The further earth moves up in vibration, the hotter Tara will become.  Already Mila and Oa who are living on the Big Island of Hawaii where there is an active volcano, notice how hot it is.  The heat rises from the land and vibrates down from the sun due to the tropical location of Hawaii so near the equator.  This heat is an energetic phenomenon, as it is indeed the earth mother’s kundahlini.  Her kundahlini is rising, just as human kundahlini rises in order to ascend.  Human ascension also causes an overall leap upwards in body temperature as the fire again begins to flow in the kundahlini channels.  Mila and Oa feel earth’s kundahlini wrapping around their fields in living upon the land of the Big Island.  And indeed it is hot and sweaty to say the very least.


未來地球的振動還會上升,Terra將變得更熱。MilaOa居住在有活火山的夏威夷大陸,已經觀察到了Terra的熱是什麼。由於夏威夷所處的熱帶位置鄰近赤道,熱量從陸地上升及從太陽下來。這些熱量是一種高能,因為它其實是地球母親的昆達裡尼。她的昆達裡尼正在上升,就象為了提升,人類的昆達裡尼也需要上升一樣。人類提升也會導致體溫的普遍升高,因為火元素再次開始在昆達裡尼通道中運轉。在MilaOa居住的大島(Big Island)上,他們感到地球的昆達裡尼環繞著他們的場。而這確實很熱,讓他們多汗。


In a recent swim in the ocean, Mila and Oa noticed etheric fire leaping upwards of six feet off of the surface of the water.  Indeed the elements of fire and water have healed their competitive nature, and now fire burns in the etheric inside of water, and water is also aglow inside of fire.  One day in the coming 1000-year cycle, water will become an ocean of flames in the physical as earth moves to the next dimension of awareness.  The beginning of this newfound state of being is already emerging beloved.




For those who are ascending, living upon land in which the fire burns in the etheric continuously augments ascension as one may burn off more karma in a given day than anywhere else.  This is the reason Mila and Oa live upon the Big Island, and will host their events there in the coming few years.  The Big Island allows for the maximum release of karma; and this serves given the purpose of Conclave, which is to release all human karma for disease, aging and decay in the calendar year of 2002.  Those joining them will have the added benefit of releasing one’s personal karma for disease more greatly assuring one will ascend into the regenerative biology.  (See “Ascending into Regenerative Biology” for more information.)




For those who are not ascending, the fire burning upon the land of a place such as the Big Island will shorten the lifespan exponentially.  Why?  One’s karma will be completed upon more rapidly.  Therefore as one completes all karma in full, and if one is not ascending, then death is the next step in one’s path.  Death is not wrong; it is a valid path, and many humans have little choice as the ancestry and biology have not the holographic remembrance necessary to ascend.  The further that earth’s fire burns in the etheric upon all land global wide, the more rapid the cleansing will become for those with non-ascending ancestry.  These times lie ahead and in the coming 25-year cycle for all humans global wide.  Although it may be an unsettling time, and confusing for many, the era thereafter will birth the golden times upon earth in which peace, unity, sovereignty and non-conditional love become the foundation from which all species relate.




For those who are ascending and are the mapmakers, wolf invites you to become your own teacher within.  In tuning inward and opening to one’s own holographic knowledge, one need not follow another.  One will know all that one requires knowing in order to follow one’s path to completion.  In so doing, one will orchestrate one’s own journey, and allow oneself to participate in the greater orchestration of earth’s journey of ascension.  This is the blessing of True Law, True Function, True Symphony, True Orchestration, and True Timing.  These are the blessings that Wolf wishes to share with those reading this material today.




True Law states that the only law that exists is one of unity.  In order to attain a state of unity, one must balance the scales.  Balancing the scales involves burning off all karma that one’s ancestry has acquired over time.  However there is a hitch in this dance, and this is known as karmic manipulation.  It has been the unconscious predisposition of many humans and the fractured and lost souls directing the human dance to defer karma; deferment of karma involves displacing unwanted karma onto another who unconsciously agrees to receive it.  True Law outlaws all such karmic manipulations, as one can never burn off karma for another.  One has enough karma that one has acquired in the many falls in consciousness upon earth.  Therefore each has ones’ own karma, and no one is debt free; and one must only settle that which is one’s “true debt”.  Calling upon True Law as a boundary will bring an end to karmic manipulations and rectify all such manipulations in one’s ancestry.




