
There are also scientists who have developed magnetic energy but are not even given credit for what has been created. Why is this so? Within an electrical pyramidal dream how can you acknowledge magnetism as a power source? You cannot as the dominant force is electricity within an electrical dream; and so hence the response of the other scientific community that magnetic energy is not possible even when presented with a working device. As the magnetic figure 8 dream becomes the dominant dream, then magnetic energy will be more readily validated and then developed.


It is necessary for humanity to move into magnetism as an energy source as the reality is that both electricity and combustion will cease the further Terra enters the dream of the Great Central Sun as they do not resonate. The development of magnetic energy will be the only power source available at some future point; and humans would have to resort to transport by foot or horse again if they choose not to move in this direction. We see most ascending initiates really like their creature comforts and so it is most likely that a magnetic form of chi to power technology will be developed ahead and as the magnetic dream dominates enough to do so. The magnetic dream will be less ridged and more fluid allowing for many other changes within human civilization ahead as a result.


The magnetic figure 8 dream has always been upon earth and remains in some regions that are more rural in nature. The ascending map carvers have moved into a figure 8 dream some time ago as it is a gentler dream to ascend within, and have aided Terra in reuniting this dream as a global force for humans to return to ahead. As more humans ascend and millions of ascending children enter the world, the figure 8 dream will become the dominant dream. The figure 8 dream has also been dominant in other time periods in which humans lived in greater unity and peace with one another.




The Pleiadian dream and pyramidal flow is on target to completely collapse as Terra enters the new dream in full around 2016 to 2018. There is a transition period occurring at this time to diminish the pyramidal flow allowing the magnetic flow of figure 8 dreams and triple lotus dreams to begin to catch. If Terra did not transition the dreams in this manner, then all would collapse within the human dream and there would be little to replace it initially leading to total chaos for humanity. This does not serve those ascending and especially for the ascending little ones entering the world and so Terra is modulating the human dream to create a gentler transition. Terra has great compassion for humans, and many ascending humans are learning to work with her and with nature in your ascensions, and in so doing you will be aided in your dream weaving so that your life is less chaotic than perhaps many others who are less aware of the changing times or those who have no spiritual focus at this time.


Dreams from the pyramidal system are being moved into figure 8 dreams already in place throughout the world. Many impoverished regions spin figure 8 dreams due to the energy flow upon the land remaining from earlier time periods upon earth. Those living in such regions will reap the benefit of more dream, and will then create a pathway out of their impoverishment as a result. The figure 8 dream also spins quite nicely in many rural towns around the globe and those in these regions may discover that they continue to prosper when life in the big city becomes increasingly tough ahead. It is for this reason that nature and earth alike have guided ascending humans if at all possible to remove yourselves from the city life and move more out into the countryside where life may carry on in greater peace at this time of changing dreams.


Food prices are increasing also due to the redistribution of dream towards figure 8 magnetism. Farmlands spin figure 8 movements as if they did not, the electricity associated with pyramidal flow would kill the plants. Therefore farmers will receive more dream ahead. As a result farmers may be paid more what they are worth ahead for their labor rather than receiving the bare minimum to grow and harvest each yield. This will allow more farmers to catch an ascending organic dream as they will be paid more and can afford to switch over to organic practices; and this too is necessary as food source that is non-organic may begin to die off in the coming 10 years, and in particular as Terra moves into the new dream in full.


Other dreams that have been less abundant may discover more abundance which includes dreams for the labor force in any industry. Labor has often been poorly paid with most of the profits and gain going to management or the CEO’s of corporations. In the times ahead, labor may be hard to find as more and more humans become ill in the times of cleansing ahead. This will force companies to pay more for labor and the dance of income will come to greater balanced in so being.


We see however that many indigos or pale indigo ascending children will not desire the slavery to the workplace and will be more free floating, finding jobs where they can and living a simpler life than their parents. Already Mila observes this in many ascending indigos that live in the islands or have crossed the path of SSOA; many simply do not desire to work like their parents; and the reality is that their parents worked in many cases far too hard and paid too many taxes; and now there is a debt in the opposite direction. Some indigos even collect welfare in countries that this is easier to do such as in Europe; the indigos are collecting the debts from the government that their ancestors (parents) accrued and are balancing the scales in so doing.


The times ahead may bring about few indigos and pale indigos who desire to work and many who live in large campsites together or tent cities like gypsies and prefer this lifestyle due to the freedom that it creates. They may learn to grow their own vegetables and raise their own goats, sheep and cows for milk and cheese, and may create a community of sorts in so doing. This may be more how the communities ahead are born that Terra is weaving a dream for. Terra desires humans to return to the land again and work with it to provide for their sustenance. In working with the land, one comes closer to Terra and can then more easily build an ascending partnership with her along with nature.





It has been in each time period that humans withdrew from working the land that little attention was paid to the needs of Terra and consumption of her grew to be so great. In this time period again humans have vacated the land and moved into cities and become overly consumptive. More of Terra's resources are harvested each year than she can regenerate. Soon and if this continues, Terra will become so compromised that she cannot carry on in her ascension. Therefore the consumptive era must conclude and a new era of spiritual awakening amongst humans must take off.

在每一個時代,都曾出現過人類撤離大地的工作,幾乎不關注Terra的需求並如此嚴重消耗她的情形。在今天這個時代,人類已再一次從大地上撤退並遷入城市而變成只會消耗。每一年,對Terra資源的消耗速度總是比她能再生的更快。如果這種情況持續下去的話, Terra將很快會如此嚴重受損而無法繼續提升。因此,消耗的時代必須終結,而一個人類靈性覺醒的全新時代必須啟動。

The dance of consumption is also a ridged pyramidal dream that does not easily change. Therefore Terra is intending a deep recession and economic depression ahead for humanity. In the depression, humans will learn to conserve more and recycle rather than continue to plunder Terra's resources. The reality is that there has already been so much harvested that you could recreate everything already made three times over in the Tao's estimation. All that is required is that humans gather up your garbage and recreate and recycle what you need from it. Therefore the times ahead will bring about a large resurgence of greater recycling which will help to conclude the dream of the great consumption of Terra's resources enough that she may carry on in her ascent.


The reality is that many kingdoms have gone extinct due to the consumption of Terra along with the toxic pollutants that have entered the land, waterways and air from human endeavors. For each kingdom that goes extinct and in however many numbers their populations have ceased to exist, equal number of humans must perish in order to balance the scales of karma accrued with nature. For each kingdom that has starved and in however many numbers, so many humans must also starve to balance the scales of karma with nature. This is the difficult karma that humanity now faces; and many shall either suffer and perish or ascend and forgive what your ancestors have done in all the time periods that have paralleled.


There is great karma to be settled ahead. The karma will drive the human dream in a particular direction that may be very difficult for many to bear, and hard to witness as an awakening human upon the spiritual path. One can learn to forgive and in the forgiveness transcend the need to participate in the trauma that the masses of humans may experience. One can also learn to accept that there is karma that each is settling in the difficult circumstances that they find themselves within. No one can forgive for another. Each experience allows for the spiritual lessons of the individual and whole to be understood and completed upon. In the greater understanding of who and why this is so, it is easier to have compassion and accept, and sit in peace within. This is the gift of the conscious path of ascension through the difficult times ahead.




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