

Manifesting the preoccupation of joy, the relationship of joy or the friendship of joy requires one to intend such into one's life dance. Ascension brings about the responsibility of becoming the conscious dreamer again, which requires that one intend what one wishes to experience consciously. One is always at option; one can intend joy, harmony, unity, continued ascension and magic, or one can fail to intend and experience their unconscious projected outwards into one's life dance. Often it is the unconscious that causes our most difficult life manifestations; and so as one takes responsibility for intentionalizing one's life, the difficult manifestations can be molded into lessons of ascension that teach one about one's internal landscape and thought-form. In understanding that one's unconscious thought-form manifests the difficulties, one can choose to alter the unconscious thought-form through releasing the karmic charge that holds the thought-form in place, and replace it with the Language of Light.




The choice to ascend will always cause the thought-form dissonant to the Language of Light to surface. As such thought-form surfaces, one can clear it instead of manifesting it into one's physical life dance provided one pays attention. Often if one fails to pay attention, this is when the very difficult moments or "cosmic two by four" descends and one recognizes that there is a pattern that must be cleared now in order to continue to ascend. This can be avoided by paying attention to the "small mirrors" that surround oneself day in and day out.


提升的選擇將一直促使不與光之語共振的思想形態浮現。當這些思想形態浮現,你能對它們給予注意,清理它們,而不是把它們顯化進你的現實生活之舞。通常如果你不去注意的話,當一個十分困難的時刻或“宇宙二四效應”(譯注:美國人的“二四效應”是指為了給人留下深刻印象所採取的激烈手法,就像用一根二四木材(two-by- four,截面為二英寸w四英寸的、標準的建築木材)給人迎頭一擊一樣)下降時,你現在認識到為了去持續提升,那裡有一個模式必須被清理。這能經由注意日復一日圍繞著你的“小鏡子”而被避免。


What are the small mirrors? Generally such mirrors will come from the nature kingdoms. Is there a dead bird that crosses one's path, or a dead animal upon the road? Are the squirrels outside playing nicely, or are they fighting? Are the birds peacefully relating or are they squawking at one another? Even those living in the cities or suburbs will have some nature around to act as such a mirror. Go within and ask nature "what is this mirroring to me about my unconscious thought-form?" One is forever ascending beyond destructive thought-form that could manifest an accident or one's death, or is discordant enough that could create difficult moments with others. As the layer of destructive or discordant thought-form surfaces, nature will mirror unto oneself one's own unconscious state of being. As one pays attention to the small mirrors, one can then intend to transmute the karma up for processing and release it now. In so doing, the cosmic two by four will be avoided, as one will have cleared the very thought-form that would have created such a difficult manifestation in one's life dance.




One's dream will always be distorted by the unconscious thought-form and predisposition one inherited at birth for giving or trading one dream for another. As one intends to bring to consciousness those thought-forms that cause one to give one's dream away, a little at a time, such major obstacles to the manifestation of dream can be cleared. Over time, and perhaps as short of a time as six months, one will have cleared enough of one's predisposition to self sabotage in dream weaving to begin to manifest one's vision in greater ease.







Before one can begin to dream weave, one must come to understand what one wishes to dream, what one wishes to experience in this lifetime. What would bring one joy? If one knows not what would bring one joy, then it is highly likely that one either has no emotional body, or has no passion. Passion precedes dream manifestation in the new paradigm of becoming the dreamer and the dream. No passion for anything, no dream will be made manifest beloved. We will use Mila and Oa as an example.




Mila is passionate about ascension. She lives, drinks and eats ascension as a preoccupation. This passion has fueled her own ascent and in sharing of her ascent, an ascension movement that is paving the way to a new tomorrow has been born. Without the passionate feeling about ascension, Mila's dream could never have been born. Her dream has lead to an alteration of the dream for the human species as she has collaborated with other kingdoms and other ascending humans to anchor a new dream that is devoid of a future of World War III. Now her passion in union with others who share the same vision will trigger a new dream for humanity to emerge that shall allow for the gradual ascent out of disease and deformity as genetic predispositions. This work is fueled through the tones of passion, which are fuchsia pink, magenta and red in color.




