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目前分類:SSOA‧綜合傳授信息 (97)

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我們祖先透過集體人性(humanity)來工作。我,觀音,多半和地球內部約40 位較大頭顱的人一起工作。當我們與他們分享蜜拉與歐瓦及SSOA 上昇的記錄時,有許多問題得以修正與解決。地球內部 的人,DNA 有許多裂縫(schism)或未解除的關鍵性的因果業力,這些關鍵性的因果業力,與地表人類的業力有關,而我們直到今天才知道它們的存在!地表人類最近的衝突戰爭,部份是由地心人類不完全上昇所導致。地心上昇人缺乏有關戰爭的記錄,故無法消除相關業力,戰爭的思想形態再次被放大而且被推擠到地表,導致第二次世界大戰,及2 顆原子炸彈投擲到日本廣島、長崎。在這之後,戰爭業力仍未釋放解除,導致「9-11 事件」及「第三次世界大戰」爆發的可能性。

雖然蜜拉試圖警告地心上昇的人,地表混亂的情況,地心上昇人仍未加以注意(再次地,黑暗勢力阻撓雙方的溝通交流)蜜拉和她學校的學員,一肩攬起了所有責任,強力迫使第三次世界大戰調轉兩極性,不在第三度次元地球發生。的確,蜜拉和她學校的學員知道該怎麼做:在十萬火急的狀況下,只有強行調轉兩極性,才可解地球之危!燃眉之急雖解,類未來夢中也沒有爆發第三次世界大戰,但這並不代表地心上昇人可以推卸責任----驅使地表人類走向世界大戰與核子爆炸滅絕之路(這在歷史上已發生好幾次了)。現在亞特蘭提斯時期、恩紐時期、法老時期的記錄都被還原,這些記錄包含地心人上昇時未能放下的因果業力,驅使地表人類走向毀滅性與長生不老相關的模式。現在記錄被暸解了,地心上昇人正努力原諒並放下相關的因果業力,地表人類的生活將走向醒悟與上昇回家之路。許多這方面的進展,是由於最近祖先平面(ancestral planes)的還原。透過祖先平面,地表、地心古遠(ancient)祖先得以清楚和後裔溝通哪些部份需要清除(transpire)。




當我進昇到第四度時空,我來到了黑暗的夢---這是兩極化的本質!假使個人未將光明與黑暗混合成完整一體的和聲,個人將會從極光亮的一端,擺盪到極黑暗的另一端。由於將黑暗的夢推送到地球表面,地球內部上昇人很難覺察到,我們僅僅轉動了完全上昇(complete ascension)所必須的一半的音調而已!最後的結果是,雖然我的上昇協肋地心上昇的靈療,但卻將膨脹的黑暗的夢推送到地球表面,造成地表人意識再次下墜。這是我上昇不完全,所造成的業力,也是我得修正的部份。我無意造成任何人的傷害,佛陀祖先也不願如此。所以,我將會和地表上昇人一起工作,來清除我造成的後果。


後來出現了一群人,一群非常沈鬱黑暗的人!他們能量場四周僅有一點點的亮光圍繞著他們,他們身處四度次元黑暗的夢,這四度次元黑暗的夢與來自半人馬座阿爾發星銀河系(Alpha Centauri galaxy)的爬蟲類人(Reptilian )有關。這些人是乘坐飛碟到地球四度次元來的,他們正利用人工方式培育小孩,來協助他們的銀河系復育生命。他們的星球已在核子戰爭中完全被摧毀,於是他們逃離家園成為僅存的生還者。這些人是被地球黑暗的夢吸引來此處,這黑暗的夢是當初恩紐時期核彈爆炸所膨脹的結果。他們覺察到我的存在,決定使用我的身體,強取我的卵子來培育他們的下一代,希望這能恢復爬蟲類人的意識。他們在違背我個人意願之下,使用暴力並以科學方法強取我體內的卵,來達到他們的目的。

這些爬蟲類人的科學家,將我的卵和他們的精子混合受精,培育出2個一半靈能大師(Grand Master 一半爬蟲類人血統的小孩。在這情況之下我覺得我是受害者,我知道這會產生非常嚴重的後果:在四度次元,非常黑暗酸澀的爬蟲類人DNA,將會反射進入第三次元的地球,造成極端酸澀的思想模式而顯現在跟我有血緣關係人身上。二年以後,我不願意再產生任何後代,我選擇了自殺以結束我卵子被誤用的情況。我跳入地心熔漿之中,以確保我死後他們無法取得我的卵子。在我死的剎那,一股巨大黑暗毀滅性的非肉身的力量,粉碎我能量場並且把我僅存的一點意識鎖在礦石王國之內,讓我無法對三度或四度次元的祖先訴說我的遭遇,從此以後我被囚禁在礦石王國之內,只能眼睜睜地看著地心、地表所發生的事件,直到蜜拉覺察到我的存在為止。她幫我復甦重塑我的意識,當她目睹當時發生在我身上的悲劇,她傷心地哭了!這就是現今東方人身上,爬蟲類人DNA的來源啊!我繼承著靈能大師、玻里尼西亞與西藏始祖的血統(和佛陀祖先一樣)。我現在覺察到,地表東方人身上酸澀的爬蟲類人DNA 的肇因必須解除,預計12年後,藉由地心人的上昇,將能達此目的。因為我的故事,終於讓我現在活著較大頭顱的後裔瞭解了!



因為我個人在四度次元的晦暗遭遇,我對地表上昇人的境遇有著深深的慈悲心,你們也活在巨大黑暗之中,盼望著能拿回失去的光,進而將黑暗與光明再次混合成完整的一體。現今這段時期,想達此目的仍是相當困難的,因為特若現在仍非常破碎,而且地表仍持續承受由地球內部推送出來大量的黑暗。然而祖先們與地心40 位較大頭顱的人正努力訂定一個計劃,這計劃預計將地心與地表人類的夢,匯織成一個融合的夢。地表人必須擁有 6000 DNA,才能融入這一個融合的夢並繼續上昇,因為地心人上昇大多已超過 6000~9000 DNA 的振幅,所以很難織就一個比此振幅低的融合夢。當融合的夢織好之後,地表精通「菩薩」階段的人以及恢復以「愛」為生存基礎的人,將被認可進入這融合的夢。預計再2 年多的時間,才能編織一個融合地心與地表的夢。



道的律法認定,沒有任何東西可以被阻止而不准回家;道的律法認定,沒有任何東西可以阻止愛貫穿所有的宇宙;道的律法認定,沒有任何東西是被遺棄的;道的律法認定,沒有任何東西是如此迷失不准回家的;道的律法認定,愛是所有存在的基礎。道的愛是無盡的,在每一個擴展的週期(expansion cycle)愛的運行模式,造就許多目不暇給、令人歎為觀止的宇宙。被創造出來各種不同的愛,一起翩翩起舞,隨著不同旋轉律動產生不同樂音、不同曲調,閃耀著炫目的光芒,繾綣纏綿相依相偎,在每一擴展週期向外擴展,在每一聚斂週期向內聚斂,直到每一部份攜帶所得經驗,再次凝聚融合為一為止。現在是我們回家的時候了!現在是我們這些流落在外的人類、萬物,回家與道團聚的時候了。我們會成功的!我預見了一條道路,我未來的子孫會帶著我們一起回家的。我們一定會回家的!

我請求你的原諒!原諒我,讓如此酸澀相沖DNA 與我的卵子混合。我現在才真正明白,酸澀相沖DNA 所造成巨大痛苦與煎熬,它讓我一遍又一遍地哭泣,止不住傷心的淚水。我從來不想造成任何人的苦難啊!地表人類呈現許多不同形態的痛苦掙扎、拒絕排斥、摧殘虐待、仇恨、牢獄囚禁、嚴刑拷打、病痛折磨、貧窮如洗、飢寒交迫,貪婪慾念所導致的空虛鬱悶,任何的物質都彌補不了對愛的缺憾。這些原本是爬蟲類人的痛苦掙扎,隨著DNA 帶入地表人類的經驗之中;我DNA 之中,核戰毀滅性的因果業力,也加入了人工培育我後代的DNA 之中,導致後來亞特蘭提斯時期的核爆悲劇。今年(2007 年)蜜拉、歐瓦學校年度會議(Master Conclave)將釋放這些強加在現今人類因果業力;地球內部上昇人,也計劃在今年之內釋放相關業力。地球與人類,將因此航向另一個新的方向,進入新的上昇覺醒的夢。




東方文化從他們自身DNA 中,認知到我的實體精髓(essence),這也是為什麼在他們傳統文化如此摯愛觀音的原因。我被視為大慈大悲的女菩薩。的確,我在世時是慈悲為懷的,然而那時地心人的掙扎尚不及現今地表人苦難的千萬分之一!學習慈悲是永無止盡的,人死後都還可繼續學習慈悲;永遠有更高一層慈悲,更貼近道的愛的思想形態可供學習。這是我選擇透過和我一起工作的人共同成就的課題:懷享道的愛!不僅向內感受到愛展現為靈療力量,同時向外顯現愛為對四周人事物的祝福,那麼透過與人類交流祝福,特若與萬物將能再次享受道的愛。







