The Ancient Grand Master History upon Earth


The Ancient Grand Masters through Karen Danrich "Mila" December 18, 2003

遠古大師通過Karen Danrich "Mila"傳遞 20031218


Translated by 浮生

Dear Beloved Ascending Human,


It is the ancient one’s who greet you today to share a little about our lifetimes and journey that occurred long ago.  We began our lives, all 48 of us, upon the planet known as Sirius over 50,000 Earth years ago (200,000 human years).  Sirius was a third dimensional planet much like Earth at the time, with mountains high and valleys deep, along with rivers, streams and lakes the size of small oceans.  Sirius A was not a water planet; Sirius B had become a water planet due to warfare with the Pleiades over territorial disputes and resources in foreign solar systems.  Such warfare had shattered the ice shields creating oceans upon Sirius B some 1000 years before we were born.




Each of us Grand Masters had different parents that were of the “spiritual elite” upon Sirius.  We were bred for the specific purpose of moving to Earth in adulthood and fulfilling upon karmic agreements between Sirius, the Pleiades and supposedly Earth.  Now we say “supposedly”, as Earth actually had no agreements to host human life, and the entire seeding of the human species occurred against Earth’s will and due to the manipulative dance of certain forces prevalent in your creation that had chosen Earth to be the next place to fall and be “pulled apart”.




Creations come and go into extinction on a recurrent basis in your creation to sustain yet other creations upon upper dimensions in need of fresh grid work and etheric blood to survive.  Now this may seem rather “gross” to think about, however it is not much different than how one puts one’s cows out to pasture or fattens one’s pigs for the slaughter to sustain human life.  One can see that human life in present time emulates the destructive forces in your creation in nature as such.




Most of the real cosmic level agreements as to why we and humans were to be seeded upon Earth were hidden from us at the time that we moved to Earth.  In hindsight, we were seeded to bring forth a destructive cycle that would lead to global extinction to suspend the life of others upon upper dimensions beyond Cosmic level in vibration.  Had we known this upfront we would have never chosen to come to Earth.




We were 400 years old at the time we arrived upon Earth and considered mature adults.  Sirian human form held a 2000 years lifespan; the first 400 years were for experiencing the world and learning.  So this is so for the average human, so this is also so for those of larger brain capacity that is the spiritual governance of Sirius.  Spiritual elite generally ascended at the end of their lifespan carrying on upon the dimension of consciousness above; or merging form with soul and entering a nonphysical state of being.  Sirian spiritual elite therefore experienced not death and reincarnation as the other “class of human” did.




You can see in this that Sirius holds a 2-class system; one of those of greater awareness and those of lesser awareness that were somehow paired down in genealogy at some other time in history.  In our greater understanding in present time of how a two-class system breeds discrimination, hypocrisy, dogma, hatred and warfare as is has been emulated upon Earth through human civilization, we would say that having any form of class system is wrong and leads to the destruction of the whole.




We have learned our spiritual lesson here and in the observation of the repetitious nature of human history to self-destruct; such destruction has come primarily out of another two-class system that was constructed upon Earth by the Pleiadian race or family of Anu.  The Anu likewise bred a slave race and seeded them upon Earth.  It is this race primarily that is western and white in present time that has repeatedly sought to war and destroy other nations in their belief of superiority; however such humans are of a root race that is actually paired down and far less in understanding or brain capacity than even the most paired down human upon Sirius at the time that we were alive.  And so you see such white superiority is not only a great lie, as humans of this holographic origin actually know very little, but is the result of the arrogance of knowing so little that one believes that one knows everything, and out of knowing everything one is therefore superior.




It is for this reason and under our guidance and in collaboration with the Earth Mother that we are orchestrating a generational ascent out of the dance of any form of genealogical class system.  150 years into the future, all humans will have equal holographic knowing; all shall have the larger brain capacity that we knew in our own lives and incarnations; all shall therefore know that they are equal and out of such knowing, fulfill upon the original purpose that we were seeded upon Earth, which is to ascend to the fourth dimension along with Earth returning home unto the Great Central Sun.  In so doing, a new human civilization shall be born that is founded upon equality, unity of purpose and support of Earth in her evolutionary journey home.




Spiritual lessons, understanding and growth is the purpose for taking form; form learns and so does spirit or soul.  In our case, we came to Earth with souls from Sirius that desired to experience the ascent of Earth into the fourth dimension and support our supposed agreements to settle karma with the Pleiades.  Such karma turned out to be manipulated; Earth was never involved in the disputes between Sirius and the Pleiades and should not have been pulled into the dance.  In this, the karma now flows back to the Pleiades and Sirius who has since ascended into the fifth dimension; along with the karma for the fall of Earth through the human species, as there were no agreements for human life upon Earth as humanity was originally seeded.  A heavy karma and burden to inherit from our point of view, and karma that must be settled before Sirius re-enters the Great Central Sun, making her return journey home perhaps more difficult than she ever anticipated, and maybe as difficult as Earths.




