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What does the music of the Language of Light equate unto? The thought-form behind this language allows for the experience of ascension and empowerment towards full consciousness. There is no destructive thought-form in the sound of the Language of Light and so death music or war music or imprisonment music is simply not possible to create as a result.


Where does war death and imprisonment music come from? Mostly such sounds come from foreign transcriptions of music held in Pleiadian, Arcturian, Orion or some other DNA. Music from foreign creations will never sound sweet here upon earth as they were devised for a different sounding creation. The sounds therefore are sour in comparison with music constructed from purely Sirian DNA resonant with earth and our Great Central Sun. Ultimately to release therefore all sour music from the field that causes sour dreams, one will have to transmute all foreign DNA into Sirian DNA that creates harmonious music from within that is language of light based.


The focus of purification of DNA is not new to the ascending map carvers of your species or ours. However now there is a new technical attribute of foreign DNA that can be examined and understood in relation to the dreams your species and ours catch and the music at cause of the experience. Now in addition to intending to alter the DNA, one can also intend to alter the score of the music that one plays to allow the dreams one is intending to more greatly catch in the dance of life. Scores of music are related to life scripts.


The life scripts are altering due to the new ascension based astrological archetypes that are anchored through all of nature. As the music changes, one can more readily live an ascending life script and dream; and ascending life scripts are about unity, collaboration, living in harmony with one’s own species and all other species, and contributing to the ascension of the whole in world service. As the internal music alters, the new ascending life scripts can more greatly catch in the dance of life, and this leads to greater unity and joy amongst those who are consciously choosing to ascend at this time.

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---Blessings for Learning New Inner Music


The Dolphins and Whales through Karen Danrich "Mila" September 9, 2008

海豚鯨魚通過Danrich "Mila"傳遞,200899


Translated by 流星似火

Dear Beloved Ascending Human,


It is the Dolphin and Whale Kingdom that address you again today. Today the map cavers of our species have much to share that is exciting to us and hopefully will be unto you too. Today we are moving into new sounds of inner music that is fuller, more joyful and more beautiful to sing; and this then catches a gentler dream in our life experience. What is harsh about our dream given that we live within the ocean? Not unlike Mila and Oa and their experience of ascension, there are many nonphysical forces that like to mutilate our fields and prevent our ascension and Terra’s (earth’s) global ascension. These forces are being pressed out of our field and out of Terra’s global field due to an increasingly full and louder pitch of music that we are singing within our fields.


Every field plays a sound as the molecular structure rotates or vibrates and as the chakras and subtle bodies along with light body spins. The music that the field creates is another attribute that ascending map carvers are becoming more aware of and focused upon. This is due to the guidance of the Tao which is a part of ourselves outside of this creation that is guiding us “home” from within. Mila calls this part of self “Tao” to give a name unto its presence; however in our language “Tao” translates into “Infinite Wisdom”. So it is the part of ourselves within of infinite wisdom that is guiding us in new directions that shall allow for the birth of a new era ahead and our “homecoming” into the Great Central Sun as a species; and ultimately also the return journey to where we were spawned as consciousness.


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Dan Hill---Sometimes When We Touch (1978)


You ask me if I love you

And I choke on my reply

I'd rather hurt you honestly

 than mislead you with a lie

And who am I to judge you on what you say or do

I'm only just beginning to see the real you

*And sometimes when we touch

The honesty's too much

And I have to close my eyes and hide

I wanna hold you till I die

Till we both break down and cry

I wanna hold you till the fear in me subsides

Romance and all its strategy

 leaves me battling with my pride

But through the insecurity

Some tenderness survives

I'm just another writer

 still trapped within my truths

A hesitant prizefighter

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Ralph McTell ---Streets Of London (1975)






Ralph McTell ---Streets Of London

Have you seen the old man

In the closed-down market

Kicking up the paper,

with his worn out shoes?

In his eyes you see no pride

And held loosely at his side

Yesterday's paper telling yesterday's news

So how can you tell me you're lonely,

And say for you that the sun don't shine?

Let me take you by the hand and lead you through the streets of London

I'll show you something to make you change your mind

Have you seen the old girl

Who walks the streets of London

Dirt in her hair and her clothes in rags?

She's no time for talking,

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The current confines of human economics is very fragile; it is so out of proportion in relation to balanced giving and receiving that the system must crash in order to bring about a restoration of balance. The out or proportion dance comes from vast wealth accrued through real estate and commodities or stocks and bonds along with interest. None of the profit of such a nature had an energetic return to those who lost in counter balance to each who gained. One cannot gain so greatly without creating another who loses as greatly in the dance of life. The growth of greater wealth the past quarter century has led to also the growth of greater poverty. The numbers of homeless upon the streets of the US is an example of what occurs when there is greater wealth; there are those who fall out of the system altogether and cannot succeed enough even to create a roof over their head.


