
The Solar Father through Karen Danrich “Mila”

太陽父親通過Karen Danrich Mila”傳遞 日期:2003128



Dear Beloved Ascending Human,



It is the Solar Father that greets you today.  The Solar Father is a solar level consciousness comprised by all planets including Earth united into a single awareness. Solar consciousness has always been present; however long ago Earth left the solar dream and entered a dream of great darkness and difficulty.  It has been only within the past year of global ascension that Earth has re-entered the solar dream again; and this came hand in hand with anchoring the gold and silver photonic planes upon Earth.




The solar dream is a fourth and fifth dimensional dream that is photonic in energy flow and nature.  Photonic energy is circular or rotational, much like the Language of Light that Mila has channeled the symbols of.  (See “Language of Light” for more information.)  Rotational energy has been a necessary modification to Earth’s energy flow in order to re-enter the solar dream.  In so doing, a script for global ascension is now available unto Earth and each species therein that flows from the solar sun onto the dreamtime planes surrounding Earth.  As each attunes to their personal script for ascension through the dream from the sun, then ascension shall come forward in one’s life and future ancestry.




Long ago as Earth exited the solar dream, she entered a dream of death.  This dream projected upon her a script that lead to fall after fall in consciousness.  This shift occurred long before humanity was seeded upon Earth; if anything the script for destruction called the human species to be seeded upon Earth.  This dream of death is not projected from the sun but down the dimensions of the space between or non-dream between Great Central Suns.  In essence, all that has exited the Great Central Sun has fallen into duality or polarity and split into two dreams; one dream that suspended life and made possible evolution and ascension and is photonic in nature, and a second dream that made possible only the cessation of life, extinction and death and is non-photonic.  Photon energy can be equated to the chi necessary to sustain life.




Those planets or stars that fell out of the photonic dream never returned over time.  Most fell in vibration so substantially that they left the vibrational bandwidth that they once existed upon and dropped to the dimensions beneath.  Some re-entered the photonic dream after they fell, stretching a dream that once only was upon dimensions 25 and up to the dimensions known as 12 and 5, and now 3 as Earth has re-entered the dream allowing for a 3rd dimensional photonic dream to be prevalent again in your creation.




Because all that left never returned, those remaining in the photonic dream lost track of what occurred, why it occurred, or what went wrong that caused the fall in consciousness in the first place.  Earth is the first creation to return out of the non-dream into the photonic dream and bring with her records of understanding that shall assist us all in recovering enough to return home to the dream of the Great Central Sun.  For we too exist outside of the Great Central Sun’s boundaries or dream in parallel manner, and choose to go home in this evolutionary cycle ahead.







Life within the photonic dream of your solar system is primarily fourth and fifth dimensional.  The sun knows a fifth dimensional life form of all kinds that are primarily nature kingdoms; plants, animals and minerals abound upon the sun.  There are no humans nor dolphins and whales.  The sun is not a water planet like Earth but rather a land-based or earth-based element creation; much like Earth’s ancient past we are filled with mountains high and valleys deep towards the solar core, all of which is filled with life of all kinds.  If one were to enter a fifth dimensional form, one would perceive life upon the sun as a solid reality, with green trees, granite mountains, blue streams and large lakes, birds, flowers and plants along with many animal kingdoms.  There are some aquatic kingdoms too in our abundant lakes and streams, but not nearly the numbers associated with Earth.  We have the same blueprint as Earth as it originated from the Great Central Sun that creates physical form for soul to dance with and experience.




Most other planets in the solar system exist within the photonic dream and have fourth dimensional semi-etheric life upon their surface rather than physical life.  Earth is the only planet that has a physical blueprint that emulates the solar sun.  Mercury has a fourth dimensional form that is nearing the fifth dimension in it’s own ascent; Mercury is becoming a small sun of it’s own volition and this is anticipated to be accomplished before the solar system enters the dream of the Great Central Sun, some 15 years into your future. 




Life upon Mercury is a dance of viscous energies that simulate water upon Earth with its ebbing and flowing tides; however such energies are comprised of the element of fire primarily instead of water.  Viscous fire creates the fertile fluid for which other etheric creatures may exist, much as the aquatic kingdoms exist within the sea, however these creatures are semi-etheric and non-physical in nature, and are “fire breathing” in nature.  One can think of the fire-breathing dragon as one creature in semi-etheric form that one may have some remembrance of from one’s more ancient human dance.




Much like one’s light body that is invisible to the one’s own sight in the third dimension, one sees not the life upon Mercury, as life is held in a vibration that cannot be perceived with the human eye. Instead the human eye perceives Mercury as a land of active volcanoes and craters continuously spewing lava.   Life upon Mercury can however be attuned to through one’s inner eye, just as one perceives one’s own aura, chakra system, light body and subtle bodies.  Mercury is holding the tone of non-conditional governance in association with the solar thought-form.  As she ascends, she shall contribute her fire to the continued ascent of the solar system.




Each planet in the solar system has altered the sacred geometry to be a continuous rainbow of tones that are fourth dimensional in nature and associated with the Language of Light.  One may consider the Language of Light as Mila channeled it as a fourth dimensional thought-form that leads to the expression of unity consciousness, and it is a bridge-language that the Great Central Sun understands.  Each planet contributes one or two of the base notes of this language to the ascent of the entire solar system.  Some like mercury are also bridging into the golden and silver tones of the Language of ONE, which is a fifth dimensional thought-form that is photonic in nature.