那些誘導我在光明夢中上昇的非肉身存有(entities),利用我所膨脹的黑暗夢來設立一些系統,以確保地球未來的滅絕。透過均勻融混(amalgamation)黑暗與光明的夢,這一類黑暗勢力用來操縱的系統終於可以終止,因為黑暗與明亮混合成完整的頻寬,黑勢力依仗的黑暗夢將無法存在。等地表與地心的夢融匯為一,將更能趨近此一目標。只有生活在融匯光明與黑暗的夢(amalgamated dream),個人才可以進入大中央太陽的夢,因為大中央太陽的創造音頻(tones of creation),就是由光明與黑暗匯融而成的單一頻寬圍繞整體而成的。


寂靜‧日光 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()


觀音祖先透過蜜拉(Mila)傳述 / 4-25-2007



觀音祖先今天在此向各位致意。我將在這篇文章中簡短地描述我一生的經歷,以及身為一位祖先,我正歸納處理的因果業力(karma)。和佛陀祖先(Ancestor Buddha)一樣,我也是最早幾位致力於能量提昇而抵達第四度時空的人。我上昇於人類年11 2千年以前,即特若(Terra,地球的名字)年2 8 千年以前。這比佛陀祖先還要早4 千年。(相關資料請參考「來自佛陀祖先的訊息」一文)

 我出生在地球內部(inner earth)。我的雙親是一對美麗慈愛、有著較大頭顱的修行者。在地球內部較大頭顱的人,過著和一般較小頭顱的人迥然不同的生活。較小頭顱的人專注於日常世俗活動;較大頭顱的人則聚居在特別的村落專注於修行。他們至今仍安居於能維持他們生活的、屬於他們自己的寺院(temples)及修行處所(monasteries)之中。我生長的故鄉是地球內部景緻最美的地方之一。那兒有蒼翠茂盛的山岳,淙琤清澈的瀑布與潺潺流水,地心多變幻化光輝耀眼的虹彩之上,則是覆蓋我們頭頂燦爛奪目的鐘乳石礦石石板。有人稱此地為 香格里(Shangri-La 。的確,在某一時期地球表面的居民曾冒險到此,探訪寺院中長老尋求靈性上的指引。


在我出生之前的2 千年地球年(即人類年8 千年),發生一件大災難。當時地球內部性靈長老菁英,並不甚明暸災難事件背後真正的肇因。直到現在,由於地球表面致力能量提昇的拓路先鋒的努力我們終於明白,原來是一群來自昂宿星(Pleiades)的恩紐(Anu)族人,因為彼此產生嚴重的衝突反目成仇,最終釀成滅絕性的核子戰爭。這場災難所造成的能量模式與問題,我們當時並不甚明暸。地球內部居民的夢被嚴重摧殘。我想藉由我的上昇修補地球內部居民破損的夢與DNA,並重塑地球內部文明的和平。恩紐人投擲核子炸彈之後地球內部居民生病了,人們開始爭吵甚至開始彼此殘殺。核能幅射延著地表河川水源流入地球內部居民的主要水源與水庫,導致DNA 嚴重摩損。核能幅射也造成許多修行者與性靈菁英生病了。我的上昇目標就是修補破損的DNA 恢復和平,共同提昇能量一起回家。



我的童年與少年時期充滿各種訓練,以便助我達到上昇的目標。18 歲那年我終於明白我這一生真正的意義是什麼。一整個夏天我都和施亞大師(Master Shya)在一起學習。施亞大師那時剛開始進入上昇的另一階段:他變成了透明人,透過他細胞散發的亮光你可以「看穿(see through)」他的身體。他上昇所達的境界深深觸動我的心,我下定決心將來我也要像他一樣。


我跟著施亞大師學習超過14 個年頭。每天我們靜坐冥想幾個小時,向內探索我們所繼承的因果業力並開始原諒。這場核爆造成很嚴重的問題,我們向內探索,試著瞭解到底我們做了什麼才導致這大災難。我們探究造成災難的思想形態(though-form),我開始意願(intend)用光與聲的振動來化解驅散破壞性思想形態的黑暗沈重。這就是我如何提昇能量的方法;我持續不斷地應用光與聲來化解驅散我乙太身(etheric vessel)的黑暗沈重部份,直到它們完全消散為止,於是我就能上昇到更高一層的思想形態與振動。我發現身體像音叉一樣,身體的最高振動頻率只能維持在乙太身沈重(density)部份所能承受的範圍,若超過就會把振動頻率往下拉回範圍之內。當沈重部份溶化消散了,振動頻率就能向上攀昇到更高一層。

振動頻率的攀昇,帶動肉身晉昇到更高一層DNA 頻寬(bandwidth)。能量場外圍有著一層一層的DNA 頻寬蟄伏靜待著,直到振動頻率的上昇,頻寬被觸及,才能啟用頻寬範圍內的DNA。個人振動頻率攀昇愈高,就愈接近將祖先立體影像(hologram of ancestors)肉身化的目標。這些早期上昇的祖先,透過我個人提昇的歷程加入我的能量場,幫助我達成此生的使命。這是一段漫長緩慢的過程,因為許多有問題的DNA 必須先修補好之後,才能夠將祖先立體影像肉身化,而不致產生扭曲變形(distortion)的情況。而這也是我這一生的目的之一:修補恩紐時期核子輻射塵所造成的損傷,使未來上昇之途更加順暢。這使得我對蜜拉(Mila)與歐瓦(Oa)他們這一生能量提昇的歷程,有著深深的共鳴。

他們的DNA 比任何我所嘗試修復的DNA 還要扭曲變形,然而他們努力不懈和緩謹慎地達到他們的目標,而沒有生病或造成更大的扭曲。思想形態的轉化是一項特殊的技巧,不是所有的人都有能力可以做得到的。過去,就是因為嘗試提昇某些不具備這種特殊能力的人轉化他們的思想形態,才會造成許多的悲劇。同樣的情形在地球內部與地球表面都曾發生。



到底轉化思想形態是什麼意思?個人審視自身的思想形態。這些思想形態建造個人的肉身,並且形成個人出生以來所有大大小小的生活經驗。若個人將思想形態當成真理,那麼它將吸引某些特定的經驗到日常生活來。如果日子過得不快樂,必定有許多酸澀的思想導致如此的結果;如果日子過得比較快樂,必定有許多比較和諧的思想。然而在恩紐核戰之前,人與人之間存在許多纏繞衝突一直不被瞭解,直到今天我們才明白。有許多人本身DNA 所持有的思想形態,本質上是非常酸澀的,但當他們拿走別人甜美和諧的思想時,他們卻得以擁有快樂的生活。藉由交換思想形態,這些人並未經歷他們自身所造的業力或自身遺傳DNA 中酸澀的思想形態,所以他們不可以上昇。


地球內部較大頭顱的人並未和別人交換思想形態。然而他們發覺,當居住在地球內部頭顱較小的大眾集體上昇時,他們自己就非常可能也捲入地表上昇拓路先鋒所經歷的問題模式。身為祖先,我們此時正努力更正這些扭曲變形的部份。任何阻擋地球上昇的模式,最終將會阻絕我們自身上昇之路,所以我們絕不允許這種事發生。我們現在發覺,地表上昇先鋒對於人類DNA 是如何糾結纏繞、思想形態是如何交換的瞭解,是非常重要的。這些問題我們從不曾察覺到,也不明白它們的嚴重性,假使一直這樣下去,將會迫使地球走上滅亡之路而非上昇之途。

個人如何提昇能量呢?個人向內探索審視,是哪些想法與信念不允許自己擁有更高振動頻率的DNA 或能量場。找出導致沈重的想法與信念之後,再應用特殊的振動來驅散它們,新的DNA 及想法就容易吸收歸納,進而允許身體向上提昇能量。當身體能量上昇振動頻率提高,能量場則向外擴展,觸及新一層等著被肉身化的DNA,以及新一層等著被清除驅散的厚重思想形態,如此持續不斷的過程,即為提昇能量的旅程。因此審視自我的思想形態,找出到底是哪些想法造成生活某些特定的經驗,在能量提昇的過程中是非常重要的一環。

蜜拉與歐瓦發展出一套釐清思想型態的方法與步驟,以供他們的學生審查清除自身沈重的想法與DNA。地球母親將這些資訊編輯成冊(譯註:即Complete Ascension Workbook)供其他真正想上昇的人參考使用。釐清思想的程序很簡單,但需要個人向內專注探索自身出生的本質。當個人瞭解了個人與生俱來的原型本質,以及哪些思想形態形成這一輩子的生活經驗,個人就可以選擇透過「原諒」來清除驅散沈重或破壞性的想法,進而吸收歸納新的較為和諧的思想。完成這些過程,個人不但可提昇能量,同時進駐到另一個新的夢---一個有更多喜悅與和諧的生活經驗的夢中。



