Blessings for Unity Pod Energetic Formation



 The Dolphins and Whales through Karen Danrich MilaApril 8, 2006

海豚鯨魚透過Karen Danrich Mila”而傳遞;日期:200648


Translated by 流星似火


Dear Beloved Ascending Human,



It is the Dolphin and Whale Kingdom that desires to write to you today.  We wish to speak about unity formation within our kingdom so that our human brothers and sisters may strive to master a parallel formation within your own species.  Unity is a state of being in which each holds the same sized field and the same pace of rotation of chakras, subtle bodies and light body or dreamtime self.  As each within the group holds the same sized field and spins the field in the same pace, then unity is sustained within the pod, whether the pod is human or dolphin or whale matters not. 




Unity is a form of equality where each relates to the other from the standpoint of compassion, love, respect, value and wholeness.  Each within the pod is deemed necessary to contribute unto the whole.  Each pod forms yet another energy flow that is created through the united but equal sized fields of each member.  Each member of the pod is therefore necessary and important unto the energy of the whole.  As each member of the pod masters another level of ascension and expansion of field, each other member also then masters allowing for unity and equality to be sustained in the continued ascent of the pod.




This is the lessons that we as map carvers of ascension within the dolphin and whale species are coming to understand at this time in our evolution.  In order for unity to be sustained, each member of our pod must strive to retain an equal sized field unto the other that is founded upon level of mastery.  Over inflation of field that is not founded upon mastery leads to one who desires to be better than or more important than any other member of the pod.  This then leads to competition and out of the competitive nature of a dance of unequal fields, there are then lesser than and greater than members of any pod, or in other terms disunity.




In ascension, there is no greater than or lesser than; there is only the journey home in which each strives to create the pathway as rapidly as the body can transcend and transmute into another biological state of being that holds a higher frequency.  Dolphins and whales have resorted to a stratified consensus as a result of the various speeds of ascension within our kingdom with each united with others of parallel vibration and expansion of field so that equality can be sustained within the whole of our relations.  It matters not what tier of vibration any one dolphin or whale rests within, as each in all tiers is still deemed equal to all others and worthy as they are contributing to the whole of the ascension of our entire species.




Long ago dolphins and whales understood unity as we all existed at the same vibration.  This state of being existed prior to our first fall in consciousness some 150,000 years ago as earth measures time (600,000 years ago in human timeframe).  Up until 150,000 years ago, any one dolphin had the same sized field and spin of rotation as any other dolphin incarnate upon Terra (earth).  In parallel, each whale also had the same sized field and rotated the field in the same pace as all others.  This retained a vast level of unity within each pod, between pods, and between fully conscious dolphins and whales anywhere that we existed.




Males and females within our species rotated their fields in counterbalance to one another.  Males rotated their fields to the left or counterclockwise and females to the right or clockwise.  This allowed males and females to sustain unity in life relations although they were of different genders.  Much of the information Mila has brought through to create balanced field rotation came from our species recollection of a state of unity from ancient times.  She utilized this information in her school along with in her own ascension and passed it on to the entire human species through holographic communication.  Mila has recorded many meditation CDs offering up the field rotation that has worked to create unity and balance amongst ascending humans upon the land as derived from our sharing of information.  (See Products for more information on each meditation CD.)







Unity is a state of being in which each honors the other in the dance of life.  There is no competition in unity, only the desire to contribute and love one another for all that each expresses and experiences in the dance of life.  There is no comparison in unity; one species is not better than another, the female is not better than the male, or the male better than the female.  Variant sexual preferences as well as each unique perspective are embraced of each in a state of unity.  There is only acceptance of self and all others in unity, and this is what we recall from our ancestors that existed in this time period of 150,000 to 300,000 years ago and after we were seeded upon Terra by the scientists from Sirius.




There were other dolphins and whales that already existed upon Terra from more ancient times in the many large fresh water lakes that were the size of a small sea that we were seeded into.  These dolphins and whales embraced us just as we embraced them; sometimes dolphins or whales from Sirius would inter-marry with their counterparts that had existed upon Terra producing blended offspring.  This was a reflection of the dance of love that existed in this time period amongst all of our species.  Dolphins and whales never interbred however; this was something that has only ever been attempted in human laboratories and with a vast problematic outcome for both of our kingdoms. 