Upon Sirius, we knew a loving childhood with aunties and grandparents that supervised us up through 50 years of age or so.  Then we moved into the high mountainous regions of Sirius that is primarily inhabited by the Spiritual Elite, and began our training for this life, spiritual purpose, and future time upon Earth. Our training was vast; we chose not to marry or interbreed, as this was perceived as only a purpose for those of lesser spiritual status upon Sirius.   We chose to master spiritual focuses that allowed us a vast understanding of creational principals, including instant manifestation, teleportation, and levitation; transcendence of physical law in other terms.  These gifts were present in our fields and forms as we were left upon Earth after many visits to make sure that this is the future that we desired.




Our dream of coming to Earth and what it would entail altered drastically within 100 years of our seeding.  At this time, we relayed messages home to “come pick us up”.  We attempted to teleport as we once could and found out we could not.  Alas no one responded to our telepathic communications; why this was so was not understood at the time and felt like a deep betrayal of our family.  In hindsight we had distorted enough that our language had mutated and indeed our Sirian family could not hear our cries for help.  Why we had gone into such great distortion, which caused our language to mutate enough that it could not be heard by our Sirian relations, has just come to be understood in the past year of ascension of the few upon the surface of the Earth mastering full consciousness and beyond, along with a handful ascending into the fourth dimension in the inner Earth who are clearing up the debris from many incomplete ascensions in earlier times in Earth’s history.  We are working through such humans to correct the distortion that we went into, and subsequently pulled Earth into without awareness or an ability to seemingly correct at the time that it occurred.




We have come to understand that there were a group of renegade souls hiding in human form that had been seeded upon Earth 25,000 years before our arrival (100,000 human years).  These humans were not like Sirian paired down nations from home, although they had been seeded with parallel encoding of 18 root race genealogies; these humans had mutated somehow, and many of the original root races had perished.  We now understand that only 7 of the 18 root races seeded survived, and that dark forces used most root races to host 1 billion unwanted souls that were transferred to Earth from Sirius; they were moved into human form upon Earth as they interfering with her potential future ascension of Sirius.




Such souls were so destructive that they caused the extinction of 11 tribes in less than a single human generation (1000 years). The original tribes seeded upon Earth although paired down in genealogy retained a genetic structured that regenerated and held a 2000-year lifespan.  These one billion destructive souls have remained upon Earth and become the primary cause of the falls in consciousness of the surface Earth humans.  Such souls are related to but not exactly the same as the false gods.  (See “The History of the Human Dream” for more information on the false gods.)




The false gods were seeded with the original humans upon Earth.  They later received the 1 billion renegade souls from Sirius, which was their agreement at the time of seeding.  The false gods arranged sacred geometry that shattered the 1 billion souls into subservience.  Alas, the sacred geometry that shattered the souls also shattered the human forms that they were incarnate into causing the extinction of 11 tribes; records from the land released due to Earth’s continued global ascension account for roughly 11 tribes of 90 to 120 humans each that perished in this manner.




The false gods then used such souls later against us Grand Masters to obtain our information.  For you see we held great information on how to command magnetic reality as we had learned such and demonstrated such in our own spiritual mastery.  We had never known souls that wished to destroy or take of knowledge that had not been spiritually earned through one’s own evolution.  And so we were vastly unprepared for the nonphysical dance awaiting us upon Earth.




It took time for the red false gods to enter our field.  They were so different in thought-form that they literally stood outside of our dream and fields only able to observe for a very long time.  In their observation little by little they found means of manipulating the outside of our fields until they could penetrate; then after the false gods penetrated, little by little they whittled away at our souls, demolishing them and striping them of their knowledge.




This possession of us occurred so gradually that it went unnoticed as it took upwards of 100 years to fulfill upon in full.  However we felt off, and different from within, and it is why we attempted at this time to make contact with our family and spiritual masters from home for assistance and advice; alas they could not hear us as the manipulations had mutated our thought-form so extensively that it we could not be heard.  We also had been stripped so significantly that we had lost our mastery and could not longer teleport or instantly manifest.  The false gods took such information for their own purposes.




We then became guided from within and by the false gods to attempt to ascend some of the red nations peoples seeded before us, when this was never perceived as a possibility before.  Alas we discovered only to late that this was a vast mistake, and would lead to our own demise.  The humans upon Earth were primitive in nature, living from roots and plants in simple dwellings constructed from the local flora and fauna.  Much perhaps like the Hawaiians or Africans before contact with the white man, these nations lived as though they were a part of the animal kingdoms instead of expressing the magnificence of the human kingdom in our perception.  Our role as we saw it was to educate these humans as to their own magnificence, and ascend a small number creating a genealogical bridge to greater awareness.  This was the vision we received as projected into our dream by the false gods that had possessed our fields.  This dream took our attention away from how we had lost our knowledge and we moved on to other focuses.






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