根據我們的觀察,許多SSOA 網站的讀者了解如何轉化思想形態的程序,他們藉由天生直覺或學來的技巧,例如:內在小孩的療癒、過去祖先生活經驗的澄清、用光亮明晰的思想袪除或替代厚重晦暗的思想、以及轉換能量流中機械性的部份;然而在另一方面,許多讀者卻完全搞不懂,到底什麼才是真正的上昇。這些不具備足夠內省能力的讀者,不知道自己在做什麼,或缺乏主動有意識的選擇原諒,如果任由他們擴展能量,將會產生許多問題。只有真正的「原諒」方能釋放足夠的因果業力,使上昇的能量場停止破壞。「原諒」是非常重要的,因為萬一許多人上昇到更大的破壞模式,將召喚一個破壞性的夢,導致核戰再次發生在地球上。

這也是亞特蘭提斯(Atlantis)時期所再次發生的悲劇。許多在地心及地表的人類上昇,卻不明白他們正在從事的事情,未能原諒與清除過去破壞性的因果業力,最後的結果是,造成類似恩紐時期核爆悲劇再次重演。蜜拉與歐瓦心靈深處記得這個道浬,所以這一次他們盡全力避免重蹈覆轍,以避免悲劇再次上演。幸運的是今天我們可以說,第三次世界大戰幾乎是不可能實現。地心與地表人上昇究竟是哪裡出錯,如何造成破壞性災難已被瞭解,所以我們終於可以原諒一切,重新啟動地球重返大中央太陽(the Great Central Sun)懷抱的夢,重新再出發。

要能做到「原諒」,必須能了解自身傳承所帶來的靈性課題,以及和日常生活經驗相關的靈性課題。這些領悟,唯有向內自省,方可產生。向內自省,必須具備對日常生活人與人之間無意識的互動力量的瞭解。在地球表面許多人與人之間無意識的互動力量,令人感到困惑不解,此乃DNA 纏繞混亂,以及酸澀與和諧甜美的思想形態互換的現象。有時那些承受別人酸澀的思想形態的人,經歷了嚴重的憂鬱、焦燥、內在掙扎與病痛。當個人放下並原諒相關的因果業力(當初是如何、為何替別人承受酸澀的思想形態的!)那些酸澀的思想形態,就可以歸還給原來的主人,同時個人可以拿回來出生時,肉身與DNA 所配備真正屬於自己的思想形態,進而透過真正生理上的能量提昇過程,來轉化自身的酸澀的思想形態。


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Ascension is biological and requires providing the necessary nutrients and sustenance to the form to allow for the biochemical alterations.  The crystalline form has 18 salts and 18 fats.  Each fat is necessary to hold a particular segment of the tones of creation known as the Language of Light.  Each salt holds an energy movement that allows for the formation of the sound or music associated with Language of Light based unity consciousness.  The diet of those who are ascending therefore will never be salt free or fat free.  Many of the fats useful to ascension come in great amounts through dairy foods in present time.  Therefore a dairy-based diet is a necessity to the ascent into the crystalline form.




It is interesting to note that the dark have created great media hype to support a fat free, dairy-free and salt free diet as a means to extending one’s youth and life.  Perhaps this does work at 2 strands of DNA; alas it will only prevent ascension if ascension is one’s goal.  Additionally, retaining one’s level of ascent mastered requires that one continue to consume fats to repair a form after it has become regenerative or crystalline in nature.




Why is this so?  Fat becomes rancid over time.  One of the largest problems Mila and Oa have documented is a form of distortion that their own bodies go into due to fat going rancid in their own crystalline structure.  As the fat goes rancid, the notes of the Language of Light sour; and this has created difficult or destructive circumstances in their own dance of life as a dream for destruction was attracted to the sour sounding tones of creation.  This has lead to an understanding that the crystalline fats must be replaced every 180 days throughout the form lest they go into greater distortion through rancidity and then draw a circumstance into their lives in which they could die.




Form is a living dream; the tones of creation one holds in the field and form draw all dreams into one’s life dance, along with those that one verbalizes or internationalizes.  If the tones go sour due to rancid fat within the form, one then calls a sour dream into the life dance.  Therefore ascending to the crystalline structure once is not enough to hold a pure enough thought-form to call a non-destructive dream into the life expression; one is continually ascending or repairing fats gone rancid to hold a pure enough thought-form to transcend death.  This is also mostly so as not all life upon Earth is crystalline, and the combination of crystalline and non-crystalline food source leads to substances that cause fats within the cellular structure to go rancid.  At another time one’s ancestry may have held their tones in purity with greater ease, as all life upon Earth was crystalline.




The ongoing requirement to replace fat has lead to a diet full of dairy products for Mila and Oa.  Butter is perhaps the easiest form of fat to consume and ingest to replace the fat upon a recurring basis to maintain one’s thought-form in enough purity to not self-destruct as an ascending being.  Salts are less subject to distortion, and therefore generally do not require restructuring once introduced in the act of physical transmutation to the crystalline form.







The “I slaughter” and “I consume” thought-form cannot be left behind without embracing a purely vegetarian diet.  Such diet may include eggs and dairy products, and as you see from our above analysis, this is actually a requirement to maintain the crystalline form in enough purity to sustain the language of light thought-form.  Much of the dissertation from nature to humanity through Mila has been about consumption thought-form or the requirement for humanity to slaughter.  The sun would like to give it’s understanding of this patterning.  (See “Inspirations from the Nature Kingdoms” for more information.)




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From the viewpoint of the Solar Father, real ascension occurs through biological and biochemical changes.  The biochemistry of all life upon Earth must return to a photonic fourth dimensional form.  In order to accomplish this task, biochemical changes must be constructed in a gradual manner so that the original blueprint for photonic life can be reconstructed upon Earth and in the physical.  Photonic life does not consume; eating is a non-necessity as the air provides all that is required to support life.  Photonic life holds photonic energy inside of the cellular structure, which provides ample chi to hold a fourth or fifth dimensional state of being.




A fourth dimensional state of being is a transitional state in which there is still a delay in the manifestation of one’s thoughts and one’s life.  This state of being is for the purposes of testing the ascent and assure that there is no remaining destructive thought-form that might blow oneself up or the world up if one were to enter a fifth dimensional state of being in which the delay in manifestation ceases.




There are humans who entered the fourth dimension upon Earth in times past.  Most reside in the inner Earth.  These humans are coming to discover that they failed to transcend all destructive thought-form but rather left it behind for third dimensional humanity to experience.  They are not allowed into the photonic dream as a result any longer.  Each must transmute all destructive thought-form or one loses permission to remain in the photonic dream, lest destructive thought-form prevail and all be destroyed.




Destructive thought-form holds the concepts of I hate, I consume, I subjugate, I slaughter, I undermine, I dispute and I own.  The inner Earth peoples ascended into a state of being that is fourth dimensional in which these thoughts prevail in a subtle manner as the karma for how they came to be had been pushed upon outer Earth humanity.  As a result, fourth dimensional human civilization in the inner Earth is not much different from third dimensional humanity; and this is now perceived for what it is.  Sirian humans also reside in a parallel state in the fifth dimension, and they too are now being removed from the photonic dream in the greater understanding of how they ascended destructive thought-form rather than transmuted and transcended into unity based thought-form.




Much of Mila’s dissertations unto those in her Self Study Program or those reading her materials upon the web site go into great detail about how and why incomplete ascension came to be upon earth, and how to avoid creating incomplete ascension again in present time.  Those map carving ascension from the third dimensional outer Earth in dolphin-whale and human form have learned from their own experience that incomplete ascension does not work; it will only lead to the extinction of the whole.







Incomplete ascension is all about not fully ascending all parts of the form into the next dimension.  In essence, the incomplete fourth dimensional human ascensions left parts of the body behind for their third dimensional ancestors to experience; such a mixture of form only leads to disease and discord in the third dimensional ancestry carrying on.  Such discord continued to cause warfare and discordant human relations in human civilization in the third dimension, and the holes in fourth dimensional form became a pathway through which dark forces could manipulate the physical planes.




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Although Earth may seem as though she is a slow in her ascension as compared to the other planets, she carries the most keys to the ascent of the whole.  Such keys are not only vital to solar ascension, but also to the reparation to the photonic dream that borders the Great Central Sun, and the Great Central Sun herself.  For Earth has been the most greatly impaired by dark forces, or in other terms, took the brunt of the harm that was sent through the solar system by dark forces prevailing on the upper dimensions of the space between Suns. Much like the human who absorbs the hits of unconscious harm and becomes ill in the dance of life, Earth has a predisposition in her casting from the Great Central Sun to absorb harm.  Now Earth is ascending out of such a dance, and refusing to receive additional blows, and returning the karma and underlying patterning at cause.




