
Blessings for Empowering Love



The Earth Mother “Terra” through Karen Danrich “Mila” December 19, 2008

地球母親Terra通過Karen Danrich “Mila”傳遞 20081219


Translated by 流星似火

Dear Beloved Ascending Human,


This is the second article in a new series of written materials expressly from the Earth Mother consciousness known as Terra and directed at the ascending map carvers and followers alike. Today we would like to speak about the need to unite power and love within one’s energy field and within the languages in which one constructs one’s DNA and body along with life dream from. Uniting power and love has become a pivotal direction of change in relation to the dream for ascension at this time. For over time and in the Tao’s observation, all problems in ascension and false ascension are related to the separation between love and power.


Mila and Oa discovered this disparity and strove to unite the two algorithms of love and power within the Language of ONE. This led then to a meditation CD that was produced a year or more ago “Mastering Intention” which strives to focus upon learning to unite power and love into a single energy flow within the Language of Light. What does this accomplish exactly? As love and power is united, abusive power ceases. Most psychic harm is the result of power that is devoid of love. The human unconscious is so filled with psychic harm that Terra has separated the darker attributes into another creation that is held separate from earth in the physical at this time. In so being earth ceases to be destroyed in energy flow through humanity enough that she can carry on in her ascension. (See Mastering Intention for more information.)


Where did all the psychic abuse in the human unconscious come from? Long ago and in recent records gathered, there was a race of Grand Masters seeded upon earth with large craniums and vast spiritual knowledge. They came to earth to escape the power of the spiritual elite of Sirius that they felt was stifling further evolutionary goals. They came to earth in search of freedom much as the red nation’s peoples left Europe for the new world of the North American continent also in search of freedom from the Anu slave race. History tends to repeat and this is why we point this out so that each in search of inner spiritual freedom can clear their karma and manifest their dreams more greatly ahead.


Alas for the Grand Masters a vast travesty was set in motion by the Sirian spiritual elite and many forces we now call false creators who had another agenda in mind other than spiritual freedom. Earth was to be used as a place to polarize unwanted darkness and fission karma that was never to be transmuted in Sirian ascension. Vast polarity machinery was cast and set in motion that split light and dark propelling Terra into an era of great darkness. So instead of finding spiritual freedom the Grand Masters entered a spiritual prison of the largest order.

遺憾的是對大師而言,一個巨大的悲劇,被天狼星靈性精英及許多被我們今天稱為虛假造物者(false creators)的勢力所啟動,這些勢力的腦海裡是另一個計劃而不是靈性自由。地球將要被用來當作一個極化不想要的黑暗和核裂變業力的地方,那是在天狼星的提升中從來沒有得到轉化過的東西。巨大的極性機械裝置被鑄造出來隨後啟動,來分裂光明與黑暗,從而驅使Terra進入到一個巨大的黑暗時代。因此,大師們非但沒有找到靈性自由,反而進入了一個最大規模的靈性牢籠當中。

The prison was deadly and most perished as this occurred; a few remained and moved to the inner earth closer to the aurora where they fulfilled upon their original goal of physical ascension into the fourth dimension. The outer earth humans have tended to perish each cycle of attempted ascension much like their grand master ancestors. Although this is very sad, it is also in working one’s way out of the prison that one finds ones way to real freedom to ascend; and so perhaps it is all as it has needed to be.




Every creation is imprisoned in this dance of split light dark and medium ranged polarity. Even those in the medium range polarity that believe that they are walking the middle path of unity such as the Arcturians or Pleiadians are really only suspended in such a path due to all other creations in extreme light or dark. As the darkness fades upon earth then these creations will be propelled into other polarities that are less than kind compared to what they have known. Such creations are also at cause of why everything suffers upon Terra including the human species.


Mila has been watching the outbreak of Cholera in Zimbabwe and has been terribly saddened that a government and leadership could rape the finances and people so; and turn off the water and sewage systems in largely populated cities leaving people ill from lack of hygiene; also to curtail money such that no one has enough to feed themselves. This is extreme polarity in action; and the prime minister takes all the dream for themselves leaving the population with no dream and no money to correct the problems at hand. Earth is rolling in another dream for this beautiful people and country; however this is an example of what has occurred for earth; she has been swamped with darkness much like the overflowing sewage and lack of water to sustain health in Zimbabwe; Terra has also become ill in the physical not unlike suffering from Cholera.


