Discovering the God Goddess Within
The Buffalo Species and the Earth Mother through Karen Danrich "Mila" February 2, 2001
野牛物種和地球母親通過Karen Danrich "Mila"傳遞 日期 2001年2月2日
Translated by Ma prem Unmada
We, the Buffalo Species, wish to address a pertinent issue in the human dance, which is the ongoing and underlying desire to find GOD or GODDESS as a deity to be worshipped outside of oneself. It is our wish, and in our agreements with the Red Seeded Race of which all of humanity is related, to assist humanity in awakening. In so doing, we wish to explore this thought-form of an external God or Goddess and it's origin in greater detail. We shall explore such thought-form in the hopes that more humans shall transcend the need to find God Goddess outside of themselves and rather come to understand that they are and have always been God Goddess within.
Long ago, a race of humans was seeded upon Earth. This race came from the Sirius star system, and came with agreements to support Earth in holding her ever increasing frequency in preparation for attaining a state of a star many thousands of years into the future. All humans are related to this red seeded race of humans that originated from Sirius. Such humans had ongoing telepathic connection to all other humans upon Earth along with all kingdoms. Such humans understood the intricate dance of global energy that they were a part of, and did their part to support Earth as a whole. Such humans knew that they were a conscious species.
What is a conscious species? A conscious species is one that is incarnated into individually, and as such, each form holds a part of God Goddess All That Is. Because each form is individually incarnated into, each form therefore holds an aspect of God Goddess All That Is. An aspect knows it is not the sum-total of God Goddess All That Is, for the sum total would exist only as all aspects stood as a united force outside of any one individual form. However, any aspect does indeed understand that they are a part of the whole, a part of God Goddess All That Is expressed in and through an individual form.
In understanding that one is a part of God Goddess All That Is, one has no need to seek God Goddess outside of oneself. Therefore, worship of deities outside of oneself was not prevalent in the experience of the original seeded race. For the seeded race understood that no single human aspect is more of a God Goddess than any other aspect. Nor was any one species more of an aspect of God Goddess than any other species, as each indeed contained part of God Goddess All That Is.
As such, the seeded human race was humble, and yet powerful. An aspect of God Goddess holds the holographic remembrance of the whole of God Goddess All That Is. Therefore each aspect incarnate in human form could draw upon the entire hologram of God Goddess All That Is for the purposes of evolution. As such, each aspect was a channel or vessel for the power of God Goddess All That Is in the holographic remembrance of the whole of which one is a part. The Red Seeded Race was not powerless, indeed they were powerful and could draw upon all of the power of God Goddess All That Is as necessary. They also understood that they were a part of the power, a part of the whole, and therefore were humble in such an understanding.
Along came another race of other humans. Such humans had separated from the whole long before they came to Earth. Such humans came from another star system known as the Pleiades. Such humans had already fallen into a separated off state in which God Goddess was not honored in all other species. Such humans experimented and distorted the seeded red race by enslaving them. The seeded red race would not do the work that the Pleiadian's wished, as they were not interested in being enslaved in the remembrance of the truth of their "God Goddess-ness". Therefore the Pleiadians created yet another paired down race of humans with less genetic material from their own genetic strain to do the work that the seeded red race refused to do.
This slave race was indeed obedient, and indeed did all of the work that the Pleiadian's wished. However, this slave race also lost all remembrance of the fact that they were an aspect God Goddess in form. As a result, they perceived God Goddess outside of themselves and worshipped their Pleiadian "masters". The slave race viewed their Pleiadian masters as God Goddess and they themselves as less than, subordinate, finite, and ultimately to be used. This is the root of such belief systems in God Goddess being "without" along with all thought-forms of worship, subordination and usury in the human dance.
Over time, and due to much destruction, the seeded red race and slave race blended genetic material. The blending is so extreme that there is hardly one human incarnate today that cannot trace their roots to the slaves themselves along with the seeded red race. All humans will find that they also hold heritage to the Pleiadian "Gods" or Annanuki themselves, as the Pleiadians interbred heavily with the slaves.