The Solar Father has reviewed the ascension records of Earth and those humans and other kingdoms that have passed through into the photonic dream.  There are a few kingdoms that never lost full consciousness upon Earth, and there are fourth dimensional regions of domain that are primarily inner-Earth or volcanic at this time in history.  These regions and kingdoms have entered the photonic dream as of late, and in so doing Earth shall now share more intricately in the evolutionary journey of the entire solar system from this point forward.




There are dark forces that prevail in your solar system in association with Earth, Mars and Pluto primarily.  These forces are not a part of the solar photonic dream; instead they are in a separated off non-dream of destruction that these three planets attune to due to their loss of consciousness.  Such forces may claim that they are solar, however they have nothing to do with the photonic dream emanating from the sun, nor the jurisdiction of your solar system.  Much like all that has exited the Great Central Sun over time, your solar system has fallen into a split dream; one for life and ascension and one for death, extinction and destruction.  Through ascension, the dreams shall be unified over time, and that which cannot ascend at all cast out leading to an only-photonic dream remaining into the future.  So this shall come to be so upon entry into the Great Central Sun in the not too distant near future.




Humans are often prey to such dark forces as humans appear to be awaiting a savior rather than taking responsibility for one’s own ascent and evolution as a conscious sentient being.  Dark forces like to mirror what one wishes to perceive and often will attempt to appear as a savior or force of the light.  The non-dream that has consumed Earth is a difficult place to navigate, and the ascension records of those humans entering the photonic dream tell a sad tale of manipulation, corruption and deceit on the part of such forces. 




The Solar Father therefore invites humans to turn away from such forces and go inward, connecting to one’s own soul and holographic knowing along with nature and Earth.  One will access communication with Earth, nature and the sun through the holographic planes and one’s hologram within, which sits in the heart chakra in human form.  Such knowing from the inside out is the only force that shall guide one home in the long haul, and is one that is difficult for dark forces outside of self to manipulate through.







Human ascension has been difficult to bring forth upon Earth.  Humans were seeded upon Earth without planetary permission, and suspended in a dream emitted from Sirius.  Sirius ascended and displaced karma that went un-transmuted upon earth and humanity through the human dream.  The karma for destruction that Sirius failed to transmute acted out in greater and greater dreams of warfare amongst humans upon earth, leading to a nuclear annihilation.  This nuclear annihilation affected the entire solar system causing a greater rift between all planets.  The orbits of all planets altered moving further from the Sun; this included in particular Mars, Neptune, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto.  Pluto moved so far from the sun that she fell into an ice age that has yet to thaw out enough to allow for even the earliest momentum to ascend.




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The Solar Father through Karen Danrich “Mila”

太陽父親通過Karen Danrich Mila”傳遞 日期:2003128



Dear Beloved Ascending Human,



It is the Solar Father that greets you today.  The Solar Father is a solar level consciousness comprised by all planets including Earth united into a single awareness. Solar consciousness has always been present; however long ago Earth left the solar dream and entered a dream of great darkness and difficulty.  It has been only within the past year of global ascension that Earth has re-entered the solar dream again; and this came hand in hand with anchoring the gold and silver photonic planes upon Earth.




The solar dream is a fourth and fifth dimensional dream that is photonic in energy flow and nature.  Photonic energy is circular or rotational, much like the Language of Light that Mila has channeled the symbols of.  (See “Language of Light” for more information.)  Rotational energy has been a necessary modification to Earth’s energy flow in order to re-enter the solar dream.  In so doing, a script for global ascension is now available unto Earth and each species therein that flows from the solar sun onto the dreamtime planes surrounding Earth.  As each attunes to their personal script for ascension through the dream from the sun, then ascension shall come forward in one’s life and future ancestry.




Long ago as Earth exited the solar dream, she entered a dream of death.  This dream projected upon her a script that lead to fall after fall in consciousness.  This shift occurred long before humanity was seeded upon Earth; if anything the script for destruction called the human species to be seeded upon Earth.  This dream of death is not projected from the sun but down the dimensions of the space between or non-dream between Great Central Suns.  In essence, all that has exited the Great Central Sun has fallen into duality or polarity and split into two dreams; one dream that suspended life and made possible evolution and ascension and is photonic in nature, and a second dream that made possible only the cessation of life, extinction and death and is non-photonic.  Photon energy can be equated to the chi necessary to sustain life.




Those planets or stars that fell out of the photonic dream never returned over time.  Most fell in vibration so substantially that they left the vibrational bandwidth that they once existed upon and dropped to the dimensions beneath.  Some re-entered the photonic dream after they fell, stretching a dream that once only was upon dimensions 25 and up to the dimensions known as 12 and 5, and now 3 as Earth has re-entered the dream allowing for a 3rd dimensional photonic dream to be prevalent again in your creation.




Because all that left never returned, those remaining in the photonic dream lost track of what occurred, why it occurred, or what went wrong that caused the fall in consciousness in the first place.  Earth is the first creation to return out of the non-dream into the photonic dream and bring with her records of understanding that shall assist us all in recovering enough to return home to the dream of the Great Central Sun.  For we too exist outside of the Great Central Sun’s boundaries or dream in parallel manner, and choose to go home in this evolutionary cycle ahead.





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The seasons shall continue to become less and less harsh with global warming. As a result, those whom would experience ongoing cycles of snow and winter in certain regions in the spring or fall will discover that less and less snow shall be present over the coming 7 to 18 year period. Global warming shall continue to melt the ice caps and glaciers causing the water tables to rise, and flooding certain regions of your continents. However, with the alteration of Earth's wobble the ocean and water tables shall not rise evenly all around Earth.


Earth's wobble causes water to be retained in an uneven manner around the globe much like a centrifuge. As the wobble is lessened, water shall redistribute and become more and more even planet-wide over the coming 18-year period. This along with global warming shall cause some parts of certain continents to flood greatly, and yet other regions shall flood little to none, although they are on the same grid-line of Earth. The most balanced place of water upon Earth at this time is along the equator as such regions are least effected by Earth's wobble. There shall be little to no rise in water tables the closer any region exists to the equator. Conversely, the farther from the equator, the greater the rise in the water tables causing more flooding as the wobble upon Earth is corrected.


The 12-moon cycle shall align Earth with the cycles of the Great Central Sun again. The Great Central Sun has a cycle that is rotational in nature, and is directed by the in-breath and out-breath of creative flow. Those whom are ascending may wish to begin to tune into the new cycles of time and creativity, and one's creative flow shall follow the new cycles as an ascending being of the Great Central Sun. The cycles offer periods of creativity, followed by periods of integration. One major creative cycle and integrative cycle is a part of every given year.


The creative cycles are times one may wish to move forth with their projects and endeavors, as there is plenty of creative energy to manifest. The integrative cycles are times to retreat and integrate what you have learned and come to understand in the previous creative cycle. Our channel has transcribed the current 12-moon cycle for each whom is interested at the end of this piece for this calendar year of 2001.


Those whom are ascending shall experience a return to holographic time ahead of Earth in their personal ascension. Holographic time allows for an interplay and exchange of energy with your species upon all dimensions within this creation that human form exists. Such an interchange allows for an exchange of information and understanding that shall insure a rapid and complete ascension for all concerned. It also marks the time that concurrent evolution can begin within one's own respective species.


It is the attainment of such a level of evolution by 18 humans upon the surface of the Earth that have allowed all humans upon all dimensions to come to understand the struggle that your species has endured. The support coming from other humans upon other dimensions whom now better understand what has occurred is massive, and the outpouring of interest and information great. This in and of itself insures that some humans shall indeed ascend with Earth to the next dimension, although it is a difficult journey.


Earth herself is coming to greater unity. Those of full consciousness upon the surface of the Earth have invited those humans of the inner-Earth to join the consensus for ascension that includes all other dimensions within your creation. As of last night, the peoples of the inner Earth have now joined the dance of unity and consensus for ascension within your creation. This is a fundamentally important shift, as unity must occur upon Earth if Earth is to ascend as a whole, just as unity must occur amongst all ascending stars and species within the Great Central Sun and beyond.


The new consensus upon Earth is anticipated to override the current destructive thought-form that envelops the human species and controls Earth in the year ahead. As this occurs, the new consensus shall begin to override the human dance with a new future that shall lead to Earth's cleansing and ascension in the coming 10 centuries. The mark of transition from the old to the new consensus shall be distinct, and shall mean the beginning of the era of light or the golden age that many prophets of human form have expressed in times past.

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For eons of time, time has been distorted within the Great Central Sun. Records of the manipulation of time within Earth's journey into the unconscious of the Great Central Sun are assisting us in deciphering parallel manipulations to time herein. In so doing, time is being corrected creation wide so that concurrent evolution can begin. Indeed ascension of the Great Central Sun cannot occur unless all dimensions and parts of self work towards such a goal in unison. And such unison requires holographic time in all parts of creation.


Concurrent evolution may be difficult to understand from the limited human thought-form. But one can liken such an evolution to oneself as a human whom is the composite of millions of ancestor's lives. In choosing to ascend, each of the millions of ancestors related to one's current form and life also ascend, they learn, evolve, grow, and come to understand the lessons perhaps that they failed to understand at the time that they were incarnate in the physical. Each ancestor unites or blends with their related ascending human as the form transcends the vibration that they existed within at the time of their given evolution. This is concurrent evolution in human form, whereby all of one's ancestry learns and evolves simultaneously.


