

Ascension requires that one take back one's power from all that one has given one's power to over time. One's ancestry has a long history of giving power away; giving power to the false gods who govern the non-physical realms; giving power to humans to control the fate of earth; giving control to human leaders who chose to desecrate earth with war and nuclear technology. Dolphins and whales no longer give their power to the human species for such things; nor does any other species upon earth. It is time also for ascending humans to take their power back from the officials that would like to lead your world into World War III and anchor a new tomorrow birthing a new era, a new renaissance ahead. One is the master of one's own destiny as an ascending being. As humans along with dolphins and whales intend a renaissance, the renaissance and a new golden era shall be born.




There is not one thing that one has not caused in one's life experience or expression. As one uncovers the original cause of any dilemma, the dilemma can be ascended out of, including disease. Mila and Oa have ascended into and out of cancer in their own evolution. So have many a dolphin and whale in their map carving done the same. One determines one's fate by intending one's own future, and then anchoring the dream that one has intended into physicality. One therefore can ascend into disease, and intend to ascend out of disease, and transcend the very paradigms at cause of the experience within. (See "Becoming the Dreamer and the Dream" for more information.)


沒有一件事不是人們在自身的生命歷程與表現中所導致來的(There is not one thing that one has not caused in one's life experience or expression.)。隨著一個人揭示出任何兩難困境的根本致因,一個人就能提升出這一困境,包括疾病。MilaOa在他們的演化過程中已經提升進癌症,又從中提升出來。而又許多海豚和鯨魚個體在他們的地圖繪製過程中也有過同樣的經歷。一個人可以通過意想自己的未來而決定自己的命運,並錨定一個人已經意想進入物質體的夢想。一個人因此可能提升入疾病,而又能從中提升出來,並且轉變引發這一經歷的內在致因。(見成為夢想者和夢想瞭解更多)


Mastery is a difficult thing to explain to another outside of the internal experience of such. Mastery is about examining every thought, every piece of karma, every experience that one's ancestor has had, and then learning the lesson behind the experience. In learning the lesson, one may forgive; forgive oneself; forgive one's ancestor; forgive those in present time and in one's present life expression that have trespassed or seemingly done one wrong; and forgive ultimately oneself for behaving the same way; and if not in this life, in one or many of your ancestors lives. It is forgiveness that fuels mastery. As one learns the lesson behind any creation, the next creation one manifests changes. The new creation no longer reflects the karma and patterns or thought-forms that one has transcended. Furthermore, as one forgives, the cells move into a state of love again within one's own embodiment.


掌握是一種難以解釋給沒有經歷過這類內在經歷的另一個人來聽的事物。(Mastery is a difficult thing to explain to another outside of the internal experience of such)。掌握是關於檢測每個念頭,每份業力,每段一個人的祖先曾經歷的事,並要從中學到經歷背後的課程。在學習這些課程的過程中,一個人會學得寬恕:寬恕自己,寬恕祖先,寬恕那些在一個人所在的時間和所在的生命經歷裡對一個人進行過侵犯、或做了看起來是錯誤的事的人,並最終寬恕有過同樣行為的自己;如果不是在這次生命裡,就是在你祖先的某一次或幾次生命裡有過類似的行為。寬恕是有力的掌握。隨著一個人學會任何造物背後的課程,一個人顯化的下一個造物就會有所改變。新的造物不再反映業力和範本,或一個人已經轉化了的思想形態。而且,當一個人寬恕時,細胞將再次在一個人的形體裡進入愛的狀態。


What is disease? Disease is hatred that has become cellular. The cells that are diseased believe that they are not worthy of love and are hated. In a state of self-hatred, the cells contract and become cancerous. What is cancer? Cancer is a cell that cannot communicate to any other cells. No sustenance can enter the cell such as nourishment, and nothing can exit, such as toxins or waste. The cell becomes sicker and sicker until it dies, and this is most painful.




Turn the love on within the cell, and the cell will begin to open up. Much like a closed lotus, the cell has closed itself down out of the belief that it is not loved. As the love begins to awaken the cell, the cell opens up and blooms, beginning to receive nourishment again and releases it's waste. The cell then can recover from cancer, and then regenerate one step further in becoming crystalline.