In Los Angeles alone there are over 1 million homeless. In an article Mila recently read upon the BBC news, hospitals have taken to throwing their aged and dying that have no insurance or assets to pay their bills onto skid row; sometimes only to arrive with epidemic needles still in their arms and in their hospital gown on to the streets. Extreme greed also creates great callousness towards your fellow humans in present time; and the hospitals refuse to cover people until their death if they cannot afford. On the other hand there are those who have millions or even billions in the banks from their profit and gain; and they have not enough heart to share to create an equitable system in which everyone is supported and sustained. This is the result of the extremes created within the pyramidal dream system.


The laws in Europe, Canada and Australia are a little better and there are fewer homeless unless they choose such a dance, however even this system may collapse ahead as well. Already Mila and Oa discovered that in Austria and since going on the Euro dollar, there are over 1 million now in poverty that cannot make enough to feed their families in this small country. What is the cause? All businesses raised the cost of living by determining that if the product or service cost $1 shilling it would now cost $1 Euro, although the shilling was only valued at 33 cents to each Euro. The cost of living went up 70%, and those on the edge now do not make enough to subsist as all employers only recalculated the earnings to be 33 cents per Euro of income. The net result is that everyone is strapped further in the cost of living, and those businesses thriving off the 70% increase now profit more greatly redistributing the wealth and creating a greater upper class and lower class in counterbalance in those countries sharing the Euro currency.


What is causing Europe to move into the path of greed that heretofore had been the underlying thought-form of the United States? Europe is uniting as a group in the Economic Union and in a dollar known as the Euro. The EU is becoming a United States of Europe and the end result is that the dream of greed is moving from the US into the EU as a result. The United States will now move upon a path of redistribution of wealth that may cause a greater middle class and fewer wealthy and impoverished over time. This is polarity reversals in actions beloved and is also how pyramidal dreams move from one continent to the next in the cyclic changes over time.

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There are also scientists who have developed magnetic energy but are not even given credit for what has been created. Why is this so? Within an electrical pyramidal dream how can you acknowledge magnetism as a power source? You cannot as the dominant force is electricity within an electrical dream; and so hence the response of the other scientific community that magnetic energy is not possible even when presented with a working device. As the magnetic figure 8 dream becomes the dominant dream, then magnetic energy will be more readily validated and then developed.


It is necessary for humanity to move into magnetism as an energy source as the reality is that both electricity and combustion will cease the further Terra enters the dream of the Great Central Sun as they do not resonate. The development of magnetic energy will be the only power source available at some future point; and humans would have to resort to transport by foot or horse again if they choose not to move in this direction. We see most ascending initiates really like their creature comforts and so it is most likely that a magnetic form of chi to power technology will be developed ahead and as the magnetic dream dominates enough to do so. The magnetic dream will be less ridged and more fluid allowing for many other changes within human civilization ahead as a result.


The magnetic figure 8 dream has always been upon earth and remains in some regions that are more rural in nature. The ascending map carvers have moved into a figure 8 dream some time ago as it is a gentler dream to ascend within, and have aided Terra in reuniting this dream as a global force for humans to return to ahead. As more humans ascend and millions of ascending children enter the world, the figure 8 dream will become the dominant dream. The figure 8 dream has also been dominant in other time periods in which humans lived in greater unity and peace with one another.




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Blessings of Balance from the Heart of the Tao


The Heart of the Tao through Karen Danrich "Mila" March 17, 2008

道之心透過Karen Danrich "Mila" 2008317


Translated by 流星似火

Dear Beloved Ascending Human,


The Heart of the Tao would like to share with you a different perspective of the current economic crisis that is causing severe losses to the banks and banking system along with the real estate market at this time. The cause of the crisis is really founded upon the polarity reversals and energetic changes that are the result of Terra’s (earth’s) global ascension. For the past six years, Terra has entered gateway after gateway of energy flow known as “Star Gates” towards the Great Central Sun dream. Each star gate has offered up new energetic movements; some of which have been embraced leading to further global ascension. Some of the movements that are supportive have become a new language upon Terra known as the “Language of ONE” and have been captured as crop circles around the globe. (See “Language of ONE” section for more information.)