Those whom are clairvoyant have often come to understand past lives. Indeed, past lives are a part of one's tapestry of ancestry. In order for concurrent evolution to come forth in the human species, one's ancestry must be reconstructed to the minutest of details and all the way back in time to the original seeding of mankind so that no ancestor is left behind, and all lessons come to be understood. Much of such work upon the human ancestral records has been one of the projects of the Riza Soul Group, not only upon Earth, but upon all dimensions within the Great Central Sun. The human species has been the most compromised by the forces of the dark than any other species than perhaps the dolphins and whales, and indeed often such compromising has included the manipulation of genetic records and lineages.


Concurrent evolution within the Great Central Sun shall allow all species upon all dimensions to share their records and share patterns from the past, present and future in need of transmutation. In essence, concurrent evolution shall mean that there shall be a theme to the patterns cleared in any given year of ascension from this point forward within all species upon all dimensions within the Great Central Sun.


The theme for all dimensions this year to come is the clearing of warfare karma and patterns, as if a war breaks out upon any dimension that is ascending, ascension could come entirely to a halt within the Great Central Sun due to the damage incurred therein. Earth is not the only dimension that has experienced warfare, however Earth like all other dimensions is choosing to release and erase all such records at this time to insure peace within the Great Central Sun and the continued ascension of all. Along with Earth, all other ascending stars within your creation and through the Order of Rize are choosing to release patterns of annihilation, destruction, spontaneous combustion and warfare. The dimensions ascending at this time in history include 3, 5, 12, 18, 25, 36, 72, 144, 360, 1200, and 1800.


Those that can partake in our channel's event known as Conclave are invited to do so. We support her efforts to release karma at such events on behalf of humans upon Earth in the 3rd dimension. It is a difficult task that has been assigned to her and her organization, as so few appear to be aware of the current state of affairs in ascending Earth and your creation. Indeed, this is an example of the interference of the darkness that has prevailed in your creation for eons of time, they interfere with clear communication, and in the confusion, one ceases to align with the divine plan. Much of humanity upon Earth is failing to align with the divine plan for ascension, however, we see that most of such humans shall be cleansed from the physical within the coming quarter century, freeing Earth up to fulfill upon her goal with greater ease.


However, in order to bring this forth, the karma incurred by mankind must be released. And this is what our channel has agreed to, gathering those willing to release karma for mankind at specific junctures of evolution so that both Earth and the Great Central Sun may continue to ascend.


The darkness upon Earth has come from four main sources, the Pleiades, Sirius, Orion and Arcturus. Each of these creations have ascended planets from the third to the fifth dimension within the past 100,000 years, and each left a portion of themselves behind and contained it upon Earth. Such darkness, density and karma is now being returned by Earth to those responsible in such creations for incurring it.

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Earth Cycles and Holographic Time

 The Great Central Sun through Karen Danrich "Mila" April 6, 2001

大中樞太陽透過Karen Danrich “Mila”來傳遞,日期:200146




This is the second transmission direct from the Great Central Sun to the human species upon Earth. We welcome you into our boundaries again after a long respite of non-communication in Earth's history. We invite those of human form to connect with us, but to be wary of the false pretenses of beings wishing to deceive you and take you off course in your evolutionary pathway. The cleansing of such beings from human awareness requires a biological shift upward in vibration causing one to simply lift beyond the planes of reality that such beings dance upon. This occurs in full as one masters Full Consciousness or embodies 12 full strands of DNA (36,000 segments of information).


Until such a time, intend with a pure heart to address the Great Central Sun through the Riza Soul Group, and Riza shall act as a conductor for the communication, translating perhaps those terms into our language that one has yet to master in one's own evolution and ascension. We thank and honor the Riza Soul Group for acting as medium allowing for more direct communication between ascending humans and the Great Central Sun at this time in history.


The Great Central Sun has been assessing many of Earth's records. In so doing, it has been seen that much like Earth, the Great Central Sun has been plagued with certain manipulations that parallel the manner in which Earth has been manipulated by the dark. Such manipulations are now being cleansed from the Great Central Sun causing an overhaul and shift of those souls in governance herein.


In addition to this shift, a multidimensional consensus for ascension has been formed within the Great Central Sun for ascending planets and stars upon dimensions 3 through 144 within your creation. This consensus has likewise linked with two additional consensus of ascending vessels upon dimensions 145 through 360 of your God and Goddesshead, and dimensions 361 through 1800 of The Order of Rize.


The Order of Rize too has had parallel problems to Earth, and is now in the process of reviewing our records much like we as the Great Central Sun have reviewed Earth's records. We anticipate similar and parallel changes upon the Order of Rize and within our Godhead/Goddesshead as the manipulations become known, understood, and then rectified.


To say that change is underfoot is an understatement, as change and ascension go hand in hand, and now that which has potentially threatened the ascension of the Great Central Sun is being removed from it's boundaries, much like Earth is casting the darkness from her own boundaries. We honor and thank Earth for bringing to our conscious attention that which shall now enable our continued ascension to come forth.


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Where will consciousness move following death in human form upon Earth? Ah, well, perhaps this will allow humans to feel less frantic or depressed in the great number of human deaths that shall come forth in your near future or next decade. Such deaths are unavoidable beloved, for the consciousness of the human form is not capable of remembering to ascend, or the form is not strong enough for the journey. However, such humans shall continue to exist even if the body perishes.




Where shall they go? Most human consciousness shall merge with other ascending humans after death and experience ascension through another form, their living ancestors. If only a small number of humans ascend, all humans make it beloved, for you are ONE RACE, ONE SPECIES. It matters not which form makes it, and all shall experience ascension.


那麼他們將去哪裡呢?大部分人類意識將在死後和其他提升的人們相融合,並通過其他肉體或其活著的後代(譯注:這裡的living ancestors有些費解,原意為活著的先輩的意思,但似乎是指後代。尤其後面還有future ancestors-未來祖先的說法,就照“後代”來翻譯了)來體驗提升。即使只有很少數量的人們提升,也是全體人類所努力的結果,至愛的人類,因為你們是同一個種族,同一個物種。由哪個形體完成並不重要,而所有人都將體驗提升。


Some human consciousness whom are so attached to the souls that they love shall travel with such souls into experiences upon other planes of reality, perhaps outside of this creation altogether. Such consciousness shall choose such an experience for whatever they shall learn therein, and shall rejoin the human consciousness of which they have parted at another future point and time after they are complete.




Nothing is ever lost beloved. Perhaps it appears lost for a time, as in the experience of your Reptilian and Gray brothers and sisters. We call them brothers and sisters, although perhaps their abductions and misunderstanding of human emotions has caused you pain. Process the pain, and forgive. Forgive them for their forgetfulness. Are they not as forgetful as you are? Have you not hurt others in your forgetfulness? And even if you personally have not hurt others, we guarantee you that the bevy of ancestors that you are a present time expression of have caused pain to others, from murder, to death, to violence, to warfare, to hunger, they have done it all. Forgive yourself and your own ancestry for your own atrocities through the dance of time and space upon Earth, and you shall forgive all others. It is in the forgiveness and only through the forgiveness that you shall ascend.







We shall bring forth a series of communications to our awakening brothers and sisters in human form upon Earth in the year ahead. Our channel has taken special strides to embody the language of the Great Central Sun to express our thoughts as free of distortion as she can. The language of the Great Central Sun is beyond the Language of Light that our channel has brought forth. In many respects, our language is beyond unity as you think of unity consciousness. And this is the next phase of ascension our channel is embarking upon, moving beyond unity into the ONE, as this is what soul infusion brings forth.




We have many records of soul infusion in human form from a variety of dimensions. Such records shall support our channel along with all that choose such a path in succeeding at the goal of a complete ascension. The ascension from separation to unity is not ascension; it is a form of resurrection, resurrecting that which has become decayed or dead over time within the form. Resurrection is not ascension, although it does cause an increase in vibration. It is only as the form is entirely resurrected that soul infusion or ascension can begin.




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Earth Changes Ahead


The Great Central Sun through Karen Danrich "Mila"  March 2, 2001
由大中樞太陽透過Karen Danrich "Mila"傳遞,日期:200132



Dear Beloved Ascending Human,


This is the first of a series of channeled material direct from the consciousness of the Great Central Sun. As many may well already be aware, Earth has entered the first star gate of the Great Central Sun in recent months. What does this mean exactly? How does this entry impact Earth? These are some of the questions that may be pondered by mankind. It is our wish to explain what this means along with some anticipated effects over the human life experience upon Earth.




Over time, the language utilized upon Earth was not understood by the Great Central Sun. As a result, there has been no communication between Earth and the Great Central Sun for a very long time period. Much has transpired upon Earth that the Great Central Sun has had no knowledge of up until now, and in not knowing could not assist nor prevent. Such is the nature of distortion in language, there is a point beyond which a language can become so distorted that other souls cannot interpret it. For the past one million years, this has been true for Earth, and no soul within the Great Central Sun could understand Earth.




