

Ascension is biological and requires providing the necessary nutrients and sustenance to the form to allow for the biochemical alterations.  The crystalline form has 18 salts and 18 fats.  Each fat is necessary to hold a particular segment of the tones of creation known as the Language of Light.  Each salt holds an energy movement that allows for the formation of the sound or music associated with Language of Light based unity consciousness.  The diet of those who are ascending therefore will never be salt free or fat free.  Many of the fats useful to ascension come in great amounts through dairy foods in present time.  Therefore a dairy-based diet is a necessity to the ascent into the crystalline form.




It is interesting to note that the dark have created great media hype to support a fat free, dairy-free and salt free diet as a means to extending one’s youth and life.  Perhaps this does work at 2 strands of DNA; alas it will only prevent ascension if ascension is one’s goal.  Additionally, retaining one’s level of ascent mastered requires that one continue to consume fats to repair a form after it has become regenerative or crystalline in nature.




Why is this so?  Fat becomes rancid over time.  One of the largest problems Mila and Oa have documented is a form of distortion that their own bodies go into due to fat going rancid in their own crystalline structure.  As the fat goes rancid, the notes of the Language of Light sour; and this has created difficult or destructive circumstances in their own dance of life as a dream for destruction was attracted to the sour sounding tones of creation.  This has lead to an understanding that the crystalline fats must be replaced every 180 days throughout the form lest they go into greater distortion through rancidity and then draw a circumstance into their lives in which they could die.




Form is a living dream; the tones of creation one holds in the field and form draw all dreams into one’s life dance, along with those that one verbalizes or internationalizes.  If the tones go sour due to rancid fat within the form, one then calls a sour dream into the life dance.  Therefore ascending to the crystalline structure once is not enough to hold a pure enough thought-form to call a non-destructive dream into the life expression; one is continually ascending or repairing fats gone rancid to hold a pure enough thought-form to transcend death.  This is also mostly so as not all life upon Earth is crystalline, and the combination of crystalline and non-crystalline food source leads to substances that cause fats within the cellular structure to go rancid.  At another time one’s ancestry may have held their tones in purity with greater ease, as all life upon Earth was crystalline.




The ongoing requirement to replace fat has lead to a diet full of dairy products for Mila and Oa.  Butter is perhaps the easiest form of fat to consume and ingest to replace the fat upon a recurring basis to maintain one’s thought-form in enough purity to not self-destruct as an ascending being.  Salts are less subject to distortion, and therefore generally do not require restructuring once introduced in the act of physical transmutation to the crystalline form.







The “I slaughter” and “I consume” thought-form cannot be left behind without embracing a purely vegetarian diet.  Such diet may include eggs and dairy products, and as you see from our above analysis, this is actually a requirement to maintain the crystalline form in enough purity to sustain the language of light thought-form.  Much of the dissertation from nature to humanity through Mila has been about consumption thought-form or the requirement for humanity to slaughter.  The sun would like to give it’s understanding of this patterning.  (See “Inspirations from the Nature Kingdoms” for more information.)




Over time humanity has been stripped of consciousness.  Today in present time and upon the surface of the Earth, humans replace the lost consciousness that they are continually stripped of in the consumption of flesh.  The denser the flesh, the longer the life, as if one loses consciousness rapidly enough, one dies of disease and potentially at an early age.  The requirement to consume flesh is therefore a necessity to retain any life at all at 2 strands of DNA, as there are so many holes and gaps in the field that one is like a black hole that continuously sends chi and information elsewhere.




As one ascends, one begins not only to reweave one’s grid work to a more solid form, but also breaks the agreements to give consciousness to the life of something else somewhere else in another creation.  Such agreements are prevalent upon Earth as it has been her nature to sacrifice herself so that all other creations may survive; this has included the planets in her own solar system that have not fallen as far as Earth as the solar consciousness was lost.  As one releases one’s agreements to barter away one’s consciousness, one supports Earth in so doing the same, and suddenly one begins to plug up the holes enough that one maintains the level of consciousness ascended into rather than declining further into greater density.




As this occurs, the requirement to eat denser substances such as flesh ceases to be necessary to retain one’s level of awareness.  It will only be as humanity at large transitions to such a state en mass where they are collectively ceasing to lose consciousness that humans will become vegetarian again.  However such a time is coming, as there is now a dream to support such a shift as Earth has entered the photonic dream of the solar system, and is anchoring a human dream of this nature upon Earth.




For those that ascend above the baseline of 3000 strands, one enters the new dream and script from the solar sun that has been anchored upon earth to support ascension.  This dream calls for a return to vegetarianism for all kingdoms upon Earth.  Each kingdom is developing a vegetarian digestive tract to support this shift, as it is the first step to relinquishing the “I slaughter” and “I consume” thought-form that has prevailed upon Earth.  Each reading these materials may make strides to do the same in support of the ascent of the whole of your species.  This however cannot be a fat free or dairy free or salt free diet beloved.







