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A message from Sananda channeled by Michelle Coutant.

Tuesday, 22 March, 2011

Sananda透過Michelle Coutant傳訊,2011322日。




Heal Your Physical Heart And Conscious Mind


Beloved Ones,



We of the higher realms watch in great joy as each of you step up to the plate, as you go forth each day to create your heart’s desires. We stand with you in the love and the joy of your sacred heart. It is the love and the joy of the one sacred heart. With each breath you take, each pulse of your heart, you are pulsing the Cosmic Heartbeat of God. It is your connection to The All, the connection which serves you well in the physicality of your earthly life. Your physical body is only a small part of the vastness that is you, it is energy manifested in physical form. Your field is All Creation, it is the field of all possibilities, it is the field of Christ consciousness. Within this field, there can only be unconditional love, joy, peace and harmony, beauty, abundance, all the qualities, virtues, and attributes of God. You are the personality of God, in physical expression.


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Mar 21 Mon 2011 23:28


The March Equinox 2011: Apocalypse or Epiphany?”

A Saint-Germain Channeling

Alexandra Mahlimay & Dan Bennack

March 20, 2011


Saint-Germanin透過Alexandra MahlimayDan Bennack傳訊




The March Equinox this year is about transformation. It's about your emergence – and the emergence of an increasing number of individuals – from conditions of conflict and suffering, and into experiences of enlightened living. It's about awakenings that are accumulating in sufficient number to uplift the collective values of humanity and affect sweeping changes in the way you live as a global community.


Beloved friends, it is I, Saint-Germain, and indeed it is a tremendous time of transformation for the Earth and all humanity. It is a time of profound change, and I and all of your friends in spirit would like to remind you of the goal of this transformation. This is a goal that you set before time began. It represents your desire to come into full awareness of your core Divinity; and then to share this remembrance of your Divinity with each other.


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The biggest ruins in the Planet for all of the humanity is we do not love ourselves.


who are you really?


and do you love that person?


It is the biggest ruins on the Planet


if you have no one else to reflect on you, that you are loveable likeable or worthy,


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each everyone of us was born to the world with manmade rules and manmade religion


And now we must say we want more, there is more.


The only way we change ourselves and save ourselves is that we remember who we are,


we were taught the God is something disconnected from us,


we were taught by religion that we are sinful and bad people.


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The pole shift is happening, it is not going to happen, it has already begun.


It is no longer a story that the elder is saying will happen, they are saying it is happening.


Due north is no longer due north,


it is changing all over the Planet ,


and the poles will not stop shifting until it is completely be shifted.


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We must start living from the heart


This is great honor to be able to sit with you here in Switzerland


and see all of your beautiful faces,


so many different colors


and places you come from so many backgrounds .


when I look out there

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所欲 施於人







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【銀河聯邦】SaLuSa 323日信息《現在是選擇的時刻,没有中間項》

You have so to say a lot on your plate and it might overwhelm you, so this is a time for deep introspection so that you put it all into perspective. Not all of it will concern you personally, but remember that somewhere behind the scenes we are constantly monitoring what is taking place. Where we can we will limit any attempts to cause another major upset, but sometimes there is a lot more at stake than you imagine. As long as matters can be channeled in such a way as to serve the greater purpose, we may at times be obliged to allow a certain outworking to take place. Be assured we are ultimately directing matters for your progress and ability to sidestep any real danger. You all have Guides and according to your life plan, they will always do their utmost to ensure that you are in the right place at the right time. In some instances you may see it as being in the wrong place, but no mistakes are made where your life plan is concerned.


Trust that you will leave this Earth, much wiser than when you entered it, as you cannot fail to learn lessons through your experiences. That indeed is the object of your incarnations, and each time you commence another life it is carefully planned to ensure that you continue to evolve. If in this lifetime you have had much contact with the lower vibrations, it is for the purpose of assisting you to progress. Such experiences do not necessarily hold you back, as they can be put behind you and still enable you to step up into the higher vibrations. No soul is perfect at this stage of evolution, and if you were your vibrations would be far too high to remain in your present dimension. Many of you are however rising up quickly, and your intent is to go on doing so and leave duality for all time. You will know if you are one such soul, and you are most likely already a Lightworker helping others to achieve Ascension.


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by admin  Feb.22, 2011











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【銀河聯邦】SaLuSa 321日信息《你們都是創造神,請把意識聚焦在好的未來》

Events move on towards the inevitable changes that will see your future fulfilled. These are not easy times but you knew that part of your experiences would include this period. Your confidence in the outcome arises from your faith in us and the Creator, and the many higher Beings that have accompanied you all through your lives. You know that nothing can alter it, and those of you that desire to ascend will do so. Unlike previous times when such opportunities have arisen, you are assured that Ascension will take place. In fact it has been carefully planned on a Universal scale, and is to be an enormous event that happens very rarely. For you it has been a long time coming, but you have been spared a conscious memory of previous occasions. In the scheme of things time is not linear, but all is in the Now. The past, present and future are One, and you can move into whatever aspect of it that you wish. The future is full of probabilities which are why you will sometimes learn of different versions of it. It is you ultimately that attract the one that fulfils the vision created through your consciousness.


