
This meditation is offered by the Earth Mother in collaboration with the Tao to anchor a light earth dream into one’s field and region of origin. One will be connecting to those regions within a 200-400 mile radius that host a light earth dream and expanding this dream to one’s home, office, neighborhood and the open space surrounding oneself.This time has come to move out of the dark dream of destruction and into the light dream of peace, honor and love. In the light dream will be angels and other nonphysical forces that will support one’s choice to ascend. This is the purpose of this meditation.


The light earth dream appears much as a structure symbol and involves a new system of flow that is related to pod based energy. In the pod, all are welcome, all are a part of the whole, all are honored, no one is excluded, no one is less than, all are equal and all are loved. This is the new dream for the human species to be anchored this year and into the years ahead of continued global evolution.



1.Put on some quiet music; dim the lights. Light some candles or incense. Blow a little lit sage into each of the four corners of the room with the intent to open sacred space. Intend that your ancestors, the nature kingdoms that guide you as well as the earth mother consciousness to be present for this meditation.



2.Take a seat in a comfortable chair with feet flat on the floor and uncrossed. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath inhaling slowly and exhaling slowly.



3.Now intend that Terra’s angels surround you along with your ancestors and nature guides. We are going to begin to grounding deeply unto the aurora of earth, creating a large tree trunk with roots deep into earth’s core. Imagine the roots stretching out for hundreds of miles around oneself and connecting to those regions and open space that foster a light earth dream.



4.Imaging the top of your field becoming like a large tree that extends its branches up past the moon and unto the solar sun. Now through one’s branches one is going to bring in a host of new souls and angels to support one’s field and ascension. The souls are a gift of Terra and the light earth dream.



5.Take a deep breath inhaling slowly and exhaling slowly. Now you are going to allow the angels to begin to rotate your field in a way that is most conducive to your own peace as well as continued evolution. The angels may anchor new tones of creation or vibrations in your field to attune you unto the light earth dream. Embrace these vibrations.



6.Take another deep breath inhaling slowly and exhaling slowly. Embrace the vibrations of the light earth dream. Allow these vibrations to penetrate throughout one’s field including the meridians of the etheric body. Notice the new vibrations moving slowly under one’s feet, up through the legs, hips and pelvis, solar plexus and diaphragm, breasts and chest, hands arms and shoulders, neck and head. Allow all parts of the etheric body to be bathed in the vibrations of the light earth dream.



7.Take another deep breath inhaling slowly and exhaling slowly. Allow the vibrations of the light earth dream to begin to nurture the etheric body. If there is grid work or meridians that are twisted or shut down or smaller than they should be to sustain life, allow these regions to untwist and the meridians to open again so that chi may move throughout the etheric body.



8.Take another deep breath inhaling slowly and exhaling slowly. Now allow the vibrations to come up into the etheric skin and into the regeneration chakras that sit just above the skin as well as the ascension grid work beyond this. Allow the vibrations of the light earth dream to assist in creating adequate regeneration chakras as well as allow them to move freely and as they should to pull chi through the etheric body.



9.Take another deep breath inhaling slowly and exhaling slowly. Now allow the vibrations of the light earth dream to penetrate your 12-chakra system beginning with the chakras under the feet, the first chakra at the base of the spine (grounding chakra), the second chakra in the pelvis (sexual chakra), the third chakra in the solar plexus (power chakra), the fourth chakra in the diaphragm (breath of life chakra), the fifth or heart chakra in the chest (love chakra), the sixth and seventh chakra in the neck (co-creation and dream catcher chakras), the sixth and seventh and eighth chakras in the head (pineal, pituitary and visionary chakras), the ninth chakra in the crown (spiritual knowledge chakra), the 10th chakra above the head and all chakras leading to one’s over soul (connection to source chakras), and the 11th and 12th chakras on either side of the head (male and female chakras).



10.Take another deep breath inhaling slowly and exhaling slowly. Intend to redistribute all chi throughout the field evenly and along with the vibrations of the light earth dream; the vibrations will assist with this. Intend that chakras to spin to the right if you are female and left if you are male in gender and syncopated in rhythm and timing unto earth’s field rotation. Intend that each chakra balances out to the same size and intensity as the new light earth dream energies bathe you from top to bottom. Allow any chakras that are twisted or missing or too small or too large to be healed and come to balance, syncopating to the timing of the whole of your field.