Where does the cellular hatred come from? Ah, this may seem mysterious, but it is not really. Cells hold records of painful experiences related to one's ancestors from the past. Cells hold records of war, injury, emotional abuse, rejection, being terrorized or hunted down, poisoned by an outside substance or radiation, death through injury or child birth, death through murder or torture, death through suicide, and millions and millions of other emotionally traumatic incidents experienced by one's ancestors. The record itself causes the cell to believe itself unloved. In the lack of love, over time the cells that feel unloved cease to communicate and become diseased. Release the emotional record held within the cell, process the emotional trauma from one's ancestry, and the cell may recover. This is how ascension out of disease can occur beloved.




One is the sum total of every ancestor that has ever walked the earth plane in form. One is holographic and carries a holographic and cellular record of every experience ever experienced by all ancestors one is related to. Humans have been upon earth for 50,000 years (200,000 human years) since the original seeding of mankind from Sirius, and if one has ancient ancestry from the original seeding, one will be related to 4 billion other humans that have also lived and died in the physical. Your form carries 4 billion ancestors worth of trauma! It is no wonder therefore that life is often so painful, and disease is generally the outcome.







The intent to ascend is an ongoing command that emanates from the dolphin and whale pods that are ascending. So it is also so for humans in the new consensus who are ascending, the thought-form of ascension is a daily intent that flows through. It is the intent to ascend that shall carry one forward, each step of the way, releasing each ancestor's trauma and anchoring a new regenerative blueprint that one can then embody. Over time and with enough ascension, the body ceases to die, and all cells regenerate. As this occurs, one has transcended the thought-form of death.




If one manifests a difficult experience, or even a disease in one's ascension, intend to rise above it; intend to ascend out of the experience. In the intent, one will create the necessary steps to bringing to consciousness the ancestral trauma that locks in a particular thought-form at cause of one's experience. In order to do this, one will cease to blame another for causing one's life's difficulties, and take responsibility for being the creator of one's own destiny by looking inward rather than outward for a solution. The inner solution is found in forgiveness.




For every human that trespasses upon one's life or causes a difficult experience, one's ancestors have behaved the same. There is not one incident that one creates that one's ancestors have not also created, and from all sides of a given expression. If one has been sexually abused and raped, then one's ancestors have both been abused and raped and have been the abuser and rapist. As one goes within and forgives the abuser and rapist related to one's inheritance, one will also forgive the abuser and rapist in one's present day life. In the forgiveness, one transcends the dance altogether and shall cease to create another abuser or rapist ever again.




It is only the lack of forgiveness that creates the dance again. Fail to forgive, and one will either find oneself abused or raped again, or abusing another or raping another, or one's future ancestors will experience the same. Forgive and the dance ceases, not only for oneself, but all of future forms related unto one's ancestry. This is the only manner any species, including mankind, can ascend out of the current dance of dominion, warfare, struggle, poverty, hunger, and disease; to come to forgive the original cause of the dance and move beyond it, rise above it, and then dance to a new beat of unity and harmlessness.




Mila has tried to compile an understanding of the original karmic cause of warfare and disease. Such information has been explored in her materials from the inception, but particularly in the "Great Central Sun Transmissions" and "Ascension Transmissions III and IV". Humans are invited to read this material to understand the original cause of karma that is behind warfare and disease for the human species. In understanding the original cause, one may forgive the ancestors related to the cast of characters that set in motion this dance so long ago.


Mila曾試著總結對戰爭和疾病的根本業力致因的一種理解。這些資訊從她一開始的資料裡就有說出,但更多的是在大中樞太陽傳授提升傳授 IIIIV裡。人類被邀請閱讀這些資訊,從理解隱藏在人類族類的戰事和疾病之後的根本業力致因。通過理解這些根本致因,一個人可以寬恕那些長期支持這種舞蹈的祖先。


In order to completely forgive, one must arrive at the "original cause". The original cause is often buried deep in the scar tissue of the form, however as humans have ascended, they have pieced together their own library of understanding of the human history. In so doing, other ascending humans may draw upon such information and in bringing it to consciousness, come to understand the original cause of any trauma or problem or disease that one has made manifest in one's present life circumstance.