Venus has forth-dimensional semi-etheric life upon her surface, as does Mercury.  Such life form is contained within a viscous form of ether that creates a fourth dimensional atmosphere that sustains many semi-etheric creatures.  Such creatures breathe the ether much as creatures upon Earth or the sun breathe air, or the creatures breath fire upon Mercury.  The fourth dimensional atmosphere created upon Venus covers her in clouds as perceived through the human eye.  Venus holds the tones of breath of life in the language of light for your solar system.  Venus much like Mercury is nearing a fifth dimensional vibration, and shall emerge as a small sun in her own right in the coming 100 year cycle and following entry into the Great Central Sun.





太陽VS. 行星


What is the difference between a “sun” and a “planet”?  From a solar point of reference, it is all a matter of vibration.  A sun holds a vibration that races in speed to a point of near-combustion; however there is the vibration is held just below the level of combustion and to a fiery explosion as experienced in the third dimension.  This is the result of the pace of molecular rotation of all molecules of all living things upon the sun. 




The planets in your solar system cooled to a point of having slowed in molecular rotation; in the slowness a density develops in which time spreads out into a straight line rather than a continuous whole.  The sun knows no past, present and future; only one time in which all possibility exists.  As each planet becomes a sun of it’s own right again, each shall move from time that is spread out into no-time or in other terms, past, present and future shall become one.




As time becomes one, there is no delay in one’s manifestation.  One thinks or dreams and instantly the dream becomes real or lived to be experienced.  It is for this reason that there can be no destructive intention or thought-form in the photonic dream, as the destruction would manifest instantly blowing oneself up otherwise.  All planets in the solar system much like Earth must leave behind whatever destructive thought-form that they entered that caused their “cooling” or slowing of time; and as they do so they build again into a fifth dimensional dance in which instant manifestation becomes possible.




Destructive thought-form has prevailed in this solar system as it has within all dreams that have exited the Great Central Sun.  In order to prevent the destruction from destroying the whole, dreams were segregated and slowed or cooled until the planet or star could come to understand why it had entered a destructive dance and ascend out of it.  Alas most of that which has cooled never figured out why the destruction occurred and never learned their spiritual lessons; and instead fell to the dimensional thought-form beneath. 




This solar system and all therein is the first creation recorded in time and space and form to begin to retrace its steps out of the destructive dance and back into the unity again.  Each planet that is nearing a fifth dimensional thought-form such as Mercury and Venus are accomplishing this task at a most rapid pace. 







Each planet except Mars and Pluto has the possibility of returning out of the destructive paradigm, heating upon again through ascension and returning to a state of a star.  The solar sun holds the space for this to occur and through its field relays a dream that allows for the possibility of ascension.  Earth is choosing to ascend, as are many other planets in the solar system.  Earth is not the densest planet; indeed Mars and Pluto are far denser than Earth.  Neither of these two planets appears to have any signs of awakening at this time of solar ascension. 




We now understand from records recovered upon Earth that Mars is a planet from another silica-based creation, and cannot ascend as it has the wrong biochemistry.  Pluto is most likely too far in orbit from the Sun to most likely receive the benefit of our dream for potential ascension.  These two planets will be left behind as the solar system enters the dream of the Great Central Sun, most likely combusting if they attempt to pass through the barrier known as the photon belt.




Neptune, Jupiter, Uranus and Saturn each retain fourth dimensional etheric life form upon their surface and it is for this reason that they appear so cloudy to the human eye.  Each of these planets has a different biochemistry and variant life form.  Each of these planets are ascending and holding Language of Light solar-based tones of creation to augment a solar ascension.




Neptune holds a water-based life form that much like a giant sea is filled with etheric water creatures.  Because Neptune is fourth dimension, she appears as covered in blue clouds, which is indeed fourth dimensional water.   Neptune holds the tone of divine union and compassion in the solar sacred geometry. These colors or pale lavender and turquoise can be clearly seen in her cloudy field.




Jupiter is a land based or earth-element based form that holds semi-etheric life that parallels life upon the Earth or the Sun, however the blueprints are nonphysical rather than physical.  It is for this reason that Jupiter appears covered in clouds to the third dimensional human eye, as such clouds are how fourth dimensional semi-etheric life appears from a third dimensional perspective.  Some of the semi-etheric life forms are similar to the larger animal kingdoms found upon earth, including elephant, hippopotamus and giraffe.  Jupiter holds the tones of power and freedom and in the solar sacred geometry.  These tones are reflected in the yellow and peach colors of her clouds.




Saturn holds an air-based reality that hosts mostly semi-etheric energy flow without form.  Here souls come to learn about moving energy in your solar system before they choose to take form upon another planet with fourth dimensional semi-etheric life. Saturn holds the vibration of forgiveness and compassion in the solar sacred geometry.  One can see the colors of these tones clearly in the green and pink of Saturn’s rings. 




Uranus is another water-based planet that froze in the falls of your solar system. Such water supports a semi-etheric aquatic life form. Uranus however is heating up and melting her icy surface.  Uranus holds the vibrations of structure and non-conditional love in the ascending solar sacred geometry.  One can see the colors of lavender and silver in the clouds surrounding Uranus. 




Earth likewise now contributes the tone of unity and compassion to the fourth dimensional dream that is photonic and solar in nature.  Earth is the densest of all of these remaining planets.  Neptune, Jupiter, Uranus and Saturn shall most likely ascend into fifth dimensional stars around the time Earth masters the fourth dimension in full, anticipated now approximately 300 years into the future.









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