光之委員會‧2011814日 訊息:真正的引導者




What is it that you yearn for? It is inside of you. What is it that stirs you and burns you and stews you? It is inside of you. This is the greatest importance for you to understand at this time, for you continue and continue and continue to seek outside of yourself for that which you desire. This is the trap that has kept you limited for eons and this is what has to change. This is what is changing and you can choose to be part of the solution in this realization. But by old patterning and ease of responsibility and simple effortlessness, you choose external focus. It is time now to realize the fullness of who you are and not just follow rhetoric and empty concepts to keep the falsehood alive. You are the dynamic, omniscient, creative, power of the Divine and you have the solution to what ails you - you are what you are looking for, you are the answer.



你所盼望的是什么? 它就在你的內在。是什麼在攪動、燃燒並折磨著你?它就在你的內在。這是此时你最最迫切需要瞭解的,因為你一直持續不斷的在你之外尋找你所渴望的東西。這個陷阱在永世以來就一直讓你受到限制,而這是必須改變的。這是現在正在改變,而你可以選擇在這項體悟中成為解答的一部分。但因舊有的模式,不需負什麼責任且簡單輕鬆,你選擇了向外聚焦。現在該是去了解全然的你是誰,而不僅僅去跟隨花言巧語和空洞的概念而繼續虛假的活著。你具有大能、全知、創造性和神的力量,你已經有了你一直在尋求使你痛苦的解答,你就是答案。


Breathe the truth of this inside of you, into every cell of your being. It is time to let go of all that holds you back from this truth – every small thought, every self doubt, every limited belief, every judgement, every withholding, every “who, me?” thought. Enough stalling, get on with it! When you get over your ego’s way with you, you can rest in the depths of inner knowing of who you are and what you are to do at any moment. You are no longer attached to the trappings of your external life, for your internal life is the truth, the way and the light. Your internal, “still, small voice within” becomes your GPS system for everything. Create a deep loving relationship with it that never defers to an external temptation and you cannot go wrong. You will forever be guided by the truth of your heart and you will no longer be contributing to the old wayward patterns that got us here in the first place. It will be done. God’s will – your true will – that is!



將你內在的真相,吸到你所存在的每一個細胞裡。是該放下會將你從這真相拉回的一切---每一個小小的念頭、自我懷疑、有限的信念、評斷、抗拒以及每一個「會是我嗎?」 的想法。够多的拖延了,開始行動吧! 當你克服了你的小我,你可以随時安息在深度的內在知曉你是誰和你在做什麼。你不再與外在生活的陷阱連接,因為你的內在生活是真理、道路和光。你的內在「靜止,但有微小的聲音在裡面」會成為你一切事物的全球定位系統(GPS)。以這去創造一個深刻的愛的關係,絕不屈服於外在的誘惑,這樣你不可能出錯。你會永遠被你內心的真相所引導,而你再也不會對那當初將我們卡在這裡的舊有的反覆無常的模式做出貢獻,這將會做到的,以神的意志你真實的意志---就是這樣!


When you witness the external miscreations of humanity - the illness, the fears, the greediness and lack, the poverty and senseless destruction of war - be a beacon of nonjudgemental light that commands compassion and forgiveness for our past errs. Contribute to the creation of the new way by emanating only love, peace, understanding and grace, knowing that it is who you really are. Reach out your hand in response to all who seek your help. All yearn to be recognized and yet it is they who must recognize themselves as children of God, imbued with the same power that is sought. You are not powerless. You are the greatest power of all: LOVE. They will recognize themselves in you.





So why is there so much self-doubt? This is the illusion of the old keeping us down like an old heavy, dark wool coat that used to protect us, but now only weighs us down and covers our light. It is time to shed that coat. Haven’t you noticed it made you itch and sweat anyway?! You are the shepherd who no longer needs to wear lamb’s wool. You are a Shepherd of Light.



因此,為什麼會如此缺少自信? 這個會讓我們下沉的舊有幻相就像一件我們習慣用來保護我們的又舊又重且陰暗的羊毛外套,但現在只會讓我們頹喪並遮住我們的光。該是掀開那件外套的时候了,你沒注意到它會讓你發癢和流汗嗎?! 你是那位不再需要穿載羊毛衣的引導者,你是光的引導者。



Do not allow the self-doubting, fearful voice to live inside of you anymore. Connect to your heart centre and do not sway from its loving guidance. Stay there and dedicate your life to the constant calibration of its eminence, for this is the open door that cannot be shut. This is the light of the world; this is the solution to all that concerns you. Go within and nurture this place so that it abundantly, radiantly, effortlessly spills out – glows – from you. This is your purpose. This is the way.  And when anything comes up in your experience that appears like a challenge or confrontation or complication, command greater love from your heart and watch the miracle that unfolds. Big Love breeds big change and miracles that before were inconceivable, but now are a commonplace outcome of commanding Big Love. Remember, this is who you are, so it will become you effortlessly when you dump the old coat and shine the truth of who you already are. 





It is the small ego that must shout to the hills; it is the shepherd who is already walking silently, radiantly, upon them.





With love and abundant blessings in all ways, we are






The Council of Light That is Within You



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