The original cause creates a time warp within the cellular structure of the form. The cells that were injured in the original cause are stuck in time at the moment that the trauma occurred. If the trauma was 18,000 years ago, or 50,000 years ago, or 200,000 years ago, it matters not; the cells remain in time at the moment that the trauma was incurred. Furthermore, any like trauma is recorded over the original cause. Therefore if one was raped, then each time an ancestor either raped or was raped, the rape is recorded in the same part of the form and over the original cause. Release the original cause, and the entire experience of "rape" throughout one's ancestry can also be transmuted, and one can be free of the thought-forms that create the experience of rape forevermore.




Trauma is recorded into the density of the form founded upon certain vibrational bandwidths. As one ascends, one rises in vibration. Each vibrational bandwidth that one enters allows more cellular trauma to be released. In some circumstances, ascending out of disease may require ascending to enough of a vibration to perceive the original cause. Continue to ascend, and so you will get to the original cause sooner or later. Set your intent that this is so, and so it will be, as nothing is beyond rising above in ascension.




Mastering one's fate requires the understanding that whatever one focuses upon will come to be so in due course. If one continues and continues to focus upon recovery from disease in the act of ascension, recovery from a disease will occur. If one continues to focus upon creating a loving partner and releasing the cause of discord in relationships, so it will come to be, and one will manifest the beloved in ascension. If one continues to focus upon creating community with loving humans to dance with, the continued ongoing focus of all humans present upon such a goal will cause the goal to come to be so through ascension. This however requires that each intending such a goal continue to ascend and transmute the patterning at cause of discord in human relations.







There is not one dream one cannot fulfill upon through ascension, except fame. Fame and the spiritual path are a diverse energetic phenomenon, and fame itself will prevent ascension and lead to disease. Why? Fame causes one who becomes famous to suddenly be corded by thousands to millions of others who suddenly know of oneself or one's gifts and talents. Cords penetrating the etheric body from all those knowing of oneself and will cause an ongoing loss of chi such that ascension cannot occur. Furthermore, over time, the body will become ill as the cords interfere with the regeneration of the tissues related to wherever they connect within the etheric body. Therefore if your intent is to ascend, do not intend fame, or take upon oneself a preoccupation that could create fame, and one will avoid this pitfall upon the spiritual path.




Why do humans desire fame? This is not really understood by dolphins and whales. Dolphins and whales have worked together collaboratively and in pods for eons of time. There is no one dolphin or whale or group of dolphins and whales that are known by all other dolphins or whales for a specific reason. We recognize ourselves as ONE SPECIES. As one species, we operate together in the greatest good of the whole. This means sharing food if food is scarce; this means supporting one another as necessary if pods travel together to particular destinations; this means honoring one another as a co-member of one's species and in relation to all species upon earth.




From our point of view, no one dolphin or whale is any more or less than any other. All dolphins and whales sing; most have children; many have sexual relationships that are either homosexual or heterosexual; all eat particular foods that sustain the form; no one song is any more or less than any other sung by any other dolphin, whale or their related pod. All songs are shared telepathically so that dolphins and whales may attune to one another in our collaborative journey of ascension and continued rising in vibration. All dolphins and whales anchor the Tao to support earth in her ascent after one has mastered a state of full consciousness.




What makes it seem so imperative in human form to have "fame" then? Fame as we perceive it is the desire to be loved. Form feels so unloved, and unloved upon a cellular level, that the pursuit of fame comes from the deep level of self-hatred that humans live within. Fame will never fill the cells with love. If anything, fame will cause a deterioration of the form into greater loveless-ness as the form ceases to have enough chi due to all of the hundreds and thousands of cords into the etheric body. Therefore fame will never lead to an internal sense of love; only death and disease.




Ascension on the other hand allows love to become internalized. As each cell receives the chi that it requires in order to live, the cell feels love. As more cells feel loved than not within the form, then the consciousness of the form feels loved from within. By in large, such a state of being is sustained as initiation 3000 is embodied 30%, and to a larger degree the further that one ascends. Therefore we invite our human brothers and sisters to give up the quest for fame in all of the varying ways and manners that it might be made manifest, and choose to ascend instead. In the ascension, the love that one is yearning for will come to be known and experienced from within. As one loves from within, then one can create loving partners and friendships without.






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