For those who are taking this next level of ascent, there is a special blessing buried in this piece. For you are making possible a new way of relating within the human species. Such a way of being will have heart and compassion for all things and all life forms, from the beggar upon the streets to the militant child diligently protecting himself through violence in a violent environment. One will have compassion also for those in such great forgetfulness and fear that warring upon another nation becomes the only seeming solution to the problem at hand.




How can one have compassion for this? Warring upon another nation? Beloved, those in such fear that promote war know no other way; they are too short upon genetic material to consciously relate in any other manner. Such limited consciousness shall pass in the coming times of cleansing, leading to more pleasant and gentler times ahead. However before this can develop, one must first allow the karma to be completed upon and cleared in full.







The Tao sees two future possibilities for humanity ahead. One is very difficult, and the other much gentler. At this time, human unconscious harmfulness will draw natural disaster after natural disaster into the more densely populated areas of your human cities. Such shall be the reflection of the unconscious desire for destruction of those residing in such a place. As this occurs, thousands or hundreds of thousands will die in such a painful manner as being crushed to death in the falling debris of a earthquake, drown in a massive flood, be torn apart in a hurricane or tornado, or die of heat as not enough electricity is available into the future to run the air conditioners. At this time, thousands are dying in India due to massive heat waves and without enough air conditioning to assist. This is a sign of things to come.





Argentina is experiencing a financial circumstance that may afflict all nations global wide in due course. The cause of the Argentine disaster is human, and the banks are refusing to assist. What kind of bankers is therefore present in the international arenas that would turn a nation such as Argentina into such turmoil over finances? They are bankers that wish ultimate control, and may choose to play a parallel game upon other nations or the world economy in due course. This too Earth sees stepping down the dimensions, a world economic collapse. The circumstances of Argentina are also a sign of times to come.





There are also nations warring upon one another. Dispute is in the air, and some in leadership positions perceive that the only manner of settling such dispute is to take one's firearms and explosives into the battlefields. This too is a sign of times to come, when humans may kill one another upon the battlefield; or over food. The Swans of Switzerland spoke freely to Mila when present in a recent visit to the Alps. The Swans said that many humans would kill one another in fear over food shortages in the future. This is sad to Swan to foresee, for such humans could simply go into the mountains allowing the nature kingdoms to guide such humans to food and safety. Alas most will not be aware of such things having lost the connection to nature so very long ago, and will perish in the abusiveness of humans in fear.





What will cause the cessation of food? Beloved, nature has chosen to not ensoul any food raised through non-conscious farming practices. In 8 years or less, crop after crop will die off leaving hundreds and thousands of humans starving in many places that have not known starvation in recent history. Over the lack, humans will turn in fear and brutalize one another. This too Earth sees stepping down into form as a potential future for mankind.





One can say in human form, "Oh well, I will go and move myself to a tropical island and raise my own food and be fine." Beloved, these are your brothers and sisters. It will be you who will starve and you killed over food, and you who is killed upon the battlefield, and you who is smashed in a natural disaster; for ALL HUMANS ARE ONE SPECIES. It is only in the forgetfulness that one perceives oneself as separate; however one unconsciously records all human incidents in the unconscious nonetheless and they are indeed a part of one's unconscious human experience. Therefore all shall experience such pain and suffering, even those in the new consensus for ascension, through such unconscious recording of human experiences.





There is great sadness as one ascends as such must also be processed as one attains full consciousness in evolution. Mila has wept and mourned over such records created in present time. The ongoing brutality that continues to be recorded in the collective human experience is painful, and is swept clean through the Language of Light tones at this time, but sometimes not without a period of distress or pain, for such great pain the human species is collectively in even at this time. The cleansing will put humans en mass into even greater pain.





In order for the second possibility for humanity that is gentler in nature to anchored into the future, more must choose to gather at the impending Conclave events scheduled this year and into the future to alter the course of the future. This is what Conclave was designed for. Up until now, few map carvers have chosen to participate, and the limited numbers in attendance have not had the power of thought-form necessary to waylay the future into a new course and direction for the human species. Therefore the future is in your hands beloved, for only the human species determines it's own future. Therefore humans must gather in large enough numbers to alter the future for gentler times ahead. No species can do this for you, nor can Earth do this for you. You must choose to take a united stance.





It is not enough to take a stance separate and remote from one another. The power of the thought-form of a united group of 200 or more is far greater, hundreds of thousands of times more powerful, than an individual or small group can manifest. Therefore your support is requested in order to move humanity to the gentler of two future cleansings now possible and stepping down the dimensions into form. Mila and Oa and the small group in their Group Mastery are not enough to alter this future course; this requires outside support of yet other map carvers willing to take a stand; to take a stand for a future that gently unfolds for humanity.


