This need not be so for those whom are ascending. Those whom are ascending are rectifying such problems in the human dance in the choice to ascend. In the choice to ascend, one ceases to take more than they give. How is this so? As a human form is modified to hold a higher vibration, one gives chi to Earth in a co-creative dance or exchange with nature. As such, an ascending human ceases to take more than they give and contributes their part to the overall ascension of Earth.
An ascending human gradually re-learns to work in collaboration with nature. As each human opens to hearing the messages of nature, they will be attuned to when the natural disasters are to occur, and shall vacate such regions long before such a thing occurs in the physical. This requires opening the heart chakra in the act of ascension, for hearing nature requires the ability to love.
Communion, or the dance of soul and form in an interconnection to all of Earth and God Goddess All that Is, is accomplished through an open heart. As the heart opens, one can begin to hear nature, along with one's owns soul and then may follow such guidance from within. An open heart feels deeply. An open heart may weep and weep and weep as one reviews the karma surrounding one's ancestry. Allow the weeping, allow the feeling, for as one cleanses the pain, there is room for the joy, beloved.
As one opens the heart, one comes into contact with their soul. The soul is held in a cavity behind the ether heart inside of the heart chakra. Most souls have never had contact with anything outside of the cavity once having entered the form shortly before or after birth! Do you know how separated off and lost such souls feel having been contained inside of a vessel in which no one can hear or communicate with them? As the first contact is made, great joy along with great pain may be felt. However, as first contact is made with one's soul, the beginning of the end of all feelings of loneliness, isolation and separation also comes forth.
Where do the feelings of loneliness and isolation come from? They come from the soul that cannot be heard, but the feelings of soul are still felt by the form. As one peels away the layers of armoring surrounding the heart, one eventually reconnects with the soul inside of oneself. The soul within is nothing but an aspect of God Goddess All That Is, and is indeed the God Goddess within! The God Goddess within shall strive to reunite with the God Goddess All That Is that lies without. This occurs as shattered aspects of soul are retrieved, one layer at a time, as one ascends in vibration.
Vibrations are held surrounding Earth like layers of an onion. Within each layer are pieces of one's soul that shattered as Earth and the human species declined in vibration. As one ascends into a particular bandwidth of vibration that one's soul was lost within, the soul without can be reunited with the soul within, and the two expand together. As each layer is recovered, and expands and expands, in time the soul within and without connects to God Goddess All That Is again. In so doing, one ceases to feel alone or separated off ever again!
In the tracking of initiations and genetic materials that our channel has defined from her own experience of ascension, this requires Initiation 1800 or embodying 1800 strands of DNA to heal the rift between the soul within and God Goddess All That Is. (See "Articles section" and Ascension Transmissions I, II & III upon our web site for more detailed information about the initiatory process). It is as initiation 1800 is embodied that an ascending human begins to understand enough thought-forms within the Language of Light to communicate with the Great Central Sun and God Goddess All That Is again.
遵循我們管道據她自己提升經驗而說明的提升與遺傳資料的記錄表明,需要啟動1800或1800股以上DNA來療愈內在靈魂與『神與女神一切萬有』之間的裂縫(請看“文章部分”和我們網站上的提升傳授I, II & III來了解更多早期過程的詳細信息)。正是當融入1800股時,一個提升的人類便開始足夠懂得光之語中的思想形態,來與大中樞太陽和『神與女神一切萬有』再次通訊。
If you could imagine that God Goddess All That Is speaks a different language from the human species upon Earth. This makes it impossible for God Goddess to understand the human dance, and humanity to be heard by God Goddess All That Is. Much like the many foreign languages that developed in different regions within the human dance, there are many dialects or languages between star systems and within God Goddess All That Is.
Many have come to understand that Earth has now entered the Great Central Sun in recent weeks. As such, Earth is bathed with the thought-form of the Great Central Sun now, however, Earth has had no ability to understand or attune to such thoughts. The Language of Light was developed by all species upon Earth as a bridge between the distorted language that Earth had fallen into over time and the language of the Great Central Sun. All species whom are ascending are embracing the Language of Light in full to allow ongoing communication with the Great Central Sun as it was entered.
As one embraces the Language of Light within their personal ascension, one ceases to feel alone any longer. Many initiates studying with our channel will attest to this fact, and it is a glorious experience to feel filled from within and connected to all things upon Earth and God Goddess All That Is again! Why is this so? This is so because they have embraced enough of the Language of Light in their personal ascension to allow themselves to connect with the Great Central Sun, and in so doing, their soul no longer feels separated off any longer! The God Goddess within has united with the God Goddess without in full!
