Earth Changes Ahead


The Great Central Sun through Karen Danrich "Mila"  March 2, 2001
由大中樞太陽透過Karen Danrich "Mila"傳遞,日期:200132



Dear Beloved Ascending Human,


This is the first of a series of channeled material direct from the consciousness of the Great Central Sun. As many may well already be aware, Earth has entered the first star gate of the Great Central Sun in recent months. What does this mean exactly? How does this entry impact Earth? These are some of the questions that may be pondered by mankind. It is our wish to explain what this means along with some anticipated effects over the human life experience upon Earth.




Over time, the language utilized upon Earth was not understood by the Great Central Sun. As a result, there has been no communication between Earth and the Great Central Sun for a very long time period. Much has transpired upon Earth that the Great Central Sun has had no knowledge of up until now, and in not knowing could not assist nor prevent. Such is the nature of distortion in language, there is a point beyond which a language can become so distorted that other souls cannot interpret it. For the past one million years, this has been true for Earth, and no soul within the Great Central Sun could understand Earth.




There has been a myth perpetrated by the forces of the dark upon Earth that there are souls present from the Great Central Sun in communication with the Great Central Sun. Indeed, this may be so in the original origin of such souls, but they too fell into such great distortion that we have been unable to communicate with them either. Without communication, there is no understanding, and no records from Earth's experience could therefore be reviewed nor understood.




It has been the development of the Language of Light that a bridge has been built in order for Earth to enter the first star gate of the Great Central Sun. (See the Language of Light upon our web site for more information). Through the Language of Light, Earth's records can now be reviewed for the first time in over one million years by the Great Central Sun. The following is the analysis of such records by the souls in governance overseeing the Great Central Sun at this time in history.







What is the cause of the great distortion upon Earth? Based upon the records reviewed thus far by the Great Central Sun, the universe of which Earth is a part has become intertwined and intermixed with another universe from another creation altogether. Indeed, many of the souls in governance of Earth this past million years came from this other universe in origin. Unfortunately, the two languages of the original souls of Earth and the souls from the other universe, when blended lead to a language that the Great Central Sun could not understand, and therefore could not communicate with.




Why did another universe intermix itself with the universe of which Earth is a part? The cause is simply the ongoing drops in frequency and vibration or falls in consciousness within the Great Central Sun herself. The Great Central Sun has been on an ongoing downward spiral in vibration for upwards of 18 trillion years. Any downward spiral will cause a casting out of portions of that which was previously contained within the boundaries of the Great Central Sun. That which was pushed outside can be likened to one's own "unconscious". As portions of the Great Central Sun became unconscious, that which was pushed outside of the boundaries became intermixed with neighboring creations that had likewise fallen in vibration. Alas, the intermixing of two non-resonant unconscious creations from two falling Great Central Suns created an even greater problem known as distortion.




Unconscious has often been associated with darkness. Indeed, darkness is simply that which is unknown. That which is unknown is so simply because so much chi has been lost that there is not enough light or illumination to understand what is contained therein. That which was cast out of the Great Central Sun ceased to receive chi from us in order to retain its illumination. Without illumination, much is hidden. As the unconscious is fully retrieved in our own ascension, all that has been lost over time shall be reclaimed, and all that has been hidden shall become illuminated again and then can be understood.




24 million years ago, Earth exited the boundaries of the Great Central Sun and entered our unconscious. As Earth has traversed our unconscious, Earth has gathered experiences that tell us what resides within our own unconscious. In this understanding, the Great Central Sun can then take strides to integrate that which has been cast off long ago within her own many falls in vibration.




Earth is not the only creation to enter our unconscious of the Great Central Sun. Indeed, Sirius, Arcturus and Orion have all ascended within the past 1 million years. All had entered our unconscious and returned, bearing gifts of understanding and illumination that allow the Great Central Sun to understand it's own darkness. Indeed, the Great Central Sun is in the process of ascending herself, and integrating her own unconscious. This shall not occur rapidly, however, as the last 3rd dimensional planet ascends, all of the unconscious of the Great Central Sun shall be reabsorbed again. This is anticipated to take over another 3.5 million years into the future to accomplish in full, and 23 additional planetary ascensions are required, just like Earth.







The difficulty with Earth is that we find is that much of what is in our own unconscious is not our own, but belongs to another creation, another Great Central Sun that had fallen into the same dilemma as ourselves. As a result, the Great Central Sun cannot absorb what did not originate within her. Many souls incarnate in human form upon Earth at this time in human history fall into this category, they come from another Great Central Sun and the related unconscious therein. It is perhaps for this reason that such souls are unable to ascend, unable to awaken, as they are attempting such a feat in the wrong creation.