The Pleiadian race extended their life through the slaves. They "drank of the slaves blood". This was the elixir of the "Gods" that extended their lives thousands of years beyond the normal life span of a Pleiadian in so doing! Immortality became the goal, and indeed more and more slaves were sacrificed for the blood to sustain the lives of the Pleiadian "Gods"! And so one can see from this why the slaves perceived them as Gods for they outlived all slaves. Slaves had a 500-year life span, and the Pleiadian Gods lived upwards of 18,000 years. Immortality and Godliness became associated in such a thought-form.
True God Goddess does not seek to live forever. True God Goddess does not seek immortality. The red seeded race knew true God Goddess within, and could not understand the thought-form of the Annanuki Pleiadians. Why would any human that understood themselves to be an aspect of the whole of God Goddess All That Is, and understood their multidimensional connections and relationships outside of form, wish to live forever? Consciousness doesn't die, it moves on to other experiences outside of time and space and form when the lessons are complete. No lesson takes 18,000 years to be understood beloved!
The Annanuki wished to extend their life forever because they had entered a state of forgetfulness of their multidimensional associations. They ceased to remember that they were a part of the whole, a part of God Goddess All That Is. And in so doing, they sought to be worshipped as God Goddess and created a slave race to fulfill upon their desire. They also used the slave race to sustain their lives without regard to how such a dance would effect Earth and all species upon her.
Earth is a consensus reality. A consensus reality is made up of all species that co-reside upon Earth. Each species contributes their thought-form to the whole of Earth. Any species, such as the Pleiadian's and their incubated slave race therefore contributes their thought-form to the consensus known as Earth in the act of residing upon her. And so as the thought-form of God Goddess became externalized in the Pleiadian dance, so it became externalized for all species upon Earth. Such is the nature of the inter-relatedness of all things within a consensus reality.
How did this effect each species? Ah, this is an interesting thing and Buffalo would like to explain. Each species suddenly believed themselves less than God Goddess as a result of the thought-form transferred into the consensus through the Pleiadian slave race. In so doing, each species subjugated themselves to humanity upon the physical plane. Why does humanity "conquer and pillage" earth? Why does humanity dump toxic wastes in Earth's waterways? Why does humanity believe itself superior to nature, and nature some sort of inferior form of genetics? This is only so because each species allowed it to be so within their own thought-form.
Each species upon Earth is transcending such thought-form at this time in their planetary evolution known as global ascension. As such, each species is awakening to the fact that they are indeed God Goddess in form. In so doing, the dance that has plagued Earth and almost cost Earth her continued evolution is coming to an end at long last. Mankind will need to come into balance and remember that they too are God Goddess in form and that all species upon Earth are God Goddess in form, or mankind shall perish. Mankind shall perish as there shall be no longer any resonance to hold their presence within the consensus known as Earth. Earth is no longer willing to subjugate herself to the human dance beloved! And so the human dance must change, or it shall cease to be.
Each species has been effected by human thought-form. Do you know where parasitic insects come from? As the Pleiadians began to drink the blood of their slaves and the seeded red race, they became parasites that preyed upon their human brothers and sisters. Any thought-form in a consensus reality expressed by one part of the whole automatically is transferred to the whole of the consensus. As the human thought-form that was parasitic came to be, nature embraced such a thought-form and suddenly parasitic forms of insects and species evolved and became present upon Earth.
Do you know where the "black widow" came from? The Pleiadians developed elaborate sacrificial rituals of lovemaking followed by death and then drank the blood of their slaves. As this experience became a part of the consensus of Earth, a species whom devoured their mate upon love making such as the "black widow" spider also came to be.
Do you know where "poisons" come from? The Pleiadian scientists sought poisonous substances to control their "slave" populations, and as such substances were developed, the thought-form of "poison" became prevalent upon the consensus known as Earth. As such a thought-form became present, nature responded by creating poisonous plants and substances upon Earth. One will also note that poisons and their antidote grow within a few feet of one another in your forests. Why is this so? Well, the Pleiadian scientists also created an antidote to their poisons and it was shelved in their warehouses right next to the poisons!
Do you see how nature responds to human thought-form? It mimics human thought-form as humans being a conscious species are designed to direct thought-form upon whatever planet or star that they are incarnate upon. The human species is a conscious species. The human species was designed to "think" certain thoughts and transfer them to Earth for the purposes of evolution. Such were the agreements between Earth and the seeded red race.