There has been a myth perpetrated by the forces of the dark upon Earth that there are souls present from the Great Central Sun in communication with the Great Central Sun. Indeed, this may be so in the original origin of such souls, but they too fell into such great distortion that we have been unable to communicate with them either. Without communication, there is no understanding, and no records from Earth's experience could therefore be reviewed nor understood.




It has been the development of the Language of Light that a bridge has been built in order for Earth to enter the first star gate of the Great Central Sun. (See the Language of Light upon our web site for more information). Through the Language of Light, Earth's records can now be reviewed for the first time in over one million years by the Great Central Sun. The following is the analysis of such records by the souls in governance overseeing the Great Central Sun at this time in history.







What is the cause of the great distortion upon Earth? Based upon the records reviewed thus far by the Great Central Sun, the universe of which Earth is a part has become intertwined and intermixed with another universe from another creation altogether. Indeed, many of the souls in governance of Earth this past million years came from this other universe in origin. Unfortunately, the two languages of the original souls of Earth and the souls from the other universe, when blended lead to a language that the Great Central Sun could not understand, and therefore could not communicate with.


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Holiday Blessings From The Earth Mother

Blessings for Open the Heart and to Heal the Loneliness



The Earth Mother through Karen Danrich "Mila" November 24, 2000

地球母親透過Karen Danrich ‘Mila”20001124



Translated by 藍翼天心


The Creator of Creators, Source of all Sources, along with the Earth Mother wishes to extend a Holiday Blessing to all whom are willing to receive it. Thanksgiving and Christmas is a time to remember with gratitude that which one has. Gratitude for objects possessed, fortunes made, objectives manipulated into manifestation are not the type of gratitude that we speak, for such forms of gratitude are false and unfulfilling in the long run. Much like the drug addict, one moves from one objective or possession to another for the next "high", but it is never sustained in the falsified form of gratitude that is so prevalent in the human dance upon Earth.




Real gratitude is the result of communion and connection to one's source, oversoul and I AM presence. As the source and oversoul descend into the human form, and fills the form with its love and life-force, one becomes fulfilled from within with the love of God Goddess All That Is. For those that have never experienced such fulfillment, then this blessing is for you in particular, along with all others whom are willing to receive it.


真正的感恩,是交融和連接一個人的源頭、超靈和我是之所在(I AM presence)的結果。當源頭、超靈和我是之所在降臨而進入人類形態,並以愛和生命力填滿人體形態,一個人開始以內在的神和女神/一切萬有的愛去實踐完成。對於那些從來沒有體驗過這樣的完滿來說,那麼這個祝福對於你以及所有其他願意接收這祝福的人,尤其特別。


Receiving this blessing requires an open heart. And so sit for a moment, with your eyes closed, and ask your heart to open. Breathe in slowly, and breathe out. Ground your soul and source into your form, and now allow it to fill you to the brim with the love of All That Is and All That Ever Will Be.


接受這個祝福要求一顆打開的心靈。只要坐下片刻,閉上你的眼睛,請求你的心靈打開。慢慢的吸氣,慢慢的呼出。讓你的靈魂和源頭根植進入你的形體,現在允許它填滿你,直到你充盈著一切萬有,和一切永遠如是 All That Ever Will Be)的愛。


Breathe in again slowly and breathe out. You are infinite, you are multidimensional, you are a part of the dance that has existed inside and outside of time. Allow yourself for a moment to touch upon the infinite nature of whom you really are beyond time and space. You are vast, but you are not All That Is, but rather a piece of the whole. As all pieces unite and dance together in union, great bliss is experienced and an expansion that carries one "home".




Allow the parts of yourself to unite now, dancing together outside of time and space, expanding to touch upon the One Source, the Source of All Sources, from which all creations, all existence originates. And now allow the One Source to fill you with remembrance, to fill your heart so that your longing and loneliness shall cease forevermore.


現在允許你自己的各個部分都聯合起來,共同舞蹈在時間和空間之外,擴展去接觸的源頭、所有源頭之源 —— 所有造物,所有存在起源的地方。現在允許這的源頭以回憶去填滿你,去填滿你的心靈以使你的寂寞和孤獨將永遠地終止。


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I intend to embody the truth of my Source, Oversoul in alignment with the Divine Plan of God Goddess All That Is and the ascension of Earth upon all planes of reality, conscious, subconscious and unconscious





Truth can be likened to a multifaceted diamond. Each human upon Earth holds a different facet of truth that when put together creates the gem of overall truth inherent in the human experience. Likewise, each species upon Earth is another facet of truth and expression in form, and when all species are combined together, the overall gem known as Earth as a truth is experienced.




It is human nature to pit one truth against another. It is also human nature to believe that one has "THE TRUTH" to the exclusion of all others. There is not one truth. Truth is multifaceted, complex, and most joyous when all components resonate in absolute harmony and joy together. What humanity has experienced, along with Earth, within the many falls into density and subsequent loss of consciousness, were truths that are in discord with one another. The truth of Earth to ascend and humanities continuous poisoning of Earth through toxic dumping, along with humanities forgetfulness to ascend, are two non-resonant truths. The truth of the human species to kill the dolphin and whale communities is non-resonant with the truth of such species. The choice of one human to kill another, or one populace to war upon another, is the result of non-resonant truths between humans or groups of humans.




It will only be as humanity learns to embrace all truths as equal and of value that a new era can be born. Ascension brings forth the embracing of a new truth that is unity based. Unity based truth does not pit one truth against the other, but perceives one truth as a part of the whole of all truths upon Earth. As each expression of truth does its part to the overall sustenance of the whole of all truths upon Earth, unity consciousness in action is sustained. Ascension brings forth unity consciousness in action.




Our channels' organization, The Spiritual School of Ascension, is becoming unity based. The difficulties, trials and tribulations of taking a group of humans from polarity to unity are not to be underestimated. Their material "Notes to Our Affiliates" is a dissertation of such a process, and in essence, more have left their organization overall than have remained, because the discord within such individuals was so great that it created group conflict.




Many in observation of such shifts have fallen into great judgment about why such shifts are necessary. Some have chosen not to participate in the organization as a result, or call upon those initiates emerging as Bodhisattva for healing services. However, I, Earth Mother, would like to point out that such shifts are inherent with group ascension. One cannot embody group ascension and group unity without change any more than a single human can ascend without change. And so it is upon the path of ascension.




Unity based truth allows all expressions of truth that are unique to be experienced in harmony together. Such is the new paradigm for those that are ascending, and each will embrace such unity consciousness in due course. First such a shift shall occur within, and as one embraces all internal aspects discordant to one's own truth, and applies the transmutative frequencies to such discord, allowing unity to be embraced within. As unity is embraced within, one can begin to dance with others in a unity-based manner.




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I intend to allow all others their journey, and choose not to carry others down my path, and willingly free myself from any and all relationships that do not serve my path of ascension, upon all planes of reality, conscious, subconscious and unconscious





Sovereignty comes forth as each ascending initiate learns to allow. Allowance is a difficult thing for the current human dance. For humanity has founded their current dance upon ownership and possession. Ownership and possession cause humanity to try to control and manipulate another into doing one's bidding out of the belief that this will make one happy. The need to cause another to do what one wants comes from the belief that power is outside of oneself. Power is not outside of oneself, and as one learns to retrieve and anchor their own internal power, one will know that one can master any obstacle within one's life experience and creation from within.




In trying to control or change another in order to bring forth one's own happiness, one is forever reaching outside of oneself to change or alter their reality. Ascension brings forth the understanding that as one changes their internal reality and releases the patterns at cause of a particular creation, one's creation or reality changes automatically. As such, internal change is the only form of change required to bring forth one's experience of happiness.




However, there is a catch to all of this, and that is one cannot internally change themselves and expect another to come along for the ride if the other is not interested in ascending themselves. For another to accompany one upon their chosen path of ascension, the other must consciously choose to ascend. No one can change another's internal landscape and patterning. Each ascending human must do his or her own internal work in order to bring forth the path of ascension.




Here is a second catch. In polarity, the one that chooses to ascend will quite naturally attract its opposite, or the one who does not choose to ascend. It is for this reason that ascension often brings forth the ending of some long term relationships, as such relationships are based upon polarity, and inside of polarity, opposites attract. As one ascends, opposing forces are united internal to one self. Such a shift makes possible two in relationship who are consciously choosing to ascend together. It also causes those who are not choosing to ascend together to fall away from one another.




Mila and Oa are a good example of this. Mila and Oa could only come together as a couple after enough of the polarity had been integrated within allowing them to dance together upon the chosen path of ascension. For Mila and Oa, this required completion of Initiation 3000. This also brought forth the falling away from Oa's 20 years marriage and a partner that was not ascending. For others in their school, such a shift has required the completion of the state of the Bodhisattva or Initiation 5000. So those of you that are ascending must be patient and allow the opposition to be united within. Then the potential of meeting a partner that will support your ascension becomes possible. And be not attached to whom such a partner might be, as ascension is a very special path that not all in human form is choosing at this time in history.