For the past 2000 human years you have been in a Anu based cycle. The Anu based cycle is the result of a group of Pleiadians that came to earth and strip mined her of gold to extend life back home. Life in the Pleiades was dying due to a missing vibration related to the golden octave. As the golden octave was moved from earth, life in the Pleiades was restored and Terra began to move towards extinction. Fall after fall in vibration and energy flow occurred in the era of the Anu due to the loss of Terra’s gold; and the loss created the space for a Pleiadian energetic geometry to be increasingly set in motion in earth’s field. This pattern is pyramidal in nature and many metaphysical aspirants are familiar with what is known as the “Merkaba”. The formation of electrical pyramidal flow is really a foreign geometry set up by a particularly small group of humans that required this flow to extend their lives.


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"The New Beginning" by Debra Graves of Canada at www.debzartonline.com

2008年九月能量 麥可天使長訊息透過Celia Fenn傳述 / 田安琪翻譯




使得新地球模型與無限的和平與豐盛 得以安頓下來









它透過你們的意圖被輸送到地球水晶磁柵 以及地球心磁柵之中


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單純地知道你並不孤單, 在這個知曉裡頭就有可觀的力量, 不是因為你的受苦或困惑, 毋寧說你們每個人都是數個內在存有的關切、愛、與保護之中心.每個投胎到第三密度的人都至少有三個這樣的指導靈. 透過你的能量、希望、服務、美感、理想與信心, 可能有更多的光明存有加入支援你的小組.” 當你請求天使與指導靈的幫助時, 最好從感謝、讚美與信賴的話語開始, 送給你自己, 也送給那些幫助你的實體們, 以及那表面上相當不完美的完美.” –2002十一月3

我們鼓勵每一個人都更有意識地理解到連結自己的靈性家族所帶來的力量. 我們察覺到在這個尋求的圈子中每一個成員都有困難去享受地球的每一個層面. 容我們說, 你們有些更好時光 或更快樂振動的記憶存留著. 然而, 一旦一個人開始以舒適及潛意識的方式與靈性家族相連結, 他就能夠恢復一些舒適的感受, 知曉在群體服務上個人是不孤單的. 因為這個任務不是一個人就能完成的而是藉由一個群體. 耶穌曾指出如果一個實體有完美的信心 他可以移動一座山. Ra群體指出雖然需要一個完全純粹的實體才能移動一座山, 如果一個群體嘗試去移動一座山, 群體中每個成員的扭曲程度只要在可接受範圍內, 仍然可以移動一座山. 這是靈性家族深沉的連結力量. 我們對家族這個詞彙定義得非常鬆散, 因為你們有個非常大的家族. 它不只是一個來到地球的服務群體, 毋寧說, 你們正在經驗一個非常複雜互相關聯的許多群體 來自第四密度, 第五密度, 以及第六密度, 來自內在次元以及其他星球. 所有的群體在此刻被吸引到地球因為 地球正以震攝人心的清晰度 從 這一個天與地 通往下一個天與地.”–2002六月21

我們鼓勵每一位向上伸出雙手給那些希望幫助你們的天使.我們請求每一位知曉你並不孤單, 祈禱都會獲得回應, 請求都會獲得援助; 超自然的存有與你同在, 鍾愛著你, 並願意在每個方面保護你. 造物主並不在遠方, 祂離你非常非常地近.” –2001五月20

我的朋友, 你並不孤單, 有成群的天使在此時到各個需要協助的地方傳送光芒. 當你們的冥想團體集會並傳送光芒時, 你們的光與許多許多其他生靈的光匯聚在一起, 並移動進入那些遭逢困難的區域.” –2001九月23


我們鼓勵T1去跳舞, 去玩遊戲, 了解宇宙沒有錯誤. 分享自己認為重要的資訊完全是好的, 但同樣重要的是表達出開放與流動的心之品質這樣的心奠基在信賴上 並能透過身心靈表達出無限供給的愛. 這是所有此刻於地球上覺醒的人們共享的核心任務. 你們來到這裡的每一個人都決心帶來一些不同. 每一個人都有必須的工具與資源.” –2002六月21

每個人發現自己擁有一艘沒有磁北針也沒有方向舵的船. 毋寧說尋求者嘗試捕捉靈性之風以驅動船帆. 一旦這個實體能夠,即使只有一瞬間, 在靈性之風前面奔馳,感覺船帆鼓漲的態勢, 那麼他將能夠辨識事物的韻律與對的感覺.就我們最佳的認知, 每個人都有他的天命, 每個人都有一個使命. 每個人都來此學習與服務, 學習總是關乎愛, 服務總是關乎信賴此刻的正確性.” –1999三月21

