For eons of time, time has been distorted within the Great Central Sun. Records of the manipulation of time within Earth's journey into the unconscious of the Great Central Sun are assisting us in deciphering parallel manipulations to time herein. In so doing, time is being corrected creation wide so that concurrent evolution can begin. Indeed ascension of the Great Central Sun cannot occur unless all dimensions and parts of self work towards such a goal in unison. And such unison requires holographic time in all parts of creation.


Concurrent evolution may be difficult to understand from the limited human thought-form. But one can liken such an evolution to oneself as a human whom is the composite of millions of ancestor's lives. In choosing to ascend, each of the millions of ancestors related to one's current form and life also ascend, they learn, evolve, grow, and come to understand the lessons perhaps that they failed to understand at the time that they were incarnate in the physical. Each ancestor unites or blends with their related ascending human as the form transcends the vibration that they existed within at the time of their given evolution. This is concurrent evolution in human form, whereby all of one's ancestry learns and evolves simultaneously.


Those whom are clairvoyant have often come to understand past lives. Indeed, past lives are a part of one's tapestry of ancestry. In order for concurrent evolution to come forth in the human species, one's ancestry must be reconstructed to the minutest of details and all the way back in time to the original seeding of mankind so that no ancestor is left behind, and all lessons come to be understood. Much of such work upon the human ancestral records has been one of the projects of the Riza Soul Group, not only upon Earth, but upon all dimensions within the Great Central Sun. The human species has been the most compromised by the forces of the dark than any other species than perhaps the dolphins and whales, and indeed often such compromising has included the manipulation of genetic records and lineages.


Concurrent evolution within the Great Central Sun shall allow all species upon all dimensions to share their records and share patterns from the past, present and future in need of transmutation. In essence, concurrent evolution shall mean that there shall be a theme to the patterns cleared in any given year of ascension from this point forward within all species upon all dimensions within the Great Central Sun.


The theme for all dimensions this year to come is the clearing of warfare karma and patterns, as if a war breaks out upon any dimension that is ascending, ascension could come entirely to a halt within the Great Central Sun due to the damage incurred therein. Earth is not the only dimension that has experienced warfare, however Earth like all other dimensions is choosing to release and erase all such records at this time to insure peace within the Great Central Sun and the continued ascension of all. Along with Earth, all other ascending stars within your creation and through the Order of Rize are choosing to release patterns of annihilation, destruction, spontaneous combustion and warfare. The dimensions ascending at this time in history include 3, 5, 12, 18, 25, 36, 72, 144, 360, 1200, and 1800.


Those that can partake in our channel's event known as Conclave are invited to do so. We support her efforts to release karma at such events on behalf of humans upon Earth in the 3rd dimension. It is a difficult task that has been assigned to her and her organization, as so few appear to be aware of the current state of affairs in ascending Earth and your creation. Indeed, this is an example of the interference of the darkness that has prevailed in your creation for eons of time, they interfere with clear communication, and in the confusion, one ceases to align with the divine plan. Much of humanity upon Earth is failing to align with the divine plan for ascension, however, we see that most of such humans shall be cleansed from the physical within the coming quarter century, freeing Earth up to fulfill upon her goal with greater ease.


However, in order to bring this forth, the karma incurred by mankind must be released. And this is what our channel has agreed to, gathering those willing to release karma for mankind at specific junctures of evolution so that both Earth and the Great Central Sun may continue to ascend.


The darkness upon Earth has come from four main sources, the Pleiades, Sirius, Orion and Arcturus. Each of these creations have ascended planets from the third to the fifth dimension within the past 100,000 years, and each left a portion of themselves behind and contained it upon Earth. Such darkness, density and karma is now being returned by Earth to those responsible in such creations for incurring it.


One cannot process the karma of another, and holding the karma of another only insures that the karma shall repeat in one's own life experience. Each of Earth's many continued falls in vibration over the past 3.2 million years is the result of karma from these four other creations that had not been cleared in their own ascensions. As such karma is returned in full, Earth may ascend, and each of these creations shall take full responsibility for their own experience in the third dimension.


What does this mean exactly? Such creations failed to learn and retrieve all lessons inherent in their expression in the third dimension. As such, in many respects, they should never have ascended to the fifth dimension, because ascension requires completing all karma upon the dimension one is leaving behind. These creations ascended by displacing their karma elsewhere (upon Earth), which made it appear as though they were complete when indeed they were not. Now each will be faced with un-cleared karma which may act itself out before they come to release it in full.


In the fifth dimension, one manifests twice as rapidly as in the third dimension. As karma is returned, the patterns go into effect immediately, and already signs can be seen in each of these four creations of the karmic effect of their own unprocessed patterns from their incomplete ascension. However, even if such seeming catastrophes indeed manifest, their very manifestation shall allow the pattern to be cleared in full, and therefore the Great Central Sun does not perceive this as a problem or disaster, or something to be prevented. Instead the Great Central Sun shall allow such effects to be made manifest so that such stars shall never displace their karma again in their future ascensions.