I intend to release any and all possessions that do not serve my continued path of ascension allowing a state of non-attachment in relation to the world at large upon all planes of reality, conscious, subconscious and unconscious



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I intend to master the frequencies of the gender of my biology and retain my grounding in all that I do upon all planes of reality, conscious, subconscious and unconscious





Grounding has to do with connecting with I, Earth Mother, along with anchoring soul within the form. For a long time now, the human species has been ungrounded. Not all races experience such an ungrounded state, as those whom are related to the Native American, African, Indian, Polynesian, Aborigine and South American Indians have retained biological grounding within their genetic heritage. It is predominately the White and Asian races that have lost their ability to ground.




The White and Asian races have "reversed polarized". Reversed polarization equates to the male gender running female energy and the female gender running male energy. Indeed, such a shift has created the "women's movement" in the West. And it is not wrong. However, ascension brings forth the restoration of the proper frequencies for God and Goddess in human form. Such frequencies are not powerless, as the feminine vibrations that you have known up until this point in history. They are filled with feminine power that has a different expression than masculine power. And so I guide each of you to embrace the gender that you are in physicality, and release any and all dislike or lack of acceptance for your current expression in form.




Both the masculine and feminine dancing together in divine union requires both parties to embrace the proper frequencies in order to create the experience of union together. In order to create divine union within, which is indeed a grounded state in which soul dances with form and with Earth, the feminine form must run female energy, and the masculine form male energy. Why is this so? Well, when a form does not run the proper frequency for its gender, the energy moves up the field ungrounding the soul from the form. As the proper gender based frequency is run, the energy flows down the field to the center of the Earth naturally grounding spirit into form.




Therefore, ascension of those with Asian and White heritage includes the information necessary to ground, and for the proper gender based frequencies necessary to sustain a grounded state of being. Grounding can be likened to a portal through which soul is anchored in the grid work of the form, and then further anchors via another portal to the center of the Earth. In the act of grounding, the soul can be present enough to provide the chi necessary for one to ascend. It is also when soul is grounded to the center of the Earth that there is a pathway for the denser frequencies that one is detoxifying upon a daily basis to leave one's field in the act of ascending.




Without grounding, soul is not present, and therefore one will be tired as there is nothing present to fuel energy within one's etheric grid work. Without grounding, there is no place for the pus or entities that one is releasing in the act of ascending to leave the field, as there is not a connection to the center of the Earth, which leads to a toxic buildup and potentially flue like symptoms. Therefore, grounding becomes essential to the ongoing process of ascension to sustain the health and well being of the form.




When one hits a particularly difficult part of one's ascension that is very discordant or painful, it is natural to unground and have the soul leave the embodiment. One often ungrounds in order not to feel the pain. It is the soul that feels as it engages with the emotional body. No soul present equals no emotions felt in the human experience. Without soul, one is like a flag blowing in the wind and subject to the energetic manipulation of others, as it is soul that anchors the field. It is soul that brings forth the ascension and it is soul that holds one's boundaries so that one cannot be manipulated. And soul requires a state of grounding in order to be present in the form.




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I intend to ascend, and to bring forth a complete ascension upon all planes of reality, conscious, subconscious and unconscious





The intent to ascend brings forth each day's worth of increasing frequency and vibration. Such changes are not only biological but also etheric. So each day, as one intends to ascend, the next layer of density falls away in the etheric, and the next layer of yet higher frequency is integrated. Such changes translate down to a biological level in which certain cells become crystalline, or certain decay and scar tissue is resurrected within the form.




Some days or weeks are more difficult than others are. The difficult days are the result of the sloughing off of a dense vibration that is tremendously discordant. As one enters the discordant frequencies in order to transmute them, such frequencies make the form feel tired, depressed, or even ill with flue like symptoms. Know that such days or weeks are simply a part of the process and will pass. Such difficult moments are aided by simple activities such as taking a walk to move the energy, or taking a mineral bath or swimming. Such activities cleanse the field and move the energy in such a manner that the denser vibrations can be transmuted at a more rapid pace leading to an overall sense of well being and "feeling better".




Ascension is an ongoing process. Each ascending initiate will learn to master their ascension. When we speak of mastery, we mean that the initiate will integrate their choice to ascend into their day to day life experience, and not allow their life experience to get in the way of their choice to ascend. It is in the allowance of the big changes that often the larger leaps upward in frequency are accomplished (see Following One's Truth).





I intend to take my ascension one step at a time, down to a biological level, in the order that the initiations are designed to be integrated, and at a pace that honors my form





The initiations in ascension are a form of record that is anchored around the form in what is known as "Ascension Grid Work". Ascension grid work surrounds the grid work of the etheric body, subtle bodies, chakras and auric field of any human that chooses to ascend. Such grid work is anchored by the soul incarnate in the form that also chooses to ascend. Such grid work is also updated each day as the soul incarnate passes each of its tests of harmlessness in the process of ascension.



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I Intend To Ascend


Earth Mother through Karen Danrich "Mila" July 10, 2000

地球母親透過Karen Danrich "Mila" 日期:2000710



I, the consciousness of the Earth Mother, would like to express the gift of the intent to ascend. The intent to ascend is not to be taken lightly. Ascension is a spiritual choice that will bring forth great change within one's life experience. Such a choice is not for everyone, and those choosing this path know in their hearts that there is no other choice for their incarnation. As indeed, the choice not to ascend will lead to death, and those who choose the path of ascension choose to transcend death, along with aging, pain, anger, fear, illness, deformities, and all destructive based thought-form inherent in the current human dance.




In our last article, Following One's Truth, we went into great personal detail about all of the changes that has occurred as the result of our channels', the directors of The Spiritual School of Ascension, choice to ascend. They have embraced each change necessary to fuel their momentum upward in vibration and frequency, and bring forth the associated biological and genetic changes to their respective forms. And so each species upon Earth shall also allow the necessary changes in order for their form to ascend.




The Nature Kingdoms are less wrapped up in the density of thought-form of mankind. It is perhaps for this reason that ascension will be a less difficult feat for such kingdoms. This is simply the result of the prevailing thought-form of humanity, which not only includes such beliefs as aging, illness and death, but also is founded upon ownership and possession, that this is so. In ownership, one "possesses" another human, object, animal or property.




The act of possessing is perhaps the single most difficult thought-form for the human species to traverse, for often one's sense of well being or safety is indeed wrapped up within one's possessions. And to the degree that one needs their possessions in order to be safe, to such a degree it is most difficult to let go of. Letting go of all possessions is indeed required in order to ascend, because the resultant attachment depletes the auric field and embodiment of enough chi to prevent a continued rise in vibration for the form.




Our channels have learned to live a very meager life. All of their possessions can fit into one small storage facility. They rent furnished housing to prevent the attachment that would occur if they purchased furnishings or property again in their life experience. They have also learned to live a very liberating lifestyle with a great deal of travel which is a part of their teaching and healing endeavors in World Service to Earth. Not having property makes the high level of travel much easier as they simply close the door upon one rental and take another upon their return to the Hawaiian Islands, which is their home when they are not on tour. Such a lifestyle is most joyous in their experience.




So the leaving behind of possessions does free one up to journey and create adventures that perhaps would not occur otherwise. This too requires one to give up their fear, fear of traversing the different cultures of your world, and ultimately the fear of oneself. For all fear is really fear of oneself, which translates into the fear of the unconscious. The unconscious, or the unknown parts of one self, has become unknown due to the many drops in vibration within one's ancestry. Each drop in frequency caused a portion of one's field to detach, or separate off. The unconscious is nothing other that multiple pieces of detached parts of one self that have become unknown, and then in being unknown, have become feared.



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Real mastery of instant manifestation or teleportation is actually much easier to fulfill upon in ascension than levitation and transfiguration.  Mila and Oa could instantly manifest or teleport now if they put their attention to it and had enough chi; the problem with such capabilities is the low availability of chi from the manifestation planes of nature; nature needs the chi that they have in order to ascend.  Taking chi away from nature in order to demonstrate magic or instantly manifest or even teleport would not be acting out of world service; alas if Mila and Oa did not act out of world service they would lose their status as ascended masters and their power would be taken away; and so Mila and Oa use such skills sparingly and only with the permission of earth and nature.




The ability to teleport developed early in Mila’s experience of ascension.  One time on a car trip to the Wine Country of California, Mila blinked and suddenly she was transported to another highway 30 miles away heading in the wrong direction.  She pulled over and asked her then guidance what had happened.  Her guidance explained that they had moved her in space and time to avoid an accident.  Indeed as she finally did approach the freeway that she had been on, there was a five-car pileup involving a big rig that she had missed being a part of. 