做為一個流浪者, 不管是從另一個星球來的或是在地人, 他們共同的特徵是極為渴慕有機會去服務. 你們每一位的主要服務就是做自己, 當你至為真實與深刻地成為自己, 你的心是敞開的, 你成為一個接受、蛻變能量的水晶, 接著釋放能量到地球之中. 你們每一位都有自己的天賦可以分享, 以及可以提供的外在的服務, 我們鼓勵你們以各種方式去分享你們的禮物. 但在這所有外在的作為之外, 內在的本質是你此生真實與核心的禮物, 一個無比美麗的禮物, 需要花費你全部人生才能給出的禮物. 不管你在這輩子從事什麼工作, 記得給予這份禮物.“ –2001三月18

你所做的事情不會發光, 而是你做事的當下放入的愛才會發光. 你們許多人到處尋找什麼是他們可以給予這個世界的靈性禮物, 他們尋找一個戲劇性的角色: 教導、治療或預言等等. 然而這些事情與主要任務相比永遠是次要的. 你們每個人眼前的主要任務很單純, 就是對每個來到你面前的人事物敞開心胸. 然而, 達成這個單純任務的條件需要多生累世的內在工作; 因為一個人如何在一個沉重的幻象還能夠無懼? 人類的大腦,一個決策者, 並非天生就無懼. 的確, 只有傻子才是無懼的, 然而你們的導師, 耶穌-基督曾說過只有傻子才獲得智慧, 只有那些活得如同小孩一般的人方能繼承天國.你披上了肉體的外衣, 將你自己埋藏在陰影重重的世界中, 只因為你想要帶來不同. 你聽見週遭居民的憂傷, 你但願能挺身而出, 成為一個愛的通道. 這個時代是你偉大的機會, 你所盼望與準備已久的時機, 我的朋友, 時間真的過得很快, 不是嗎?” –1997一月19


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~ 如果你以為你是流浪者

Copyright c 2008 L/L Research

L/L Research, Source: www.llresearch.org


什麼是流浪者(wanderer)? 有些流浪者是來自其他地方或星球的ET; 還有其他流浪者是在地球土生土長的居民, 因為靈性的成長到達某個程度, 從而覺得這世界變得比較不真實, 感覺自己是身在異鄉的陌生人. 這兩種流浪者都處在同樣的情況, 他們通常不大適應這裡, 因為他們認為的”真實”世界已經從塵世轉移到形而上世界.

每個流浪者都是獨特的, 並且以各種外型與大小來到這裡, 但他們最有可能相同的特徵是一種疏離與孤獨感. 所有流浪者共同的功課與任務是給予與接受愛; 他們共通的服務是做自己, 在每一刻盡可能真實與深刻地做自己. 流浪者主要的任務是保持敞開的心胸, 成為光的定錨, 如此當他們每一次呼吸, 就把光帶入地球層面中.

L/L研究中心致力於找出各種方式鞏固與強化流浪者群體的工作, 一起協助第四密度之光的網格成形. 我們每天早晨9點與晚上9點舉行蓋亞冥想, 為地球媽媽的平安祈禱. 憑藉我們聯合為一體的心, 我們共同合作磁化/吸引地球第四密度. 請在你允許的時間內, 加入我們的冥想、觀想與祈禱.給所有來到這個網站的流浪者.如果你想要分享你的覺醒故事, 我們十分感激能收到這個故事並且 儲存在我們機密的資料庫中. 在形而上研究的領域中, 共享的故事與忠告都是寶藏.感謝您願意打開心房分享, 請使用以下連結將您的故事寄給我們:



如果你覺得你是一個流浪者、外星人, 一個不屬於地球的局外人, L/L研究中心有三件事要告訴你:


你與繁星是一體的, 你是無限造物的一部分, 安歇在這更大的身分中, 知曉太一無限造物者鍾愛你, 在時間與空間存在以前, 你已與造物主同在. 你是永恆的公民, 一個屬於無限的存有.在你的心中之心, 最深邃的自我中, 你沒有任何限制, 沒有任何位置, 也沒有如你現在經驗這世界之固定人格外殼.” –2000一月16

最重要的, 我們鼓勵你們相信你自己對的感覺, 因為一個激勵你的東西或許不會激勵他人, 但那沒關係. 不管是什麼東西感動你, 不管你以為你是誰, 你為何在這裡又要往哪裡去, 我們都大大地贊同. 我們享受與你們這類的團體調和在一起, 看見你們所有的渴望與希望的顏色, 你們的野心與恐懼; 不管你是什麼樣的人, 我們愛你, 我們認為你們每一位都是我們的朋友.” –2000一月16

安住在愛中, 知曉你是被愛的. 安住在光中, 知曉你將成為一束光; 在這樣的知曉中, 交托放下.” –1986一月12

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You raise me up

Aska Yang

 When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary;


When troubles come and my heart burdened be;


Then, I am still and wait here in the silence,


Until you come and sit awhile with me.