11.Take another deep breath inhaling slowly and exhaling slowly. Allow the vibrations of the light earth dream to dissolve ties of attachment to others in your life dance. Intend now to burn off all ties of attachment in the space within or without and reunite broken circuitry, pressing together that which is of the front with the back, the left with the right, and the masculine or feminine within and into sovereignty of energy flow.



12.Take another deep breath inhaling slowly and exhaling slowly. Now allow the energies of the light earth dream to bathe your subtle bodies, first the mental body, then the emotional, now the intuitive and last the creative body. Allow any part of the subtle bodies that is twisted to untwist and separate from any other that one is intertwined with. Allow the subtle bodies to become the same size as one another and begin to rotate in the same direction as your chakras.



13.Take another deep breath inhaling slowly and exhaling slowly. Now allow the vibrations of the light earth dream to penetrate your dreamtime self that sits outside of your subtle bodies. Allow this dreamtime body double to be healed and nurtured in the light earth dream. Intend that your dreamtime self visit the healing temples for ascension tonight and every night to receive the support and nurturing that Terra is offering to each ascending human.



14.Take another deep breath inhaling slowly and exhaling slowly. Now let us anchor the healing temples for ascension and light earth dream into your home. Allow your home to be filled with the vibrations of the light earth dream from the foundation and land underneath to the ceiling above and throughout. If you are in an apartment, then fill the entire apartment building with the vibrations of the light earth dream.



15.Take another deep breath inhaling slowly and exhaling slowly. Now extend the light earth dream throughout your region of origin and as far as will go, anchoring this new dream into the fields, rivers, streams, mountains and oceans or open space as well as into all trees and land that fosters the nature kingdoms presence.



16.Take another deep breath inhaling slowly and exhaling slowly. Now press the light earth dream into all human lives in the region of one’s origin that are ready to receive this dream as a blessing of love from the earth mother.



17.Take another deep breath inhaling slowly and exhaling slowly. Intend to receive the love of Terra into your heart now. Imagine the pale pink vibration of the love of earth flowing into every cell of your body beloved, and every part of your field. You are beloved unto earth; you are a child of Terra. You are welcome here as this is your home.



18.Take another deep breath inhaling slowly and exhaling slowly. Now extend the love of Terra to all other humans in the light earth dream in your region of origin. May those who can receive this blessing do so now.



19.Take another deep breath inhaling slowly and exhaling slowly. Now imagine many hundreds of people focused upon this meditation surrounding earth. Let us imagine the light earth dreams begin to interconnect into a global web due to each focused upon this anchoring at this time. You are the ascending map carver. Long ago your ancestry caused the dark earth dream to inflate; now through intention you as a map carver shall restore the light earth dream by deflating the dark earth to smaller and smaller proportions until the light earth dream is all that exists for all humans and all kingdoms to dance within.



20.Take another deep breath inhaling slowly and exhaling slowly. Sit with this vision for a time. The new era is about to be born. You are heralding this era through conscious intention. This is the gift of fully conscious species; they were designed to direct energy through conscious intention.



21.Take another deep breath inhaling slowly and exhaling slowly. Now receive the special blessings of the Tao for assisting with this global shift this year of 2005-2006. When you feel complete, stretch up and down and open your eyes.





We hope you have enjoyed our analysis of the world mirror of 2005. The intentions made by many through the articles upon our site have begun to redirect the human dream. This is the gift of the map carvers that work with our materials. We honor you as such for your contribution to the goal of ascension of mankind as well as our beloved Terra.


Stay tuned for additional articles to be brought through from the plants and trees, minerals as well as dolphins and whales in 2006. We wish you a very happy winter solstice. May you have learned the spiritual lessons that you have created for yourself to experience in this year behind; and may you create a more joyful life dance ahead through the release of karma that would cause otherwise. We invite you to consider joining us at our annual Masters Conclave events in 2006 to support earth in her continued journey “home” to the great central sun dream. For those that feel that one is a map carver of ascension, we invite you to consider any one of our study programs. See “Group Mastery” for more information.


Until our next communication,


The Tao

The Earth Mother






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