採取彼此分離而遙遠的立場是並不足夠的。比起個人或小團隊所展現的,200人或以上的聯合群體的思想形態力量要有力得多,數十萬倍的人數則更有力。因此請求你的支持,為了將人類移動到正從密度中走入物理層的兩個未來淨化可能中更溫和的一個。Mila和Oa,以及他們團隊掌握(Group Mastery)的小團隊不足夠來改變這未來的進程;這需要其他願意採取堅定立場的地圖切割者(map carvers)進行外在支持;為人類堅定支持一個溫和展現的未來。





Mila takes a stand. HAS NOT THE HUMAN SPECIES EXPERIENCED ENOUGH PAIN? HOW MUCH MORE PAIN DO WE HAVE TO GO THROUGH IN ORDER TO LEARN THIS LESSON AND TRANSCEND? Cannot we change the future to a gentler period of cleansing? Yes, you can, but it requires a united stand to fulfill upon this mission. Earth supports Mila's stand, as does the Tao, to make another less painful future possible for humanity. However this is not just up to Mila or the nature kingdoms, or Earth. Each must do their part. Each must contribute, not only to the release of karma, but also to taking the stand and uniting with other ascending humans for such a purpose. This is the reason that the Masters Conclave events have been created.


Mila採取堅定立場。人類物種難道不是已經歷了足夠痛苦嗎?為了學習這個課程並且超越,我們還要多受多少痛苦?!難道我們不能改變未來成一個更溫和的淨化週期嗎?是的,你能,但需要一個一致的立場來實現這一任務。地球支持Mila的立場,如同道一樣,來為人類創造另一個更少痛苦的未來可能。然而這不是僅由Mila,或大自然王國,或地球來決定的。每一個都必須負起自己的責任。每一個都作出自己的貢獻,不只是釋放業力,而且還必須採取立場,並為這樣一個目的與其他提升人類聯合起來。這就是創建大師秘會(Masters Conclave)活動的原因。



In the Tao's estimate, most of the events that Mila and Oa have gathered have been limited; limited in the ability to fulfill upon larger goals due to the lack of participation by map carvers. Most have had unconscious agreements to support and attend but have failed to fulfill upon them. Why is it so hard for humans to understand their unconscious agreements? Let us suffice to say that the forces of the dark have been so successful at separating consciousness that it is difficult for most for understand that they have contracts with Earth for certain purposes. Such purposes are considered "World Service".





All initiates in the new consensus have World Service Contracts with Earth to support Earth's ascent. One manner to do so is to contribute at such events as Conclave to assist with the human karma requiring releasing in order for Earth to continue to ascend. For few humans have ascended to high enough in vibration for the karma to be processed in the act of individual ascension. This requires groups to convene to fill in the gaps releasing what an individual cannot release on one's own.


新一致實相的所有提升者,都與地球擁有世界服務協議(World Service Contracts)來支持地球提升。這麼做的一個方式就是參加如秘會活動,為了讓地球繼續提升來協助人類業力所需的釋放。因為幾乎沒有人已提升振動到足夠高,可在個體提升中來處理業力。這需要召集群體來填充個人自己無法釋放的裂縫。



This year the regenerative paradigm is to be anchored. This can be accomplished through a small group at Masters Conclave, and enough will show for this. However in order to change the fate of human history, larger groups must convene. We hope that as this is expressed, others who are ascending will better understand why it is we are calling out for greater support. Your future as a human along with humanities future as a whole will be exponentially easier as a group large enough so intends it so during such gatherings. Such intentions will alter the course of future human history.





What might such intents look like? A large enough group could intend soul into all farms and farm animals, and intend them to ascend. In so doing, the future food shortages will not manifest in the physical to such a great degree that mass starvation and killing one another over food would manifest. A large enough group can clear the blockages of the cities during the twice-yearly gatherings minimizing natural disasters if not eliminating them altogether. A large enough group can balance the elements bringing an end to extreme global weather patterns, allowing rainfall to begin to flow upon all land and heat waves to be minimized. A large enough group can intend another world economic system develop that does not lead to a collapse. A large enough group can intend world peace so that settlement over disputes occurs outside of the battlefield.





It is through such intents that ascending map carvers can mold human future for a gentler time of cleansing ahead, but this requires groups of 250 or more to convene to accomplish. At this time, roughly 80 or less is anticipated for Conclave in Banff in late July. More are anticipated in Hawaii in early November, however not 250. Perhaps those reading this material may begin to understand why the Tao is calling one to be present. There is a new dreamtime launched, and the new dreamtime allows humans to collectively intend a new dream for the human species at large. In order for this to be accomplished, more must choose to contribute of one's time for such a purpose.







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