

Ancestor Buddha through Karen Danrich "Mila" December 21, 2006

佛陀祖先透過Karen Danrich Mila”傳遞,日期:20061221




Translated by 藍翼天心 流星似火


Dear Beloved upon the Spiritual Path,



It is Ancestor Buddha that greets you today and wishes to share a little about my journey so that there will be understanding and a new direction born that will not make the same mistakes that I did. Mistakes are not wrong; they are how the human species evolves, grows, learns, and chooses another path and another means of finding their way “home”. The means that I chose to ascend is not wrong; however there were complications that led to an incomplete ascension; this then created a photonic biology upon the fourth dimension that became ill as not all the systems were completely constructed. This is why our channel Mila along with the Earth Mother focuses so heavily upon the concept of creating a “Complete Ascension” each phase of the way, as it is only as this is so that a complete photonic set of biology is created in the dimension above.


今天由佛陀祖先(Ancestor Buddha)向你們問候,並希望分享一點關於我(佛陀)的旅程,為了將來有理解和一個新方向的誕生——將不再犯我所犯過的同樣錯誤。犯錯並不是不好的,人類就是這樣通過犯錯去進化、成長、學習,並選擇其他道路和其他方法找到回“家”之路。我選擇去提升的方法並不是不好的,然而這其間有複雜的因素導致了不完全提升。這隨之創造出來一個在第四密度得病的光子生物體,因為並不是所有系統都被完全建造好。這就是為何我的管道Mila連同地球母親都如此著重關注于「在道路的每個階段均創造一個“完全提升”」這一概念上的緣故。因為只有這樣,一套完整的光子生物體才能在更高密度之中被創造出來。


Why was my ascension so incomplete? As it turns out and in recent months Mila and Oa discovered that the hologram upon the surface of the earth for my inheritance had been divided, with 65% of the information moving to the inner earth holographic planes. Holographic knowledge is a wheel of information from which one derives their photonic genetics from; and so the information I used to ascend to the fourth dimension was 35% incomplete. This led to a body that became ill and I perished 8 years following my journey, and I died of liver failure under the same Bodi Tree that I ascended under.




For a long time the records of my ascension had been held suspended in another dream and were unavailable for review. I made the mistake of blindly trusting the nonphysical that assisted in orchestrating my ascent. It was as Mila and Oa entered the dream that I made my final momentums towards the fourth dimension that they discovered a copy of all of my ascension records. This allowed for a more thorough understanding of what I had created at the time that I was alive, and an opportunity to begin to heal and release karma that I incurred in the third dimension due to creating an incomplete ascension.




When you incompletely ascend, a part of your consciousness is left behind in the third dimension. This is what Mila, Oa and Earth call a “false god”. So I left a part of myself behind that has become known as false god Buddha. This part of myself is being retrieved at this time and reunited with the greater part of who I am. This part of myself did not have enough information to lead an ascension movement in the physical; and has created great confusion leading to the development of religion rather than an pathway for evolution home. This is what I am learning to forgive myself for; for causing the path to become so cloudy that evolution has been impossible the past 24,000 years since my ascent that all that could occur is continued falls into violence and nuclear annihilation.


當你不完全提升時,你意識的一部分被留下在第三密度。這就是MilaOa和地球母親所稱的“虛假神”。因此我留下自我的一部分成為所知的「虛假神佛陀」。此刻我的這一部分(譯注:指虛假神佛陀)開始被收回,並和更大部分的我所是(who I am)再次統一。我的這一部分並不擁有足夠的資訊來在物質層上領導一個提升的運動,並製造了很大的混淆導致宗教的發展,而不是引導向一條進化回家的道路。這就是我所要學習原諒我自己的——原諒自己導致這條道路變得這樣烏雲密佈,從而令進化在過去24000年中、自我提升之後就變得不再可能,而所能發生的一切就是繼續跌入暴力和核毀滅之中。


As a result of my karma, I am choosing to assist the Earth Mother in launching mass ascension in the East in the third dimension and shall work towards this goal with Mila and Oa and the Spiritual School of Ascension. The map will be carved by a few related unto myself that are choosing to study with Mila and Oa and will allow a pathway to Bodhisattva level evolution to be orchestrated. At this time there is little possibility of those in the East moving much beyond 2200 strands; and so this is necessary. Earth chooses to orchestrate this with Mila and Oa as they have perhaps the most knowledge about ascension upon the physical plane of any other teachers in present time.