Red has long been associated with anger. The pure form of red that lacks distortion is pure passion. Passion fuels change, and therefore is the foundation of ascension, for ascension is all about change; changing the patterns and thought-forms that one's ancestry has been locked into for hundreds of thousands of years. No passion beloved, no ascension, for passion is also required to ascend.




If one perceives that one has no passion, or is passionate about nothing, then perhaps one should intend to recover one's passion and reweave one's emotional body so that one may feel. To whom has one given one's passion? In one's life, who is passionate and vivaciously pursuing this or that in their life dance? Has one given one's passion to such an individual out of one's fear of life? For passion and life are synonymous. Life force is red-fuchsia pink-magenta in color. No passion, no life force, and if there is no life force, one is walking into death rather than ascension.




Passion also requires feeling. To whom has one given one's emotional body? Retrieve the emotional body beloved and reweave it. This can takes months and months of focus, however over time one will begin to feel again, and recover their passion if one intends it so.







It is life force of the red-pink-magenta tones that fuels the expression of truth into the physical. Truth in action has no expression without life force behind it. Therefore if one is afraid of anger, or afraid of passion, go into the patterning and karmic cause of the fear and process and clear it beloved. In so doing, one will recover their passion for life, and out of such passion have the necessary momentum to carve the dream that one desires to experience in physicality along with one's truth in action.




Oa has a different passion from Mila. Oa is passionate about Mila, and wishes to support the success of her ascent through his own ascent. This is different, and it is his truth to express the dance of the beloved in human form. Long ago and as the Tao created the projection for the lives that would represent those who could anchor the Tao upon Earth, it was clearly perceived that the love of the beloved was a requirement and this was included in the projection; for it is the love between the two that would fuel the dream of ascension to fruition for the human species. Oa fulfilled upon this projection and his love of Mila provides the foundation from which she may write, teach and lead. This is not to say that Oa does not participate in the leadership, but that his passion is fueled by his love of Mila more than his love of ascension.




Love is love. Love is passion. Passion is life. Life is ascension instead of death. It matters not what one loves or has passion for. Whatever one has passion for, one will have a "will to live" associated, as when one has passion for this or that and wishes to manifest such an experience, one could not accomplish this in death. It is the "will to live" that is synonymous with ascension, for if one wishes to live, then one will ascend into a state that transcends death.




There are some preoccupations that one could be passionate about however that precludes ascension. One would be the passion for hunting the nature kingdoms. Another would be a passion for military games. Why? There is death woven into the passion in the destruction of another, and this weaves the thought-form of death of another into the will to live. Over time, and as polarity shifts over the course of one's life, the passion to cause another to die will reverberate back upon the dreamer causing the dreamer to experience the death oneself. This leads not to ascension, as ascension requires the transcendence of death.




Merduk was passionate about destroying Innana. Over time, he not only created disease after disease to afflict her body, but also later warred upon her with slaves developed for such a purpose. In the end, Merduk destroyed himself. This is the script of the dream for death projected upon humanity by forces lost in time and space, and perceiving their role as to pull creation apart. Pulling apart and destroying another are synonymous. Ultimately one can never pull apart another without being pulled apart oneself. What such souls fail to acknowledge is that they have also pulled apart parts of their own soul left behind in the wake of their own destruction. Now in the recasting underway for all lost souls gathered, these souls will experience the destruction of the parts of self left behind, and will remember this vital truth.







Truth does not embrace destruction as a thought-form. Truth is about expansion and contraction. Expansion and contraction or ascension is not about pulling apart another, or being pulled apart oneself, or in other terms warfare or disease. Expansion and contraction or ascension does not include falls in consciousness in principal. Therefore one would never think of the falls of consciousness of mankind as a form of expansion. The blueprint of the Tao never included falls in consciousness as a means of learning something. However this is an experience that the Tao is now coming to understand that occurred due to a greater problem; one can think of the falls of consciousness as the result of a larger problem that went undetected and left therefore uncorrected. The larger cause behind the experience of falls in consciousness is now being rectified so that all may contract, all may ascend home to the Tao in due course.




