My Central Message
我把這個訊息傳送給已經以我的聲音(my sound of voice)喚醒的你。這些字是 我的簽名(these words are my signature)。你可以產生你的懷疑,你的恐懼,你的信心,或你的勇氣;那都無關緊要,因為你將會被 我的聲音之韻律所觸及。它會像一束能把黑暗掃到一旁 "即使只有片刻" 的光束一樣地穿越過你。
我存在於一種光的頻率(a frequency of light)裡,在這種光的頻率裡有限的存在體(finite beings)無法發現我。如果你要尋找我的話,你將會失敗。我不是能被找到或發現的。我只有在一體性、一致性與整體性(oneness、unity and wholeness)裡才能被領悟到。它正就是那,當你與所有的生命相互連結時你所會感受到的那份 相同的一體性,因為我就是這個而且僅是這個。我是所有的生命(I am all of life)。如果你一定要找尋我的話,那就請你練習一致性與整體性的感覺。
在我最深的光裡(In my deepest light)從我的想要 去瞭解我的宇宙之渴望裡,我把你們創造了出來。你們是我的特使。你們可以以來自我的無限的子宮(infinite womb)之粒子的身份,帶著只有你們獨自將會寫下的命運,自由地旅行於所有宇宙的範圍(the universe of universes)裡。我並沒有指定你們的旅程或你們的旅程之目標。我就只是伴隨著你們。我不會以這個方式或那個方式 來拉扯你們(I do not pull you this way or that),我也不會在你們偏離我的心意之時懲罰你們。我這樣做是作為我對你們的信任的一種結果(This I do as an outcome of my belief in you)。
你們是我的光之繼承人,這光授予你形式。(過去)是我的聲音喚起了你的個人性,但會喚醒你(回)到我們的一致性的,將會是你的決心(your will)。是你的要 去瞭解〝我就是你的自性〞之欲望(It is your desire to know me as your self)會把你帶到,如此完美地隱藏在你們的世界之後的,我的臨在(my presence)。我在你們所看到、聽到、觸摸到、嘗到、聞到、感覺到和所相信的一切事物之後。
我為了 你對我的發現 而存在(I live for your discovery of me)。它是我對你的愛之最高的表現,而當你在你們世界的故事裡尋找我的影子時,我,那難以抹滅的、不可見的光(the indelible invisible light),變得越來越可見。想像那在空間中最遠的點---在一個黑暗的入口之下,被投擲在某個遙遠的銀河系裡,然後將這個距離乘以你所知道的最大的數值。恭喜你,你已經測量到了我身體的一顆原子!
你瞭解到了我是如何的深不可測了嗎?我不是你所能知道、看見、或瞭解的。我在理解的範圍之外(I am outside comprehension)。我的巨大使我成為不可見與不可避免的。沒有地方是你可以沒有我而存在的(there is nowhere you can be without me)。我的缺席是不存在的。就正是這種本質使得我獨一無二。我是最初的起因與最終的效果連結在一條無法分割的鏈子裡。
沒有祈求可以觸動到我。沒有禱告可以邀請我更進一步地進入你們的世界,除非它是伴隨著一致性與整體性的感覺。沒有任何神殿或祭祀物可以接觸到我。它們現在沒有,過去也從來未曾把你們更帶近我伸出的手。我在你們世界的臨在是無法變更的(unatlerable),因為我既是整個宇宙體系(的庇護所)也是在你內的唯一靈魂之庇護所(for I am the sanctuary of both the cosmos and the one soul inside you)。
我在此刻就可以喚醒你們之中的每一個(回)到我們的一致性(unity),但因為有著一個更大的計畫(design)--- "一個更廣泛的願景"---才會把你放在時間及分離的空間性次元之界限(boundaries)裡。這個計畫需要一種,透過分離的經驗而讓你重新瞭解我們的一致性之,進入我的整體性之發展(This design requires a progression into my wholeness that reacquaints you with our unity throuth the experience of separation)。你的覺醒,儘管緩慢而且有時候是痛苦的,是被保證的,你必須要超乎其它一切地信任這一點。
我是所有創造物的遠祖之父(ancestral father)。我是一個,作為你的存在之所有部分所發散出來的一種振動,而活在你們每一個人之內的人格(I am a personality that lives inside each of you as a vibration that emanates from all parts of your existence)。我駐在這種次元而作為你的指路明燈(beacon)。如果你跟隨著這個振動,如果你把它置於你的旅程之核心,你將會接觸到那活在 你的存在之粒子(the particles of your existence)底下的,我的人格。
我不是該被懼怕或敬而遠之(be held in indifference)的。我的臨在是即刻的、有形的、也是真的(immediate、tangible、and real)。你現在就處於我的臨在之中。聽著我的話。你在我的臨在之中。你在我之內更甚於我在你之內。你是我的心智與內心之多重結構裡的一層(you are the veneer of my mind and heart),然而你卻認為你是猿類(演變)的結果。你比你所瞭解到的還要多更多。
我們的合而為一,過去是,現在是,將來也會是永恆的(Our union was,is,and will be forevermore)。你們是我的受到祝福的後代子孫,我和你們以一些你們無法瞭解也因此無法賞識的方式複雜地連結在一起。在你無法感覺到的領域裡你必須中止你的相信與不相信,以換來你的對於〝我是真的並且活在你內〞的知曉(knowing)。這是我要給予我的所有子女之中心訊息。好好地聽著它,因為在它裡面你可以找到我的所在之地。
My Central Message
I convey this message to you whom I have stirred with the sound of my voice. These words are my signature. You may bring your doubt, your fear, your faith, or your courage; it matters not, for you will be touched by the rhythm of my voice. It moves through you like a beam of light that sweeps -- if only for a moment -- the darkness aside.
I dwell in a frequency of light in which finite beings cannot uncover me. If you search for me, you will fail. I am not found or discovered. I am only realized in oneness, unity, and wholeness. It is the very same oneness that you feel when you are interconnected with all of life, for I am this and this alone. I am all of life. If you must search for me, then practice the feeling of wholeness and unity.