Where did the distorted thought-form upon Earth come from? Well, the Language of Light is close to the Lemurian tongue of the red seeded race. As the Pleiadian race interbred with the seeded race, the two thought-forms and languages also blended. It was in the blending of the two languages that the thought-form of Earth became too distorted to communicate with anything outside of it's own boundaries. As such Earth has experienced a very long period of separation herself as a consensus reality. This is coming to an end at long last as the Language of Light has been reestablished in full, and it allows for communication with the Great Central Sun again. So it also shall be for each human that likewise chooses to ascend and embody the Language of Light in this lifetime.
How does a given human dance change as the God Goddess within is connected with, and meets the God Goddess without? Ah, this is hard to explain, as each experience is as valid as the next of such an occurrence, and each very different. However, there is the overriding truth that each experiences whom comes to understand that they are God Goddess in form, that they are a part of the whole of God Goddess All That Is. Such humans cease to subjugate themselves to another ever again, and likewise cease to subjugate another to themselves either.
What do we mean by this? The current human dance is based upon dominion. The 9 to 5 job is the result of subjugating oneself to one's employer. Unhappy marriages or relationships are the result of subjugating oneself to one's spouse or partner. Unhappy family experiences are likewise the result of subjugating oneself to one's mother, father, mother-in-law, father-in-law, aunt, uncle, child or grandparent. As one ceases to subjugate themselves, they will cease to be subordinate.
Subordination of one's will as an aspect of God Goddess All That Is, is the result of "slave mentality". It is slave mentality that causes one to either subordinate or dominate over another rather than allowing another along with oneself their own truth. As one ceases to subordinate to another, one may cease to dance with the other! This may mean that one leaves the job that they hate, or leaves the spouse that causes their unhappiness, or leaves the family behind to create a "spiritual family" that is based upon honor. And isn't this most of all what the human heart wishes for? A family of others that honors? A partner that honors? A job that is fulfilling and that one loves?
In the beginning, perhaps there will not be many humans that can honor the few humans whom are ascending at this time in history. This is one reason that our channel has founded her organization "The Spiritual School of Ascension", to allow other ascending humans to connect through her "Group Mastery Program" or her events known as "Masters Conclave". However, we of the Buffalo species along with all species upon Earth can be your family beloved! We live in honor and welcome all other humans wishing to dance in honor with us! And so we invite you to connect with us, dance with us, and learn to love and live in unity again. Perhaps we, the Buffalo kingdom shall be the bridge into a new family of humans that will one day dance with you in joy.
We the Buffalo Species understand that we are God Goddess in form. We honor the God Goddess within each human that is awakening unto this grand truth. We invite you to find and uncover your own God Goddess-ness inside of yourself. In so doing, you shall find your own unique truth and pathway "home".
So often, we see our human brother and sisters seeking teachers or gurus to find their way "home". We state that no guru, no teacher, can possibly open one to one's own soul. Opening to one's own soul requires inner work, inner processing, and inner releasing of the pain that caused one to armor one's heart from childhood. Most humans shut their heart at a very early age. Often by age 2, most human children seal their heart and never open it again for the entire lifetime! Although this is sad, one can go back in time to the moment when they chose to seal their heart shut because life was just too painful, and begin the process of opening the heart in full. Although this is not an easy process, as enough of the heart peels open, contact with the God Goddess within can and shall occur.
In so doing, one shall begin to hear the messages of their own soul. As the messages of one's own soul pours forth, one shall become their own teacher, their own guru, and this shall allow one to find their way through the labyrinth of spiritual evolution. No one can do this for another, and no one better knows where one needs to be or what one's path is other than oneself. As one attunes to the messages of their own soul, one shall be guided from within. As one learns to follow one's own internal guidance implicitly, one shall find their way "home".
Sometimes such guidance comes through one's nighttime dreams, sometimes through the telepathic communications of one's thoughts. Sometimes such communications can be ascertained by body level knowing or a "gut level feeling" that this or that is one's truth. One method to access body level knowing is known as applied kinesiology or "muscle testing". (See "Following One's Truth" under 'Messages of the Earth Mother" upon our web site for more information on how to muscle test).
There is a huge seduction amongst teachers and healers of all kinds. The seduction is that you "need them" to find your way home. In reality, you need no one other than your own connection to your own source or the God Goddess within. Following another will take you off course, beloved. Following another is the method of the antichrist to assure that one does not ascend, does not find their way home, because each path is so unique, so distinct, that if you follow in the footsteps of another you shall get lost within your own journey!
There are many in your movements today that are not of the light. Each of such humans can be easily uncovered for what they really are with a few simple tests, and Buffalo would like to divulge these tests to our human brother and sisters. Give this test to each teacher or guru that you have admired and chosen to study with or take workshops from, and see if indeed they pass, beloved. For such beings that are antichrist in nature vampire their audiences. They take records, they take information, they hoard for themselves all that one knows to be true. Why do they do this? Because they are antichrist, and an antichrist has no truth, only the truth that it has confiscated from others.