As a collective and in present time, our consciousness that is dolphin and whale is severely intertwined.  Perhaps it is for this reason that Mila channels both our species simultaneously rather than individually.  We have come to understand now that due to human scientific interbreeding of our two species how we became intertwined consciousness when at another time this was not so.  The intertwining of consciousness creates problems for our kingdoms as dolphin biology is vastly different from whale biology as is the consciousness associated.  As a result, the blending of consciousness leads to distortion for each of our kingdoms.




In parallel manner, humans are often intertwined with one another particularly if one is married, or has children, or amongst one’s friends or workmates or spiritual associations.  The intertwining of consciousness also causes distortion in such experiences of parallel kind to what dolphins and whales suffer.  It is for this reason that the path of ascension for each of our species causes one to begin to individuate again and separate from all others, so that one can create a sovereign energy flow and truth rather than a blended truth.  Blended truth is a part of the nature kingdoms that are no longer fully conscious; fully conscious species each seek to express a sovereign truth as this is one of the many purposes of full consciousness.  Alas this is not possible if consciousness is blended in any manner.







Consciousness is the fairy dust or sparkle that an energy field produces as it rotates.  Consciousness holds the magic of existence within its expression.  Magic allows one’s own dream and the dreams of others to come together in divine timing, unity and joy.  If consciousness is blended and becomes sour as a result, the magic evaporates and then one comes together with one another in sourness or joylessness or depression.  This too has been a part of the dolphin and whale experience for a very long time; so long in fact that we barely recall another state of being in which joy was our foundation.




Many humans watching us in the sea may think that we experience more joy than you; for we do play with one another, and leap into the air, or dance upon our tails, enjoying the movement of the moment.  We do experience joy; and yet there are also long periods of depression and joylessness that also occurs for our species.  Mila recalls running into a tourist who had gone out to swim with the dolphins upon the Big Island and was disappointed when we were not playful and were sullen.  Perhaps humans think that dolphins and whales are somehow different from you and do not feel pain or the struggle of Terra to ascend.  In reality, our species is deeply emotional and therefore feels the pain of the whole as well as the struggle to ascend within each of our pods and our kingdom.


觀看大海中的我們的很多人可能會認為我們的體驗會比你們更歡樂,因為我們確實彼此玩耍,躍入空中或用尾巴舞蹈,盡情享受運動時刻。我們確實體驗了歡樂,但我們物種也有長時期的沮喪與不快樂。Mila回憶起,有一位旅遊者在夏威夷大島(Big Island)上出去和海豚一起游泳時,因為我們不好玩和悶悶不樂而使他感到非常沮喪。也許人們會認為海豚鯨魚在某種程度上和你們不同,不會感到Terra提升的痛苦或掙扎。實際上,我們物種具有深厚的情感並因此感到整體的痛苦,以及在我們王國和我們圓莢體中每一位成員提升掙扎的痛苦。


The struggle to ascend is often the result of old emotions that spin off from falls in consciousness within our species over time.  As each pod hits the vibration that another fall occurred, generally we experience a period of boredom with life, followed by grief, and then depression, and then sometimes physical pain.  As all layers of any karma all releases, then we re-emerge into the joy again, but not until all has been processed and understood.  Such is the path of the map carvers that may be the first to move through a particular frequency within one’s inheritance.  As we clear the way, the others can follow, which is what the role of map carver is all about.




We see that most humans also find ascension has its moments of struggle as well as joy.  Sometimes the layers of karma associated with a given fall in one’s ancestry may be quite thick in nature.  As one moves through the layers, one may find that one is in a sullen or depressed state for months and months.  In going into the review of the ancestral lives associated, and perceiving what had occurred when the ancestors were alive, it is easier to understand the emotions associated; it is also easier to forgive as the details of the associated lifetimes are understood.