It is very important that you keep focused upon the Light that is bringing harmony to the Earth. The Light is streaming in and required more than ever at this time. It is an important period where with so much going on, you need to be in the world but not of it. Be a centre of Light so that you bring calmness to others who are in fear of the outcome. Speak to others of the necessity of changes and the great benefits they will bring. There will be rumors of catastrophic events as the dark Ones play upon people fears, but assure them that they are intended to distract them from the truth. Everything has been foreseen, and ordained in such a way that the affects will be limited. If there is doubt remember that Man could have destroyed the Earth on more than one occasion in the last century, yet it did not take place. You are not only guided to fulfill your task of taking the Earth through to Ascension, but also helped to enlighten people around you. You have never been left alone to suffer the consequences of your actions, and compassion and love has been given to you in a never-ending flow.


The powers that be are generally speaking unaware of what is bringing about the chaotic conditions upon Earth. Often they are spiritually ill equipped to understand the implications of what they see happening and of necessity they will make way for those who do, and have the interests of all people at heart. We know who they are, and they will be protected to ensure that they can take their place of leadership when the opportunity arises. It does not mean that every person at present in such a position is going to be replaced as some are of the Light, but unable to exercise their desire to lift Mankind up. The time of such changes is not far away, and once they commence it will bring a whole new approach in the way you are governed. With other benefits that you are expecting, the scenario will rapidly change to one of positive expectations, as at last you will see the way forward. Our eventual presence and opportunity to speak with you will clear the way for cooperation between us, and much will be achieved in next to no time. All of these things are moving towards manifestation, and you can be sure that the Galactic Federation is fully prepared for its role in your preparation for Ascension.

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Message from Mother Earth



Mother Earth thru Peter / March 17th 2011



Mother: Beloved children, this is I, Mother Earth.


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Welcome Home at the finish line

By CM, Nebadonia thru Johan


Mar 16, 2011   stohz與鳳凰涅槃/翻譯



Dearly Beloveds,


I AM Christ Michael Aton of Nebadon, and I also speak for Nebadonia at this time.


Together with Nebadonia, WE made a decision to Bless All of You, our truly Beloved Children, together with the incoming Higher Divine Potential bestowed upon You by Source and Our Selves and Your Selves so that a perfect Union between Creation and Us, Your Creators and all of our Creation in Nebadon may Light up this Universe for all to see from far and away.

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A Science perpsective on the WAVE


By Thoth thru Leonette09/03/2011



Commenced last night (10:00pm 08/03/2011) and continued today....

I asked Thoth to give some information on ‘the Wave’ in a way to help us to assimilate what it does and how it will affect our world.. The following is what I received.

萊:部分信息在昨晚(2011.03.08 下午10點)開始接收,今天又繼續接受了部分


The Wave is a projection from Source that occurs in tandem with the ‘closing off’ of a period of activity relative to a planetary system’s growth and development.


It is a ‘pulsing rhythm’ that attenuates from the ‘Primal Sound’ and builds up in layers like a series of Sound Waves to a level where the intensity of the resultant vibration is strengthened to a point of implosion. That point, however, is only reached when circumstances have sufficiently been ‘fine tuned’ to ensure ‘that’ which is being calibrated’ can ‘see the face of God’ without losing consciousness.


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Christ Michael Aton on Optimum Finality

By Jess Anthony Mar 7, 2011 - 2:14:48 PM




Esu, I'm asking for an update on the probable scenario of what now will happen. Things must be at the optimum point of finality, I realize, but linear thinking makes non-time difficult to grasp. Thank you for what you can say and suggest.


Jess, I'm speaking for Esu tonight. This is Christ Michael Aton, as I am referred to. It is important that I be the one to explain what is happening at the present time. Esu understands what is in process, but my decision has set this latest scenario in motion.


As you mentioned above, I am always waiting for the optimum moment of finality to occur before I allow the release to begin. This means that a maximum amount of spiritual discovery and insight has been reached. We can measure this quantity, not you on Earth. Our goals are different, although at times they mesh with your cause and effect sequences so that the end results are synonymous. We look for the fullest measure of involvement and the maximum amount of experience possible. This extremity allows us to gauge the parameters of any given situation as completely as possible.


This objective view of ongoing situations which affect you on Earth may seem clinical and detached from direct experience. The contrary is true. We understand these situations to the fullest extent possible because we leave no alternatives as possibilities. Everything is tried and experienced.

