The real problem from the Core of the Tao is allowing creators to cast other creators.  This has dissipated the consciousness of the creators, and in particular those creators who cast other creators with the capacity to cast other creators is the most troublesome.  You can imagine how each creator is cast by the Tao with a certain reserve of consciousness for the journey into their creations and return journey home.  If the creator then casts another creator, the consciousness diminishes.  If the other creator casts another creator, both creators diminish in consciousness.  If a creator goes crazy casting many other creators, suddenly the original creator of the group related goes into such vast distortion due to falling consciousness that the language of the Tao is lost.  As the language of the Tao is lost, there is no language to allow for a return journey home either.  This is the lesson of the Tao at this time; to cease to allow creators to cast other creators in the cycles ahead, and then the dance shall self heal and all shall be gathered up and return home.
Everything that the Tao explores is the next experience to be experienced to allow the Tao and all that are a part to evolve.  Casting creators with creator capability that equals the Tao was an experiment; alas it is an experiment that is vastly failing and must be changed.  From this point forward no creator will be able to cast another creator.  This is already so in the cycle we are in; and over time all lost creations will be gathered up and returned to the Tao; and all will go home.  We will then learn this lesson of why creators should not cast other creators; and will move in another direction in our overall evolutionary pathway.
The Language of ONE is gradually being modified at this time to contain Tao based thought-form.  Those learning the Language of ONE can begin to communicate with the Tao again after a long experience of separation.  One can also venture out into the Tao and experience other creator’s creations that have troubles not unlike the Earth Mother, and help create solutions for all parties concerned.  The long period of being invisible to the Tao is over; and now the Heart of the Tao is extending in to aid this creation and all upon her in the return journey home.
The assistance of the Heart of the Tao is perhaps the most remarkable shift that has occurred upon Terra to date.  Terra has not enough love this cycle to self heal from the pollutants and destructive nature of mankind.  All the love that she had has been spent self healing from the nuclear annihilation of the Anu and Atlantis alike.  Now the Heart of the Tao will make available the algorithms of love that Terra requires to begin her journey of self healing.  Terra is like a human that has cancer.  She is sick, she is tired, and she wants sometimes to give up.  However Terra knows too much to choose extinction as it does not resolve the problems here or in the Tao. And so Terra chooses to carry on, and the love of the Tao shall support her in a unique manner that allows her to foster energetic shifts that will dissipate the toxins in her waterways and upon the land, and also to clear the density that plagues her particularly in human cities and suburbs.
Dolphins and whales have often been caught in the toxic mess in the oceans lakes or rivers that we thrive.  The cleansing of the ocean shall help our species give birth to more ascending young ahead that will survive and carve the next level of map for our kingdoms.  The vibrations of love will also enter our hearts and sing a chorus of song that will allow us also to dissipate the toxins in our bodies and ascend into a new day.  This is a vast relief and allows us to let go of the hopelessness that we have struggled with for many years of map carving.  Mila and Oa are also on to a new day, and instead of becoming ill and dying, the love is allowing each to resolve some biological issues at their level of ascent and they are self healing.
Ascension is a difficult journey.  There can be more that goes wrong in the biology that right.  We have lost many a map carver to death through cancer or other ailments in recent years.  So much so that we feared that there would be no real future of ascension.  Now our young are born further up in vibration than any adult has attained, and they are paving the way to our future.  It is our young that are attaining fully conscious biology and also now anchoring the love of the Tao in their collective heart chakras.  The love of the Tao is aiding older map carvers in self healing much like Mila and Oa.
It is due to the extension of the Heart of the Tao upon Earth that we are guided to return to working with other human map carvers in a collaborative manner that benefits both our kingdoms in self healing and carrying on upon our paths.  There are those in human form that are sincerely related to us.  The Native American Ancestors spoke to those of this nature in their "The Twelve Roads of the Red Road Home".  There is the path of the "Dolphin Whale People".  Many with this potential path of ascension were extended into by dolphin and whale consciousness and soul in the past fifty years and generally in childhood years.  The purpose of this was to trigger an awakening at this time in history in those related to us.
