

Long ago Mila offered up a “Sun Meditation” to assist in energizing the entire field.  We will offer this meditation up again as a solution in particular to a bad ascension day.  Bad ascension days are caused by karma triggered in the ancestry and following a karmic encounter with one or more others.  Sometimes the experience of a bad ascension day is one of feeling overly tired or flue-like.  The development of a cold is also a reflection of a karmic shattering that has affected either the head or chest.  Diarrhea or menstrual cramps and bleeding outside of one’s cycles is a sign of a karmic shattering of field that has affecting the pelvis on a bad ascension day.




Why is one shattered in this manner, with entities from the field of another or even within one’s own field ripping a part at one’s own grid work?  Well this has been how humanity has fallen beloved; the dark have used one another to pull each other a part.  The only solution to this dance is to ascend beyond it through intention.  Ascending beyond the conflict underlying a bad ascension day occurs through intention, and in the piecing of oneself back together again.




First one must intend to release the karma associated with the shattering including the original cause.  If the original cause is unavailable in one’s own akashic records, one can attune to the Temple of Karma and pull the cause as known from the future and then intend to release or forgive it.  Then intend to retrieve whatever information was lost in present time and in the ancestry involved at all times in history that the pattern repeated.  One may also need to return information taken as one’s own ancestors battered another in the unconscious in parallel manner.  One will also need to intend to cease to participate in the dance oneself and in the unconscious as mirrored in the experience for an absolute completion with the game into the future.  As all components of the experience are released, understood and forgiven, then one transcends up in vibration releasing the ties underlying the conflict, leaving one free to continue to evolve.




In the process of clearing upon a bad ascension day, taking a walk, sun bath, swim or hike in the country or by the beach is very useful.  As one physically moves, one can begin to intend to piece oneself back together again.  The movement will foster an increasing spin of energy field that will quicken the pace that one may retrieve whatever one lost, whether it be moving energy systems, grid work, chi or information.  One may also require resurrecting one’s guardians and soul or angels if these too become compromised.  Working with the Temple of Soul and Temple of Guardians will be useful in this dance.  (pdf of Healing Temples for printing)




Taking a mud bath is also a good way to support the detoxification of the form in ascension.  Sometimes the case of the flu or cold or a bad ascension day is not only due to a karmic encounter, but also the result of a load of toxins being released in the biology due to the transmutation of sick or decayed cells.  Having a mud bath will pull the maximum amount of toxins possible out of the largest organ of the body known as the skin.  Mila has used French green clay or white clay (bentonite) for this purpose for five years now.  Invariably the symptoms of the cold or flue disappear in a day or two with one or two mud baths in a 48 hour period.









1/2 Cup Clay



3/4 Cup boiling purified water



Essential oils as desired






1 Cup Epsom or Sea Salt



2 Tablespoons Massage Oil of Choice



Essential oils as desired



Mix 1/2 cup clay with 3/4 cup boiling water.  Add essential oils as one tests to be supportive (lavender and eucalyptus are generally helpful).  Spread all over the body (except for the scalp) and allow to dry.  Stand in front of a warm fire, go out into the sun (if you have a private place to do so naked) or wrap oneself up in a sheet and cover with a blanket and take a short nap.




When the clay is dry, one can also climb into a hot bath for 45 minutes or so and allow the mud to release in the water.  The water will pull out even more toxins.  When complete with the bath, wash off the remaining mud with a washcloth in the shower and finish with a salt scrub. Take a palm sized amount of the salt and scrub the entire epidermis of the mud and then shower off.





One can also work with any of the meditation CDs that Mila and Oa have created to support the recovery from a bad ascension day.  One can work with the written formats of the Synthesis Meditation and Elements Meditation or go into the sun and have a Sun Meditation. (See Products for more information on the meditation CDs.)







1. Sit outside and facing the sun. With the eyes closed to prevent sun damage, look directly into the sun while shielding the sun with one's eyelids. Do not wear sunglasses.




2. Inhale deeply and then exhale slowly.  Allow the sun to enter the pineal gland in the center of one's head. Imagine the warmth of the sun filling first one's head, and then spreading down the core of one's spine.




3. Inhale deeply and then exhale slowly. Then imagine the core radiating out to fill one's entire grid work from head to toe with the vibrations of the sun. Breathe slowly in and out as this is occurring.


3. 慢慢吸入,慢慢呼出。然後想像從脊柱中心散發出太陽的振動,將你的整個晶格層從頭到腳沐浴在太陽振動之中。在此過程中,慢慢地吸入、慢慢地呼出。


4. Inhale deeply and then exhale slowly. Move the fire of the sun through each meridian in the form, opening and cleansing each to the best of one's ability from the bottom of the feet to the top of the head and through the arms and hands.


4. 慢慢吸入,慢慢呼出。將太陽的火焰穿透身體中的每條經絡而移動,從腳底到頭頂,穿透整個臂膀和手掌,盡你最好的能力打開並淨化每條經絡。


5. Inhale deeply and then exhale slowly. Blow the fire of the sun beginning with the chakras under the feet leading to the aurora in the center of Earth.  Imagine an inferno raging under you as you clear out everything with the fire element that is in the grounding energy flow.