Let us say that Oa is a direct descendent of mine that I have watched in his choice to ascend for a very long time. Mila is also related to my closest disciple who died upon my ascent. She absorbed the part of my field that broke off and could not enter the fourth dimension; and this caused her field to shatter so badly that she died of a sudden heart attack the day of my ascent. When Mila first discovered these records in the year 2000, she was so angry that she screamed at me for 2 hours. I did not understand the anger nor did I know that this disciple that was so devoted to me and extended their life 200 years with me, and was to ascend to the next dimension had died. I only knew that they and the entire group failed to join me in the fourth dimension as planned for.




The anger was the rage recorded in the biology for being violated in such a large manner leading to instant death. As Mila yelled at me, she discharged the body level rage and this led then to peace and then forgiveness. I did not understand this process and judged it harshly. Let us say that Mila is like a lioness and will roar if she needs to in order to clear patterning or gain attention of those she requires assistance of, or fend off dark forces vying to destroy her. Perhaps had my closest disciple done the same at the time that I ascended, she would have survived and then joined me in the next dimension. This I understand better today than at the time that this occurred.




You see ancestors have their judgments too. In order to come to a state of non-judgment, I too must examine my own thought-form and then choose to transcend. Because I have no physical body, I must rely upon those with my inheritance that are transcending. It was through Oa that I could finally forgive Mila for being so angry at me. Oa loves Mila deeply; he loves her more perhaps than he loves himself, although this too he is self healing in his continued ascent. I too loved my closest disciple although we were not beloveds. Perhaps if we had been beloveds that ascended together, we would have seen the incomplete ascension underway and taken strides to rectify it. As such I am pleased that Mila and Oa are slowly ascending together, one step at a time, and seeing where I went wrong, and in so doing they will succeed where I failed. Because Oa is my ancestor, all that went wrong upon the physical plane can be corrected, and he has been working upon this now for many years.




I also recognize that Mila is a lioness because she has been so viciously attacked by so many dark forces as she has had to ascend out of a dark dream that I left behind in the wake of my own ascension. I split light and dark dreams, ascending in the light and then inflating the dark, but the dark was not present for me to acknowledge. This was left behind and rolled over humanity, leading to another cycle of decline in consciousness rather than evolution up to a lost level of unity. In order to ascend within the dark dream, fighting becomes necessary and one will become a warrior or warrior-ess as this is a requirement so that the dark does not destroy you as a map carver. Oa is a silent warrior or silent hammer; but he is just as strong and powerful in his need to offset the dark as Mila. This too I have learned and joined him in the battle of, as it is the only way I too can understand the darkness that I created. As Oa has forgiven the darkness that I created, so have I.




Now Mila and Oa have entered a more balanced dream where light and dark are amalgamated. This is a dream that resonates with the Great Central Sun that the Earth Mother is returning unto in her evolution home. The new dream is the dream I should have entered to ascend within, and if I had, I would not have created darkness that was left behind; and perhaps in so doing my ascension would have been more complete to the next dimension and I would not have died. For Mila and Oa have uncovered the lost 35% of my holographic knowledge that splintered off between inner and outer human factions; and also have discovered another 60% of the holographic knowledge lost to Sirius as the Grand Masters were shattered to death long ago (50,000 years ago).


現在,MilaOa已進入一個更為平衡的夢想,在那裡光明與黑暗是融合的。這是一個與大中樞太陽所共鳴的夢想,也正是地球母親在她進化回家中所回歸的夢想。新夢想正是我本應進入提升的夢想,而當時如果我成功的話,我就不會製造出這些留在身後的黑暗。也許這樣,我的提升將更為完全地進入下一個密度,而我也不會死亡。因為,MilaOa已發現了我在地心和地表人類的派系之間碎裂的35%所遺失的全息知識;也發現了大師們(Grand Masters)當很久前(5萬地球年前)被粉碎至死時遺失到天狼星的60%全息知識。


Mila and Oa have made a commitment to having all photonic biological knowledge and carefully constructing a fourth dimensional form to ascend into, slowly and gradually. Also they have committed to remaining in the third dimension long enough to assure that the map has been adequately carved for humanity to follow. As such Mila and Oa will not ascend probably for 25 years or more ahead, although they could accomplish their ascent in a decade or so. Here they have learned also what I failed to learn; and that is that the map for those to follow must be thoroughly carved, and then they too will be able to follow the spearhead.