In a similar manner to Earth, the Great Central Sun has absorbed karma from other creations that have dropped in vibration within your Godhead. We now are in the process of returning such karma and density to their source of origin. Much of our own falls in consciousness and into density or matter were the result of absorbing the karma of other creations, and as it is returned, it allows us to rectify our own situation, and other creations to take full responsibility for their own cause.


Much like Sirius, Orion, the Pleiades, and Arcturus, perhaps such creations shall manifest their cause before they can release the pattern in full, experiencing now a fall in consciousness or into density or matter much like the Great Central Sun. However, we believe this too would be a good thing, and shall insure that all lessons shall be learned by each creation responsible for such cause. It shall also insure that karma is not displaced again, for the very dilemma of displacing karma shall come to be understood and all sentient beings shall strive to take full responsibility to create a complete ascension, understanding and releasing all cause created in any given dimension.


The Great Central Sun and all dimensions of the new consensus have intended a complete ascension, with nothing left behind, and no records left unattended to in our experience in time and space. As such, everything shall become to be known, understood, and then the cause of the effect of the many drops into density or matter rectified so that it never need occur again in the future. Such is how creators learn and evolve, they do so by experimentation, seeing what does and doesn't work, and expanding in awareness all along the way.


In a similar manner, all species upon Earth are ascending through trial and error. They are mapmaking a pathway up in vibration that has no clear-cut journey, as they are the first of such a creation to fall so low and choose to ascend in eons of time. Even Sirius, Orion, the Pleiades and Arcturus never fell so low in vibration. Each ascended in relative ease. However, their ascension was not complete, and Earth is choosing a compete ascension, which shall not allow Earth to follow the path that these other creations carved for themselves, as this would lead to an incomplete ascension for Earth.


Therefore, Earth, and all dimensions ascending within the Great Central Sun whom choose a complete ascension shall not follow the pathway of the ascensions preceding them if such ascensions were incomplete in any manner, for following such a pathway would simply repeat the original problem again. In so doing, all stars and species upon all dimensions now find themselves in a similar circumstance to Earth, having to mapmake anew a journey home through unknown territory. This is adding to the challenge of an already difficult ascension, however, that which has worked upon Earth is being applied to other dimensions and parallel positive results are anticipated.


The Great Central Sun, much like Earth, is now choosing to embraced a triple circle magnetic flow, as this flow seems to provide enough chi to absorb that which might be displaced in an incomplete ascension otherwise. Corrections to all genetics of all species are currently underway allowing for this new pattern to be absorbed by all chakras systems, all molecules, and all light bodies upon all ascending stars. In due course, a parallel shift shall likewise occur upon Sirius, Arcturus, the Pleiades and in Orion allowing for the complete integration of what was left behind in their own incomplete ascension.



Concurrent evolution shall begin as all creations relate holographically in time, allowing and interchange of flow between past, present and future amongst all related species upon all dimensions. At this time, time is becoming holographic upon Earth in preparation for the shift towards concurrent evolution. Holographic time is different from time that is sequential, as holographic time knows not separation between past present and future. Much of the manipulations upon Earth separated time into distinct categories in which past, present and future ceased to be unified.



The greatest cause of the manipulation in time is nuclear energy, especially that which is emitted due to nuclear warfare. As nuclear warfare became prevalent upon Earth and upon other dimensions within the Great Central Sun, time became separated causing the separation of past, present and future. As all warfare karma in the year ahead is released, time shall be straightened out creation wide allowing for the dance of unity amongst all dimensions to begin.


Unity and holographic time are related. Unity requires that all dance together in harmony and an ongoing exchange of energy flow. It was as holographic time was shattered that unity ceased upon all dimensions of the Great Central Sun. Patterns tend to repeat, as patterns are holographic also, and in a similar manner to the Great Central Sun, unity was lost upon Earth with the first nuclear warring in your history.


The return of holographic time to Earth shall cause many changes. One shift shall be the gradual straightening of Earth's wobble over the next 18-year period. The wobble is indeed a reflection of the loss of holographic time, and causes a delay in time that separates past, present and future. The wobble occurred in the original nuclear blasts of the warfare of the Annanuki, which shifted the poles instantly and caused a minor ice age. Prior to this occurrence, the region known as Hawaii was once your North Pole, India your South Pole, and Iceland/Greenland were upon the equator holding the heart center of Earth (just as Hawaii in present time). Shifting the poles back to their original location shall occur, but not for 300 years into your future and at a specific juncture of Earth's evolution towards the 4th dimension.


Over the next 18 years, Earth's rotation around your solar sun shall shift gradually from an oval orbit to a round orbit, shorting your experience of a "year" to 12 moons instead of roughly 13 moons. The 12-moon cycle was the original orbit before the manipulations of the Annanuki Pleiadian family, which were nuclear in nature, took hold in your history. The correcting of Earth's wobble shall alter the seasons as you experience them, as the sun shall eventually appear upon the same horizon as spring or fall in any given year. Earth's wobble is not anticipated to be rectified in full for 18 years, however by 2007, there should be enough of a change for your scientists to take notice. 2007 also marks another important entry point in the aura of the Great Central Sun, and a certain standard of vibration, magnetic flow and time sequencing must be in place in order for Earth to enter and continue her evolution.




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