5. 慢慢吸入,慢慢呼出。讓太陽的火焰熊熊燃燒,先從腳下連接到地球中心極光中的脈輪開始。想像一束烈焰在你腳下熊熊燃燒,用火元素清理出地下能量流中的一切事物。


6. Inhale deeply and then exhale slowly. Now move the fire through the feet knee and hips chakras, along with the three chakras that sit under the hips.  Imagine that you have an inferno raging from your hips down and clear out everything that no longer resonates.


6. 慢慢吸入,慢慢呼出。現在將火焰向上引到足部、膝蓋、髖骨脈輪及髖骨底下的3個主脈輪中。想像有一束烈焰從你髖骨向下怒放,清理出一切不再共振的事物。


7. Inhale deeply and then exhale slowly. Next move fire through the major chakra centers above the waist through the top of the head.  Imagine the upper body becoming an inferno raging from your waist unto the top of your head.


7. 慢慢吸入,慢慢呼出。現在將火焰引到腰部以上直到頭頂的主脈輪中。想像上半部身體變成一束烈焰從腰間沖到頭頂熊熊燃燒。


8. Inhale deeply and then exhale slowly. Now push the fire through the chakras above the head leading to one's source. Imagine an inferno raging above the head clearing anything or anyone interfering with your connection to your oversoul.


8. 慢慢吸入,慢慢呼出。現在將火焰壓向你頭頂上引向你源頭的眾脈輪中。想像一束烈焰在你頭頂熊熊燃燒,清除那些干擾你連接到你超靈的任何事、任何人。


9. Inhale deeply and then exhale slowly. Intend to increase the pace of field rotation now to spin off the density as there is enough fire to do so.  Take many deep breaths inhaling and exhaling as you spin up the field.


9. 慢慢吸入,慢慢呼出。現在意願加快能量場旋轉的步伐以旋掉緻密,因為現在有充足火焰這麼做。當你旋轉能量場的時候,深深呼吸幾次。


10. Inhale deeply and then exhale slowly. As you complete, intend to slow the field back down to a comfortable pace of field rotation. Now fill the field from the grounding chakras through the chakras above the head with the element of water to wash away the ashes of that which was transmuted with the fire element in working with the sun.


10. 慢慢吸入,慢慢呼出。當你完成時,意願將能量場減緩到一個舒適的旋轉步伐。現在將從根植脈輪直到頭頂上脈輪的能量場充盈水元素,沖刷掉當火元素和太陽一起工作時所化成的灰燼。


11. Inhale deeply and then exhale slowly. Now fill the field from the grounding chakras through the chakras above the head with the element of air to blow away that which no longer resonates in your life dance.


11. 慢慢吸入,慢慢呼出。現在將從根植脈輪直到頭頂上脈輪的能量場用氣元素充盈,吹走一切在你生命之舞中不再共振的事物。


12. Inhale deeply and then exhale slowly. Now fill the field from the grounding chakras through the chakras above the head with the element of earth to connect with a larger body of the consensus that you are a part of.  Intend to allow the global patterning associated to be pulled off that is not one’s responsibility to transmute as a single human.


12. 慢慢吸入,慢慢呼出。現在將從根植脈輪直到頭頂上脈輪的能量場用土元素充盈,將你連接到你所在一致實相的更大軀體之中。意願允許那些並非由你單個人來承擔轉化責任的相關全球模式全部脫落。


13. Inhale deeply and then exhale slowly. Now intend to synthesize the field into a rainbow of tones from densest to lightest in color.  This will have the affect of releasing anything remaining that is not your own to clear.


13. 慢慢吸入,慢慢呼出。現在意願將能量場沿最深到最淺合成為一條彩虹音調。這將釋放掉任何並不由你來負責清理的殘餘事物。





Another technique that has proved useful to those mastering Bodhisattva level evolution and in our Group Mastery Program this year has been to intend to collapse the space between.  The space between is the region of domain that sits between the chakras, between the subtle bodies and etheric body, between the subtle bodies and one’s dreamtime self.


另一個已證明對菩薩級進化提升者有用,且在今年我們團隊項目中使用的技巧是,意願塌縮區隔空間(space between)。區隔空間位於脈輪與脈輪、精微體和乙太體、精微體和夢想自我之間。


Often initiates have very tiny little chakras with a load of space between.  This creates a fragile field that wobbles easily and therefore one is more easily shattered.  The recent group at our Hawaii Intensive further discovered that if they chose to inflate the chakras to near touching and collapse the space between that it created a far more stable field that the dark could not work through to harm.  This was the first absolutely harmless event SSOA has ever known, and it is now understood that the dark use the inflated space between to harm self and others.