As soul is cast, it is cast with a particular signature. The signature of the Great Central Sun related to Earth is solely magnetic. The energetic signature of the souls from the alternative creation is either radioactive or electrical in nature. Radioactive and electrical souls cannot ascend in a magnetic creation. Therefore such souls shall be shunted out the star gate of the Great Central Sun and on to new adventures within their creation of origin, that shall indeed allow for their own ascension in due course.




As an ascending human, it is therefore imperative that you have an ascending and magnetic source and soul assisting you. Any soul that is other than magnetic does not resonate with the Great Central Sun, and shall lead you down the path of death rather than ascension. This may be difficult, because it appears that many souls humans have come to rely upon for guidance are of electrical and radioactive nature. Each ascending human will have to choose to relinquish such associations, which serves all concerned. In so doing, the human involved may then ascend, and the soul that is dissonant to the Great Central Sun can be returned to it's source of origin to continue it's evolutionary dance. Such souls cannot evolve here beloved, and therefore it may be the greatest gift that you could give to such a soul.







Where do the non-resonant souls upon Earth come from? A portion of those souls that are radioactive and electrical currently residing upon Earth come from another creation long come and gone that had an incomplete ascension. In the act of not completely gathering up all portions of a particular creation, the creator known as Athena left a part of herself behind. What was left behind exists not just within the third dimension, but effect dimensions five and twelve within your creation as well. Athena has returned at the request of the Great Central Sun to these lower dimensions to pick up souls that originated with her eons of time ago when she was a creator.




Some of Athena's souls are from a neighboring universe that contains a solar system known as Alpha Centauri. Indeed this solar system was once a part of Athena's creation, but was left behind. This solar system contains souls that have become electrical because the embodiments of the species they are incarnate into, known as the Grays and Reptilians, have become electrical over time. How did they become electrical? Such species became electrical through the development of equipment and technology that is electrically based. Over time, the vibration of the electronics utilized distorted the biology and the soul causing both to become electrical in nature. One can see how technology pollutes or distorts if it is non-resonant in this experience.


Athena的某些靈魂來自一個包含所知為半人馬太陽系(Alpha Centauri。譯注:也就是爬蟲軍)的鄰居宇宙。實際上,該太陽系曾是被拋下的Athena創造物的一部分,它包含了那些由於所投生的物種化身,也就是所知的灰人與爬蟲,隨時間流逝而電性化從而變得電性的靈魂。那麼那些化身是如何電性化的呢?他們是通過電類儀器與技術的發展而電性化的。隨歲月演變,(他們)所使用的電子振動扭曲了其生物性和靈魂,使兩者在本性上都變得電性化。從該經歷中你可看到,技術如果非共振的話是如何造成污染或扭曲的。


The Grays and Reptilians failed to ascend as Athena ascended because Athena could not absorb their electrical nature. Athena is a radioactive based soul. Electricity and radioactivity have little in common and do not resonate. Alpha Centauri as a solar system along with the Grays and Reptilians missed its opportunity to ascend and was left behind due to the extreme amount of electrical distortion.




One can see from this also how Earth has fallen into a similar pattern herself, and why therefore her ascension may be so difficult for her. Earth's ascension requires that each and every species become magnetic only and resonate again with the Great Central Sun. It has been through the human experimentation with electrical gadgetry that the electrical energy has become emphasized in the human dance. Some humans are almost as electrical as the Grays and Reptilians themselves in present day expression. Such humans shall be unable to ascend unless they release their electrical discord. The continued evolution of Earth shall force the relinquishment of all forms of electrical or radioactive gadgetry humanity relies upon in due course, and those whom continue to rely upon such sources of energy shall simply perish the further Earth moves into the Great Central Sun.




As a result of the experimentation of the Grays and Reptilians upon mankind, many dissonant souls remaining upon Earth come from such experiences. As the Grays and Reptilians experimented upon humanity, such souls took over the human forms experimented upon. Such souls may have believed that they had a better opportunity to ascend home from Earth in so doing. However, the dissonant nature of the high level of electricity within them is too dissonant for the magnetic nature of the Great Central Sun. As such, all electrical souls shall be removed from Earth in full upon the death of the related embodiment, or if the embodiment chooses to ascend and anchors a magnetic soul in its place. Such souls shall be returned and reabsorbed by Athena as she is the creator of origin.