1.Does your teacher or guru perceive themselves as having the "only truth" about this or that subject? There is not only one truth, only a mosaic of truths that each contributes a piece to and comprises the whole. No one human holds the whole truth, for each human is but a part of the whole!
2.Does your teacher or guru "control" their following? If one is clairvoyant, the control can be seen as an octopus of energy coming from the teacher or guru's crown chakra to each student's crown chakra. It is this connection that causes each student to subordinate their truth to the teacher or guru, and it is how the teacher or guru controls the following.
2. 你的老師或者咕嚕是否“控制”他們的跟隨者?如果能夠透視,你可以看到控制就像一個能量的章魚從老師或者咕嚕的頂輪出來,連接到每個學生的頂輪。是這個連接導致每個學生將自己的真相屈從于老師或者咕嚕,並且這也是老師或者咕嚕如何控制跟隨者的方式。
3.Does your teacher or guru believe themselves "special" or "superior" and others "inferior"? All humans have issues. All humans have patterns that are non-loving, non-supportive, non-giving. Is your guru or teacher willing to admit to their own "humanness?" Are they willing to admit that they are evolving, as you are evolving, and that each is learning along the way? The teacher and student are one beloved, and both learn from each other in the dance of evolution. One is not superior to another, both are vital and can support one's dance home if both choose to evolve together.
4.Does your teacher or guru believe themselves to have "mastered?" No human has mastered anything in 40,000 Earth years (120,000 humans years)! Humanity has declined and declined in vibration with no ascensions that were complete coming forth in well over 40,000 years. How could your guru or teacher have mastered when no human has done so in so long that the path of mastery has ceased to exist? At best, the teacher or guru is mastering their own path of mastery, but this does not equate to having "mastered".
5.Does your teacher or guru expect you to worship them, place pictures of them upon your alter, or deem them "God or Goddess" in human form? Beloved, all humans are God Goddess in form. No human is better than any other human. The trade off of worshipping another is that one loses their way, loses their information to the teacher or guru, and then fails to go home. Is this what you want?
5. 你的老師或者咕嚕是否期望你崇拜他們,放他們的畫像在你聖壇上,或者相信他們是人類形體中的“神或女神”?至愛的人類,所有的人類都是形體中的神與女神。沒有一個人比另一個人更好。崇拜他人的交易使一個人迷失自己的道路,丟失他們的信息給老師或者咕嚕,然後不能進化回家。這是你想要的麼?
6.Does your teacher or guru gather others by the hundreds or thousands for events? Ah, this is a tough one because one wishes to be part of a new spiritual community, a new family.
6. 你的老師或者咕嚕是否在事件中聚集成百上千人?啊,這是一個尖銳的問題,因為一個人希望成為一個新的靈性團體的一部分,一個新家庭的一部分。
If so, what are they doing? Are they vampiring the audience for their own gain? Are they taking your chi along with everyone else's? Are they taking your records along with everyone else's? Without your records, you cannot ascend nor find your way home, beloved. Such gatherings do no good other than retaining the control that the teacher or guru has always held over their following, and strips all others of their truth.
There are hard points to make, perhaps, from the perspective of our audience. Buffalo has agreed to assist his human brothers and sisters in awakening. Therefore, we ask you to wake up! You are God Goddess in human form. You have always been God Goddess in human form. We guide you to quit giving your power away to authorities of all kinds, whether such authorities be metaphysical, spiritual, medical, governmental, or educational. You are your living truth, your living hologram, as a member of the human species. Your own ascension and future therefore lies within your own hands. Only you can choose to awaken yourself and find your way home!
Buffalo is here as a guide, as a support as a brother and sister to the human species. We take not of your records. We take not of your chi. We choose to support your choice to ascend by providing a bridge into communion with nature. This is what we have agreed to and will fulfill upon with the human species.
Likewise, our channel seeks not to take of your records nor your chi, but asks that you awaken and ascend. She asks you to gather at her events only if you are guided from within and by your own truth at critical moments in Earth's ascension to release human karma so that Earth may continue to evolve. And beyond this she wants nothing from anyone other than each find their own truth and live it, breathe it, become it, and find their own way "home".
We invite you to intend to ascend. We invite you to commit to becoming your own teacher, to becoming your own guru. We invite you to live your life from the heart, and from your own knowing! As the heart opens, life becomes a joyous expression of communion, oneness, unity and joy. In the experience of the communion, one will follow their heart through the labyrinth of difficult moments of transcendence back to the joy, love and communion again and again.
One day, not too long into the distant future, each whom is willing to transcend shall enter the gates of heaven. And we buffalo shall be standing at your side at such a moment, ushering you into the new community of unity between all species. Until such a time, we will support you in all ways that we can.
The Buffalo Species野牛物種