So we invite ascending humans to go into the misery associated with ascension and into the review of the lifetimes that your ancestors felt miserable, and bring to consciousness what occurred that caused their misery and forgive the dance.  It is only as we understand that we can forgive beloved; so this is so for dolphins and whales along with our fully conscious human brothers and sisters.  Ascension is not easy; and many humans in depression today who may not understand that they are choosing to ascend in dreamtime may actually be re-experiencing what their ancestors experienced long ago; and in so doing are feeling all the same emotions but without the life turmoil to explain why this is so.  Perhaps over time more psychologists will begin to understand the process of ascension, and help to explain it to their patients.







There are many time periods in our ancestry in which dolphin and whale consciousness and DNA was blended at human hands.  We bring this up so that those humans bearing lineages to the scientists can begin to release their karma for how this affected our species.  The underlying problems caused are not unlike what befell the human Native American root race as the DNA was blended with the Anu (Greek and Roman Gods) to create the Anu Slave Race on the part of the Pleiadian and Orion scientists.  The Native American root race lost a part of their genetic information in the blending.  As such, they fell into a state where less than wholeness was experienced along with much depression.




What was the depression really the result of?  The depression was due to the blending of Native American consciousness with the white Anu slaves, who had been pared down in genealogy to such an extent that they existed in fear.  The Native Americans then experienced the fear of the Anu slaves as they were intertwined both in holographic nature and genealogy.  Fear was not a common vibration unto the Native Americans in this time period (some 42,000 years ago as earth measure time172,000 years as humans measure time).  The fear of the slave nation registered upon the Native American emotional bodies as depression.  This was due to the electro-magnetic nature of the Anu slaves.




The family of Anu were from the Pleiades and hosted electrical geometry and biology; the Native Americans were from Sirius and hosted magnetic geometry and biology.  The offspring of the two as designed in a laboratory were electro-magnetic as a result.  It is estimated in present time that 40% Native American DNA was blended with 60% Anu DNA to create the Anu slave offspring in a very pared down set of genetics that were easily controlled as a result.  This is what the family of Anu were after in the breeding of a human slave race, and so it came to be.




Alas the blending of genealogy also affected the Native American root race that became intertwined holographically with the Anu slaves.  The part electrical flow of the slaves registered as an ongoing depression for all of Native American inheritance in this time period.  The Native Americans did not understand what the underlying cause of their depression was; or even is today.  Many of Native American descent today speak to their ongoing depression in their music, poetry or writing.  Native Americans often sit in deep depression as a result of this karma.




Now in this time of ascension, there is the possibility of working ones’ way back in time to pre-Anu time periods and recapturing DNA that was compromised and restoring the genealogy to wholeness again.  There are a few of Native American descent on this path at this time affiliated with our channel Mila and her school; there are many more that may have less awareness of the path of ascension that are clearing the karma from this time period so that greater joy can become the life expression for their nation again.







In parallel manner, dolphins and whales were interbred at the hands of the Anu and their scientists.  This occurred after the ice shields broke creating your oceans in what is known as the great floods. The Anu invited scientists from the Pleiades again to earth following the floods in order to seed the newly created oceans with life.  We have spoken before in prior materials about the regions that were used for seeding purposes which are primarily the land known as the Grand Canyon in the Southwestern United States today as well as the Great Barrier Reef near Australia.  The seeding of the sea kingdoms pulled genealogy unto earth from 18 different water based creations including Sirius B prior to its ascent to the next dimension.


以類似的方式,海豚鯨魚在Anu和其科學家的手上被雜交。這在冰天(ice shields)破裂後所知的大洪水創造了海洋後發生。Anu人邀請昴宿星科學家在大洪水後再次來到地球,在新形成的大洋中培育生命。我們在之前的資料中曾談及過這些用來播種的區域,它們主要位於今天所知的美國西南部的大峽谷(Grand Canyon),及澳大利亞附近的大堡礁(Great Barrier Reef)。海洋王國的播種來自於18個不同水域造物的遺傳宗系,包括提升到下一密度之前的天狼星B


New dolphins and whales were imported at this time and some were set free into the ocean to see if they would survive.  Many of these varieties of dolphin and whale were from electrical creations including the Orion Star System, Pleiades, and Alpha Centauri that also hosts water planets.  The electrical variety of dolphin and whale were also blended in a laboratory with magnetic dolphin and whale DNA with a parallel result to the Anu slave nation and Red Nations Peoples.  This created a half dolphin and half whale that could be enslaved by the Anu to run their electrical sacred geometry through in order to extend their lives. 