Therefore intend to puff up the chakras and subtle bodies to near touching and inflate the lotuses (if you have them open) to the edges of the subtle bodies.  This will create a stronger field that can ascend in greater ease.  Often initiates will feel tired.  The tiredness is the result of not enough chi running through the kundahlini energy system; as not enough chi runs then the chakras slow and collapse in size leading to small chakras with large gaps in between.  In such moments, take four or five deep breaths and exhale slowly while intending to call back all the lost chi.  Then intend to puff up the chakras to near touching and allow their rotation to reenergize your form.  As you do so, you will feel better and carry on.  Then you can begin to focus upon who drained all your chi away and clear the karma without requiring going to sleep in the process.  Here are some intentions that shall be useful in this exercise.  Mila and Oa’s latest meditation CD “Mastering Dream Weaving” has incorporated this exercise into the first meditation.







Attune to the Temple of Grid Work in meditation to receive support in this goal



1. I intend to collapse the space between to 25% of my total energy flow in the etheric body.




2. I intend to uncast any machinery or patterning that suspends my space between more than 25% throughout my etheric body that is non-karmic or other creational in nature.




3. I further intend to release all karma, patterning or thought-form that causes portions of my etheric body to host space between greater than 25% in size.




4. I intend to collapse the space between to 25% between my etheric skin or genetic grid work and ascension grid work.




5. I intend to uncast any machinery or patterning that is non-karmic and suspends my space between more than 25% between my etheric skin or genetic grid work and ascension grid work.




6. I further intend to release all karma, patterning or thought-form that causes portions of the space between my etheric skin or genetic grid work and ascension grid work to exceed 25% in size.


6. 我進一步意願釋放導致我乙太皮膚、遺傳晶格層及提升晶格層之間的間隔空間超過25%尺寸的所有業力、模式或思想形態。


7. I intend to collapse the space between to 25% between my small, medium and large chakras.


7. 我意願將我小、中、大脈輪之間的間隔空間全部塌縮成25%。


8. I intend to uncast any machinery or patterning that is non-karmic and suspends my space between more than 25% between all chakras.


8. 我意願將我所有脈輪之間的間隔空間維繫成超過25%的、性質為非業力的任何機械或模式全部扔掉。


9. I further intend to release all karma, patterning or thought-form that causes portions of the space between my chakras to exceed 25% in size.


9. 我進一步意願釋放導致我脈輪之間的間隔空間超過25%尺寸的所有業力、模式或思想形態。


10. I intend to collapse the space between to 25% between genetic grid work and subtle bodies.


10. 我意願將我提升晶格層和精微體之間的間隔空間全部塌縮成25%。


11. I intend to uncast any machinery or patterning that is non-karmic and suspends my space between more than 25% between my ascension grid work and subtle bodies.


11. 我意願將我提升晶格層和精微體之間的間隔空間維繫成超過25%的、性質為非業力的任何機械或模式全部扔掉。


12. I further intend to release all karma, patterning or thought-form that causes portions of the space between my etheric ascension grid work and subtle bodies to exceed 25% in size.


12. 我進一步意願釋放導致我乙太提升晶格層和精微體之間的間隔空間超過25%尺寸的所有業力、模式或思想形態。


13. I intend to collapse the space between to 25% between the mental, emotional, intuitive and creative bodies.




14. I intend to uncast any machinery or patterning that is non-karmic and suspends my space between more than 25% between my mental, emotional, intuitive and creative bodies.


14. 我意願將我理智體、情感體、直覺體和創造體之間的間隔空間維繫成超過25%的、性質為非業力的任何機械或模式全部扔掉。


15. I further intend to release all karma, patterning or thought-form that causes portions of the space between my mental, emotional, intuitive or creative bodies to exceed 25% in size.


15. 我進一步意願釋放導致我理智體、情感體、直覺體和創造體之間的間隔空間超過25%尺寸的所有業力、模式或思想形態。


16. I intend to collapse the space between to 25% between the subtle bodies and dreamtime self or light body.


16. 我意願將我精微體和夢想自我或光體之間的間隔空間全部塌縮成25%。


17. I intend to uncast any machinery or patterning that is non-karmic and suspends my space between more than 25% between my subtle bodies and my dreamtime self.


17. 我意願將我精微體和夢想自我之間的間隔空間維繫成超過25%的、性質為非業力的任何機械或模式全部扔掉。


18. I further intend to release all karma, patterning or thought-form that causes portions of the space between my subtle bodies and dreamtime self to exceed 25%


18. 我進一步意願釋放導致我精微體和夢想自我之間的間隔空間超過25%尺寸的所有業力、模式或思想形態。


19. I intend to collapse the space between to 25% between the dreamtime self and my light body body-double.


19. 我意願將我夢想自我和我光體翻版體之間的間隔空間全部塌縮成25%。(譯注:光體翻版體 light body body-double,在2006年年底發現也是被操控的層面而不是真正合法的層面。故這裡19-21的意願可以不用來做。)


20. I intend to uncast any machinery or patterning that is non-karmic and suspends my space between more than 25% between my dreamtime self and my light body body-double.


20. 我意願將我夢想自我和我光體翻版體之間的間隔空間維繫成超過25%的、性質為非業力的任何機械或模式全部扔掉。


21. I further intend to release all karma, patterning or thought-form that causes portions of the space between my dreamtime self and my light body body-double to exceed 25%


21. 我進一步意願釋放導致我夢想自我和我光體翻版體之間的間隔空間超過25%尺寸的所有業力、模式或思想形態。




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