As such, an ascending initiate does not wish to include destruction or death in one's dream weaving. Sometimes in an act of manipulation that may be karmic, others add the dream of death to one's dream. Such a manipulation comes in the form of a spell that is added to one's dream for ascension and life. We guide initiates to return such spells the moment they are detected. If one also finds that one casts unconscious death spells over another, also retrieve these and clear one's karma and patterning to do so again. Then one will transcend the dance of death. If left undetected, such a dream for death may manifest. One therefore can pay attention to the dreams of others being added into one's own dream, and remove those that do not resonate with one's own choice for life expression.




Why are the manipulations to dream so extreme within your creation and within particular the human dance? This is how the dark pulled apart your creation. (See "Creating a Template for Ascension Out of Disease" for more information.) In order to cause a fall in consciousness, one would dream one thing and experience another. In order to cause a fall instead of ascent, the dream of a fall would be woven into the dream for ascension causing the opposite to occur over time. Therefore dream manipulations are the foundation from which the destruction of your creation has come forth.




Humans have been used upon each dimension to infuse the dream for a fall into destruction into their related consensus realities or planets and stars. Why are humans used so? This is part of the plan set in motion long ago to allow a particular group of souls left behind in the contraction of the Tao to survive. However the choice to pull apart a part of self to sustain another part of self only leads to destruction of the whole. It is for this reason that the Tao now finds itself destroyed by those remaining in such a dance, as no one part can destroy another without the whole also being destroyed.




The understanding of the principals of destruction are the first thing that any soul learns as it exists the Tao in its casting. In your creation, the principals of destruction were never learned, leading to souls believing that they can destroy and not experience the consequences of their cause, or become destroyed themselves. Now and after eons of time of destruction, such souls will experience the consequences of their cause, which is to relive each and every soul that has been destroyed. If form has been destroyed, such souls shall relive each and every form that has been destroyed and the pain, fear and terror that accompanied the experience. It is in the reliving of such experiences that such souls will learn to never destroy again, and it is the process of recasting that is allowing such souls to learn what they failed to learn at the beginning of their evolutionary cycle as cast from the Tao.




How did this come to be? The school educating souls became distorted into a dance of destruction. As the school educating souls became distorted, no soul emerged with the lessons that the school had been founded to teach, which are the basic principals of creation and destruction. Therefore souls emerged from the school that in their misunderstanding, went on to destroy without understanding the repercussions of such a choice.




For you as a human initiate, this applies also to your life beloved. You are god goddess in form, and no more or less than any soul cast from the Tao. Your lesson is the same as soul; and that is that one cannot destroy, even unconsciously, without experiencing destruction oneself. The destruction in the current human dance is primarily related to disease, illness, deformity, accidents and death. Such thought-form is the main thought-form requiring transcendence to come to understand the lesson, and in so understanding the lesson in full, one may transcend such an experience forevermore.







For those of great fame, they know not how they are used by the dark. This is difficult, and something Mila and Oa have come to understand over time. The dark use those of fame again and again through their interconnections to all others who worship them to waylay global ascension. Such an expression will now reverberate back into the physical life as a form of self-destruction. This is how the current leadership in human form shall be cleansed making way for a new form of leadership founded upon ascension.




There shall be difficult times ahead as the very leaders of your nations shall die or be moved out of office. The chaos that follows will allow for the restructuring of civilization, as those who are ascending then step forward to lead the way. Look not to Mila and Oa for this, as this is not their role. They are simply holding space through their fields for the ascent of humankind. Humankind then must restructure relationship, both personally and globally, to reflect the emerging unity based consciousness.




Some reading this material may be the leaders of tomorrow that step forward as the current paradigm crumbles. Others may simply retreat into private, quiet communities and mapmake a new form of community. Over time the blueprint for community will be infused into the entire human civilization, but first it must be carved. This is the next job of the map carvers of ascension, to map carve community that is self-sustaining and allows for continued ascension. One therefore most likely wishes to weave a dream for community into one's future, as it is more likely than not a part of one's purpose as map carver.




In order for the dream of such communities to come forth, the dream must be cleared enough to allow for the emergence of circumstances that allow the communities to be born. This is what this blessing is all about beloved. The Tao is clearing the dream of Earth enough that community of map carvers of ascension may emerge in the coming decade. However the clearing shall also allow the path to such a destination to come forth in greater ease and synchronicity.





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