If an embodiment chooses to ascend, another soul shall descend that is magnetic and guide the embodiment home. This requires conscious intent upon the part of the consciousness of the form to accomplish. However, electrical and radioactive souls are attracted to the electrical or radioactive nature of the human genetics. Human genetics have become electrical over the past 100 years of association with electrical gadgetry. The radioactive DNA comes from a blending of genetics not true to the original seeded human race. A magnetic soul will not wish to be housed in an electrical or radioactive form. Therefore all ascending humans must relinquish all electrical and radioactive frequencies in order to anchor a magnetic soul. The path of ascension carves a shift from electric and radioactive to magnetic sources of chi within the human biology allowing a solely magnetic soul to be anchored.




Some of the dissonant souls upon Earth come from yet another creation known as Andromedas. Such souls are radioactive in nature. Andromedas is from a creation that utilizes radioactivity as a source of chi. Andromedas is a solar system that exited the boundaries of their own radioactive Great Central Sun within a neighboring creation millions of years ago. The magnetic pulses from your creation have caused as great a distortion upon Andromedas as the radioactive pulses from their creation have caused upon Earth and within your solar system. In a parallel nature to Earth, Andromedas will one-day rotate home towards it's own Great Central Sun and will require relinquishment of all magnetic patterns in order to ascend. In so doing, Andromedas likewise shall move out of distortion.







We would like to point out that the distortion is not wrong. However, the distortion was not a part of the original blueprint for this creation. Nor were all of the falls in consciousness and vibration that created an intertwining of two creations a part of the original blueprint. It may well be that the incomplete ascension of Athena is the bottom line cause of why both creations have fallen into vibrations so low. You see, any time there is a portion of something left behind, it creates a record, a groove if you will, known as karma. Karma is guaranteed to repeat until it is released. Because the karma for the cause of the fall of the Grays and Reptilians was not resolved in the ascension of Athena, it caused a similar fall again of two other Creators holding space in the same region of origin.




Creators and creations are so numerous that one looses count as to how many are present and evolving simultaneously. Athena is one of 144,000 creators within your Ovum that have held creations inside of time and space. She is learning and growing as is the current creator of your creation. All lessons learned are related and your creator was attracted to hold this creation for the holographic lessons contained therein. Indeed the records of Earth and the incomplete ascension of Athena are posing many lessons for all souls herein.




Soul perceives things from a different vantage-point than Earth or mankind. Soul views lessons as a necessary vessel for understanding and growth. The lessons of all creations therefore serve in soul better understanding souls' truth, souls' nature, and the properties of soul dancing with form. We see no right, nor wrong in anything that has transpired, only learning, only understanding, only illumination.




Illumination cannot occur unless there is a journey. The journey of Earth is a journey that now allows for our illumination as the soul or creator of this creation and the Great Central Sun. Athena also is learning. She is learning what she failed perhaps to learn before, that a soul cannot leave something behind and be complete. And that which is left behind will cause parallel distortions for future creators in the same creational space. And so it is. It is only in the understanding of what is that illumination occurs.







It is perhaps the lack of communication between body and soul that leaves humanity in the great fear that humanity resides within. For without the understanding of the continuation of consciousness, there is only fear, only loneliness, only great pain. Perhaps this is what the current human dance teaches us as the Great Central Sun. Your dance teaches us that as soul and form become separated, fear, pain, and a joyless existence results. Illness, death, and decay are the cause of the experience of fear and pain. Illness, death and decay have come as a result of the loss of chi.




The loss of chi is the result of two things. One is a non-resonant energy combination that is not compatible. In the incompatibility of mixing magnetic, radioactive and electrical energy, more chi is expended than can be generated. And so this is so for every human currently incarnate upon Earth. The second cause of loss of chi upon Earth comes from other races in other star systems also in non-resonance that require more chi than they can generate to extend their life-span. Such races must take chi from others, and Earth has been a source of such chi for some time.




The bottom line cause of the loss of chi is non-resonant energy mixtures. As this is resolved, all problems at cause of a shortened life-span, a loss of joy and unity, along with aging, illness and death shall likewise be resolved.







Where did the blending of energy signatures come from? Your own current human genetics are a blending of Sirian DNA (which is magnetic only), Pleiadian DNA (which is radioactive), Andromedan DNA (which is radioactive), along with Grey and Reptilian DNA (which is electrical). As all foreign DNA is transmuted in the act of ascension, and one returns to the original genetic structure seeded upon Earth by the Sirian race, one becomes solely magnetic again. This original blueprint is solely magnetic, in resonance with the Great Central Sun, and in the resonance does not age nor die or experience a loss of chi.




The blueprint for ascension allows for this restructuring of the form over roughly an 8 to 10 year time-span. Those with good health are the best candidates for the process, as the process casts off so many toxins that a deteriorated form will most likely die before attaining the goal at hand of ascension. However, we would like to point out that death is not an end. Death is simply a continuation of consciousness.






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