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【銀河聯邦】SaLuSa 314日信息《災難來到時,千萬不要恐懼》

Dear Ones we must mention the massive earthquake in Japan, that followed an earlier one in New Zealand. When you have countries that are in earthquake zones and actually on the Ring of Fire you are sitting on a powder keg, and there is always a chance that the big one takes place whether through natural or man-made means. At a time when Mother Earth is re-shaping the surface, you can therefore expect some more serious convulsions. In the case of Japan the potential exists for the tectonic plates to pass under each other, and as a result it could disappear into the waves. So we are grateful that the worst scenario did not occur, and have every sympathy and compassion for those dear souls who were affected. It is not our place to interfere, but we are allowed where possible to lessen the effects. Sometimes we are dealing with the needs of Mother Earth, and the cleansing must be completed before Ascension is possible, and as you will have noted the preparations are speeding up. Out of such disasters comes a wonderful opportunity for Mankind to help each other, and a coming together will cement friendly relationships important to the immediate future. It has been mentioned previously that all souls that pass over as a result of trauma, are carefully looked after and treated with much love. They do recover quite quickly and it is helped by them being re-united with their families and friends.


In general what you are seeing all around the world is the final cleansing that must take place very soon, and you will see the objective in what is happening. At some stage in the not too distant future we will be joining you, and then you can receive every help we can give along with details of what is needed to carry you speedily forward. Until we can all get started things will appear disjointed and at times chaotic, but we can assure you in spite of that a clear and precise plan is in operation. It is just that for the time being we cannot disclose the details of our actions. The governmental changes are clearly most essential to our ability to work with you, and the last cabal must be and will be removed to prevent any further interference with our plans to release you from their control. In fact they have already been seriously weakened, and do not carry the influence or command over events as they did previously. Our allies have infiltrated their set up and successfully prevented an expansion of their activities. As long as they are contained, we can make progress with you and anyone who is aware and alert will notice the direction that we are going in.


Again we must mention the fear aspect that arises in such times as you are experiencing. We ask you to remain calm and know that it is not true that the end of the world is taking place. In no circumstances will it be destroyed or even seriously impacted by natural or man-made circumstances. Matters of that nature are within our control, and we are here to ensure that the cycle is completed as divinely decreed. Often what is referred to as support for outlandish predictions are old writings that were made in a totally different era to what you are in now. In other words most are no longer relevant to the time you are in now. Since the Millennium you have moved onto another path, that in spite of the current or recent calamities, is one that is less volatile. We would add that as always we are very active in ways not apparent to you, and we do whatever is allowed to ensure matters do not get out of hand. Karma is a factor that we cannot interfere with, but we can respond to your calls for help that are received by us in Love and Light.

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 【光音字幕組】Kiesha 在瑞士的演講(中文字幕)






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 【銀河聯邦】SaLuSa 311日信息《請繼續散發愛,來自源頭的能量就要到來》



The Universe awaits your presence as Galactic Beings, for which you are being prepared. As long as you have the desire to advance from Earth to the higher dimensions, you will reach them without any real difficulty. Everything that you need is in the process of taking place, and that is the great interplay of energies that come from as far away as the Central Sun. You make the effort to attract the higher energies and they will most certainly reach you. Proof already exists, as some souls are now aware that just recently their consciousness levels have risen quite substantially. This year will be one that opens up many opportunities for those of you who desire to contribute to moves to bring peace to the Earth, or partake in the restoration of Mother Earth to her pristine condition. We know there are many of you who are eager to help in some way, and be assured your offer will be noted.


What is very heartening is your appreciation of the situation that you are now in. It is the storm before the calm, and requires as many of you as possible to see it through without taking your eye off the ultimate goal. The distractions are many, and the dark Ones will not withdraw until they are given an ultimatum. Either they resign as requested or they will be placed in an untenable situation where they have no alternative. Every soul will at some stage have to face the music where their deeds are concerned, but we are not out to punish anyone and will allow the greater powers to deal with crimes against the Human Race. Everything about you is known and you cannot fool anyone, or lie your way out of what you have done. Even your intentions are known down to every thought that you have ever had.


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【銀河聯邦】SaLuSa 39日信息《很快就要見面,我們將向你們介紹高端科技》

Peace will come to Earth because you have willed it to be so, but peace comes at a price and many dear souls have put themselves forward to achieve it. The battles are being fought now, and not necessarily on a physical level. There are mental battles taking place and when the power of Light becomes the dominant force, success will be achieved without bloodshed. Our presence will help your efforts to bring the changes about, but some people will not go quietly. We are monitoring all events on Earth, and will try to stop outside interference into the affairs of another country. It should always be the natural inhabitants that first make the moves for change. It is only when requested that outside help can be given, and even then it must be for the highest motives.


Clearly the transition period for the world will run into several more months, but some countries will advance much quicker than others. Generally speaking, it will be the more advanced countries that will be the slowest to respond to public calls for change. The Illuminati has more power where they are concerned, and progress can be very slow. However, our allies have long identified those who stand in the way, and every effort continues to have them removed. One fact stands out and that is the longer these matters are unresolved, the more people are standing up and making the truth known. There will gradually come an immovable force that will ensure that those who use it, will gain much support and protection to carry out their task. Your intuition will determine whom to support, and you need to exercise care because of the disinformation that is also around.


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