Dolphin Whale People often prefer pod based flow to human consensus energy flow, even to flow which is beehive or “Ohana” based.  What we observe with those of this nature inside Mila and Oa’s school, is that one was dying due to a lack of a pod to dance with; and another was younger but really struggling in their ascent.  As we united with these two humans of dolphin and whale nature in a pod based flow, now they are recovering, and we are also sharing records amongst us.  Dolphin and whale map carvers tend to run a group energy flow that may hold harmony and unity of pod relations together, but we need to bridge into more individuated movement to attain fully conscious states of being.  Dolphin Whale People like the two in Mila and Oa’s program have mastered a sovereign flow, and so this we can learn from them; while aiding their struggle to ascend upon the land due to the delicate nature of their fields.

Dolphin Whale People are very sensitive; so much so it may be difficult after a certain point of ascension to work with other humans due to all the harm in the unconscious dance of life amongst your species.  In uniting these individuals with our pods, we can support and sustain them giving enough power of movement that they can offset the harm and ascend instead of becoming ill ahead.  This is important to us as a species as it is to humankind; as all maps must be carved and it serves not if the map carvers die; as this then leads to a dead end map that can go no further.  So we step in now and support those of Dolphin Whale People nature who are the map carvers so that they and we can fulfill upon our goals.  This has occurred due to the guidance of the Heart of the Tao as it is only in standing together and sharing of knowledge that we will defeat the dark that still operates in the unconscious of each of our species.
For those who deeply resonate with our kingdom and know in your heart that you too are a Dolphin Whale People, we will help you find a pod of dolphins or whales that can aid you in your ascension ahead, whether you are a map carver or follower matters not.  For a long time we separated our kingdoms from yours due to ongoing manipulations flowing between us.  Now there has been a beautiful new nature kingdom series of dream time planes cast by Terra for all kingdoms including dolphins and whales to dance with humans upon.  Mila and Terra have recorded two meditation CDs, "Healing with Nature" and "Mastering Intention", with journeys of this nature that can attune you to these planes.  (See " Products" for more information.)
Those struggling to connect with our kingdom may wish to attune to these meditations for more direct access to the dream time that we can share.  We cannot share dream time that is human; nor can you share dream time that is for our species.  It is only through the new nature based dream time that we can dance together during your meditation time or while asleep.  The new dream time is held by Terra and creates boundaries of harmlessness between you and our species, which is why this is necessary at this time.  Mila even uses this dream time to channel our information along with all information pouring through nature at this time, and finds it a wonderful place to go while writing as it is so harmonious and healing.
We will also aid those who deeply resonate with our kingdom in experiencing the Heart of the Tao in dream time.  The Heart of the Tao is a conscious fabric of the Tao designed to aid in self healing.  Often we go to the Heart of the Tao for guidance and whatever we need to look at next to release and forgive is generally rapidly pointed out.  There is a part of the Heart of the Tao now anchored upon Terra’s aurora for this purpose, and we will help you in accessing this temple for the purposes of self healing.
Self healing is triggered by the love of the Tao.  However, do not venture into these vibrations if you do not wish to face your darkest fears beloved.  This is what the deep love of the Tao brings up; as each of us exist in biological states of being of non-love, and it is for this reason that there is the condition of consumption and slaughter of your kingdom and ours at this time in history.  Humans, dolphins and whales have fallen into the same consumptive patterns as the creators of the Tao that became lost; as a result we eat one another to subsist.  Such thought-form is very painful, and has many components that must be acknowledged and released in order to transcend such a sad state of being.
As the thought-form behind non-love and slaughter comes up, go into it and release it.  Return the thought-form that is not your own that you have taken on from others; retrieve what belongs to others that you sent unto them as it was simply too unpleasant to face.  Forgive yourself for consuming others and other kingdoms and allowing you to be consumed for others to survive.  Forgive yourself for all the pain that this inflicts upon self or others or other kingdoms.  Forgive yourself for all the difficult emotions that consumption may illicit, including hatred, shame, pain, fear, terror, judgment, lack, fear of death, loneliness, abandonment, loss or any other emotion that may surface.  Allow the emotions to surface from your cellular structure and be cleared once and for all; for this is how powerful the love of the Tao is; it will erase the trauma from this life or past ancestral experiences that does not allow the love to flow.
