Consumerism is only one form of seduction, although a prevalent one in the human dance. The more invisible forms of seduction occur in the dance with friends, family, employers or other employees in one's life experience. Do you ever wonder why the friends that you love so much, the employee that entertains you the most, or the family member that you love so much, attract you the way that they do? They are gifted at seducing in a particular manner that you enjoy during the time that you are together. Energetically, such seduction often looks like a large fan that is projected from a certain chakra region enveloping both you and the seducer. The fan sparkles, glimmers, is playful, and perhaps the seducer is also gifted at story telling or entertaining others. As one engages with the sparkling fan, one's field is tapped into and records, chi and grid work removed and karma added in its place.




Seduction can occur from each chakra and has a slightly different purpose when projected from each body region. Each human is gifted at seducing in one or more manners in their current life experience, including all ascending initiates. We present this information so that each may become aware of their own patterns of seducing others, and how they themselves are likewise seduced. It is only as seduction ceases altogether that the manipulation of records, information, chi, grid work and karma can cease altogether in the initiates' life experience. In becoming aware of the dance of seduction, one will also be more likely to detect when they have been seduced, and call any lost records back to one's field or return the karma to the source of origin.




Karma that is not one's own cannot be processed in ascension. If it is karma that is destructive, such as accident karma, mutilation karma, or death karma, one could manifest the karma if one is not aware that it has been added. The further one ascends, the faster one manifests. Mila and Rama have experienced the addition of death or accident karma and manifested many near-death experiences in recent months. In learning to stay on top of such things one is more likely to return the karma before it is made manifest in the physical. Karma is always added through the act of seduction, and so in noticing when one has been seduced by another, one is more likely to recognize the energetic exchange and consciously choose to undo it.




One initiate studying with Mila and Rama had the ongoing habit of unconsciously taking on the accident karma from her daughter in law. Within less than six months, she had fallen twice and injured her shoulder and ankle, and had three auto accidents. The third auto accident was the scariest as she drove through a pole, and her soul lifted her into the next dimension avoiding all damage to both her and the car. When the police showed up, there were black tire marks on either side of the pole where she had braked, and yet both she and the car were fine. Physically, this was not possible as the pole was 10 feet tall and made of metal. This was an intervention on behalf of her continued ascension so that she would not lose her life. It was after this experience that this particular initiate became wise to the accident karma and spells continuously laid over her by her daughter-in-law each time they spoke through the act of seduction. She rapidly learned to send all such karma and spells back and retrieve her lost ascension information in all future interactions.




Spells and karma look a little different energetically. Karma is often black in color, and can appear as reels of tightly compressed film or paper, like roles of fax paper, which contain thousands and thousands of records of cause. What are records of cause? When one has caused something in another's experience, they will then experience their own cause returned in a like experience of one's own creation. So if one has caused thousands of people to die via a holocaust, they will create their own experience of similar annihilation thousands of times in karmic counterbalance. If one has caused the death of another through a seeming accident, then one shall manifest being the recipient of a similar accident at the cause of another in return.




All karma that is true to one's genetic inheritance of past lifetimes must be balanced in order to ascend and it can be balanced through forgiveness rather than manifestation into physicality. As one reviews the cause or karmic experience in each of one's past life records, and releases the trauma, one can then forgive their ancestry for incurring the karma and the karma is wiped clean. The ascending initiate does much of such karmic clearing and forgiveness nightly in dreamtime. Karma added by another is not one's true inheritance and cannot be cleared through forgiveness because one is not truly the cause. It is therefore karma that has been added that is more likely to be manifest in an ascending initiate's life, as it cannot be released through the act of forgiveness. The exception to this is those karmic experiences that soul deems necessary to manifest for the lessons that they teach the initiate. Such karma is allowed to manifest by soul for the greater purpose that it serves the initiate in their life experience. In learning to detect when karma has been added, and returning it to it's source of origin, one is more likely to avoid difficult manifestations that one is truly not at cause of, and are not deemed necessary by soul to experience.




Karmic manipulation often takes the form of reels of records of cause that are inserted into the grid work of the form and seemingly disappear to the eye of even the best clairvoyant. However, regardless if the added karma can be energetically seen or not, it is there nonetheless and therefore can be made manifest if left undetected. Removing the karma can involve unraveling the reels and returning the records to the source of origin, or pulling the entire role out and sending it back all in one piece. In either case, all that is required to return karma that has been added to one's field is intent. Often there is karma between the initiate and the one whom adds the karma, and such an individual has done the same things multiple times in multiple past life incarnations and interactions. In releasing the contracts or agreements to take on karma for another, one shall cease to dance in this manner the next time that one encounters the same individual.