Within ascending humans of the seeded red race early in human history, thoughts were altered in the act of evolution, and such thoughts became global in nature through the consensus reality thereby assisting Earth in moving up in vibration. Such corrections allowed for an increase in vibration of the sum-total of Earth as a result of human ascensions. This was the original purpose of the red race coming to Earth to assist Earth in rectifying that which had caused many falls in consciousness and vibration as a consensus many years prior to their original seeding.
The subsequent invasion and take-over of the Pleiadian race had the opposite effect of dismantling what the seeded red race had accomplished in their early ascensions and adding new and more disastrous thought-forms to Earth than Earth had ever known. Such thought-forms brought forth decline after decline in vibration over time, leading to a state of being that is very painful to all species upon Earth in present time.
Those whom are ascending in human form are correcting the mistakes of their Pleiadian predecessors. The Pleiadian race is your race as a human upon Earth, for they blended with all other humans upon Earth. To say that the Pleiadian's are outside of oneself is a great lie. As humans ascend, they shall address their Pleiadian inheritance and all karma held therein, and release it in full. They shall also address all of the slave karma and release it in full. As this is accomplished, the original inheritance from the red seeded race can be brought forth to fulfill upon its original mission, which is to ascend and assist Earth in ascending.
Each human must process their own ancestral karma in the act of ascension. We have had many initiates write us in argument with the facts that the Buffalo Species are presenting in their series of articles. We would like to state that each human has their own truth surrounding such experiences. Each individual truth is held within one's own genetics. Therefore it is up to each human to explore their own karma from Pleiadian, slave or the seeded red race lineages to understand what their truth is. When Buffalo writes, Buffalo accesses the collective knowledge obtained thus far through ascending humans likewise examining such things in their own evolution. Such records are not held within Buffalo, they are held within the human form, and they are indeed your own records as a species. We choose therefore not to argue about such things, but rather direct each to explore their own truth within.
As one ascends, one embraces a new thought-form. Our channel has brought through the symbols, which she has called the "Language of Light" (see the "Language of Light" upon our web site for more information). The Language of Light is a language that contains the information on ascension that when downloaded allows one to release karma from one's own personal inheritance. The information also triggers the human form to transmute itself into a biological form that is related to the original seeded red race, which is known as the "crystalline" structure. Much more has been written of the crystalline structure in our channels earlier material, and we wish not to delve into this any further other than to say that ascension cannot occur without biological transmutation.
Why is this so? It is the biology that holds the thought-form of slavery, or victimization, or usury, or abuse. The biology is a living hologram that holds records of every incident that has ever occurred in human form, both upon Earth and upon all dimensions that the human form is related within your creation! As one begins to transmute the biology, the karmic keys to one's inheritance can be transmuted and released in full so that the new paradigm of unity can emerge within one's thought-form along with one's embodiment.
A unity-based body does not age, it does not decay, it does not know illness, it knows a life span that is ageless and can ascend to the next dimension. What humanity knows with only two strands is not unity based, is disunity based, and as a result leads to the current dance that humanity knows along with the experience of aging, disease and death. The Annanuki also knew an ageless form, and through certain practices of vampirism learned to extend their lives through feeding off of others, feeding both of the blood and of the chi. Such forms of life extension do not honor, and this is not what the unity based genetics is for. Unity based genetics are for the purposes of evolution and ascension beloved, not immortality through vampirism.
Humanity takes more than they give as a whole, much like the Annanuki that feed off of their own slave race, taking of them and giving nothing in return. Humanity takes resources that Earth requires to ascend. Your governance is still bartering gold to other star systems in exchange for technology. Gold holds the vibration necessary for Earth to ascend, beloved! The Annanuki likewise bartered off so much of Earth's resources that the ice shields could no longer be sustained and they collapsed becoming your oceans!
Humanity pollutes Earth with its technological waste. In a similar fashion, the Annanuki polluted Earth with their non-resonant technological waste. This required the experience of the breaking of the ice shields to cleanse Earth with the "great flood" and creation of your oceans. Such present-day toxins will likewise require transmutation by all species in order to ascend. It is for this reason that all of the changes to Earth's surface are now a requirement, for how else are we to transmute the toxins humanity has left behind? Many humans will live to experience such disasters in the form of natural occurrences, some dying or being injured by them. This is only so because of humanities contribution to such a creation, and yes humanity shall experience the inherent difficulties therein.