Earth has great compassion for this type of dream and will do what she can to offset the dance of pain and suffering of the human species to the degree that she can. However this world mirror offers up the next focus for those devoted to the path of ascension; which is to clear karma for corruption and disease. Disease is a form of corruption of the cellular structure in which certain forces known as bacteria or viruses destroy the life of the physical vessel; disease within governments is reflected with vast corruption in which a few take the dream of the whole rendering the rest without enough to survive. It is a sad dream but one that can be said to have also occurred between Sirius and Terra; Sirius took all that was good and stripped earth of her dreams for life. This then set in motion a dream for another group of humans known as the family of Anu who also descended upon earth and stripped her of her gold and yet more dreams of life. The net result was a fall into great suffering and towards extinction.


Although wealthy humans or those in power see only a limited future ahead where they will be provided for, if this path were not reversed, they too would find themselves going extinct of disease ahead otherwise; and if not personally then within their children and grandchildren. Perhaps such individuals do not care as they perceive that they will not be alive. Beloved life does not end with death and each of such a nature would suffer and suffer as an ancestor and in the future generations to be born that they are related unto and who would die in the process of extinction. Nothing escapes extinction unless we pull together and choose for ascension, and choose to ascend home to the Tao.




There is no other home to go unto other than home to the Tao. This is the reality of our planetary circumstance. Every other attempt to ascend home into the Great Central Sun Dream has failed; and rightly so. For you see in order to re-enter this dream, one must match its music and energetic flow. There is a beautiful sound playing within the Great Central Sun Dream and a beautiful energy flow. There is no way to cross into this dream without matching the fullness of sound within one’s energy flow, which has extreme high notes, medium high notes, low high notes, high medium notes, medium-medium notes, medium low notes, high low notes, low-low notes, and extreme low notes. All told there are 27 levels of sound playing in the Great Central Sun Dream. Those creations that have entered the dream only playing a portion of music either combust upon entry creating what is known as a supernova; or gradually went extinct within the dream due to failing to play a full enough sound to regenerate.


Those creations long past that were suspended in extreme light and playing only high sounds of music imploded upon entry as their sound did not match the fullness of sound within the Sun. Those creations in extreme dark never made it to a point of entry. Those in the middle range that were so arrogant thinking that they had mastered the middle road entered but went extinct within 1000 years as the limited sound that they produced was not enough to sustain their ascension or their existence. These are the records we are gathering now within the Great Central Sun dream. The reality is that the manner in which polarity has occurred between creations in this region of domain is not conducive to returning home to the Great Central Sun dream; and this became apparent in recent years and due to the intervention of the Tao.


The Tao is a force that sits beyond time and space and is from the core of which we expanded into this region of domain from. It has extended into this region of domain to call all parts of itself home. Long ago this creation known as the Great Central Sun was set in motion. The Great Central Sun we are about to return unto is only one of 144 other suns that also co-exist in this region of domain. Alas the suns became intertwined over time and the language and energy flow of one sun was not conducive to life of another sun, and each sun began to fall down the dimensions. Over time so many falls occurred that some creations such as Terra were expelled from the boundaries of the Great Central Sun altogether. As Terra were expelled, she moved into polarity of sound and only retained a portion of her music. In this moment Terra entered a dance that has been very difficult and caused continued falls down the dimensions thereafter.


Polarity that is extreme is held not only in sound tone and movement but also in relation to density. Those creations with only slower and low sounds tend to attract the density of thought-form of others. So this is so for Terra who has been polarized into mostly slow and low sounding music. The original cause as to why sound separated into high medium and low sounds has to do with blended genealogies. Earth exited the sun with all of her music in tact. As other humans from other creations arrived upon Terra, and chose to remain, they anchored another type of sound. The sounds did not harmonize and sour sounds were created. As more and more humans from other creations came, and also brought with them other kingdoms from their creations, the sour sounds exceeded the sweeter sounds, and Terra took her first fall.


Over time creations realized that sour music led to disease, and chose to split music between creations. Over time Terra has swung from periods of very sweet sounding music and a light only dream and into equally sour sounding music of the darkest of dreams possible. Why do the swings occur? In the movement of planets and stars around one another, they cross through variant mirrors left over from other creations that have also existed in this region of domain over time. The mirrors can polarize creations from one extreme to another. If creations sit in the middle path, they may find themselves moving from a light middle to dark middle range music; and there is less travesty in such dreams as they are still middle range. If creations like Terra experience an extremely light path with sweet music, then when they polarize and if the mirrors are strong enough, they move into an extremely dark and sour dream. So the pathway out of this circumstance is for Terra to restore not only her sweet music, but a full range of music that matches the Great Central Sun in its fullness; and this will be not unlike the songs she sung as she exited the Great Central Sun long ago.