Mila and Rama have often "reeled" from numerous encounters of large numbers of individuals whom they had agreements to take on karma for in their past life ancestry. In a trip this summer past to Europe, everywhere they went they encountered sometimes up to hundreds of individuals with past-life agreements for them to take on karma for. Each night they returned thousands and thousands of reels of records and released their contracts with such individuals. Most they never interacted with, but simply passed by in their travels. However, by the end of their trip, they had moved past karmic manipulation by and large in the human dance in their own ancestry.




Karmic manipulation has become one of the main forms of manipulation by the forces of the dark. Why is this so? An antichrist or soul that has lost its connection to its own source is incapable of evolving. Without evolving, such a soul has no use for understanding the cause behind a particular manifestation or any manifestation at all for that matter. Such souls wish simply to continue to dance that they enjoy, and will displace their "unpleasant" cause onto others so that they may re-experience that which they like, without ever reaping the karmic consequences. Mila and Rama have discovered millions of souls that have only experienced one side of the dance and never its opposite in 30,000 Earth years of human history. A good example of this type of karmic manipulation is the souls dancing in the wealthiest humans upon Earth. The same souls have continued to incarnate into the same lineages for 30,000 Earth years (120,000 human years) experiencing only extreme wealth. In so doing, they have never experienced poverty or hunger. It is only a soul that has never experienced poverty or hunger that would inflict such an experience upon another or a group of others by hoarding to great excess.




The souls from the Intervention of God Goddess All That Is call the above "Karmic Delay". A karmic delay is when one experiences only one side of the polarity again and again, delaying the consequences again and again. The consequences are never delayed forever, and such souls will now experience 120,000 years of poverty and starvation in karmic counterbalance to their creation upon Earth. Such souls could ascend and forgive themselves, however, they are devoid of any source to ascend to. And so this leaves such souls only with the experience or cause ahead in the next many thousands of years of experience upon another third dimensional planet. However, it is also the fact that they had no source, nor interest in evolution that they delayed the karmic return in the first place. Perhaps in experiencing the karmic consequences they will seek to find their source and return to it in due course and ascend.




Karmic delay is coming to an end in your creation. Ascension brings forth the reversal of all karma and prevents further karmic delay. As such, one shall see the reverse playing out in each humans' life experience in the clearing of karma in the years ahead as Earth ascends. The only way out of experiencing the opposite of one's current life creation is to choose to ascend along with Earth. In ascending, the karma is forgiven and one simply transcends the thought-form at cause of the karmic dance in the human experience. In order to transcend karma, one must move to a new thought-form that is beyond polarity. In order to accomplish this task, all karma held within the records of five billion ancestors related to one's current incarnation must be cleared in full. Such records are recorded in the cellular structure of the form in great accuracy, and as all decay and scar tissue are converted to crystalline, all karmic records are released a little at a time and then forgiven. As all scar tissue and decay are resurrected and all karmic records released and forgiven, one enters an ongoing state of forgiveness and transcends karma altogether.




The thought-form of the Language of Light is beyond polarity, beyond karma, and as one embraces it in full, one transcends karma altogether. This requires embodying 36,000 segments of genetic material, which converts every cell within the human form to crystalline. In so doing, one enters a state of ongoing forgiveness. Mila has recently transited to this state in her own evolution, and Rama shall follow in the coming few months. In a state of forgiveness, cause and effect are no longer kept track of as they are instantaneous and concurrent. It is in entering a vibration of "no time" that cause and effect are simultaneous or concurrent and then cancel themselves out. For this reason, Mila's thought-form has had to be purified of all destruction or harm, otherwise she would instantly create harm for herself or another. It has taken much clearing and inner work within her journey to enter such a state given the density of current human thought-form. However, it has been accomplished, and she is one of many others to follow in the years ahead.




Spells, unlike karma, look like giant webbing of energy, often black in color, that is cast over a portion of one's field or one's entire field like a net. Spells are generally anchored or pinned into one or more areas of the grid work or chakra system. In order to release the spell, one may unhook the pin and then send the webbing back to the source of origin. Spells have a similar effect to karma, as they hold a particular thought-form in the field. It is when one holds the thought-form of death or accident in one's field that one projects such a thought-form to the Universe, and then the Universe returns such thought-forms by allowing one to manifest an experience of accident or death. And so spells can have a similar outcome to karmic manipulation if they have been cast around oneself and left unattended to in ascension.




The original purpose of spell casting was for manifestation of one's dreams and desires. When one seeks to manifest a particular creation, one utilizes a giant spell or web work of energy that unites all others whom are to be a part of one's creation. However, the antichrist souls dancing upon Earth have learned to utilize spells for destructive purposes. If someone gets in the way of their desired manifestation, such souls have learned to cast spells of death, destruction or mutilation over such individuals or groups of individuals and in due course, such individuals or groups manifest their own annihilation.