You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;


You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;


I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;


You raise me up… To more than I can be.


You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;


You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;


I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;

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Donna, Donna     

Joan Baez



Donna, Donna

Joan Baez

On a wagon bound for market

There's a calf with a mournful eye

High above him there's a swallow

Winging swiftly through the sky

How the winds are laughing

They laugh with all they might

Laugh and laugh the whole day through

And half the summer's night

Donna Donna Donna Donna

Donna Donna Donna Do

Donna Donna Donna Donna

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Don Mclean---American Pie & Castles in the air

American Pie

 Castles in the air

 Castles in the air


Don Mclean---Castles in the air

And if she asks you why, you can tell her that

I told you that I'm tired of castles in the air.

I've got a dream. I want the world to share

,and castle walls just lead me to despair.

Hills of forest green where the mountains touch the sky.

A dream comes true. I'll live there till I die.

I'm asking you to say my last good bye.

The love we knew ain't worth another try.

Save me from all the troble and the pain.

I know I'm weak, but I can't face that girl again.

Tell her the reasons why I can't remain perhaps

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Every thread of creation is held in position

By still other strands of things living

In an earthly tapestry hung from the skyline

Of smoldering cities, so gray and so vulgar,

As not to be satisfied with their own negativity,

But needing to touch all the living as well.

And every breeze that blows kindly is one crystal breath

We exhale on the blue diamond heaven:

As gentle to touch as the hands of the healer,

As soft as farewells whispered over the coffin.

Were poisoned by venom with each breath we take

From the brown sulfer chimney and the black highway snake.

And every dawn that breaks golden is held in suspension

Like the yolk of the egg in albumen.

Where the birth and the death of unseen generations

Are interdependant in vast orchestration,

And painted in colors of tapestry thread

When the dying are born and the living are dead.

And every pulse of your heartbeat is one liquid moment

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Quand on n'a que l'amour


 Steeve Estatof & Julien Laurence 



Thierry Amiel



Lara Fabian



Celine Dion & Maurane



Jacques Brel



Quand on n'a que l'amour

Paroles et Musique: Jacques Brel 1956

Quand on n'a que l'amour
A s'offrir en partage
Au jour du grand voyage
Qu'est notre grand amour

Quand on n'a que l'amour
Mon amour toi et moi
Pour qu'éclatent de joie

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Steeve Estatof---Angie(2004)




 ( Lyrics & Music: M.Jagger/K.Richards )


Angie, Angie, when will those clouds all disappear?

Angie, Angie, where will it lead us from here?

With no loving in our souls and no money in our coats

You can't say we're satisfied

But Angie, Angie, you can't say we never tried

Angie, you're beautiful, but ain't it time we said good-bye?

Angie, I still love you, remember all those nights we cried?

All the dreams we held so close seemed to all go up in smoke

Let me whisper in your ear:

Angie, Angie, where will it lead us from here?

Oh, Angie, don't you weep, all your kisses still taste sweet

I hate that sadness in your eyes

But Angie, Angie, ain't it time we said good-bye?

With no loving in our souls and no money in our coats

You can't say we're satisfied

But Angie, I still love you, baby

Ev'rywhere I look I see your eyes

There ain't a woman that comes close to you

Come on Baby, dry your eyes

But Angie, Angie, ain't it good to be alive?

Angie, Angie, they can't say we never tried


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Sang pour Sang

J'ai pas toujours trouvé les mots
Pour bercer tes rêves d'enfant
Ensemble on est devenu grand

De bons points en double zéro
Paralysés par tant d'amour
On s'apprivoise au jour le jour

J'ai jamais su trouver les gestes
Qui pouvaient soigner tes blessures
Guider tes pas vers le futur

A tous les signaux de détresse
Dis, comment j'aurais pu faire face
Pris entre le feu et la glace ?

Au-delà de nos différences
Des coups de gueule des coups de sang
A force d'échanger nos silences
Maintenant qu'on est face à face
On se ressemble sang pour sang

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Le Sud ( Steeve Estatof 2004 + Nino Ferrer 1975 )

C'est un endroit qui ressemble à la Louisiane

À l'Italie

Il y a du linge étendu sur la terrasse

Et c'est joli

On dirait le Sud

Le temps dure longtemps

Et la vie sûrement

Plus d'un million d'années

Et toujours en été

Y'a plein d'enfants qui se roulent sur la pelouse

Hey Y'a plein de chiens

Y'a même un chat, une tortue, des poissons rouges

Il ne manque de rien

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