The “I hate”, “I undermine” and “I dispute” thought-form leads to war that is either internal or external in nature.  External expressions of this thought-form lead to war between individuals and nations alike; internal expressions lead to disease in all of the forms known to man along with deformity and accidents that maim.  Such thought-form when expressed upon nature leads to the “I slaughter” and “I consume” thought-form, in which nature is hunted down as a food source.  Nature offers food source requiring not the act of hunting.  Such food source is in the form of fruit, nuts, grains and vegetables along with the milk and blood of the animal kingdoms.  These are offered in agreement, flesh is not and therefore is considered warfare upon the animals.




The thought-form of “I own”, “I subordinate” and “I consume” creates a civilization founded upon slavery, in which the rich enslave the poor so that they can own more and consume more than all others.  Consumption is not just about flesh but also about outside goods, objects, possessions, property and so on.  It is in the consumption of that which is outside of oneself that lead to the falls in consciousness of the recent cycle, for in so doing, more and more grid work moved out of the etheric body to attach to the objects that one possesses.  As the grid work left, more and more holes were created through which the chi of the human species could be stripped en mass.




This form of stripping through ownership occurred in more ancient times in association with the Anu.  The Anu were a group of humans who came to mine gold from the Pleiades some 46,000 years ago (also known as the Greek and Roman Gods). The Anu bred a partially conscious group of human slaves in a scientific laboratory to work in the mines and serve them.   The Anu would entice the slaves to own more and more technology so that the holes in their fields could be used for the Anu to plug into and drain off chi from to suspend their lives due to their lengthy life extensive practices.  The slaves in turn enticed the neighboring red nations peoples to also purchase such technology, who likewise attached to their possessions creating holes in their fields through which the Anu slaves then took of their chi to attempt to sustain their lives.




The thought-form of consumption is like the food chain; everything is consumed from the smallest to the largest.  So this is also so for humanity; humanity consumes flesh as they are consumed by dimensions that take of one’s chi through the same holes remaining from the times of Anu.  The only way out is to ascend out of the dance by retrieving one’s consciousness and reweaving the field so that there are no longer any holes or gaps to be consumed through.  In so doing, one ceases to dance in the consumption paradigm, and thereby ascends home to a new day of unity. 







The disunity-based thought-forms are the result of blending DNA that was incompatible and dissonant.  The Pleiadian silica based Anu blended their own DNA with red nation hydrogen based DNA from Sirius to create a slave race.  This blending caused dissonance of the slave nation as well as the red nations used to extract the DNA from.  Such dissonance translates into the thought-forms of I hate, I consume, I subjugate, I slaughter, I undermine, I dispute and I own.  As one ascends, one transmutes foreign DNA that did not originate upon Earth or within your Great Central Sun.  As this occurs, the internal emotions associated with such thought-form cease to exist.  This by in large occurs as 6000 strands is mastered in the current path of ascension.




How does DNA create thought-form?  DNA is holographic and designed to create particular energy movement in any field that embodies such DNA.  DNA that is silica based creates electrical sacred geometry associated with the mer-ka-ba or six-pointed star in the chakras and subtle bodies of such a human.  This pattern when blended with magnetic rotational energy cuts up the rotation field of that which is magnetic and hydrogen based.  A field that does not support itself due to conflicting energy flow leads to a shortened lifespan, aging and disease.  The average red nations person experienced a life-span of nearly 1800 years at the time the Anu slave race was incubated; the slave race due to the dissonance within knew a 500-year lifespan in the early days of their civilization.  Later and due to the ongoing feeding on the part of the Anu of their own slave nations for chi and grid work to suspend their own life extension practices, the slave nations dropped to a life-span of only 100 years. 




Upon an emotional level, the mer-ka-ba causes the feelings of shame, blame, anger and fear along with greed and lust to be experienced in human form when blended with rotational magnetic energy.  As the DNA is transmuted associated with the Anu slaves through ascension, the associated patterns cease to be recreated in the field, leading to the emotional experience of inner love and fulfillment instead.  Those ascending in the West with ancient red nation ancestry are the ones that primarily experience the ascent out of shame as an emotional experience behind their evolutionary journey. 




However the red nations peoples that were used to create the Anu slave race from, which include Native American and Tibetan root races primarily.  These root races also have experienced the feelings of shame and servitude as a result of how their DNA was used.  Partially this is so as they holographically were intertwined with the Anu slave nations due to the sharing of DNA.  As such red nations ascend beyond the vibration that the original genetic sharing occurred, they shall likewise transcend the shame that they holographically feel due to the genetic manipulations of the Anu scientists.







In the review of your recent human history, many cultures in recent times held crystalline biology, including the Polynesians before the white man arrived; many Tibetans before the arrival of the Chinese, and many in India before the arrival of those from Pakistan.  The Polynesians relied primarily upon the fat of the coconut to sustain their crystalline form.  Coconut has a high amount of cholesterol within both the meat and milk.  Polynesians have been measured as high as 2200 strands as short a time as 200 years ago in your history.  As the white man arrived, plagues wiped out most of the Polynesians and they fell in consciousness. 