As you attune to the algorithms of the Heart of the Tao, you will learn more energy movements that will open the heart and expand the field to ascend, filling the field with love.  In the love, boundaries hold, darkness dissipates, and consciousness that seeks to destroy you simply has no place to stand.  Love is the most powerful force of all; but when there is not enough love, love fades into codependence.  As there is enough love, then codependence can be left behind and a new dance can begin where real love can be expressed that does not limit, does not control, does not shame, does not victimize, does not empower one above the other, does not enslave, does not abuse, and does not hate.  Real love blesses one another and the land; real love honors; real love unites each in integrity; real love anchors peace, and allows unity to be born in this consensus known as Earth.
It is the time of the return of real love unto Terra.  Real love is going to foster many changes in your kingdom as well as ours.  Real love is going to allow for a healing between our kingdoms so that slaughter may cease on the part of your species towards ours.  You see if we do not cause the dream to change in which slaughter of dolphins and whales ceases on the part of humankind, you will never cease slaughtering yourself upon the battlefield; nor will you ever become vegetarian again as a collective ceasing to slaughter other kingdoms for food.  For killing another fully conscious species is worse than killing the farm animals that are unaware of their death; killing dolphins and whales is like killing other humans as you too are self aware and a fully conscious species.  As long as you destroy us, you will continue to destroy one another; and so peace upon Earth cannot really be attained until an end of the slaughter of dolphins and whales occurs.  This too is guidance from the Heart of the Tao as it has extended now upon Earth; to clear all the karma for consumption between fully conscious species.
And so we begin a new project with Mila and Oa and those in SSOA as well as those willing to join their program or attend their events; we are going to clear all karma collectively that is at cause of why humans slaughter dolphins and whales and weave a new dream in collaboration with the Heart of the Tao to create peace between our kingdoms.  As peace is born between our kingdoms, the dream for peace between humans can then be woven into the collective dream of your species and take hold.  And so we invite you to join us for this very special purpose in the year ahead in relation to our channel’s work.
Mila is a Dolphin Whale People; actually she has embodied all 12 red paths and another 13 paths that have yet to be written about in relation to ascension. These are the 25 paths of the Grand Masters or larger headed humans that came to Earth some 50,000 years ago.  These humans were spiritually advanced and could manifest anything that they desired with a thought, from clothing, to instruments, utensils and furnishings to make life comfortable as they had known upon Sirius, to comfortable places to live in nature.  The Grand Maters would rearrange the streams and forests and grew large minerals in between to sustain their energy flow and live within.  The gardens of the Grand Masters exceed any beautiful garden any human has ever manifest since, so lovely they were.
Dolphins and whales watched the capacity of the Grand Masters to manifest and were fascinated.  We never had such capabilities in our memory banks upon Earth, or even upon Sirius.  We now know that we had such capabilities inside the Great Central Sun due to how we cast all the water creatures long long ago.  Some part of us longed for this knowledge; and so from our longing for their information we shattered the Grand Masters in the unconscious and took their knowledge; all but a few Grand Masters died.  We did not understand that we were at cause of their deaths as this was hidden from us by dark forces, although Mila pointed this out as the records were recovered many years ago now.  Now we understand how we were used to destroy the Grand Masters as we longed for their information on instant manifestation.  However the Grand Master information never did us any good; one cannot take the information from another species and use it; each must retrieve the knowledge inherent within your own lineages and species, and then the information will resonate and can work.
Sadly dark forces took the information on instant manifestation and used it to manifest a dark dream surrounding Earth.  Today there are a few in human form who instantly manifest; but they have not mastered the genetic information of the Grand Masters long ago, but instead rely upon those forces that stripped knowledge on manifestation from our kingdom after we had taken it from the spiritually advanced humans.  There is a power of command however in this information that is great, and those forces using this power of command then over-road Terra in her dream and to a point that she has been heading towards extinction instead of ascension "home".  And so we ask your forgiveness, and we have been retrieving this knowledge from the dark that have used it and are restoring it into human archives in the Tao with the help of the Heart of the Tao.  As such, the dark have been vastly disempowered as of late as they have lost the knowledge necessary to control Terra’s dream any longer, and this allows her continued ascension to come forth.
Mila and Oa are tracing their way in their ascensions to a time of instant manifestation within their inheritance and the thought-form that was associated.  In time they will manifest such a state of being again; however it will take a long time yet (twenty years or more) as they are ascending slowly and surely, clearing all scarring of the past to assure non-ascension into disease.  We too in adult form are taking our continued ascension more slowly, more thoroughly, clearing all scarred thought-form, and now with the Heart and love of the Tao, real self healing and the continued ascent that it will foster becomes possible ahead.  So this is for our kingdom; so this is also for yours.