All initiates are composed of light and dark, conscious and unconscious. All initiates are both recipients of curses, hexes, karma and spells, and likewise cast spells, throw curses, throw hexes and dish out karma towards others without knowing upon planes of reality that one has yet to become conscious of. Often times it is in receiving curses, hexes, karma or spells from another that then one can look to see if they have done the same unconsciously to others in a parallel manner. In releasing patterning at cause of both karma received and sent, such forms of manipulation and harmfulness are more likely to be released in full.




Hexes and curses are blows of energy that mutilate the field, subtle bodies, chakra system or grid work. Hexes often look like a hexagon, which is flat, like a dish, and is flung into the field cutting up whatever energetic region that it enters. Curses often take the form of a group of long pins or needles that are flung as a group into a particular chakra or portion of the grid work. The pins and needles generally are placed in the pattern of an "ownership signature" and have the effect of not only mutilating the field, but also sending chi or information back to the sender. (See "Transcending Ownership" for more information.)




Releasing all patterns, whether they be spells, curses, karma that is not one's own, or thought-form that is polarity based or destructive simply requires "intent". Intent is an act of will in which one simply states "I intend to release this pattern now!". Energy moves with one's thought, and as one thinks it, so it is. The only hitch to this is when one may be in a fantasy reality, ungrounded and disconnected from one's soul. You know, the moments you feel "out to lunch" or "out of body" and ungrounded? These are not moments in which intent will have any effect. And so one must first ground, anchor soul into the form, and then intend.




Spells that are cast upon oneself can be returned to the sender through intent. Spells that you have cast upon another can be retrieved via intent. Karma that has been added to one's field can be returned via intent. Karma that one has unconsciously added to the field of another can be retrieved through intent. This is important, as one must release all of their own karma in order to ascend. Curses or hexes that one has received can be returned to the sender via intent. Curses or hexes that one has unconsciously sent to others can likewise be called back through one's intent. In so retrieving one's own curses, hexes, spells or karma that one has unconsciously sent to others, the harmful action and karma is released and then can be forgiven in full. Much of the writing in our "Notes to Our Affiliates" section goes into great detail about human karma uncovered within the organization known as SSOA along with the process of intention. We recommend this section for those whom are most devoted to their own awakening for the information held therein.




It is human nature to believe oneself angelic and beyond harmfulness and others evil or harmful. In reality, all initiates are both light and dark, and perpetrate the same destruction perpetrated against them. Such is the nature of the human dance, and initiates must be willing to look at their own darkness, or they shall fail to transcend it in full. If all harmful thought-form is not transcended, one shall cease to ascend, for otherwise one would simply create harmfulness in real-time. And this would be far more disastrous than simply not ascending at all and ending one's lifetime in death.




It is through the act of seduction that unconscious harmfulness is perpetrated. Spells, curses, hexes and karma are all transferred from one party to another through the act of seduction. Each time one engages with the seducer, more spells are cast and curses laid in or engaged allowing more information, records, chi, grid work or moving energy systems to be transferred from one party to another. Mila once observed a friend who was a stripper "strip" an entire room of male adults of all information, grid work, chi and moving energy systems and dump karma upon each in a single act! And she was so good, these male adults returned again and again. This leads one to a whole new concept of the purpose behind stripping!




And now we would like to take a moment to better define the seven types of seduction. Each form of seduction is related to one of the main seven chakra centers in the form, and is energetically run from the related region. In addition to the seven main categories of seduction is what Mila and Rama have called the "Seducer of Seducers". Such an individual is capable of running all seven types of seduction either sequentially or simultaneously. One will notice that your most famous humans global wide are most likely each a "Seducer of Seducers". It is because they are so gifted at seduction that they are loved so and are so popular.




We would like to point out that seduction is not love. Love is the result of communion. Communion is an act in which soul enters the form and blesses the form with its love. The act of communion also allows the soul to dance with the Earth Mother extending its blessings to Earth. Two in communion share the love of each of their souls together with each other and with Earth. And this is what love is. In the act of love through communion, no information is moved from one person to the other, no chi is moved from one field to the other, and no act of harmfulness occurs. In the act of love through communion, the two souls dance together through form enhancing the overall vibration of the two whom come together.




Mila and Rama have learned to gather groups whom enter an extended state of communion together to accomplish a particular task over the course of a weekend c. In the state of communion, all souls unite for the common purpose for which they have gathered. In so doing, human karma of large proportions can be released on behalf of all of humanity. It is for this purpose that the Masters Conclaves are designed for, to gather those willing to enter communion for two days to release the human karma at hand to bring forth the necessary changes for Earth to ascend. And we invite each reading this material to join us in the year ahead if you feel so called from within. See our web site for details.






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