瞬間移動(穿梭)的能力在Mila提升的早期就發展。有一次,在開車到加州葡萄酒鄉(the Wine Country of California)的旅途上,Mila一眨眼突然被轉移到30英里外的另一條高速公路上,而且方向相反。她把車開到路邊詢問她那時的引導者發生了什麼。她的引導者解釋到,他們將她轉移時空是為了避免一次事故。事實上,當她最終來到她所曾在的高速公路上時,她看到有5輛車被撞成一堆,包括一輛她當時並未察覺的大型工程車。


More recently, a forwarded batch of mail with many checks that Mila and Oa required for the payment of their rent was lost.  Mila used the act of teleportation to receive her package.  The package ended up not in the mailbox but between the screen door and front door of their apartment.  As Oa opened the door the next day after Mila received permission to use teleportation to retrieve her package, there surprisingly was their mail.  Teleportation involves folding time and space thereby moving an object or oneself from one place unto another. 




However the act of teleportation takes much chi from earth and the nature kingdoms along with potentially causing a ripple or wedge in time and space of earth’s grid work.  At this time, earth is still repairing herself from all the misuse of such human knowledge at earlier times in your history; there are many problems in earth’s grid work as a result.  As all is repaired and all contribute their chi to the process of ascension, there will be enough chi for such experiences; until such time Mila and Oa only use such skills as they are given permission and as it does not compromise the ascent of earth or all species therein.




The ancient ones are pleased with the honor Mila and Oa have for earth and her kingdoms.  This is something perhaps we did not have at the time of our own incarnations; we looked at earth and nature upon Sirius as beneath human form; less than and obviously worth less.  How can one consider other kingdoms less than without ultimately being less than oneself?  This too contributed unto our demise at the end of our incarnations.  However we are here to attest that it is never too late to come to understand what one failed to understand at the time that one was alive; and we are learning through each of you that are choosing to ascend and are our present day ancestors in human form.







Instant manifestation requires holding a vision of a natural object that one desires to see in physical form, and then through the application of a load of chi, the desired object is pulled instantly down the seven manifestation planes into physicality; it is the angels who weave the genetic information that then creates the desired form in physicality.  Such manifestation can include anything made from natural fibers that host a carbon based genetic blueprint. 




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In a state of non-truth, there can be magicians.  There have been many over the course of human history that has demonstrated the principals of instant manifestation, teleportation, transfiguration, creating vebuti (sacred ash that is not so sacred), or other magical skills.  Such skills were not earned through spiritual mastery but are created through spiritual manipulation.  There are fractured pieces of soul that were a part of our incarnation that recall how to transcend physical law.  When such pieces of soul enter the human form, they perform the tricks that they remember and the form channels the trick, and appears to instantly manifest, teleport, transfigure and the like.  However nothing has changed within the associated human form; they have not released their karma or altered their DNA or ascended in any manner; nor have they mastered anything; they are simply good channels of nonphysical forces that recall how to transcend physical law.




We are sad to see that our own souls fell into such manipulative practices and participated with dark forces upon the physical plane in manifesting such magic through certain humans.  For all this creates is the appearance of a human that is god like and fosters the belief that god lies outside of oneself.  Just because a human can perform a magic trick, this does not make him or her god; as god goddess lies within each and every living thing in the omniverse.  Such practices only causes the multitudes to give their power to humanoid false gods; which is no different than how one’s ancestry gave their power to the nonphysical false gods; and all that occurs in physicality also occurs first in the nonphysical. 




We ourselves fell into the belief that the false gods had more power, as they had stripped our information surrounding the transcendence of physical plane law; then out of such a stripping, we gave them even more power to misdirect our lives as we believed that they knew more than ourselves.  In the misdirection, most of the 48 of us that relocated unto earth died before we ever ascended.  The few that ascended were unable to clear the karma for our fall in consciousness, and the result was the continued fall of consciousness in human form upon earth until present time.  Our own souls have served the false gods in their own fracturing and lost knowledge; this too is sad unto us, however it is their karma and not our own to settle. 




And so it goes; each who has caused or participated in the inversion of law will be held accountable for it, and in so doing, will experience their cause.  So this is also so for the renegade souls in the Tao; one cannot cause anything, including the great pain of stripping a creation to extinction without experiencing like in return; and in so doing and in the suffering of one’s own cause, then one learns not to cause such again.




We are also the result of the mismanagement of spiritual knowledge upon Sirius and on the part of the Sirian Spiritual Elite.  We are each an ancestor of the Sirian Spiritual Elite that went on to personally experience the very destruction that they were causing elsewhere in their split in light and dark.  Furthermore in our own experience of destruction we anchored earth to be another place that Sirius could displace its disowned destructive thought-form.  Each fall of earth has allowed more displaced karma, fractured souls and fractured dream from Sirius to be pressed into her grid work out of the belief that something must be destroyed in order for something else to live and ascend.  We take responsibility for our cause and choose to change it now through the act of ascension of all in human form who are related unto us as our present day ancestors.







Real transcendence involves the gathering of all records and karma bound by emotional charge of each incident of trauma experienced in one’s ancestry.  Such records are held upon the land and within the genetics of one’s form.  As one releases the trauma, one transmutes each layer of pain, anger or fear, terror, torture or suffering, lust, jealousy or hate with transmutative tones of creation.  This causes the trauma to be released and erased through forgiveness.  In the forgiveness, the trauma is not transferred elsewhere only to act out in another humanoid creation; it is instead fully transmuted.  For this is what Sirius humans did en mass to humans upon earth; they transferred all their karma and trauma for many wars that they had experienced in the 3rd dimension in their own existence, which only caused the same patterning to emerge in humans upon earth.




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We can say in our own mastery that it was impure; that we not unlike the very elite that we studied with whom had not transcended the belief in death; we had simply instead deferred such beliefs elsewhere making the fabric of death based consciousness seemingly disappear.  In the disappeared state, the belief system of death was fractured off and given to another place, probably also dying much as earth.  To those upon Sirius, because the belief had disappeared, one assumed that it had been transcended and somehow mastered; alas this was not so.




What is the difference between disappearing a thought-form and real mastery?  Ah, here we get to the crux of our own spiritual lessons at this time of awakening upon earth.  We have waited a long time to understand; and we are not disappointed.  We are most grateful for the fortune of the presence of the Tao that allows now what we failed to understand in our own evolution to be understood.  When we arrived upon earth, the disowned thought-form of death came with us.  Soon we were destroyed by our own thought-form that we had assumed somehow we had transcended, but instead we had schismed over as Mila has coined.  In other terms, the thought-form of death had not been fully released from our cellular structure, and in coming to a new creation such as earth where there were no global agreements to splinter off destructive thought-form sending it elsewhere, we now experienced our own destructive thought-form returned, and destroyed ourselves ending our lives in death instead of ascension.




Real mastery or pure mastery has to do with taking each layer of thought-form that is in extreme polarity, such as the thought-form of death in all of it’s myriads of expressions, and transmuting it one layer at a time with the application of transmutative tones of creation.  Such tones have come from the Great Central Sun via the Tao to allow for real transcendence upon earth and within your creation.  As each layer is transmuted, one comes to understand how the thought-form was degraded within one’s ancestry through particular emotionally charged karmic experiences.  As the karma is released and erased down to a biological level, each layer of thought-form is transmuted in full, and a new thought-form of eternal life can be embodied in its place.




Such transmutative tones were not available upon Sirius at the time we were incarnate, nor upon earth at the time we relocated here.  Therefore we must forgive our Sirian mothers and fathers including the high priests and priestesses, for they had no other way of retaining life let alone ascending without separating light and dark, as the very tones of creation necessary for the real transmutation of the dark were missing.  We are happy to say that such tones are available now upon earth through the Language of Light and Language of One, and that those like Mila and Oa that are legitimately ascending, including the nature kingdoms and earth; each is applying such tones to their own density and mastering in a manner that we had not at the time that we were alive. And this brings us great joy, as it translates into the fulfillment of our original vision in coming to earth; that we would foster the ascent of the whole.







So where did the tones for transmutation go to and why are they unavailable?  Ah this brings us to an ever larger problem as analyzed by the Tao now as a result of the records pouring forth due to planetary, solar and creational ascension now underway in your sector of creation.  It appears that all within the Great Central Sun were never allotted transmutation tones of creation in the very casting that they received in the original expansion cycles of the Tao.  Why were such tones missing?  Well this has to do with a group of renegade souls in the Tao that had a plan, and the plan was for a means to a rapid ascent into greater mastery than they could gain through creational experience.  More or less these souls wished to cheat in their own evolution.




These souls gathered certain blueprints that were unused in the last creational cycle of the Tao, which included the blueprint for consensus realities such as earth, the nature kingdoms and the human blueprint.  These souls set such blueprints in motion in 18 quadrants in a small corner of the Tao that they thought no one was looking. However they set these creations or Great Central Suns in motion with the intent to extract the knowledge held innately in the blueprint of form; and in extracting such knowledge they then could rapidly rise through the initiation process of the Tao to manage greater and greater responsibility and have greater and greater power therein.




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