see nothing has to be lost forever, and the mistakes that we make can be corrected, and this is accomplished through each willing to ascend, willing to forgive, and willing to learn to love again as a human being.




The Heart of the Tao has asked I Buddha to make available a special blessing unto each that reads this piece. I will anchor the pathway to the Heart of the Tao for each that desires to experience infinite love. In so doing, I feel I contribute to this time of ascension in a way I would have liked to when I was alive, but could not. In so doing, my heart heals of the tremendous feelings of guilt that I have carried for how the human dream went sour following my ascent. This was not my intention, and I also ask for your forgiveness. As you forgive me, perhaps you will also forgive you for whatever part in this creation that you are also responsible for. Allow the love of the Tao to assist.




This is all I have to say at this time. I have told Mila that I may write again in 3 years time as there is more to say to those who are ascending and study their materials. I thank Mila and Oa from the bottom of my heart for allowing my karma in the third dimension to begin to be released. Through their consistent push forward, they have transcended the darkest of dreams and found their way to a balanced dream where light and dark are unified; and from this now to a new form of energy or free energy that will make the ascent of the rest viable. For up until the anchoring of free energy, there was not enough chi to ascend earth much further. Now with ongoing chi, there is plenty of chi, and plenty even to clear patterns that had been put on hold or in the background because there was simply not enough to do it all. Therefore earth’s long drought or lack of chi now ceases; and in time so will all regions in drought be drenched in love and rain, as there will be enough energy to foster love everywhere upon her global body.




This too I offer to you; as you sit in the love of the Tao, intend to drench your cells with the love that it has longed for. Understand that this intent will raise many patterns and emotional issues that can then be cleared. For as you sit in the love and the truth of the Tao, anything that does not belong must be cast out; as such, the shadows that haunt you can be released through love and forgiveness. This I suggest as I know that many of the shadows those attempting to ascend within are a part of the dark dream that I inflated over the course of my own ascension. The dark dreams are not entirely my cause, only 8%. There are others in the inner earth that also split light and dark in their ascensions that are responsible for the other 92% of the dark dreams hanging over mankind. They too will be speaking more of their truth in messages to follow this year including Quan Yin.


這一點我也提供給你們,當你坐在「道之愛」中時,意願將你的細胞浸潤在它們所一直深深渴望的愛之中。要明白,這一意願也將喚起許多模式和情感問題,使其隨之能被淨化。因為當你坐在道的愛與真相之中時,任何並不屬於你的事物都必須被驅逐;這樣,徘徊在你身邊的陰影也可以透過愛與寬恕而被釋放。這一點我之所以建議,是因為我知道很多人試圖在之中提升的陰影,有很多是我在整個自身提升過程中所膨脹的黑暗夢想的一部分。黑暗夢想並不全是我的原因,我只占8%。在地心,有很多其他人們也在提升中分離了光明與黑暗,他們要負責徘徊在人類上空之黑暗夢想的剩下92%。他們也將在來年的資訊中說出他們的更多真相,包括觀音(Quan Yin)。


Last, I ask you to allow the love of the Tao to flow through you to the region that you live. Where you live is just as sad as you own internal state of being. As we share the love of the Tao with the earth, then she too may begin to self heal. Although this is made available unto her, the land requires conduits of this love in order for it to flow. So intend to become a conduit of the love of the Tao and anchor it everywhere you go. As this occurs enough, the Earth Mother will begin to heal more of her outer body. You also will trigger the awakening of many around you. This too is necessary to support human evolution home beloved.




Many Blessings

Ancestor Buddha



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