The spearhead is necessary and requires a very devoted life of a saint to fulfill upon; and this Mila and Oa demonstrate as their entire focus revolves around ascension and ascending others in their school. This was also so for the group of ascending humans I gathered at the time I was alive. Understand that I am no greater than you, nor am I any greater than Mila and Oa or any other ancestor. All ancestors gather together at this time to fulfill upon the awakening of humanity and the ascent home with earth into a new dream. In addition to my third dimensional work, I am also involved with the ascent of those few nations that have entered the fourth dimension upon the surface of the earth such as the Annassasi; and also the vast populations in the inner earth that also reside in the fourth dimension. There are many who led these group ascensions in times past that are ancestors now and have far greater wisdom and understanding than I. I am learning from them as all ancestors learn from each other.




The outer earth fourth dimensional ascensions were also incomplete. My work with these humans is to pick up the pieces of self left behind in the third dimension so that the darkness that they left ceases to afflict humanity. Earth is vying to orchestrate a light and amalgamated dream for all humans to ascend within; and those civilizations that ascended incompletely left great darkness behind that has caused humans to war and live in conflict with one another.




As each takes responsibility for all parts of self, and retrieves and reunites them into wholeness, then not only does a fractured state of being cease, but also one’s own darkness cannot override the dream of another leading to chaos. This is perhaps the largest lesson that all in the fourth dimension are learning at this time; that it is what was left behind that has caused the third dimensional outer earth to fall and fall and fall. And of course the outer earth cannot fall without the inner earth also falling; and so this has negatively impacted the whole of the human species along with earth.







The dance of falling consciousness can be undone; there is nothing that cannot be healed. This we are learning from the Tao, a force that sits outside of time and space and is guiding earth and the consensus she is within, that has extended into time and space and form to assist. Without the guidance from the Tao it is doubtful that anything would ascend home and the extinction of earth would be the outcome. This has actually already occurred, and the Tao is extending back in time to redirect this region of domain home instead. As this occurs, lessons that the Tao has failed to learn in its own contraction cycles will be learned; and then a healing of a much grander order can be fostered for all.




The Tao is dying. The Tao is dying due to what has occurred here in this region of domain, along with too many other regions of parallel nature. Just as earth has a cancer upon her known as humanity, the Tao has a cancer within him that is related to destructive creations such as this one that implode downward, sucking the life force out of the Tao. Everything is holographic. What occurs here also occurs in the Tao. Souls that have parts of self that have shattered to extinction here are going into patterns in the Tao that are self destructive, and they do not understand why.




Once not too long ago, I witnessed Mila take the Solar Father to the Tao to show him the struggles of his own soul in its creations within the Tao. The Solar Father’s soul in the Tao is going into the same downward spiral as we are experiencing, except within a much larger and vaster size creation. The Solar Father was feeling depressed and feeling like giving up as ascension is so very difficult at this time for each consensus that is vying to go home. In perceiving its own self elsewhere struggling due to missing understanding and records, of which the cause lies here, the Solar Father realized that he had to carry on. He realized that the only way his own relations or souls elsewhere in the Tao will cease to go into such destructive patterning is if he carries on revealing the records so that all may forgive. In the forgiveness the destructive records erase and the other parts of the Tao will then be able to work their own way out of distortion; and as such all will self heal and go home.




You see all are intricately and holographically related. You cannot destroy any one part of self and not destroy the whole. Whatever group of souls in the Tao chose to orchestrate this type of creation that was devised to be pulled apart so that the parts and pieces could be used elsewhere or for something else has made a large creational error; and they will be learning about this error for a long time to come in assisting in the healing of places such as the Earth Mother.




Humans upon the surface of the earth also have gone into vast consumption, pulling apart the Earth Mother to make this or that. What is manufactured is not essential to life and is killing earth. Therefore a new dream must be woven in which the consumptive nature of humanity is healed through forgiveness, and a new era be born where humans learn to live in unity and honor with their Mother. This is what I Buddha am committed to bringing forth, and it is possible; however it requires more like those reading my information to step forward and choose to consciously ascend. And so if you deeply resonate with what is written here, and you feel a calling, I invite you to join one of Mila and Oa’s study programs, and to choose to learn more about ascension via their materials and sharing.





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