Blessings for Anchoring the Magnetism of the Holographic Moon Phases


the Mineral Kingdom through Tania Conibear

礦石王國通過Tania Conibear傳遞



Translated by 流星似火

The mineral kingdom would like to offer to assist with calling in the magnetism of the moon phases into the lives of ascending humans from the information which the Native American Ancestors brought through Mila.


The moon's magnetism in dreamtime is one of bearing wisdom into form, it is the pull and push and ultimately balance between Earth and the Moon in divine union and it creates its own time or divine timing.


The minerals feel that part of the wisdom of form is to create cyclic time which cycles form back to its source in the nonphysical when the time of going home is upon form, or going home to the Tao. Form and human form has forgotten largely how to do this and that this is its wisdom. Timelessness for form occurs as the body remembers to cycle and cycle and dance the rhythm of divine timing, and the magic of the moment when all is also timeless or unlimited in its capacity to heal.


Why has human form forgotten to cycle or dance ? It seems to be to do with the inner world and how distorted dreamtime has become that form has lost its way . And perhaps this is to do with fission or combustions of the body which blew the inner world apart too as well as the body and created chaos within or a void of nothingness, when it could have been full of infinite possibility and not limited. What if the body which is to trigger cyclic time within itself and in its divine union with other form, always sits in a rut which never cycles anywhere but perhaps just into deeper distortion ? Is stripped of its wisdom ? It dies in the loss of its truth. The body does not wish to live as it has lost its purpose.



The holographic moon cycle is to restore a time cycle which creates homecoming within and the minerals are suggesting minerals for each phase of the moon to attune to the magnetism to assist human form in its attunement.



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