We are also coming to understand the original cause as to why humans of other creations came to earth in the first place. What we are discovering is that the Great Central Sun has intertwined in movements with other suns in its own dream. The intertwining became holographic within the sun’s dream as a result. Because the intertwining had occurred between energy flows within the sun, it caused a pattern of intertwining to recur between planets and stars outside of the sun’s dream. This is why humans from other creations came to earth; this is why they imported plants, animals, minerals along with dolphins and whales of different biology and that was non-resonant unto Terra. This is why humans also fell in love and mated between genealogies of variant suns; and alas with all the same devastating consequences as the dissonant blending of biology only led to falls in consciousness and into disease.


Now that the underlying cause of why creations intertwined upon earth causing the demise of all is understood, it can be forgiven. This is very important and would not be known unless we had partially crossed into the sun’s dream and now can perceive down to the truth. In understanding that the intermixing of creations is a holographic Great Central Sun pattern, it can be forgiven absolute. All problems known to the human dream and Terra’s dream alike are the result of blending non-resonant genealogies and dissonant dreams which causes sour to very sour music. As the original cause of this is forgiven, now we can return home to the sun’s dream in full as a creation beloved; and match the beautiful music and sounds emanating therein.




Terra has recently pressed a part of her consciousness inside the Great Central Sun dream and through a barrier that took days to cross. This part of Terra’s field has matched the music of what was heard within the Sun’s dream and due to the Tao’s guidance and support. Matching the music of the Sun’s dream assures that Terra will not go extinct and shall carry on in her journey home. Within the sun we detect no other star lower than the 12th dimension; however within the sun stars have fallen as we fell in consciousness outside of the sun’s dream. The music within the sun is heavenly; however there are also sour or dissonant sounds emanating from regions that blended with other great central suns of other languages and far back in time.


One could say that the creator that cast this region of domain failed to assure that all languages would harmonize; and perhaps this was the intention as they appeared to have desired to cause a fall. The creators at cause are being gradually gathered by the Tao and assessed and recast so that they can take responsibility for whatever each has caused here and that the Tao struggles with. Oddly enough as the restitution occurs here upon earth with many forces haven been reabsorbed by the Tao that have been troublesome in Terra’s past, so are the forces outside at cause of why this exists are also being attended unto. Such is the nature of holographic patterning; one cannot alter one creation without altering all others. So this is a great time of restitution beloved and not to be feared.


Terra is discovering that she understands the incompatible energy flow at cause of the blending of Great Central Sun movements due to her own ascension journey of mixed languages. As a result she is working with the Great Central Sun’s consciousness now to remove the energy flow at cause of why it has sunk in consciousness, and now there is hope for the first time perhaps ever of a return journey for the Sun itself. For you see the Great Central Sun is also falling and does not know what to do to repair itself; however in Terra’s journey outside of the sun and in mapping all the geometrical patterns at cause of her demise, now she can share with the sun of the dissonant patterns that are also at cause of it’s demise so that they too can be transformed. This in turn shall cause a return journey home of this Great Central Sun also to the Tao; and may spawn the return journey of other Suns as well. This also becomes Terra's work now within the Great Central Sun dream; to support the home coming of the whole.




The main problem with variant languages is that they interfere with the vibrations of love and the sounds of harmony that any creation produces within their cellular structure and energy flow. Terra’s sounds are yet quite dissonant overall; although there are regions of greater sweetness of music playing such as in the aurora and in pristine mountains, lakes, valleys and parts of the ocean along her surface. Overall however earth is still quite sour and therefore cannot really pass in full into the Great Central Sun dream without combusting. Therefore the goal is to expand upon the sun’s music in 80% of her structure and allow 80% of the earth to pass through the Sun’s dream by 2018 by matching the music held therein. As this occurs, the 20% remaining will either tune up or go extinct; and through extinction that which cannot tune up will depart her global body allowing the rest of her surface to sweeten its sound in order to cross by 2026.


Mostly the 20% of earth’s surface that is problematic are related unto the cities humanity resides within as they produce the most greatly sour sounds of all that are cacophonous to listen unto. You could say in this that the cities are totally devoid of the sound of love. The ultra sour sounds will lead to ultra sour body level music and dreams for those living in such regions that attempt to ascend and will ultimately lead to disease and death or violent life experiences ahead from Terra’s point of view. It is for this reason that we guide ascending humans to vacate the cities and create a more rural environment for oneself so that you too can tune up, learn new music and help the land do the same in preparation for entering the new dream ahead.


For those ascending, learning to tune up your music and play a fuller range of sound is paramount to the journey into the new dream with Terra. One of the patterns of intermixed genealogies and the languages from variant creations cause sour sounding music in the biology. Therefore one focus that has been useful for the ascending map carvers is to find DNA from genealogies that are more resonant and harmonious in the biological sound created and then ascend into such DNA. Our Complete Ascension Workbook I and II is devoted to aiding ascending aspirants in moving towards the most harmonious biology possible in one’s ascension. This is also the only way of assuring non-ascension into disease. (See Products for more information.)



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