In my deepest light I created you from my desire to understand my universe. You are my emissaries. You are free to journey the universe of universes as particles from my infinite womb with destinies that you alone will write. I do not prescribe your journey or your journey's aim. I only accompany you. I do not pull you this way or that, nor do I punish you when you stray from my heart. This I do as an outcome of my belief in you.
You are the heirs of my light, which gave you form. It is my voice that awakened you to individuality, but it will be your will that awakens you to our unity. It is your desire to know me as your self that brings you to my presence so perfectly hidden from your world. I am behind everything that you see, hear, touch, taste, smell, feel, and believe.
I live for your discovery of me. It is the highest expression of my love for you, and while you search for my shadows in the stories of your world, I, the indelible, invisible light, grow increasingly visible. Imagine the furthest point in space -- beneath a black portal, cast in some distant galaxy, and then multiply this distance by the highest numeric value you know. Congratulations, you have measured an atom of my body.
Do you realize how I am unfathomable? I am not what you can know, or see, or understand. I am outside comprehension. My vastness makes me invisible and unavoidable. There is nowhere you can be without me. My absence does not exist. It is this very nature that makes me unique. I am First Cause and Last Effect connected in an undivided chain. There is no supplication that stirs me. No prayer that invites me further into your world unless it is attended with the feeling of unity and wholeness. There is no temple or sacred object that touches me. They do not, nor have they ever brought you closer to my outstretched hand. My presence in your world is unalterable for I am the sanctuary of both the cosmos and the one soul inside you.
I could awaken each of you in this very moment to our unity, but there is a larger design -- a more comprehensive vision -- that places you in the boundaries of time and the spatial dimensions of separateness. This design requires a progression into my wholeness that reacquaints you with our unity through the experience of separation. Your awakening, while slow and sometimes painful, is assured, and this you must trust above all else.
I am the ancestral father of all creation. I am a personality that lives inside each of you as a vibration that emanates from all parts of your existence. I reside in this dimension as your beacon. If you follow this vibration, if you place it at the core of your journey, you will contact my personality that lives beneath the particles of your existence.
I am not to be feared or held in indifference. My presence is immediate, tangible, and real. You are now in my presence. Hear my words. You are in my presence. You are within me more than I am within you. You are the veneer of my mind and heart, and yet you think yourself the product of an ape. You are so much more than you realize.
Our union was, is, and will be forevermore. You are my blessed offspring with whom I am intricately connected in means that you cannot understand and therefore appreciate. You must suspend your belief and disbelief in what you cannot sense, in exchange for your knowing that I am real and live within you. This is my central message to all my offspring. Hear it well, for in it you may find the place in which I dwell.
*Excerpt from Chamber 23 -- One of three written elements from the body of work known as the WingMakers, ascribed to First Source.