I intend to embody the truth of my Source, Oversoul in alignment with the Divine Plan of God Goddess All That Is and the ascension of Earth upon all planes of reality, conscious, subconscious and unconscious





Truth can be likened to a multifaceted diamond. Each human upon Earth holds a different facet of truth that when put together creates the gem of overall truth inherent in the human experience. Likewise, each species upon Earth is another facet of truth and expression in form, and when all species are combined together, the overall gem known as Earth as a truth is experienced.




It is human nature to pit one truth against another. It is also human nature to believe that one has "THE TRUTH" to the exclusion of all others. There is not one truth. Truth is multifaceted, complex, and most joyous when all components resonate in absolute harmony and joy together. What humanity has experienced, along with Earth, within the many falls into density and subsequent loss of consciousness, were truths that are in discord with one another. The truth of Earth to ascend and humanities continuous poisoning of Earth through toxic dumping, along with humanities forgetfulness to ascend, are two non-resonant truths. The truth of the human species to kill the dolphin and whale communities is non-resonant with the truth of such species. The choice of one human to kill another, or one populace to war upon another, is the result of non-resonant truths between humans or groups of humans.




It will only be as humanity learns to embrace all truths as equal and of value that a new era can be born. Ascension brings forth the embracing of a new truth that is unity based. Unity based truth does not pit one truth against the other, but perceives one truth as a part of the whole of all truths upon Earth. As each expression of truth does its part to the overall sustenance of the whole of all truths upon Earth, unity consciousness in action is sustained. Ascension brings forth unity consciousness in action.




Our channels' organization, The Spiritual School of Ascension, is becoming unity based. The difficulties, trials and tribulations of taking a group of humans from polarity to unity are not to be underestimated. Their material "Notes to Our Affiliates" is a dissertation of such a process, and in essence, more have left their organization overall than have remained, because the discord within such individuals was so great that it created group conflict.




Many in observation of such shifts have fallen into great judgment about why such shifts are necessary. Some have chosen not to participate in the organization as a result, or call upon those initiates emerging as Bodhisattva for healing services. However, I, Earth Mother, would like to point out that such shifts are inherent with group ascension. One cannot embody group ascension and group unity without change any more than a single human can ascend without change. And so it is upon the path of ascension.




Unity based truth allows all expressions of truth that are unique to be experienced in harmony together. Such is the new paradigm for those that are ascending, and each will embrace such unity consciousness in due course. First such a shift shall occur within, and as one embraces all internal aspects discordant to one's own truth, and applies the transmutative frequencies to such discord, allowing unity to be embraced within. As unity is embraced within, one can begin to dance with others in a unity-based manner.




Unity cannot occur within the group until unity within each has been mastered. It is for this reason that our channels' organization has gone through so many shifts, as many have not been able to master unity within in the timeframe necessary to keep pace with the group. Such individuals that have left their organization will ascend, but at a different pace from the group.





I intend to honor the ascension and truth of all others, regardless of species, upon all planes of reality, conscious, subconscious and unconscious





Honor is greatly misunderstood in the current human paradigm. The current human paradigm believes that honor must occur at the expense of oneself. In such a system, one worships another and this is deemed honor. Or, conversely, one is worshipped by others and this is deemed honor. This is not what honor is within the new unity based paradigm.




Honor is both internal and external in the new paradigm. One cannot honor another until one has honored oneself in full. This is because honor is an internal issue, in which one honors self, honors form, honors soul, honors Earth, and in so doing, communion of soul, form and Earth follows. It is only from a state of honor that communion becomes possible. Communion is a requirement for unity consciousness and unity based relations. Without communion, there is not harmony. Without harmony, there is not unity amongst the many. And so, honor is the foundation of communion, and ultimately of ascension to the new paradigm of unity consciousness.




Ascension is more than biological changes, or etheric changes, or a very large auric field that expands to your solar system in size. Ascension is about biological consciousness that becomes fully conscious. What is full consciousness? It is a state of being in which one has embraced their unconscious in full. Embracing the unconscious in full translates into full consciousness, in which one has full access to all planes of reality that surround Earth and your Solar System. As one has access to all planes of reality, and has integrated the parts of themselves that had fractured in the many falls of the human species upon such planes, the human is restored to full consciousness. As the human is restored to full consciousness, the joyous and harmonious state of being that humanity once knew so very long ago upon Earth is simultaneously restored.




Consciousness is biological. Such a shift in awareness cannot occur unless the biology changes. And it is for this reason that ascension brings forth both biological and energetic changes for the human form, along with all other species upon Earth. It is only as the biology exists in a state of honor that honor can be expressed in full within the human dance.







I hope that you have found this information useful. Please do open and print out the attached pdf file with these wonderful intents typeset in a manner that one can print and post for their own ongoing referral. As one continues to intend to ascend, one is assured at fulfilling upon their goal. Such is the nature of intent.




There are many within your current metaphysical communities that wish to believe that ascension is magical, that the human form suddenly goes "poof!" and appears in the next dimension just like that! Well, although this is a wonderful fantasy, it just is not so. Nor is it so for I, Earth Mother, that has this global body known as Earth to ascend. Earth's ascension, just like human ascension, occurs due to the biological and energetic transmutation of every cell upon my global body, which is indeed held in the form of many species. As each species ascends, so does my overall form known as Earth ascend.




Until our next communication,

Aloha Nui Loa (In my heart you shall remain until you and I are one again).

Namaste(The God within honors the God within you).



Aloha Nui Loa(在我內心你將保留,直到你我再次合一)






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