True Function has to do with all parts of the field doing what they have agreed to.  There are dragon souls that are the creators and orchestrate ascension, bringing in the blueprint necessary to attain the intended goal, and directing the angels in modulating the blueprint down into form.  There are also angels that are large to small in size that transcribe the DNA down into the form allowing a new blueprint for regeneration to be brought forward in the act of biological ascension.  There are also serpents of positive and negative vibration that weave the lay lines and space between that construct the etheric body, chakra system, subtle bodies, light body and auric field.  Each must do their part; creators orchestrating, angels transcribing and serpents holding the energy field together.  True Function calls all to their anticipated role, much like a conductor calls the right musicians in to play the right instruments in an orchestra.




For a long time, there was a mix-up in roles in your creation.  Serpents and angels tried to be creators, and angels and creators tried to be serpents, and creators and serpents tried to be angels.  In so doing, no proper direction of the field could come forth; and consequently fall after fall in consciousness occurred in your history.  Why the mix-up?  Well, this is a long tale that will be delved into in another piece written by the Tao through Mila in a few weeks, and so we will leave it to this piece to bring to consciousness the whys and wherefores of the mix-up.  As one allows all parts of one’s field to do their proper function, one’s ascent can come forth in greater ease.




True Orchestra calls the proper tones of creation into the dance.  Just like different instruments playing for the conductor, each ascension requires particular tones of creation applied to allow for a continued release of the density and karma within the form, and a continued rise in vibration.  Calling True Orchestra will allow all of the tones of creation necessary in a given days, weeks, months or years worth of ascension to be made available to support one’s continued rise in vibration.




True Symphony allows all of the tones that are called into the ascent to sound together in harmony.  There is music that any ascending field plays at any given level of ascension.  If the music is sour, it is a sign that there is something that requires releasing in order to come to balance.  If one cannot hear one’s own music, then one can muscle test if one is sounding sour, and then intend to release the karma at cause bringing oneself back to a state of harmony again.  Generally speaking, such days that one’s music is sour are also days that one does not feel well in ascension.  Therefore the body tells one that the music is sour as one may feel ill, and particularly if the music is really off, one will have flu-like symptoms.  Calling True Symphony during such moments and releasing the karma at cause will assist one in returning to balance and harmony again.




True Timing allows the rhythm of all tones of creation in the symphony to play on time and in sync with one another.  In addition to sour notes, sometimes some parts of the sound of a field are out of sync with other sounds in other parts of the field.  Generally speaking this is when one has a body ache or pain in a particular part of the form in a given day or week of ascension.  As one releases the karma and etheric blockage or machine in the region of the form, the sound and music played in such a region comes back into the timing of the rest of the music again, releasing the body aches and pains simultaneously.  Calling upon True Timing when one has body aches and pains in ascension will facilitate a more rapid release of such blockages and etheric stuck points.




These tools Wolf makes available to all ascending initiates so that one may learn to orchestrate one’s own ascension.  As one orchestrates one’s own ascent, one will become one’s own guide, one’s own teacher, and one’s own guru.  One will then direct oneself upon one’s own journey home to the Tao, calling upon one’s own holographic knowledge to do so from within.  In so doing, one no longer requires any teachers, and one may contribute to the greater orchestration of global ascension by doing one’s part as a member of the consensus known as earth.  This is known as stewardship; and humans were designed to be fully conscious stewards of the consensus upon which they reside.  Earth is conducting her global ascension; she requires that each species ascend itself.  Earth requires not that anyone ascend her; she is handling her own energetic and biological changes.  She does require however that each species ascend itself.  As this is accomplished, her global ascension is assured.




Wolf invites humans to intend to become stewards of earth again.  Stewardship allows for equality, for each steward is as valuable as the next, and each designated his or her particular part of the dance to fulfill upon.  As each steward fulfills upon his or her role, the orchestration of global ascension can come forth with greater and greater fluidity.  It is as global ascension becomes effortless that the unity paradigm will also have been anchored again upon earth.  Such a time Wolf looks forward to.  Until such a time, do call upon our kingdom to augment your personal return to unity within.






The Wolf Kingdom






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