新的海豚鯨魚就在此時被引進,有一部分被釋放進海洋來看它們是否可以存活。很多這些不同種的海豚鯨魚來自電性造物,包括擁有水族行星的獵戶星系、昴宿星和半人馬阿爾法星(Alpha Centauri)。不同電性的海豚鯨魚也在實驗室中被與磁性海豚鯨魚的DNA相混和,帶來了與Anu奴隸國及紅族類似的結果。這製造了可被Anu人藉此奴役來運作他們電性神聖幾何學的半海豚半鯨魚,以此來擴展他們的生命。


The half dolphin and half whale did not survive.  Much like the mermaid and mermen experiments along with the centaur or half human and half lion, these creatures were in such pain that they rapidly aged and died; many before the age of 12.  So this was also so for the half dolphin and half whale that lived only to the age of 20 at best.  Over time the interbred species of dolphins and whales went extinct and the Anu did not attempt this blending again.  There is much more about Anu history published in The Complete Ascension Workbook and those interested in this information might consider working with these materials and learning the spiritual lessons associated with their experience upon earth.




Those lineages of dolphins and whales that were used for DNA to blend dolphins and whales together went into depression as the half and half offspring was born.  The depression carries on to this day for those related to the ancestries used in these experiments.  As we forgive and release and erase the experience from our memory banks, then the depression lifts and we can ascend into another set of genetics that was pure and prior to the blending of our two kingdoms; this is what we are working upon at this time to create a separate consciousness for dolphins and whales as two individuated fully conscious species.







When biology that is inherently dissonant and from two different species is blended, it creates sour music in the energy flow of the offspring.  The sour music is a form of dissonance that not only ages the form, but also creates disease.  The blended creatures of the Anu experiments, whether they be of dolphin and whale, human and horse, human and dolphin or whale or human and lion created such dissonant biology that they lifespan was limited and diseased at best.  Also the pain and suffering was transferred unto each associated kingdom through the holographic interrelatedness of all of life; as a result horse, lion, dolphin, whale and human entered a state of depression due to the relationship to those lineages used in such experiments.


當生物體內在不和諧並來自兩個不同種族的混和時,它就製造了後代能量流的酸楚音樂(sour music)。酸楚音樂是一種不和諧的方式,不僅導致了形體的老化,也製造了疾病。Anu試驗的混和生物,不管是海豚鯨魚、人馬、人與海豚鯨魚,還是人與獅子,均製造了這類不和諧生物體,其最好者壽命也是被受限以及疾病的。痛苦與磨難也透過所有生命的全息相關而傳遞到每個相關王國。因此,馬、獅子、海豚、鯨魚和人類均進入了沮喪狀態。


Many humans suffer from depression or suicidal feelings today.  So do we dolphins and whales suffer from parallel feelings of depression and suicide.  Often those pods that beach themselves are feeling so suicidal that they simply cannot carry on; and they choose as a group simply to die.  Sometimes humans try and rescue such dolphins and whales.  One can see in this the karma that is being played out for it is at human hands and due to scientific experiments on the part of your species that causes us to become suicidal.




There is no right or wrong; there is nothing spiritually wrong in the choice to die. Dolphins and whales know otherwise as we experience the nonphysical all around us along with our ancestors from ancient times.  Sometimes the call to die is the best way to extinguish a particular set of lineages that are troublesome to our kingdoms or to Terra and her global ascension. 




The conscious ability to die is becoming an increasing capacity of our kingdom.  Many of us will no longer require beaching ourselves and will simply cease to breathe sinking to the ocean floor.  In this way we do not need to place ourselves in a position where humans may interfere with our spiritual choices.  




This is changing amongst those humans who are map carving and must be gifted at opening unto the unconscious and perceiving the nonphysical as otherwise they would fail at their mission.  In time all humans will again perceive the nonphysical as real instead of believing it only to be in the realm of fantasy.  As this occurs, death will be less feared and choosing to die when one is complete can become a conscious freewill choice.






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