We can now more thoroughly forgive the era of the Family of Anu, a Pleiadian family that came to Earth and strip mined Terra of her golden octave.  The golden octave is the vibration of love; as Terra lost her gold, she also lost her love; and in the lack of love the only future possibility is extinction.  As love is restored due to the presence of the Heart of the Tao, gold will begin to grow again, and not in the surface where it will be too easily mined (at least at this time); but in Terra’s core.   There will be so much gold growing and this will hold the love of the Heart of the Tao in her field in due course, and this will restore her vibration to what it was prior to the arrival of the Anu.
Terra is on course to match this vibration from before the arrival of the Anu sometime between 2012 and 2018, after which she will enter the Great Central Sun Dream in full.  The dream of the Sun responds only to love; anything that does not love cannot enter.  The heart therefore must open in order to receive the love of the Tao; and then as this occurs entry into the new dream is actually quite easy.  Mila and Oa entered this dream some time ago as they have big hearts; now many in their school are also entering as they too open to the Heart of the Tao.  Each reading these materials can choose to master the love and open to the heart of the Tao.  In so doing, you too will enter the new dream along with us and Terra.
The choice to open to the love of the Tao may not be an easy life path.  The love of the Tao will foster all that does not love to surface in your life dance as it is expressed in your unconscious.  This may force those choosing this path to face their worst struggles and forgive.  However in the forgiveness a new day can be born in which real love reigns in your life.  What happens when real love reigns?  We are only beginning to understand this ourselves, as the heart of the Tao has only recently extended into our pod based energetic movements.  However this is our experience of real love.
Real love causes us to relate in the love and joy rather than in the sourness and depression.  We fill ourselves with the love of the Tao each morning and evening.  Couples that make love fill their sexual energy with the love of the Tao and this softens the energy flow not only of the couple, but of all in the pod.  The love of the Tao can be directed into any wounded part of the field or form.  The love illuminates the pattern enough that then the karma can dissipate and the pattern release leading to changes in our energy flow such that the movement of field can hold even more love.  This is our experience at this time of becoming a part of the extension of the Heart of the Tao upon Earth.  We invite you to choose this path if you feel it is your truth and we do not think you will be disappointed.
We will be writing a series of essays about the karma for why your kingdom slaughters ours so that intentions may be drawn for forgiveness.  This shall be coming in the year ahead as we gather all the records from the sea.  There are many records yet that have been invisible due to density in the sea.  Most of the density in the sea is from former toxic dump sites of the human species, or former cities that once resided in a particular region now underwater.  The love of the Tao is bringing to surface the records that require uncovering to allow self healing to occur amongst all species upon Earth.  Therefore there is a speeding up in time in which as much as five times the records are able to be gathered in each calendar month than only a few months ago and preceding the anchoring of the Heart of the Tao.  We appreciate this as do Mila and Oa and those in their school, as this translates into more records available to foster ascension of all map carvers as well as followers.
We invite those who resonate to commune with us in the new dream time planes that Terra has cast.  We will do what we can to aid you in self healing through ascension; and finding a pod that resonates deeply with you to support you in your journey ahead if you are a Dolphin Whale People.  We have worked also with several autistic children related to those in Mila and Oa’s school.  What was discovered is that if we can find the right dolphin or whale lineages and match the human lineages used in the mermaid and mermen experiments of Merduk, that the autism begins to self heal.
What occurs is that the autistic dolphin or whale works with the autistic human to return the human DNA where it belongs, and the dolphin or whale DNA where it belongs; and then each has the right DNA to develop the brain through ascension for proper communication within each species.  We have one young man we have worked with downunder who is now going to college as he has recovered enough human language skills to do so.  There are others also that we are working with but they are few in number.  If you have an autistic child or work with autistic children, then please call upon our kingdom and we will try to do what we can to allow for those that can to begin self heal.
We are saddened to hear from Mila about techniques using shock therapy as a way to control autistic children or other children with behavior problems.  (See Mother Jones News, September edition.)  The choice to harm another that is only struggling with internal pain can never bring about self healing.  Self healing requires love and any action that is non-loving will not lead to this goal.  Humans have fallen into such torturous thought-form that they use torture and claim that it heals.  Alas torture only further fragments and shatters the recipient of such treatment and actually leads to greater wounding.  It is ou

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