Those in Tibet and India measured as high as 2200 strands up through 600 years ago, and relied mostly upon milk products from the cow to sustain the crystalline form; and many uphold a vegetarian diet to this day feasting from the milk of the cow only and not the flesh.  As other humans of lower DNA pushed into the territory of those remaining with a crystalline structure, generally a great plague occurred thereafter killing off those of crystalline inheritance.  Why?  Those of lower genetic materials stripped the genetic materials of those that were crystalline leading to disease amongst their populations and another fall in consciousness.  The conflict between crystalline and non-crystalline humans is ancient, and originates in the war of the Anu and Anu-slaves against the red nations people.




It appears that Gandhi retained the genetics of the crystalline form and diaphragm that converts sugar from air through the breath; this may be why he could abstain from eating for long time periods and not starve.  This may also be why Gandhi held a greater spiritual purpose and focus within his life than most others, as he had a greater level of conscious awareness upon a biological level.  Consciousness is biological and not just of spirit in a blueprint such as the one earth is apart.  Therefore an increase in human consciousness requires biological modifications through ascension.




There are many others present today that were born with greater biological consciousness, most of which are unknown and amongst the indigenous populations around the globe.  Mila in thumbing through a National Geographic the other day came upon a photo of a spiritual leader conducting an initiation ceremony for the young men of a small African tribe; it was an initiation into manhood.  This elder leading this initiation had shaved his head and the skull appeared as if it were two skulls together or twice as large as a normal human skull; this is a brain from the times of the Mahavishnu and ancient ancestry still present in the genealogy of this particular tribe.  And so you see, nothing has been lost really and truly; however much like within the nature kingdoms upon earth, the information has become scattered between humans and is not readily available to each and everyone incarnate to draw upon in present time in order to ascend.




The most difficult ancestries to ascend are those of white Western inheritance that are related to the Anu, or Anu slaves, even if one has ancient red lineage to the Grand Masters.  The reason for this is the level of dissonance within the biology of the form due to a blending of DNA that is non-compatible.  In order for the ascent of the entire human species to come forth however, some of each nature must also ascend.  It is only in the ascension of each nature and each ancestry that the karmic cause underlying why each fall in consciousness came to be can be understood.  It is only in the understanding of how and why such incidents occurred that one may forgive and the karma is released enough that humanity at large may transcend and ascend.




This is the purpose of the group known as SSOA under Mila and Oa’s direction; to make ascension possible in the West amongst those who are white and of ancient red ancestry primarily.  In so doing, a complete circle of ascension comes forth in which no human strain or lineage is left out, all karma can be released, and a new day for humanity at large can be born.  However ascending those of Western inheritance is complex from the Solar Father’s point of view; for there is so much internal dissonance that disease may be the result long before the ascension is mastered, especially if incomplete ascension occurs.




There are many who may have intended to ascend that wind up diseased in the decade ahead as a result.  One must be careful and thorough to ward this off, which is why the Earth Mother has brought through so much information to support Western-based ascending initiates at this time in history.  (See “Messages from the Earth Mother II” for information upon supporting one’s ascent.)


很多的意願提升者將在前方十年內以疾病結束。你必須小心而徹底地避免這一點,這就是為什麼在歷史此刻,地球母親帶來這麼多資訊來支援西方基礎上的提升啟蒙。(請看“來自地球母親的資訊2 ”來獲得支援提升的更多資訊)





Earth is ascending and beginning to make her presence known in the solar photonic dream.  Those in human form who master 36,000 strands shall also enter the photonic dream.  For many it will be one’s future ancestors who enter the photonic dream.  This is the first of a series of articles from the Solar Father to trigger the necessary intentions to foster the return to full consciousness within the human species upon earth.




Many cannot reach the solar father directly; however via the hologram associated with Earth, there is now a link so that one may commune and connect directly.  Listen within the heart beloved, and listen only with the heart; it is through the heart that one will be guided through their initiations and ascend home to a new day.




Ascension allows for a new level of awareness to be born upon earth.  However one’s ancient ancestors already understood such thought-form long ago.  It is only as the ancestors were separated off from humanity that they failed to be able to contribute their knowing unto yours.  The ancestors have returned due to the release of the karma for how they had become separated off.  Call upon your ancient ancestors to understand your personal spiritual lessons in this lifetime; learn the lessons therein so that future ancestors yet unborn will have a different set of karma to work upon, allowing one a return journey home in a generational sense.




One may also perceive one’s future journey home through future ancestors.  All of such information is available through holographic knowing.  Holographic knowing is a part of the genetic fabric of all related to the red nations peoples and ancient Grand Masters.  Those from the Pleiades related to the Anu also have a holographic knowing, but it is from another creation.  Such humans will return to the creation that they are associated with holographically upon death; as this is where they were spawned and therefore where they belong.




Much of the confusion in spiritual understanding today comes from those of variant holographic information bringing forth information true to their holographic nature, and not necessarily one’s own.  Tune inward therefore, and find one’s own truth.  One needs not a teacher or guru to find one’s way home; only to go within and open to the vast library of knowledge that one already has available unto oneself holographically.  The ancient ancestors will assist with the interpretation if one asks.



Until our next communication,


The Solar Father







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